I found messages on my partners phone of him talking to a girl on whatsapp: Thoughts?

I found a picture on my partner’s phone it was a screenshot of WhatsApp it had a girl he had been talking too on it I then found a picture of her fake nails on his pictures. He was deleting his messages to her but forgot too clear these from the autosave. When I asked, he wouldn’t tell me much but tried to back up messages from them; it only backed up three messages that were obvious they were talking regularly. He claimed they only said a few words, but they had talked for over two and a half weeks. I asked him if I could message her and ask for her word on it, which he reluctantly agreed, I was polite. She sent a contradictive message that they weren’t talking sexual just that he said we were broken up. Before that, I accidentally called her; she sent messages saying, “why are you available and then not” with love hearts, etc. I’m back with him, but I’m pregnant so super emotional, what does everything think innocent or not? He often lies that has been proved lies, but he’s adamant he didn’t cheat. I also found he had muted her WhatsApp convo later on and deleted their text messages after he asked her to send screenshots of the messages.


He’s cheating. You either stay and know that he is pretty much scum, or start the healing process and move on. Baby or not.


He’s obviously cheating


Whether he cheated or not, trust is broken.


How many times do you think he’s been doing this and you haven’t caught on to it? Prob alot. Either leave his ass or get used to be cheated on repeatedly

He told her that you and he were broken up… he’s deleting messages… he fucked up.

Being a single parent is easier than living in hell


Talking is cheating, deleting messages is cheating, admitting he did talk to her is cheating.


Whether he’s been physical with her or not, I’d consider this cheating


Run away. It happened to me. I stayed and I cried my whole pregnancy every single day. Don’t do this to yourself and the baby , I say this to you cause I cried and suffered way too much trying to lie to myself, trust your guts. I didn’t trust mines and ended up truly hurt by a man who cheated and lied to me and didn’t care about the damage he caused on me. Run away and find someone better. Please!


Obviously there is something between them. It’s up to you to figure how you feel about it. Ask him if he is agree to put a end on it for good. You have to ask yourself if you can deal with it or not.

Easy… get another random girl to message and talk to him lightly over a few weeks span. Get the screen shots and throw it in his face. Meanwhile that’s going on figure out am exit strategy. Hit him where it hurts. He clearly is a liar and you are looking for good reason to move forward.

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Everything is so wrong about this. The bottom line is that he doesn’t seem committed to you. If you want your relationship to last he needs to apologize and cut it out (messaging others in secret) or he needs to go. You don’t deserve that behavior, pregnant or not! Good luck!

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I wouldnt even bother trying to figure out what he wants. Let him do that himself. If you can, go stay with family or even a friend for the time being. His actions will tell you what he wants.
He broke the trust you had for him. That is hella fcking hard to deal with, especially being pregnant. For the time being just focus on you and the pregnancy. Let him figure his sht out.

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Girl he is CHEATING. You already said he’s a liar so you are right not to believe him. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Get out & save yourself years of heartache.

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If she is sending him pictures and comfortable talking to him daily, then HE is the one leaving that door WIIIDE open. He could’ve slammed it in her face and never touched it again, but he didn’t.

Leave, he won’t change, I KNOW. A million lies, 2 kids, and 22 years later it never changed. My only consolation is my 2 amazing kids. You have time

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If he feels he has to delete the combos I would be worried to

You have proof he’s lying… What do you want us to tell you!? You have two choices, stay and deal with/try to make it work or LEAVE and move on.


If you had to go through his phone, there’s a problem. WhatsApp is moreso for singles or cheaters.


He guilty as hell! Dump his ass lady

Once a liar always a liar. How could you ever trust him again? Is that the life you want for your child? You know what you should do.


People nowadays dont understand that cheating can be anything other than physical. Talking to an ex (or anyone) behind your partner’s back is cheating. Lying about who you are hanging around with and where you’re at, is disrespectful. If they lie once, they WILL lie again. Only the next time they will get better at it. Dont wait until you’re married and catch him having an affair, leave his ass now!

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It is cheating. Walk away

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Pretty obvious he is cheating


Cheating. Ex did the same.

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ANYTHING that crosses boundaries in a relationship that are boundaries for you, is cheating. Period. Cheating is different in everyone’s eyes.


He is a cheater and he is a liar

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That’s cheating. Period.

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If you have to hide it, then its cheating🤷‍♀️ you deserve loyalty…accept no less Queen!!!


You know whats going on. You know what you should do. BUT…its really hard. Muster up your inner courage.do what is the best for your baby and you…LEAVE the relationship.


Whats wrong with you

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He will definitely cheat on you in the future if not already.

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don’t have another girl message him like someone stated above… that’s just childish and aint nobody got time for all that mess… he’s clearly covering things up and you obviously don’t trust him because of it… if you even have to ask for advice, then you probably already know… don’t break your own heart trying to figure out what he wants, when he doesn’t even know… good luck and best wishes momma!


He’s a cheater. Not worth it girl. It will always be the same shit. Save yourself more heartache and dump him.

He was talking to her in ways he doesn’t want you to know. He may not have physically cheated but talking to someone in ways you wouldn’t want your significant other to see is cheating just the same to me :woman_shrugging:t3:


Sneaky, lying, cheater. RUN :running_man: :running_man:


Well you have proof he is like the rest he will try to lie out of it but you know it’s true. They are all liars in my opinion

Girl you already know hes not being 100% for you in your relationship. Get it over with now before baby comes and you feel trapped and even more broken

Liar! Fuck that bullshit. Normally once a cheater always a cheater. Sorry that happened to you. I’d be heartbroken.

Leave. Your relationship will never be the same, you will drive yourself mad about it, wondering who texts every single time, checking his fb, his phone, his email, his location history, never believing him when hes talking to friends, always having a guard up, you’ll become so unhappy that you might wish he would make the first move, he wont, you have to. Go. Do not let it ruin you or wear you thin.


Get rid of the bf! It’s not going to change! You and the baby deserve better!

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If he is hiding/deleting thats boundries crossed. Now that doesnr mean you cannot work past it. If BOTH actually WANT the relationship to work, it can through hard work and dedication

Just leave :roll_eyes: if you want what’s best for you and your baby get the hell out of that relationship he clearly don’t care about you :expressionless: do you want your baby to be in the middle of a relationship where you can’t trust him and he’s messaging other girls. Really?

Go with your gut instinct. Don’t let him “gas-light” you into thinking you’re crazy for thinking what you know in your heart to be true. Also, you don’t need “proof.” But just know, that if he is cheating, and you “believe” him that he’s not, you’ve only validated what he’s able to “get away with.”

Do what you know in your heart is true, even if it’s painful.


Definitely a liar. Of course he’s not innocent. He’s the person who has a commitment to you. He told her you had split up.

You already know. You may be pregnant and emotional but you’re obviously not stupid


He must not be much of a man if he got to sneak around he still a child , men don’t do shirnlike that kids do ! Goes to show he doesn’t love u , if he did he would be just for u not everyone else too ! U let him by with it , it will only get worse bc he didn’t pay for his actions the first time , if u continue to be with him then u chose to deal with it and let him talk to other women , so it’s eaither leave him and say not worth it or stay and get hurt, if y’all have kids then he definitely has no respect for them or u , and the kids has nothing to do with it , it’s what’s best for them and u , don’t make it work bc u have kids , he apparently didn’t think about his kids when he’s talking to everyone , don’t forse a relationship bc u have kids , that’s what co-parenting is ! Don’t let u ans ur kids be destroyed over one man !

Sorry you have a cheater for a man it will just get worse if you don’t get out

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Throw the whole man away!


Leave jesus reading posts like these are to sad. If you trusted him you wouldn’t be on here posting. Trust your gut girl yea your pregnant but you are a strong women and you can do this on your own!

Girl if you stay you’re in for a world of drama and constant wondering, distrust, and all kinds of bs. I understand wanting to stay because you’re pregnant but a baby is really really hard without a bunch of bs piled on top.

Sounds like he is cheating. Trust your gut.

Well it seems fishy to me but it honestly depends on your relationship and stand. Does it make you uncomfortable he does this? Are you ok with that behavior? Does this cross your boundaries? If it’s not ok with you pregnant or not why bother dealing with the what if part of it? You have the right to be mad and not trust anyone for anything so it falls square on your shoulders to decide what your willing to put up with. Having WhatsApp would be a deal breaker for me regardless but that’s just me.

Personally, I wouldn’t believe him if he told you they stopped talking that fast… He’s telling you what you want to hear to make you have a peace of mind. You and your baby deserve so much more! I know a girl who’s man was sleeping with a girl he met while moving a dresser, he met her on a community site for their housing development. Supposedly he has cheated on her before and then she caught him sneaking out at 2 am “to go for a jog” when he never jogs lmao and she found their conversations on his secret messenger he was calling her witch and some pretty nasty names. Him and the girl were saying they loved each other. She found messages of the girl in her see through underwear and some other pretty graphic pictures. She moved back in the day after her son told her that, that girl stayed the night. I wouldn’t stay with someone like that, he guilt tripped her into making her think it was all her fault. The girl lives not far from them and she believed he just dropped her like that. He said she was ignoring him. Moral of the story is Don’t let him make you feel it’s your fault and that you didn’t do enough. When she was telling me this she just kept saying he said her her her, it’s all her and couldn’t take any responsibility for his own actions. I next time wouldn’t ask him for permission either to write her because I mean they could plan out what to say prior.


There’s a reason why he is being sneaky and deleting messages .don’t get back together or stay with him because you are pregnant .you don’t need the stress and heartbreak …better to leave him now so you can be set up and ready when the baby comes .


“He often lies that has been proven lies.” That alone should tell you what to do.


Hes either cheating or going to. He shouldnt be hiding things or looking for girls to talk to. I’d leave


Talking to random girls on WhatsApp/Kik is not appropriate in a relationship. Period.


Girl you need to run.

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Iv been in the same position and although I found it easy to leave him (was married too) and fall out of love with him for this itcisnt always tgat easy . But what I will say is take time out to remember how horrid you are feeling and if they can do it when you are pregnant 99.9% he will do it again . Life is so much easier and happier when out of this situation and your unborn baby needs you stress free for when she/he comes . Sending hun and stay strong

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Ummm… Imma just put it out there that you’re both wrong. You shouldn’t have went through his phone and he’s cheating. Do both of you a favor and leave 🤷 easier said than done but this is obviously something neither of you actually want


Get out now. He sounds like a jerk.


If u feel it necessary to look through his phone then ur relationship has problems. There are obvious trust issues


Girl. He told her yall are broken up. Theyre not just talking… Theyre TALKING. Get that baby out of that sitiation before theyre born. :sob:


I’m going to be honest. My ex did that too. I was young and thought I’ll forgive him and give him a second chance. He ended up doing it again in the beginning of 2018. I told myself enough is enough. I packed mine and my son things and left. After awhile you no longer start liking the person and everything they say and do is annoying. You sound like a really smart person and you know your partner better than anyone on here. If u start seeing signs and feelings that something isn’t right. Majority 97% of the time it’s not. It’s not easy leaving a person that u thought you would be creating a family together. In the end it’s worth it. You deserve way more and your child will thank you in the future. If u stay I can see from this post that there’s no longer trust or communication. I’ve left my ex and it’s been a while and I’m as happier than I’ve been in years. My ex and I co parent and it works out great. My son is 3 years old and is happy. He will always know that he has two homes with family that love him.


Way too many red flags. I’m sure it is extremely difficult but, I think you need to move on.


He probably didn’t cheat, but was loving the attention and keeping her around so that if he ever needed to be with someone else, they were there.
She obviously should have known he was sneaking his messages to her… it’s on WhatsApp! They’d be texting regularly if he wasn’t trying to hide her. She’s dumb if she thinks otherwise.
He’s clearly not trustworthy. If he wants you… she needs to be completely removed from his life. I mean GONE. He should also hand over his phone to you while you look in every damn thing. Instagram messages, FB messages, snapchats, photos, files… everything. If he wants to prove his loyalty he will hand it over.

Only you can make the decision to go or stay but you deserve to be happy you have to put your baby first and what will be right for your baby’s future

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Do not stay just because you are pregnant you dont have to stay with him. Its not worth the fighting. When you parent you guys have to trust each other. Theres no trust if you are reading messages on his phone(which is totally ok when you know he talking to other women). This relationship with be end up toxic and he’s playing you like a fool. A baby and a child doesn’t need to see the pain he will put you through. Hes not worth it. Its not going to be easy but your better off on your own. Hope for the best for you.


Okay, really simple dear; if he has to delete messages, it’s only a matter of time before he does the inevitable. How would he feel if you did the same. Don’t, I mean keep your self respect, but ask him if he found out that you’re talking to a man and deleting the messages, would it be ok? You should be treated how you treat.


He may be your partner, but you aren’t his. He told her that y’all had broken up. Move on, honey, and go for child support later.

Hes cheating and will continue to do so… leave now before you get stuck

Oh guuurl…:pleading_face: it’ll get worse when there’s a baby on the way. I bet he will tell her all about his problems he has with you and that you trapped him…they all go to the same school. I didn’t go through my estranged husband’s phone . I wished i did then i wouldn’t have been blindsided. Take what you found as a sign to get out

If you have to go through somebody’s shit…you probably shouldn’t be with them

Don’t stay just because you are pregnant. My ex messaged 3 different girls. I forgave him for 1 of them because he said he was ‘drunk’ and they were just messages (no photos were sent) and it was only that night. I then found out he tried to message another chick. Lucky she went through he’s Facebook and found me tagged in stuff and messaged me to let me know he tried to message her (I knew her and she knew me already). I then found out about a week before I was due that he was actually sleeping with someone and that they were dating (she knew I was pregnant and dating him but, he told her he didn’t know if I was pregnant with he’s kid). I hadn’t slept with anyone else and everyone knew that I was 100% pregnant with hes kid. He called it off with her just before I was due and she only told me because he called it off. I had a feeling that he kept bringing her name up meant something and I knew deep down (through my pregnancy) that something was going on but, I ignored it and forgave him. I should have left earlier.

Ask him if he wants to cut his shit out and be serious about y’alls relationship (more commutation) & you will NOT deal with cheating even if it’s just talking. Once one starts hiding something it’s cheating period! If he wants out well you already know it’s been over in his mind for a while. Do what you want but make sure you have a plan, support system and remember he will tell you things just to try to keep you. File for child support ASAP

Girl drop his ass. You’re stupid for letting him do this to you ( ps I’m bitter ) just broke up with my bf this morning because of his venomous words ) … long story short don’t let your ass get bitter like mine. Move on before you hurt too much

Leave now… Run like the wind!

If you don’t trust him then leave and save yourself from being stressed out constantly.

Noone innocently hides talking to someone on WhatsApp

Lmao are you really THIS retarded??

Why do you bother with somebody like this? You are wasting precious time on a relationship like this. He has proven to be untrustworthy and he is not going to change. Leave and clear your mind of all this garbage! Choose to be happy! Try to make a happy life for your baby. That baby and any other children you have are being influenced by all this negative energy. Put them first! Don’t waste any more time or energy on this man!! Make him go and try not to think about it anymore!

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The relationshop is over. Leave him and move on. You don’t want to get an STD while you are pregnant.

Get out. Now. He can’t be trusted.

Cheating now , will be cheating forever .

You don’t need advice, you already know the answer. You won’t leave until you’ve had enough. Thinking things will change is just lying to yourself.

Leave this looser and make him pay. If he really cares he will have to prove it. Get out and see what he does.

And trust us they don’t change. Once he lies it will never stop.

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If you proved he lied before why would you even think about staying with him this time around - you basically found out he was lying again and why would she right off the bat say yeah we be talking but not sexually and then say why are you available then not - those are red flags that you are being duped each time you believe him and take him back. Know your worth it’s a lot more than this bs even if you are pregnant - what he does to you now will continue after the baby and be taught to your child as normal -is any of that ok with you. I would cut my loses and roll on.

Leave before you get to deep in and think you can’t

Leave he is a cheater and will always cheat

Liar liar pants on fire!! Walk away.

Cheating can be more than just sex, depending on the boundaries set in a relationship by both parties (monogamous, open, etc). Relationships are whatever the both of you are comfortable with and have discussed. Myself and my boyfriend are monogamous, so if one of us were to be flirting/hiding conversations with someone else we would consider it cheating.

Oh he’s cheating. Lol. You need to decide whether you’re going to stay or leave.

if it was while you two weren’t together, you shouldn’t worry about it now unless they are talking romantically/sexually while you guys are together

If you have to go through his phone, it’s not good news.
Sounds like something is going on. Leave before you’re put through hell.
A relationship without trust is like a car with no gas. You can sit there all you want, but it’s not going to go anywhere.

Once a liar always a liar! Get out NOW

I talk to males on Facebook and my fiance knows I don’t hide anything or delete anything my fiance can see what I write anytime. There’s a big difference talking normally to someone and lying about it and hiding and deleting stuff. If he’s doing what you are saying then he’s up to no good sorry