I found out my ex is cheating on his girlfriend and I don't want this affecting our son: Advice?

Y’all dumbasses telling her not to tell the girl. Remember that next time when everybody but you knows your man is cheating. Don’t come crying to everyone else “why didn’t they tell me”


I wouldn’t involved myself cuz it’s gonna backfire

If something does come up and he has to move or whatever and can’t take ur son as much or at for a little bit while he is homeless than u should give him some time to get settled. You shouldn’t try to take custody from him. Idk why women want to take custody as soon as things are not smooth sailing. Co-parenting is what is best for the child. 50/50 is best. Just because he is unable to do 50/50 for a week or month or hell even months doesn’t mean he deserves to lose that 50/50 custody. Now if it’s 6months or longer and he’s not even trying than yeah take him back to court.

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Just keep him if he doesn’t have a home for your son. Be a mother not a private detective


Not your business……like….AT ALL.

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Y’all saying for her to mind her business :woman_facepalming: her son is living with the girlfriends mother. So that makes it her business since when girlfriend finds out ex is a cheat scum bag not only is ex getting the boot but so is her son :woman_facepalming: I would talked to ex about it face to face and tell him he needs to get his :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: together or that yalls son will be staying with you more and you’ll let his girlfriend know about his extra activity’s. No girl deserves to be cheated on.

this is really none of your business, If the now GF who he is with is good to your son, let it be, If he take your son to visit the GF he is cheating with, your son really won’t remember much, so it’s not a big deal, as long as your son is being treated & care for well, And the fact, unless i read your post wrong, you told his parents about this??? What is wrong with you??? Now if his parents already knew, without you telling them, then I can understand, to a point, you decision this with them, But again it really isn’t your problem, nor business…stay out of it


SHE IS TRYING TO RAISE A MAN,NOT A SCUMBAG. WHICH IS WHAT THE BD IS. SO U ALL MIND YOUR BUSINESS. UNLESS U WANT YOUR DAUGHTERS BEING PLAYED LIKE A BOARD GAME :roll_eyes: I would definitely seek to get court orders adjusted. Whatever that may be to keep your son form being exposed and potentially lead a life that he thinks is okay to hurt and use women in this way. IT IS NOT OKAY AND U HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO WORRY ABOUT HIS WELL BEING. u are right it isn’t your relationship but it is YOUR CHILD. much love to u. And I wish u and your baby boy the best


And btw kids remember more than u think, I could write a book of my life at a year old. Down to the furniture in the house so don’t think kids don’t remember they do.abd can


The cheating might not affect custody options inherently, but if he relies on current s/o’s for housing for the most part, then that would show a lack of housing and maybe even financial stability, which CAN affect it.
You may not be able to apply for more custody right away, but you might want to look into putting in an addendum in the custody arrangement which basically says that if either of you find yourselves without a place of residence or insufficient employment to properly care for him, that majority custody TEMPORARILY goes to the more stable parent UNTIL the other one is back on their feet AND have an adequate home and IF in order to do that, more physical distance is placed between the parent and the child, then either a judge or a mediator will help guide a FAIR new custody agreement that is beneficial to not just the two of you, but to your child.

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I would have already been concerned being that he lives with her and her mother… He is clearly a loser! Two kids (at least) by two different women and lives with their parent… Why don’t he have his own place. This mother needs to put a foot down because what’s going to happen when it’s a third or fourth child and he still living with someone’s parents? He’s dead beat and will not be able to pay for all his children that he’s spreading around town.


I’m all about baby mama unity so I’m telling! Cant stand a cheater period so I’m telling on any & all regardless :woman_shrugging:t5:


Stay out of it!! You dont even know if its true! And you claim you’re only worried about your son?? Then wth are you going to his parents and talking about this to them?? You are totally OUT OF LINE. SMH. Sounds like you are getting way to involved in other peoples

business. Maybe deep down your intentions are kind of evil and you are hoping this relationship he’s in will fail. Not because you share a son with him but because it didn’t work out with YOU. ??


Honestly, tell the girlfriend and just be open about not wanting this to affect your child. Obviously she’s going to be hurt, but if y’all are on good terms she’s more likely to respect your wishes and make sure your child is not around when shit hits the fan.

Not your business. It’s your job to love your kid if he is hurt by it but involving yourself even this far is already crossing lines. Your problem has nothing to do with your kid. You want to stir the shit pot but that thinking is when kids get handed the shit spoon to lick. Take your kid to the park and gtf over it.

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You did not say how old the child is. Prepare your son on the difference between right and wrong. Use the Bible and God’s word. Do not point out to your son your Ex and what he is doing in particular. When your son has the truth, he can figure it out for himself. If you do not know God, or do not want to use the Bible for teaching, then I suggest you begin, otherwise you will always be confused and you will not be able to teach your son the difference between right and wrong.


Lmao okay… Let be serious here for a second.

  1. Your son is 3 and won’t remember much of this if any of it later on. He’ll also be easier to distract when he doesnt see people or have the same schedule anymore so this won’t affect him at all.
  2. Why tf are YOU the one getting evidence about HER boyfriend? That’s weird.
  3. You do care a little too much about their relationship. You went to his parents which I do agree with some women on here that that was overstepping the line, instead of just going to the other baby mom so you can talk to her and help her out.
    As long as your son can continue having a relationship with his sister that’s all your concern from her.
    If old dude gets kicked out then obviously he can’t get your son until that living situation gets fixed but let’s call a spade a spade and you’re wrong for being this far into your ex’s relationship. Just because you have a kid with someone doesn’t mean your entitled to be in his next relationship.

I have not been in your position but this totally sucks! I dont think there is much you can do about it this time when it all blows up in your ex’s face with his current partner but perhaps its a good time to talk to your ex about a future plan for this not to happen again such as your ex having a place of his own and in future his girlfriends come into his house rather then him and your son moving into someone elses house so that atleast your sons surroundings remain the same in the future. we live and we learn this is something you couldnt have foreseen happening and its selfish of your ex to behave in a way that effects your son. only other suggestion I can think of for now if your ex agrees to it that you have your son more and more until after his current partner finds out about the cheating so that if your ex does need to move out of the house your son will already have been staying with you more and so wont notice the impact as much? then once your ex has a place of his own you can go back to 50/50.

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You can’t prevent your son’s father from living life, and you can’t prevent his life from existing in the presence of your son. Life gets messy sometimes, especially when people make bad choices. It is what it is. Let it be what it will be.

Him blowing up his own life has nothing to do with you anymore, and you will not be able to shelter your child from every shitty aspect of life - or every shitty choice his father makes. You just get to help him get through whatever does affect him. That’s the job of a parent: helping kids learn how to deal with life - the good AND the bad; not sheltering them from the realities of life.

They don’t learn how to cope with anything if you pretend life is all kittens & rainbows and never let them see REAL life happening to people. Learn to accept that. :v:

I’m saying this as someone who has a 15 yr old with an ex who started doing crack after I broke up with him when our kid was 3 1/2, and even after he got “clean” he spent a while sleeping on other people’s couches, moving around all the time, having random relationships; and even after he got more stable, he STILL made a bunch of dumbass choices that affected my kid in so many ways.

You don’t have to explain the whole, dirty truth to you kid, but you don’t actually have to completely shelter them from it, either. Also, kids aren’t stupid. They can tell the difference between when their parents are happy or miserable in life, and as they grow up, they learn to understand the difference between their parent who makes wise decisions, and their parent who makes dumbass decisions. You don’t have to vilify or deny the rights of the other parent for the kid to grow up and realize what a tool one of their parents is. :woman_shrugging:

I disagree with a post or two. It is odd that you would get screenshots concerning your ex that I do agree with but in my opinion, if this really is a concern to you you should have just went straight to the source your ex the father of your child and air your concerns over your shared child with him and what effects this situation may cause your child due to him having a sibling in the situation with this other woman - it’s a thing called co-parenting for the best interest of the child and on his part children since he likes to re-produce with multiple women in short spans of time. You don’t involve his parents or the other woman that is his place to inform her that he cheated but it is your place to let him know you are concerned of how the situation will dissolve once she finds out and where that will leave your child you have together - communication is the best thing to do when sharing custody as you are. If your concern is only for your child’s well being mentally, emotionally and physically and just maybe you going to him will turn the lightbulb on for him on how his behavior is affecting all of you. Good Luck.


Talk to friend of the court or a lawyer. What your ex does is his business unless it involves your child.

Nothing. Leave it alone, it has nothing to do with you or your kid. Period. You’re only going to end up being the bad guy if you get involved.


Don’t get involved unless the situation does affect your kid. Your EX is not your responsibly unless it’s something to do with your kid. But also, talk to a family lawyer if you think you need to renegotiate custody.


Yikes with some of these comments. Why/how you got the texts is your business as is going to his parents (your child’s grandparents) and your relationship with them. I personally think it’s great you still have good communication with them.

I think anyone that knows about cheating happening and doesn’t let the person being cheated on know is selfish AF. This whole “it’s non of your business” bit baffles me. Regardless of your motives or feelings toward your ex, that poor girl deserves to know her partner is out there dipping his pole in other ponds. She deserves an honest partner and she deserves to know if she is at risk for STDs.


Oh dear god. Your baby daddy is going to make his own choices and unfortunately you won’t be able to control this. Your son is 3 he has no idea what’s going on. The current girlfriend needs to make a decision to stay or leave but not much you can do. I would tell the parents to make sure no fighting around the child is acceptable.

Stay out of it nothing you can do if she comes to you asking anything then let her know. Good chance unless she finds out for herself that she wouldn’t believe you

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Personally, I’d stay out of the potential drama between him & his current gf. Be grateful that what/who he does isn’t your business anymore, unless it directly impacts your child. It sounds like it very well could as ex’s living situation could potentially change soon. It can prove his instability, so if you need to step up to protect your son legally from the fallout of his actions, it shouldn’t be too difficult, if it comes to that. That’s what I would be concerned with, nothing else.


It’s none of your business and there’s nothing you can do. You cannot protect your son from shit like this. It just i what it is. Same with him trying to protect your son from anything inconvenience that you may cause in life.

I would say what you shouldn’t do, is try to get more custody. Your child deserves to have his father in his life, get this, just as much as your child deserves to have you in their life. He may be a shitty partner, but does that translate to him being a shitty father?

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Swerve back in your lane. Not your business what’s going on with them…


why would you want him near any child

Unfortunately, you gotta wait until baby daddy is homeless before you really have any grounds to push for full custody. Where the grandparents come in is not automatically cleaning up his mess. He’s being reckless, and you are right to be concerned. Bide your time. Who knows, maybe he will clean up his act and provide a stable environment for his kids.

Girl. Stay in your lane.

Stop using your son as an excuse. It’s not going to affecting him in any way, shape or form.


Sounds like a whole lot of Mind your damn business… You threw urself in the whole mix by reaching out to his parents … involving urself. Smh u wanted the attention so bad…

If it’s not your business don’t make it your burden


It’s none of your business and keep kids out of grown folk shit.

Keep to yourself, focus on your son,

I’m a little stuck on you receiving screenshots about your ex. Why is someone sending you screenshots of his conversations?:thinking: For someone who CLAIMS to have no interest in what happens in their relationship you seem a little too invested. You can’t stop him from cheating. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: The best thing you can do is mind your business. If she finds out he’s cheating and throws him out most likely he will move back in with his parents then you know your son will be safe. Kids are very resilient and they learn to adapt. Your son will be fine.


OMG this is the 3rd group I’ve seen this post in!?!
I kept looking for my nice comment but I’m tired of telling the same thing so I’ll shorten it.

You’re weird for getting stuff on your ex then snitching like a kid on the playground to his parents.
This has nothing to do with your son who we all know will be fine so stop lying about your reasons and grow up.


Maybe just mention to the ex be clear you don’t care or want anything to do with it, but just let him know that if he has him and it comes up, you want to be called to come pick up your son before they do their thing because he shouldn’t have to see it

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Things happen in life and in relationships. So if you son and his father can’t stay where they are they will just have to move. Just like if you ever decided to move. Let his father worry about what goes on there.

Mind your own business!! Wow trying to take custody away from him because he’s cheating in someone else is pretty ridiculous. Some of these women on this page amaze me :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Not your business unless it actually does affect your son

You can’t control him, that’s something you need to learn from the start. All you can do is take care of your child and make sure that they’re okay. Stay out of other people’s drama.

I’m not sure how his cheating on his current gf is affecting your son? I think if you mentioned it in court the judge would look at you like you’re nuts & you’d be wasting your money even filing a motion to address it. Unless your kid solely lives with Dad & would be homeless if this came to light. Otherwise it is a “nunya” situation & why involve yourself. Not your business what is going on in their relationship. I can see women coming in & out of your kid’s life as a possible concern? But even that is sketchy & doesn’t mean your kid in going to have a negative impact down the line. I’d stop worrying about your exes & their drama. Don’t make it yours.


Why the heck would someone send you and not her pics of your ex cheating …you should of texted back that you don’t care and dropped it …you shouldn’t even if gone running to his parents to " tattletale " on him .dont be a trouble making ex girlfriend and go snitching on something that is actually none of your business

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Oh mind your own damn business. U sound Hella bitter

It’s a little disturbing that you use your son as an excuse to be in your exs business like that. I mean, you even went so far as to go to his PARENTS and tattled about him cheating on his newest baby mama. You can’t justify making his relationship with another woman your business to speak on on the assumption that it MIGHT affect your child in the future. All you need to be worried about is doing damage control if or when your child gets affected by his wandering penis. And remind whoever sent you that “proof” that he’s not your man anymore and thats not your problem. Grow up and sit your ass down.

Grow up already. He is your x for a reason. And it is no business of yours anyway as long as he loves and provides for his son.

People move all the time, if that’s what it comes to. I don’t know what the exact living situation is obviously but he still has you where you are, and he will still have dad wherever he lives. Moving isn’t that serious, especially at such a young age. You’re making this effect your son but it really doesn’t. Stay out of it, and tell whoever is sending you screenshots to stop. It’s none of your business.

I could see how it could affect the 3 year old if she booted him & then he’d be homeless & then if she kept the 6 month old from seeing his/her brother (the 3yo) but that’s about it. I would just let them do them and not worry about their relationship unless it comes to light & he becomes homeless or something like that.

Some of these questions are just plain ridiculous :rofl:

If he/she cheats with you they will cheat on you

The way I look at it is, he’s your ex it’s really none of your business, no offense girl! Now I will say, that it may affect your child but if that’s the case you just have to cross the bridge when you get there

My thought-I dont care what you do in your spare time …f the town for all I care …
But When ur with ur kid be about them.
I don’t think he is taking his kid with to go cheat. “Hold on sidegirl let me put the carseat in the car pack some juice boxes then I be on my way for that booty” lol.
Unless you find they are fighting in front of your kid, he may lose his home, neglect is taking place etc. I wouldn’t worry.
Also talking to his parents instead of a conversation with him
What are they going to do? Have a birds and bees convo with him? You’re just going to cause problems in your coparenting relationship doing that . I’m not trying to be hateful believe me I get how emotions can overtake rational thought.

He doesn’t have a stable lifestyle. That’s cause for more custody

Mind. Your. Own. Damn. Business.

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I wouldn’t do a thing but let karma do its job

I understand your concern. Since your son is living with him in her parents house and he gets caught cheating and gets kicked out just tell your ex your son will stay with you until he has a stable environment. The courts will back you up. Do what you have to do. You’ll know when and what.

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Just stay alert, but I agree with others. It’s really not you’re business anymore. If you see signs of distress in your son then consider talking to him but until then I would stay out of it.

How sad for their child, and I hope it doesn’t affect his relationship with his sibling. This isn’t really a custody issue though, unless he ends up in an unstable living condition as a result. They may work through it even if she knows, my ex and my sons’ brothers mom have worked through his infidelity. Sucks because she is a damn good woman and never deserved what he put her through, but im glad they are fighting for their relationship. I have zero tolerance for that, which is why ours didn’t work lol. If you’re close to her, I’d tell her out of respect, because even if dad is effing off, you and her can maintain a relationship for the sake of your children and their sibling relationship, which I think is super important and in both children’s best interest. If youre not, I would let it go and not get Involved unless dads bad decisions start directly affecting your son, like living situation or being around strange new women… he definitely shouldn’t be bringing your son around a third woman. That’s extremely inappropriate

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He is not a good role model for your son. If your son gets bad vibes in his dad’s house he will possibly let you know and then you could speak up. Be sure you know all the facts in the facts you have a point of power from which to proceed. Children will decide what bits and pieces of their parent’s code of conduct they will to keep. Your task, as you know is to continue to provide a stable home.

Yep none of your business. I would let him screw it up himself just be thankful you know and can prepare to help your child cope with what’s coming. Unfortunately I domt feel this is something you can try to control by becomi.g involved. Be supportive of your child when stuff hits the fan and let him know you are there for him when things get dicy

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My comment got deleted too. So if you don’t agree with the author then your comment gets deleted? :joy::joy: Fuck this page and whoever deleted the comments. That’s childish.

And I said what I said. Stop being messy, that mean cheating has nothing to do with you or that baby. Mind your damn business.:unamused::unamused:


Yours sons father has made his bed now he has to lay in that. Unfortunately if that has an affect on your son there’s nothing you can do to protect him from that. You need to stay out of this and just concentrate on your son. I’m slightly confused as to why your getting the screen shots sent to you.

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I’m a bit confused out this one if I’m honest. 1, why are you getting the screenshots? 2, how’s his dad dipping someone else going to effect your child? 3, if they’re currently living at his parents surely nothing would change for your lad, it would be his misses and the other baby that moved out? 4, why would you go to his parents and not him ( rather confused with this one) and 5, sorry to say but it’s not really any of your business anymore… don’t want to come across harsh but this is the reality I’m sure your no angle and you wouldn’t expect him to be butting in your private life anymore as an ex surely.

Not your bed not your business.

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Haha mine did too. So I’m assuming they only want comments that are in agreement. Well that didn’t work did it…
Hardly inundated is it!!

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Have you tried talking to your ex at all about this. That you found out this information about him and your not comfortable having your son there alone with them if he doesn’t even wanna be with his gf. Its something to bring up and explain your side and maybe make arrangements that your son doesn’t go around the other party just so it won’t be as if your sons in middle of it all.

As if my comment got deleted :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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