I found out my husband has a secret phone...advice?

Most work phones have locks, however work phones arent kept secret


Sorry, but you already know the answer.


IF it’s a work phone it makes a lot of sense for it to have a lock on it for confidentiality reasons. HOWEVER, what’s strange is that he kept his “work phone” a secret. If you doubt it’s a work phone, tell him to let you see what’s inside of it. If doesn’t……:woman_shrugging:t4:

Get rid of him he’s cheating.

He lying… he definitely cheating…

Ummm why would it have been a secret? And why did you not know sooner? Why is it locked? Why are women calling it? Why won’t he unlock it? Too many red flags. I was in this EXACT situation. I found it charging behind our sofa. I dropped something and pulled out couch to find it. He was in fact cheating but also living a whole double life. When you know better you do better. Do NOT let him gaslight you or make you out to be the crazy one. This isn’t normal behavior

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Come on … I’m sorry but you know exactly what this is … if all the flags wernt red and it was a legit work phone the person who rang wouldn’t have hung up … we all know what’s going on here

Nope - if it’s “nothing” or a “work phone” he would have ZERO issue unlocking it and handing it directly to yoy

People may be finding a lot of hidden phone

I guess it would depend on the type of work he does, some need the extra phones but most dont. If he kept it from you that’s a HUGE red flag. That and the woman hanging up… if that was a client they would have said as much.


It’s not strange that he has a work phone, it’s strange that he has a work phone he’s never mentioned to you!

I think you need to tell him to let you see what’s on the phone to ease your mind and if he can’t you know he’s cheating. If that’s the case, divorce him. No need for sticking around with a lying cheater.

I feel like all the women posting these know what’s up they just need validation. That’s not a work phone hunny. Get OUT !

Noooo. I think you should have definitely known about said phone. He comes home every day and when you ask about work he just fails to mention it? Idk. Definitely seems fishy.

Sounds like he may need to convert it to a prison phone… lol


Lol come on now… :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: if you can’t see that n wanna play dumb… take out the SIM card n wait…

Definitely cheating…ask for the code then id be calling allllll the numbers lol. Sorry been through it much happier without him


not strange the work phone has a lock. all works phones usually do since it’s for work purposes & usually outside of work it’s nobody’s business. even your personal phone should have an unlock code tbh.

weird that the woman hung up when you answered unless she thought she had the wrong number & freaked out. but why go through it instead of just asking about it?

My husband has a work phone it does have a lock on it for security purposes but it literally sits on the counter once he’s home and doesn’t get touched until the next day when he leaves. It has never been a secret. He has an i pad as well and it’s the same thing. I never answer my husband work phone or personal phone but then again I have never been given a reason to be suspicious.


remove the sim, stick it in your phone. you’re welcome


Nope. That’s wrong on so many levels. If it was a work phone… the woman wouldn’t have hung up when you answered


If it was a work phone then anyone calling it wouldn’t just hang up and he wouldn’t be hiding it. My hubby had a work only phone and it was never hidden and if he couldn’t answer it then I could and take a message for him. So unless he’s FBI or something like that then he is up to something.

If it was a work phone you would of known about it when he got it. And that’s super suspicious that she hung up right away… Something definitely not right.


Lmao!!! He’s cheating on you. Wake up!

What seems strange is that he has a work phone that he “doesn’t use” and you don’t have the password code to that phone he’s definitely cheating sorry hun

Secret phone, secret life I have two phones and my husband has both numbers in case of emergencies

Leave. Run. Restraining order

The only thing that doesn’t seem strange is the lock on the “work phone “. Most companies want you to protect their data. But it’s weird to me that he supposedly has a work phone that he “doesn’t use”.
I mean why would his employer pay for a line and the physical phone if he doesn’t use it. Why wouldn’t he tell you that the company gave him a work phone?

You don’t say what he does for a living but the woman calling and hanging up doesn’t bother me (IF it’s really a work phone) because if she was calling as part of actual work business and you answered, she might’ve thought she had the wrong number. But I am still stuck on him having a work phone that he never told you about and you never saw.

I carried a work phone for years. My husband knew I had it (knew I hated it because I didn’t want to necessarily be “available” during my personal time) and even knew the ringtone. Your husband could be telling you the truth but I would have an actual conversation (NOT argument) about it

If it was for work reason call wouldn’t of got put down would of said hello is so so their and maybe give reason but could b confidential but would say it work related only reason I’d say ok for fne put down if said person rang back straight if it was an so wasn’t an accident ethir fne put down women know he’s married heard another women boom and it wouldn’t of been kept a secret xx CHEATING NO DOUBT OR 2 WAYS ABOUT IT !! X


Dont even bother to question him. You probably wont get the truth. Cut the looser out of your life,move on,and consider yourself lucky that you have learned now instead of later.


The woman that called knows about you and that’s why she hung up when a woman answered the phone.

It’s not a work phone. He’s cheating on you. And he’s going above and beyond to try and hide it since he had a separate phone. It’s serious. And been going on for a while.

Damn that mistress sucks she supposed to say hey this is so and so from dispatch or something jeeze

I don’t think it’s strange a work phone having a lock mine does due to confidentiality as I work in a school. On the other hand he could be cheating

Girl he is cheating. What is wrong with y’all women who find these things out and still on here asking strangers what’s going on and why is this happening and what does this mean… your man is cheating. Period.

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Having a locked work phone does not seem odd. Him keeping it a secret seems a little worrisome. How did you discover the phone? Do you have reason to suspect infidelity? Have you talked him?


I call it!

I would question your husband especially if you know his boss is not a woman. A lot of people have work phones. We have locks on our personal phones but we know each others password. Also depends on what your husband does for work. Is it confidential? Our work phones have passwords but we don’t take them home. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions unless he gets defensive. A lot of men use their work phones when they cheat so I understand why you ask…. I hope that’s not the case for you.

Steal the SIMS card. Why would it matter to him if you had the code?

Unless he’s dealing drugs or you know that his work has three own phones, he is most likely cheating.

1 why did he hide the fact of work phone 2 ask for password or lock code 2 woman hanging up is very suspicious. If he will not give you code call job ask about said work phone. However you probably already know if things have been different and your gut instinct

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Cheater,sorry for you dear :sob:

My husband has a work phone, i know the password too. No random woman call and hang up if a woman does call he answers and talk’s because its the office. Nothing shady, no hiding.

Definitely strange 100% trust your gut!!

My company requires a password lock on my phone if I have work apps installed so no its not unusual

My work phones(I had 2… one for lab orders and another for work calls) had locks so other people couldn’t get information. Maybe the woman hung up because she thought she got the wrong number due to you answering, some people won’t say anything.

It’s not worth it. If he wanted you to know about it he would have told you when and where he got this said “ work phone” it obviously has been α secret for α reason


Unless he’s in the FBI :face_with_raised_eyebrow:no need for a secret phone…secretly get your affairs in order and leave.

Locked work phone?? Run it over & leave him! Once the trust is gone, it’s done!

If he told you about it I don’t think it would be a big deal, a lot of guys have a work phone… but why hide it ? and why would a woman hang up when you answered? That seems odd to me. Like why not just tell you that he has a work phone why hide it why have you never seen it before. Something doesn’t seem right. Idk him though :person_shrugging:

You’re not stupid. You know exactly what that phone is used for.

Almost all my work phones have had locks. Companies keep sensitive info. I haven’t had a work phone without one and I’m on my 4th company in 20 years.

It gets worse believe me cut your loses now there’s a better man out there for you trust me

Some women are gullibile on here, if it was a work phone you would have know about it by now If it was a work call she wouldn’t have hung up she would have asked for your husband cos she has a work question.

If it’s a work phone, it should have a lock!
It should not be hidden from the wife though!
And if it was truly a work phone, the person that called, would have asked for your husband!

Ask him for the password!

It would appear as if he is cheating!
If there is nothing to hide…
Hide nothing!

Seem strange? Seriously that’s no work phone smh

Hey is cheating so grab the phone dress to the nine go to his work walk up to the big boss not they supervisor who will cover for him and sat some woman keeps calling my husband said this is this work phone . wait for a response do not ramble.your husband will be pissed and everyone will know what’s a loser he is .he will have to come clean becouse this boss will not want this shit in the company

What I’d do?
Contact his job, ask if he was given a work phone.
Find out who woman calling is. Google, Facebook, whatever.
Locked is understandable. If it is indeed a work phone, there is probably lots of personal info on there from customers that if the phone gets lost…wouldn’t be good info for some stranger to have. The only type of job I know that gives “work phones” is sales.

Take money put it away. Start selling shit off and make sure you are good then leave his cheating ass.

Ummm you answered and she hung up! Sus af!

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You know what it is. A girl wouldn’t hang up if another girl answered especially if it was about work.


Girl, come on, he’s cheating and you know it

You already know. You just have to decide what you are going to do about it. I’m so sorry that you are in this situation and for the pain that you are going through. Rip the bandaid off and deal with the wound.


Take it somewhere and get into it

My husbands work phone has a lock. I don’t think that’s a problem. The problem is that it’s a secret. Sounds fishy to me.

Something seems mighty fishy! Stay on top of this! You know in your heart what’s happening! Why would he not tell you he had a work phone until now?

Having a work phone isn’t unusual , your spouse not knowing about it is unusual lol

RED FLAG…draw the papers up baby he cheating

My work phone has to have a passcode for privacy reasons but my partner knows about it and knows my passcode. Girl, that’s fishy for sure.

I have a locking work phone, but I’m a visiting nurse and my work phone has to be secure as well as the apps we use because of HIPAA. Mine is legit though.
My husband has no reason to have a work phone, so if I found some secret phone he’d have some explaining to do, or I’d run it over :joy:

You really need to ask us? Put all of those pieces together…

Why didn’t he tell her about the phone? Lol :laughing: I mean that’s the real question. He should be able to show her the work convos and apps etc. My man showed me when he got his and we don’t even have trust issues. It’s called communication.

It’s not strange for him to have a work phone with a lock on it. However, it is strange that he never mentioned to you before that he has a work phone and a woman hangs up when you answer it. To me, that is very fishy

I’d cut my losses and run. He’s lied to you, being secreted is a no for me.

Girl, have you never seen breaking bad?

Take the sim card out and put it in your phone and wait :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: … Best of luck to you, i am so sorry this happened… I’d get a jump start on collecting evidence of adultery and start the divorce process… you will win…

My husband had a work phone at his old job and I 100% knew about it and even had the phone number to get ahold of him cause 9 times out of 10 he had that one out and handy during his work day. His has a passcode but I knew it just in case anything happened and I needed to call his boss. That is very weird he kept it a secret… I’d question it and ask to call some of his coworkers to ask about it to see how he reacts

If it’s a work phone and it’s locked that’s ok. But if it’s a locked work phone and a female is calling and you answer and she hangs up :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

It’s not strange the phone is locked, it’s strange he has a second phone you didn’t know about. :triangular_flag_on_post:

He’s up to something especially when a female calls and hangs up the moment they hear another women answer instead of the man

Go with your gut instincts. He’s cheating.

Id cut him up straight out

Huge red flag… my husband has a work phone I know about it and I know the password as I often open texts for him. So him hiding that is real weird and sketchy. The only reason to hide it is when you have something worth hiding!

My husband works in IT. He has a work phone. His work phone contains sensitive information therefore it is required to have a lock screen. Devils advocate — if this woman is someone who works with him and a lady answered his work phone who is not supposed to, she may have hung up thinking she dialed wrong. Idk. Could be a number of things but I wouldn’t assume my husband is messing around because of that. Ask to see that work phone if you’re caught up on it.

Cut your losses and run. He’s obviously up to no good

If the OP can message me I can help.

Secret phone is not a work phone. It’s a cheating phone.

My personal phone has my work email linked to it. As a security feature of the work email is a password on the phone. If it were a work phone you would have known about the phone. You already know what’s up. Trust your instincts.

If a woman calls your husband, you answer and she hangs up, he’s probably cheating. He’s lying saying its a work phone, it’s probably a 2nd phone to cheat on. It’s clear that he’s got something going on with another woman

Secret phone, secret life!
If he won’t show you he is hiding something… my husband had a work phone and I knew about it most husbands would be like oh I got a work phone given to me today not try and hide it sounds like you know what’s going on already