Pretty out of character for me, but I just looked through my husband’s search history on his phone, and I found that he was searching for nude pictures of my sister and my cousin?? Literally only typing their first and last names and nude right after. Also searching things like ““sex with sister in law”” ““real brother and sister having sex”” Already horrified, I kept scrolling to see what else he had been searching and he had searched things like ““what age do girls hit puberty”” ““young teen girls nude”” ““young teen sex”” and I looked at the date he was searching this, and it was the day we were at my family members 13-year-old daughters birthday party. Obviously, I’mI’m completely disgusted. I am a stay at home mom, and we have a three-year-old son together. He is not a good husband or father. He has a horrible temper, always annoyed with our child, has been very emotionally and verbally abusive to both of us, threatened us. And many more things that would take too long to get into. I have left him several times in the past, but he always promises to change and get help for his anger (Never happens) I always ended up letting him come back because of my child. My child is my everything. I am terrified of getting a divorce and not getting full custody. I am very afraid of how he would be treated and what he would be exposed to without me around to protect him. I’mI’m just at a loss on what to do. What are my odds of getting full custody with no actual ““proof””? If anyone has any advice or has been in a similar situation, please help me.
You need to talk to a divorce attorney. Most will confer with you in the beginning at no charge.
Please, for you and your childs well being, get out. Take screen shots and hide them from him if you can. Also, write everything down that he says or does with dates and hide it in a safe place. Contact a women’s resource center or some kind of women’s agency in your area to help with any resources available to you. I know it’s scary and overwhelming. I did it. I had 4 children, was a stay at home mom, had no money, no car, and I lived with HIS parents. He was abusive in every way and I contacted a Women’s resource center when I was alone, and they helped me get out and start my life. As scary as it is, your child is still young and you both have your whole lives ahead of you. You deserve to live your best life and so does your child. I promise it’ll be worth it in the end. You are in my prayers!
Save what you found as evidence and get out of the relationship. He is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
Take screen shots. Save all the proof you can. Write down every time he abuses . The date the time of day everything. You’re worth so much more than This. I hope you get out and can start a better life.
When you file for divorce file a protection order for his behaviors showing his searches and his temper/anger (that’s touching on pedophilia) and during the court proceedings file a motion for a psych eval. Sadly, they are expensive and you will most likely have to pay if you request it, but it sounds like he could have the cluster Bs and would likely be placed in supervised visitation, so as to BUILD a good relationship ship. Safely. Feel free to message if needed, but there are MANY things you can do to protect yourselves here.
Leave. He can abuse your child even with you in the home! Ask family of he has made inappropriate comments they may be to embarrassed to tell you. Send copies of his history to yourself and or take screen shots…might help.
Women’s intuition!! You said you never look at his phone. You felt something was horribly off. You know what you need to do. It’s gonna be hard but you’ll find someone better.
Take pics of his search history. Contact an attorney and ask if you should contact police with info and get the hell out.
You already knew the answer.
Screen shot keep your phone close to you password protect if you need to. Do your daily activities as normal gather some stuff son backpack, get you documents ss cards etc. If needed put at your mom’s house or get safety box at bank. Speak to lawyer immediately . Have stuff ready to leave asap. My family was abused at age 3. It does happen
Praying for you and your son.
Like the others have said get out. First screen shot everything. Then take his phone to the police. Even if you have to do it in the middle of the night while he is sleeping so he doesn’t know or take the screen shots to the police. File for a protective order
Let the parents of the girl know. Because he may have already violated her in some way. Get all your important papers together (birth certificate, social security cards, doctors records, marriage license, health and/or life insurance, bank info and anything else you can think of. Once you get that pack a bag fill your car with everything that is YOURS or you childs. Don’t take anything he can claim is “his”. Like anything he had before you were married. The day you leave go straight to the Court house file for divorce and a protective order for you and your son. The go to Social Services and file for emergency housing, cash assistance, heath insurance, food stamps and anything they will help with in your state. Use it as a helping hand not as a way of life. It will be hard but your life, your sons life and his potential victims lives are worth it.
Leave his ass, your putting your child in danger if you stay. Hes obviously got some serious issues and treats you and your son like shit. No matter what there is no excuse for this behavior at all. Your not proving anything by staying with him. Turn in the evidence you found on his phone and leave. Maybe look into some therapy and supports coordination for you and your son. These services can often link you with housing and employment so that you can start over on your own. I wish you well.
You can always get help or counciling for the temper, but there is no help EVER!!! On PERVERSIONS. ONCE A PERVERT ALWAYS A PERVERT. Just trust me on this. Unless God saved his soul and & forgave him. But the Bible says BELIEVE A LIE & BE DAMN. Save yourself and the children. Good luck sweetheart. God will grant you what is right. Start doing your homework.
Call the police and let them have the hard drive. Get a protection order. No judge will give him custody. GET OUT NOW!
You’re lucky you didnt find anything to do with toddler porn. Which wont be long if you stay. Get out asap. Seriously I dont know what you’re still doing there.
I’m sure people have said this, get pictures record his tempers, record things he says to you and your son. Get out and get a good ulawyer. It’s never to late to start over and always protect yourself son. Him having possible search history about teens could be a big red flag for court
Take screen shots with your phone, I would leave and leave fast!
You need to get screen shots of it and send it to yourself ASAP then delete it… because it’s wrong. He could be a full on predator and if anything were to happen, and you knew about his search history. YOU could be in serious trouble. Take action ASAP!!
Be done…you don’t need that mess…you are always gonna wonder…
Take his phone to the police if you can and let them gather some evidence and at least it will be down on record that way if he tries to go for custody he won’t get it, this is very concerning you need to get out now not only for your kids but for your self also
You really should put his name out there to warn others
Screenshot his search history…run for the hills girl RUN
Yeah, being afraid of starting over is no excuse. Women do it every day for lesser reasons. You have EVERY reason to leave, as a matter of fact it is your responsibility to your son and family (sister and cousin ) to leave. And please, at the very least, report his ass!
The fact he is looking for young teen sex he may already have photos saved on other devices that would clasify as child pornography and is a felony so proctect yourself and your baby id ask my family to stay away especially if you feel he is a danger to your niece. Get as much proof as you can and leave him even without proof you should leave him and if he gets visitation request supervised visits they will usually do those a few times if you ask until a worker deems them unnecessary
Im sorry to say but thats predator stuff . thats horrible. Please talk to an attorney and say that you do not feel safe for your son .
Start secretly recording his rages via phone or other small device; if u can consult with some1 close about hiring a PI for proof of any infidelity especially illegal also devise an escape plan for a day he’s working hopefully late or out of town
Proof is the history on his phone…it will hold up in Court
Leave him. You and your son deserve so much better.
If only for ur son get rid of him
Get out that’s not normal
LEAVE OMG that’s disgusting, horrible, scary. & it’s even worse if he doesn’t treat your child right!
Save evidence and run honey
Call The Police
Send that shit to the cops
Go to police and tell them. Don’t tip him off you know. Let them seize all his electronics. If there 8s something there, he will be in jail and you will get full custody.
Need to save all your evidence for sure, that will help u with custody, that alone isnt a fit parent, he could even be in danger of incest, being alone with him, hes addicted to porn, for sure, he could have been molested when he was young, or hes just a perv/ with addiction problems, it doesn’t get any better, if he doesnt want help, dont look like he wants help!!! Needs to go to church , and prayed for!!!
Sounds like a predetor leave him before he molests yr niece
First step is to get a full-time job with a salary on which you can support your child and yourself. Only then start divorce proceedings. If he abuses you, get to a women’s shelter immediately.
Go to the cops… chikd porn is illegal…get a good divorce attorney and move on…be thankful you did not have a daughter
Leave! Fast! And report his activity! You would no doubt get full custody. Even if he deletes his history it can be tracked. Please don’t ignore this, his behavior could turn into actual sexual assaults.
Get out and don’t look back. Predatory behaviour right there. He sounds like a narcissist. They destroy lives. They never change.
Dumb ass get your kid and get away from that man. How can ppl ask for advice about stuff like that anyone with common sense would know to leave.
Get what you can as evidence, then take it to the police. Odds are he has child porn on his electronics somewhere.
He sounds like a disgusting human being. Sounds like he maybe a predator. I’d turn all info into the police and get out of that situation asap
Get out now. He’s a predator
I’d set up a hidden camera, confront him about his web search non confrontationally, and see what he admits to and use THAT as proof. Claim that he’s a pedo and you don’t feel safe with your son unsupervised in his care
Take pictures of that shit! Then call the police! Turn his ass in. He will be out of your way then. Hes a sick person and hes putting you and your son at risk.
Dump his sick sorry ass, try to get these things sent to a computer or phone and use for leverage
Call the police & make a report.
Girl turn that shit over to the police. You’ll get full custody. That’s fucking nasty
I stopped reading after the young teen girls nude… you know what to do kick his nasty ass to the curb
Your nasty abusive husband is a pedophile! Get all your evidence! Get to a lawyer and go for full sole custody. He could also be arrested due to all the info you have from his phone to! Even more so if you have any photos under the age of 18!
Go to the cops and see what can be done about his nasty ass search history with teenagers. Divorce him and never speak to him again.
Your husband sounds like a pedophile. GTFO.
He’s a fucking sicko