I found messages on my partners phone of him talking to a girl on whatsapp: Thoughts?

End it… I’m currently going through this too. My hubby deleted things too and just started doing that so. I’m ending it I caught him before… but he eventually fessed up. But this time I’m not putting up with it. There is more to it unfortunately. I wouldnt believe him you deserve much better then that and to be treated much better then that as do I

Red flags everywhere. Break it off now before a child is involved. He can be a dad without breaking you down emotionally amd mentally.

Throw him to the curb it will be better for you and the baby too. If he was devoted to you and the baby he wouldn’t be talking to another girl ever

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Is this how you want to spend your life??? Move on you can do it.

Heavy baggage, get rid of him. No good for you nor the baby.

Do you and the baby.

Marry him, he loves u😭

Take care of you girl !

Meh, u dont need that shit…to the curb he goes

If you don’t know what to do you are Stupid asHe Is

Sad but don’t believe him