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"I am a plus size girl. That will be important later. I found a pair of socks, panties and a pair of shorts. They are WAY too small to be mine. The socks are Victoria Secrets (I only wear Avia no show socks because they fit properly), a pair of size 15 shorts (i wear a size 18/20) and a pair of panties that are a size 7 in some brand called No Boundaries, I wear a size 8 in Hanes and I only wear Hanes because they are 100% cotton. I asked my husband if he has cheated on me and he started saying “You only do stuff like this (asking if he has cheated) when things are going good, and that he doesn’t have time to cheat on me because he barely has time to sleep” now he doesn’t want me speaking to him. Did I over react when I asked him? Should I of asked him or should I of just thrown the stuff away and forget about it?"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I mean, I’ve found clothes that aren’t mine many times. But I also have kids and people that give us clothes so I just think sometimes people’s things get inside the bags by mistake."
"Obviously something is going on if they are not brand new. If they were new I’d assume they were gifts just in the wrong size. But if they are used I’d absolutely believe he’s cheating."
"Do you have a teenage son?"
"If it’s only you and him and there aren’t others coming and going I’d definitely be concerned."
"Teenage son? Or maybe is your husband experimenting with womens clothes?"
"Is there anyone else they could possibly belong to? I don’t think you were wrong in asking i would’ve too"
"Do you have kids? Do you have guests that come in and out of your home? I think we need more info to determine HOW the clothes got into your home. If its always just you and your husband there then its definitely a red flag to have female clothing that isn’t yours just pop up. I have 3 teenagers & they have friends who come and go. Also I inherited my home recently when my mother passed so between my house, garage,etc I’ve found all kinds of items I wouldn’t typically have laying around in my home. It really depends on if anyone else has access your house."
"Could they be an older pair of yours or a family member? If not he’s definitely had someone in your house…."
"He’s playing mind games don’t give him the chance to do it"
"He’s cheating, and deflecting the blame onto you."
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