I get nervous when my niece is around: Advice?

All the comments about 3 yr olds being 3 yr olds is normal…what???:roll_eyes:
You all have issues about how u manage your children. Sounds like theyre all wild animals!!


Lmao y’all crack me up. A mom had the same situation going on with her husband’s previous kid and you guys were calling her all sorts of stuff :roll_eyes:

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Lmao just wait until your child is 3

  1. 3 is still really young, still a baby in my eyes… My 2 year old is CRAZY. And honestly you should say something in your home to the child, but keep in mind I’m sure the mom already knows her child is acting up.

  2. I have an autistic child who used to misbehave in others homes. She was uncomfortable, over stimulated and had a hard time processing the scenery change. There is a chance there’s more to this child than you know.


Sounds like a typical three year old to me. They’re defiant, and she’s probably exhausted, I literally have to be on my 3yo sons ass 24/7, he tries to do what he wants regardless of punishment. Mind you, my son was an extremely well behaved and agreeable child before he hit this age, they call them threenagers for a reason.

Normal child… They are learning manners at this age how to cover their mouth how to be a human their learning independence…


Lol. She’s 3. This is what 3 year olds do. Lol.

It doesn’t mean that we always just let them, but sometimes you need to sit and relax too.

This is exactly why I don’t take my kids to other people’s houses and unless I know you really well, you’re not invited to mine.


It sounds like she is a normal 3 year old but her mother should be trying to teach her not to do those things. Since she isn’t though, you try to talk and teach her about what she can and cannot do in your home. If she is constantly defiant and doesn’t listen, give her a time out. And like others have said, if her mother doesn’t like it, then her mother can quit bringing her to your house.

If her mother continues to allow the little girl to do what she wants it will be like an incident I seen in a grocery store one day. During peak hours, a child around 6 years old dropped to the floor crying and screaming because their dad said no. The dad did nothing to get the child out of the middle of the aisle so other customers could keep shopping and the mother did nothing when she finally showed up. They just laughed and let her sit there blocking an aisle filled with people. I would have got my ass whooped.

Your child comes first!
Tell the child to be gentle around the baby…doesnt mean that you are being mean, if no one can differentiate that then its time to say things in a nice manner.
Nothing ever good came from not having boundaries :point_up_2:t3:


As a mom tell her your issues and don’t let them in. Meet at places where you can hold your baby the whole time and her kid can run around the park or McDonald’s or anywhere else.

Sounds like her mom needs and ass whooping for not watching her damn kid. It’s your house, put your foot down and tell her to correct her kid or you will.

Any kid that comes into my house is treated like my own (I’d expect the same for my kid in anyone else’s house too). If their parents don’t want to correct them then I will. Luckily I haven’t had to worry about doing this because our friends and family are on point with correcting them.

Uhm. Don’t have more then one kid. (Or space then apart nicely.)

Mom of four here, seven and under. If that gives you anxiety- just Trust me.

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I’ve been around plenty of 3 year olds that don’t throw shit around the house. She needs to be corrected but I feel like the main issue is her being sick. I would never allow my baby to constantly be around a snotty coughing kid lol :hot_face:

Yall are hilarious, you think you know everything about kids till you have a wild child. Shes more than likely doing her best and what works for her kid. Plus all kids are gross. Im sure your baby is pretty gross. Wait 3 years and we’ll see how you feel

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People saying this is normal clearly don’t discipline their kids :rofl: my kid KNOWS better for sure none of that around here. Stay away from that child if her parents don’t feel like raising her right :woman_facepalming:t4:


I would never dream of allowing my kids to act like this in someone else house and especially not around a baby , you need to have a problem with the mother not the child the child is only doing what her mother allows her to do so I would say it’s the mother u need to speak to

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don’t answer the door bell !!!

Speak up and start correcting her. If they stop coming around, the problem solves itself :woman_shrugging:

Regardless of this “normal” debate (not touching that one haha) that’s YOUR home, YOUR baby. You have every right to correct a family member child or their parent. I like the line “excuse me miss, I do not like when you…” nice and loud so the parent can hear. They should step in. If they dont, that’s where you go. Because that in itself would tell me the child lacks correction. It doesnt matter what I allow at home for my kids (5 by the way) but they will not be putting extra stress on other people in their homes. They can park it with me if they cant control themselves. Theres a time and a place. I also wouldnt dream of taking one of mine with symptoms to a new baby. Speak up mama. You’re in the right on this one regardless of what others things because your feelings and concerns are valid.

This normal for a toddler. Just suck it up

Start getting mad. Fuck her feelings :skull:

…so you’re upset because a three year old acts like a three year old?
The world doesn’t stop when a woman becomes pregnant. Kids act up, kids get runny noses, it happens. Your husband shouldn’t have to stop seeing his niece because you’re pregnant…


Normal 3 year old, just wait, my advice


Boy do you have a lot you’re about to learn. Just wait til yours is 3 :joy:


She sounds like a regular 3 year old, that’s what they do :woman_shrugging: if she’s actually disruptive in your home correct her appropriately or ask her mam to, but if you’re the only one who thinks this maybe you might be just a little anxious or protective of your own new baby and when you’re tired things can get on your nerves more x


That’s literally how all 3 year olds are :rofl: if you dont like it then tell the mother not to bring her around until your baby is a little older then.

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If she is in your house correct her or she can leave


Boy are YOU in for a rude awakening :joy::woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


:wave: there are things you can do that will set boundaries in your home, allow a 3 year old to behave like a 3 year old and help everyone involved.

  1. When items are thrown near the baby take the item away say “that isn’t how this toy is to be played with” and redirect the child to a more appropriate toy or project “How about we play over here now” Be willing to sit and play with the kiddo while you are redirecting.

  2. Sniffling, sneezing & coughing. “Oh my that was unexpected, shall we blow your nose/ wash your hands” reward with a high 5 when things are all cleaned up.

Be the auntie you would like your sister in law to be when your child behaves the way hers is now.


My boys didn’t act like that when they were 3 but everyone has different experiences… I also disciplined them. They are now 18 and 16. I personally would not allow a child to act like that in my home, if she doesn’t like others correcting her kid’s behavior then maybe that’s what you should do so she doesn’t want to come around anymore. Your husband can always visit his niece at their place. I’m sure I’m the odd man out here but that’s just me.


That’s NOT how all 3 year old are that’s how unparented children are and they need to behave in public or at others homes… what’s wrong with this lady protecting her baby honestly​:woman_facepalming: u ppl are fucked :joy::joy:


I get what ur saying…but 3yrs old are pretty much like that…HOWEVER, if she is doing things that she is not suppose to do such as throwing things that can potentially hurt someone, including ur baby, and ur sister in law doesn’t say anything…i would tell rhe child myself. If she continues or her mom gets mad…then they can leave. Yes, a 3yr can be wild, but not to where they are going to hurt someone or break things…there still needs to be discipline. 3yrs or not. Ur home, ur rules .


Welcome to the thunderdome!!!


Maybe try to have her involved with the baby. Maybe she’s acting this way because she’s 3 and received a lot of attention before but now there’s a baby and she’s jealous. You can’t punish a child for acting the way they do at that age. You have to build them up and POSITIVELY move forward.

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Not sure why people always are rude… yes it can be normal for a 3 year old to act that way, however throwing things at a baby isn’t ok and needs to be corrected. If she’s sick she shouldn’t be touchy with the baby. She should be assisted with blowing her nose and taught to cough into her arm.


Tell the mom to parent and take care of her brat or don’t come around. That is not how 3 year olds are . that’s how spoiled 3 year olds with no discipline are. If someone’s toddler threw something and hit my baby that kid would get popped and so would the mom for allowing it.


Calm down momma. Its ok to feel like this especially if your a new mommy. I was like this with my first but correct her and let her know not to thro things in your house. She sounds like a normal 3 year old to me. I have 3 babies my 3, 2, and new born I just watched and we corrected things as we went. As far as the runny nose maybe keep her away from babies face. Rsv is bad in little ones faces isnt good cause new babies are so easy to get sick

What about me… Have exact the same problem with my mil that acts like a 3 old and I’m not even kidding!

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Honestly, it’s a 3 year old. You’re gonna understand one day. But a runny nose and such, it’s easy to get them to blow it and wash their hands and face. Jumping on furniture is also normal. Are they going to hurt themselves or others? Then that’s when you correct them. If they are throwing things, that’s to be corrected too.

Mind you it’s a 3 year old… it’s not a tell them once fix all problem. You’ll probably get sick of hearing your voice repeating them not to do something.

But welcome to parenthood. It’s hard regardless. Every child is different, but it’s also a 3 year old. Keep that in mind. That mother is probably extremely tired, just like you will be one day too.


You may have something called postpartum anxiety…which having an infant around a toddler can make us moms ne pies anyways but when we get this postpartum anxiety it makes all the nervous anxiety to the extremes. You will begin to ask yourself what if type questions…
You just wanna keep baby safe.

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That’s honestly typical 3 year old behavior. Seriously. If it’s giving you this much anxiety, don’t be afraid of reaching out to your care provider.

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Set some ground rules. Be honest with her mom and tell her if she can’t control her or teach her how to act at somebody else’s house they’re not welcome. I will not tolerate that in my house if somebody’s child comes over, and they don’t want to parent their child. I will treat them like I do my own. If they don’t like their child being put in the corner or sat down they’re free to leave.

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No I absolutely understand. And I’m pretty upset at some of these comments stating “that’s what 3 year olds does” it’s not. Not if they have good discipline. I have a 3 year old who is amazing around my 4 month old, andni have a 3 year old nephew who is not good around him and I have to watch him like a hawk… it’s not you, I would have a discussion with your husband to talk to her… because its scary…


Having a naughty 3 year old has nothing to do with bad parenting shit is rough and sometimes no matter what you do they don’t listen. But I’d never let my child behave this way in someone else’s home and just sit there


Threenagers​:joy::joy::joy: they don’t give a shit​:flushed::flushed: literally


I’ll be the mean one!! SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN!!! You are more than welcome to come over but you will behave or your not welcomed anymore. Including the mother.


You have a newborn. Just wait until you have a 3 yr old, and hope no one judges your kid and parenting so harshly.


I have a 3 year old and a now 9 month old. First I’d like to say not all 3 year olds act this way so it’s not a complete “rude awakening” some children like to test things especially when there is a new person (personally it’s any aged kid) I have a cousin that is 5 almost 6 that is very active and we have to remind him to calm down around the crawling baby. Simply put, it’s your baby, your house. You’ve expressed your feelings to your husband, act as the mother you are they dont like it they are able to talk to you just the same. Your figuring out the parent you are.

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Not okay. 3 year olds do not all act like that. Running around isn’t a big deal, but if you are throwing things at my baby I’m going to flip out real quick.


Sounds like a regular 3 year old to me, don’t let it stress yourself out, I’ve seen a bunch of kids do this around their younger sibling.

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I would be concerned about the three year old throwing toys around. And jumping all over the furniture, be honest with the mother, let the mother know your rules in your home and if she doesn’t want to listen, you’ll have to say no to visiting, if you don’t say anything, the resentment will build and one day you will explode, make sure the three year old has age appropriate toys, maybe get some playdough and crafty stuff for her to do. If kids are bored. They misbehave.

Yes those of us with toddlers have been through this. You will too, don’t judge so much and if it bothers you simply resend your invitation.


The mother needs to correct her child.Yes 3 year olds run around and climb on furniture etc but when it comes to throwing things and hitting your baby,your husband needs to step up and say something and if the 3 year old is sick then he/she shouldn’t be allowed around your baby until they are better.And for the record not all 3 year olds are bad.You teach them right from wrong so being 3 isn’t an excuse.They need to be taught discipline.

Also I would tell her that I would prefer her not to come around when they are sick. Not when the baby is so young.

I have no problem correcting someone else’s child if they’re acting up in my home. I also don’t let sick people in the door. If your husband won’t confront his sister then grow a spine and say something yourself. Toddlers are little terrors and it’s typical behavior… but sometimes their actions need corrected… that’s how they learn.


I would just be honest with the mom. Don’t bring your sick kid around my baby. With the child’s behavior, as annoying as it is, it’s on the realm of normal. When you have a three year old you will understand. Maybe if she starts throwing stuff ask her to come over to you and distract her with something she can “help” you do for the baby.


First of all this kid sounds like any normal 3 year old. Second stop going around them :woman_shrugging: its that easy. Stop allowing them into your house until you have been an adult and been honest with both of them. Let this woman know how absolutely disrespectful she is letting her daughter be and that its disgusting to potentially get an infant sick. You are a parent so you need to speak up, if your husband thinks its alright then make sure he knows he will be to blame when your child is sick or gets hurt from this other child. Idk about you but if someome brings their kid to my house, that kid is going to listen to my rules :woman_shrugging: if she is so sensitive about others correcting her kid but doesnt correct the child herself then you need to correct them both at the same time to get the point across.

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Just wait until that adorable little infant turns into a toddler. But if mom doesn’t correct her throwing toys, I absolutely would. The running around and climbing all over things is inevitable. And I would be very blunt about illness!


Just wait til yours is 3. Lol. I know exactly how you feel though. It’s your natural instincts. Can also be linked to post partum mental illnesses. Dont blame the toddler for being a toddler.

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So you don’t want “your husband’s” niece around? Because she acts like a 3year old does?you do realize she is your niece too correct? Man you are in for a big surprise :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


I’m going to post on this page in 2 years and ask how your life is going with your perfect 3 year old​:upside_down_face::joy:


Whoop a kids ass… That’s what I do… Let a kid throw something and it hit anyone’s baby, mine or not, and I’m getting up to smack that ass/thigh/hand and correct them. IDC who disagrees either, that’s why YOUR kid gets participation awards :roll_eyes:


Whether the mother is sensitive about others correcting her kid or not, your child’s safety is involved and I would do it anyway… especially if she is in YOUR house.


Wow negative Nancy’s on here like 3 year old shes a child not a soldier find something to entertain her with distraction is the key tell her her behaviour is wrong in a nice way all toddlers do this am a mother of 2 toddlers and have step kids and the all had phases of acting up sometimes it takes weeks of routine training amd trying new techniques be the auntie u want for your child this is all new and a think your being over cautious reward charts are good to get her to help with the baby teach her things etc may take weeks months or could click in to place NO CHILD IS THE SAME THERE ALL DIFFERENT WELCOME TO MOTHER HOOD


I wouldn’t let anyone who’s sick around my child hunni! When it comes to my child I will set you straight and your not being crazy or anything your just doing your job ! Just don’t babysit or just let them know you need some you time and the baby…let her keep the lil girl at home cause I have 0 tolerance for any kids to come in my house and jump on my furniture and throw stuff around …oh hell no that’s y theirs a playing room for every child hunni not in my living room :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:! Your husband can’t step in then you step up and don’t let them come over until it’s a family occasion or to see the bb !


Ok a “normal 3 year old” y’all just accept a child is supposed to act like that. Not all children act like that or behave like that. Her point is the mother doesn’t do anything to correct her which is probably why the child acts that way and thinks she can do whatever she wants. Her problem seems to be more of the child throwing things and hitting her baby which I’m sorry I’d be raising hell if that happened to mine and the mother of the child didn’t correct because I would’ve said something to both mother and child. And then there’s the fact that the child has symptoms of being sick rather it’s a cold or more, or even allergies y’all realize it’s very easy for a baby to catch rsv or the flu?? That’s this lady’s concern and I share it with her there’s nothing wrong with being overprotective over her daughter. And for those saying the husband shouldn’t have to not get to see his niece over this? HIS CHILD comes before his niece, in that sense the aunt and niece should stay away if they’re sick and if she can’t control her child in the mother’s home, they need to respect the boundaries and decisions this mother decides to place for the safety and well being of her own child.


I see a lot of people saying that’s normal 3 year behavior. I disagree. I used to teach 3s I had a couple who would do these things occasionally but they would stop or at least tone it down a bit when redirected. My daughter also never did those things as a 3 year old. I’m not shaming at all, I’m in no way a perfect mom. But it sounds like the child needs a little redirection. Maybe give her a task to do or help with, possibly something a little destructive that isn’t actually destructive? Play a game where she throws all the soft stuffed toys into a bin as hard as she can. Explain to her that the baby is little and can get hurt really bad if she throws things at him/her. Ask if she has ever had something hit her and how it made her feel then explain that the baby would feel the same way. Toddlers can be and are hard as hell but if mom is ignoring the behavior, niece might be increasing the intensity of the negative behavior to get more attention from someone. This is just some things I would try :heart:


Tell me this post is a joke. She’s three… NO SHIT. You’ll feel differently when your baby is a toddler. If you don’t like it, hold your baby or go to another room.


If a child is in my home under my roof, damn right I’m going to correct him or her. As for the child being sick, I’d put my foot down and say “no more visits until your little one is better.” My nephew would come over here and there for my mom to babysit and EVERY TIME he had a runny nose and a cough. Of course my daughter being older and loves baby dolls, she pampered him like a baby doll…she wound up sick with bronchitis and having to do her breathing treatments every 4-6 hours when the cough was bad. My babygirl got hit with that sickness hard. Drove me nuts. Like c’mon dude…your kid is sick; Take him back home and take care of him.


Sounds like a normal 3 yr old to me (they are all defiant and persistent) I’m dealing with my terrible two and it is really hard as fuck. Main reason why I don’t bring him to anybody’s home or anywhere else unless its emergency. I know how painful and hard it could be to others especially when there is a baby, or anything my toddler could damage/ wreck or scratch 🤦 I’d rather keep him home 💁

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Your house, your baby, your rules. Tell the mom which behaviors are unacceptable and she has to control it. Maybe she can bring some toys, a puzzle or activity along. Or she’s got to just allow the 3 yo to watch TV to distract her during a visit. Generally I expect others to tell me if they or their kids are ill before a visit. It is so inconsiderate of people to go around pregnant women or babies when they are not 100% healthy.

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First off. No that’s not okay for her to be defiant
That’s not “normal 3 year old” behavior . I’ve seen 3 year olds better behaved than 6year olds. to be honest who cares if her mother gets mad! Your husband should understand especially when it comes to things hitting the baby in past events. If she cannot behave she should not be around ! Especially if she is not being corrected .
You have a reason to be worried about her being sick because that’s a new baby they are fragile . So set your boundaries momma. It’s your baby only you know what’s beta !!!


Just wait till your lil Angel is three. Lol


In your home you have the right to correct that child’s behavior. Your husband should support you.

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Three year olds are nuts. If you’re lucky enough to have a well behaved one or you actually stay on them constantly then that’s great.
The problem here is you… not anyone else. You need to stop caring what your sister in law thinks and be firm. Stop relying on your husband to care or say something. If she doesn’t like what you have to say then too bad :woman_shrugging:t2:. As long as you’re on point and not rude, how she reacts is on her. Your child is your number one priority.


You’re being precious bc you don’t understand what you’re in for in the years to come!
I know someone like this. Just wait till your baby isn’t a baby anymore…

Nah you’re absolutely right to be concerned. I don’t know how to handle this situation without pissing someone off… But you should have some say so over what happens in your space, especially when you have pregnancy or infants involved. Dont be tiptoeing around people. It’s your well being and the well being of your baby were talking about here. So you should be able to ask for more respect from your friend in your own home.

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No one should let you feel uncomfortable in your own home. Doesn’t matter if the person is 1 or a101. You’re responsible of what goes on in your home anything happened to anyone in your home you will be the one to answer the why when and how questions. Take control of your home do not expect anyone do it for you. Protect your family the best way you know how.

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You’re a new mom. You’re not use to children. I think every new mom has been in your shoes. But you need to realize what’s normal and what’s not normal behavior. 3 year olds are learning and they’re testing the limits because they don’t know any better. These are good qualities because it means they’re not psychopaths. If they misbehave, and the Mother isn’t helping, correct them in a loving way. Redirect. If the child is sick, stand up and take control instead of waiting on your husband and let them know this isn’t a good time for a visit. At the end of the day, you need to use your voice and stop being afraid. You are a role model now. Time to start acting like one.

Practice now other wise parenting going to eat u alive when u have a 3 year old

Um I wouldnt allow any of my own children to do that around their own siblings so no one else’s kids get to.

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Children should not be hitting a newborn with stuff and mom doing nothing about it. They should not be running all over furniture, created havoc…in someone else’s house and being allowed to continue.

I would tell the mom that her child needs to be corrected or, although you live them both (if you do), they will not be welcome in your home with your newborn.

I wonder what goes on in her home. Is there a father, other siblings. Why is she being neglectful?

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Why does everyone accept that this is ‘normal’ 3 year old behaviour? Respect for others’ property and other people not a thing we teach anymore? My three year olds (four of them) did not behave that way because they weren’t undisciplined, disrespectful and rude.

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I’m not sure what “normal” is. But my daughters were not defiant. And they did not misbehave in other people’s home. They also knew to be extremely cautious around babies. Yes, they were taught this. I was a very, on my toes, mom. Your home is your comfort zone. Don’t let anyone take that away.

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To every saying that’s normal 3 year old behavior, i am going to pray for your children. Being defiant to your parent is a LEARNED behavior. It’s not something children are hard wired to do.
If anyone is bringing an unruly child to YOUR house then you have a right to correct the behavior and if the mom doesn’t like that she can leave.
It’s one thing for a child to get into things in new places, it’s a whole different ball game when the child is throwing things with a newborn around. :roll_eyes:

Damn i hope it gets better …the mom is weird for being offended by disciplining her