I found out my daughter has a cavity...advice?

Hi so i noticed my 4 year old daughter has a cavity I’m so afraid of her getting general anesthesia for the dental work who’s child that age has went through it share your story please

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My son fell while running and hit his two front teeth. Broke them at the root and had to have them surgically removed at 2 years old. I was a mess but these people know what they’re doing. They did a fantastic job and my son did just fine. I was the biggest mess!
I totally trust the professionals and their opinions. They do this everyday!

My daughter had to have dental work done under anesthesia and I was super stressed because by that age she already had known medication allergies. It all went very smooth, no issues.

Anesthesia is the worst to watch your kiddo through my son was so upset only calmed him down was my voice and arms but he had a few now my second kiddo is five just got a small cavity two little ones two teeth they said but since he has ADHD I don’t want the drilling to brother him so he will be a little sedated to relax now I’m finally getting the kids to floss at night and brush least twice a day so important for the kids to brush all the food off those teeth especially before night

If it’s a small cavity they use this silver stuff to polish over it to prevent it from getting worse since it’s a baby tooth that may be an option, thats what they do with my son he had one so far.

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My 5 year old gets her filled awake. She even had a crown put on and did just fine with numbing.

Is it one cavity or several, I’d rec if you haven’t taking her to a pediatric office, I work at one and we fill cavities on four year olds all the time, we also do oral sedations or go to the OR.

My son who was 3! Went in no problem. Under general. But when he woke up he was mad and confused. It was so heart breaking. But atleast he got his teeth fixed!!

My kids have never went under anesthesia for cavities?

Ask about other options besides general anesthesia

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I was terrified of needles as a child. Laughing gas worked amazing. Calmed me down a lot

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2 of my 4 have had dental surgery, ages 4. It went alot better then trying to do it with them awake at the dentist

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Every case is different due to medical history etc, but I will say this. They typically don’t put them under “general” anesthesia, it’s more of a twilight where they still have control of there airway and it doesn’t get suppressed (meaning they can still breathe on their own the medication does not effect it in anyway)(way less risk involved). The worst part is getting the little ones calmed prior to entry. It’s hard I’m on both sides of the field. My 2 oldest had to have dental procedures as well as tubes/tonsils. Of course they scare the parents half to death explaining the informed consents. Now that I’m in medical school, I understand the different types of anesthesias and what each ones do and what is used it really eases my mind. And I feel the doctors should be more through in explaining that to parents as well when doing the informed consents.

My kiddo needs general to undergo dental work. He gets very animated with other sedations unfortunately and while he’s not being aggressive he likes to talk about his favorite things and with his hands for emphasis. This keeps everyone safe and the works done much quicker. He got X-rays and everything dine while knocked out. He also had the whole room listening to the Halo 3 soundtrack the entire time thy loved it. He had no pain afterwards.

Both of my kids have had cavities. My son had general anesthesia, my daughter was heavily sedated with a benzodiazepine drug called Versed. I don’t know how it is for everyone but the general was easier for me to deal with mentally. With the benzo she was drugged for hours and it just wasn’t a comfortable experience for me. The outcome of both ended up fine though. I was so worried about the anesthesia with my son but it was just so quick and easy and the effects wore off pretty quick too.

Just make sure you take her to a pediatric dentist. 

I wouldn’t worry too much. Just make sure to request that you are in the room when they go to wake your kiddo up. That’s the scariest part most of the time because you don’t always remember before you fell asleep. So as long as momma is there when you wake up (instead of people in masks), it’s really not a big deal.

Just do your research on the dr I thought after 25 yrs my childhood dr would be good umm no I hate him now just as much found a better one and I can be back with them