I got accepted to a program I really want but don't want to leave my kids: Advice?

I recently got accepted into the program for the field that I want to be in. I was obviously super excited, but as the start day inches closer, I am so overwhelmed and stressed about it. I have twins that just turned two, and I’ve been a stay at home mom since I had them. Once I start this program, I will be gone M-F at least 6 am-6 pm, and I have never been away from my kids that much, the longest I’ve ever been away is an overnight stay with their grandparents. I know once I started working, I would be away from them about that much as well, but I just fear that at this age, they will not understand why mommy isn’t there with them. My sister that I trust with them, will be keeping them while I am in class; however, I can’t shake the anxiety. What if something happens? What if they get choked on something? What if they fall and get really hurt? I know she can take care of them, and I know these things could happen while I am there, but I’m not sure why I can’t get over this anxiety. My husband had told me that the choice is obviously mine to make, but I’m just not sure what to do. Once I start the program, I have to finish out at least the first semester, or else it will cause problems with my financial aid. I can stay home for another 1.5 years until the program enrollment begins again, or I can go ahead and start. Just wanting other mamas opinions, thank you


Start your program!! Kids are resilient and they will love you no matter what! Plus it’s nice your sister will be with them !


You will regret it if you don’t do it. Just try to make the time you do have with your kids count


They are 2? They won’t remember. Do what’s in your child’s best interest, for their future. I would never hold it against my mom if she did this, I would be proud of her. Do your school!!

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Do it now or you’ll always wonder what if. The babies will be fine


Your feelings are definitely normal. But don’t pass up a good opportunity because of it. Kids adjust fine and they will be with someone you trust. I would go for it!


You’ll be just fine do your program. It’s natural to feel this way once you get into your daily “flow” everything will be just fine. Congress


i have to start working full time here in the next few months and my anxiety is shot… the most my daughters even let someone watch her was 4 hours before the bloody murder scream started.

Hello, I wanted to send an email but the link isn’t working? Am I missing something?

I was the provider when I had my first born. I didn’t work longer than a year because my child needed me not a paycheck. My job started a work from home program and it was hard but being home my child learned to crawl stand and walk finally and was eating good. When I got pregnant with my second born I was laid off and I never went back. I busted my ass for my career but a paycheck isn’t what my kids needed from me and I couldn’t give give my career the focus it needed from me. I have been a stay at home mom since the lay offs and I have no regrets. Seeing my first born suffer so much without me changed my drive.

My kids are also on the Autism Spectrum and I am a therapist/social service provider so I couldn’t abandon my kids to care for other families in ways my kids needed. :no_good_woman:t2::no_good_woman:t2:

Think about the rainbow when the stress is gone. Regret is a heavy burden on you down the road… sending good vibes

As a working mom, I can tell you your kids will be just fine. Go for your dreams. It’s perfectly ok to be a mommy and still be you and do things to better yourself and focus on your personal goals. It serves also as an example for your kids of a strong, independent mother figure who is capable of balancing everything, including time with your kids. You got this.


Start the program. The kids will be fine. I understand having anxiety about leaving them but in all honesty, its going to bother you way more than it does them. Parents have a right to make their dreams come true. If you pass this up, you could resent it later.

You will have the same worries and feeling in 1.5years time, it’s a natural feeling as a mother.
Your sister will be fine and you will see them at the end of each night, keep up to date throughout the day. You are lucky to have the childcare around you.
Go for it. Do it for them and yourself for the future :slightly_smiling_face:

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Go start your program, your babies will be fine, you’ll miss them and they’ll miss you but everything will work out fine. It’s good that you have family support.

Start leaving them with your sister for short time, then a little longer. Get toys jumbo crayons and paper for them.
Tell them why you are away from home and where you are going and why you are going.
Soon they will be asking you if you are not going to class.
Observe all Covid 19 protocols so you don’t place them in danger.

It’s normal to feel this way. You need to out way your choices. You can do this now or 1 1/2 years from now. The children does need time away from you . Otherwise they will cry every time you do want someone else to watch them. Try 1 hour a week.Then move it up . See how that goes. You’ll learn to enjoy these breaks over time. Good for them and you. Just make sure who ever watches your children share your values. Good luck in your decision.

Agree on all the comments, kids blossom and become independent beauty’s. Do it while they are young it’s becomes normal quicker for them, but as a family the rewards are endless. Good luck, they will love their special time with you more

Personally if you can do it in 18 months time, I’d do that.They are still young and to be away for 12 hours a day is a long time and you’ll never get that time back.By the time they are 3½ they’ll be more independent and possibly at nursery.Don’t beat yourself up, if you are that stressed about it wait and do it later.x

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Earlier The Better They Wont Remember Now Do Whats Best For You


Do the program. You will probably regret it if you don’t. To help ease your anxiety, have your sister take a cpr and first aid class through the Red Cross or local fire department. That way if for some reason they do get hurt or choke she’ll know how to properly help them. The anxiety will go down after you get started and get into a routine. I cried the firs time I had to go to work after my son was born (he was 2 weeks old) and I was gone for less than 6 hours. The next time was easier and the time after that was easier than the last. I still miss him when I’m gone, but I trust my mom with him and I am thankful to be bettering my education so I can give him a better future.

You’ll do great, momma. Just hang in there and get this education program done so you can show your babies their momma can do anything.


At this age kids are very adaptable. They most likely won’t even remember later in life. Now is the time to do it because once they get older it will just be harder. For them and for you. You all have a good support system so they won’t be doing without anything. Push through the anxiety by telling yourself you’re only a phone call away and they have their dad too. They aren’t suffering and you’ll make your time you do have together count!


Best to do it while they are young so you can be there when they will really need their mom.


If you’re having this much anxiety and don’t feel peace with it, I would say wait and stay home with them. It will push your dream back a little bit but that’s what us mamas do. It doesn’t mean you won’t do it you’re just waiting for a better time for it. Ultimately it’s completely up to you. I hope it all works out for you!


Do this for and your babies. Sounds like a great opportunity! Dont pass it up. You’ll figure everything out. Congratulations!


I have twins and I started them in kohanga to do my own thing at 18months, they will honestly be fine! First few days are always the hardest but once they grasp that u will always come back to them they will be fine👌🏻

Do it. There’s no saying if there will be a later for you to try again. If you have regrets the kids will notice and you have to be an example for them. Because if they ever need inspiration you are the one they will look to.


I’m Not a mother…but imo. The môre you find reasons Not to start the longer it will take to start making a better life for you n your kids… May regret it if u don’t take the opportunity when it is presented

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Do it ! Honestly your anxieties won’t change much in a year they will adapt . Of course there is going to be the odd day that there will be tears but they will adapt . Have your sister take first aid to ease your mind . I say take your course and once your done you can either just start job hunting or take a mama break with your babies . Tommorow never comes !


Your children are only little for a very short time. You can never get another chance in the early years of life as you obviously stated you can go to school at a later date. If you can financially afford staying at home and you enjoy raising your kids then there is your answer!


I actually just went through this situation. I graduated in may. I had to leave my babies home alone. Taught them how to do their own laundry, look after one another. Adjust to a new life. No summer camp, no time to take them on vacations, and you know what, they did wonderful! Just be prepared to have to count on others. You got this mama!!!


Do it now! You’ll be glad you got the 1.5 year in by the time they are 4 !


I would do it now. Do you remember when you were 2 or when you were 6 or when you were 10? If you get it done now, you don’t have to go to work right away if you don’t need to. But you have the option. I personally think being there for their preteen and teen years is more important… whatever you decide though will be fine. Hugs.


You won’t ever get the time back with your kids, but the job will always be there!!!

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Do it now… you got this.

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Do the program. Kids can adapt to any situation. As long as they are safe and taken care of, you should do what you need to do.


Listen to your gut. If you are feeling this much dread and anxiety and really do not want to be away from them then stay home. Maybe try a few days with their new caretaker. A few hours each day??


Stay home. You are a woman first, a mate second, and a mother third. Work/education comes in as a mere 4th.

For me if I put it off I doubt I go back to it. You’ll probably have the same anxiousness next year. Seperation anxiety Will be worse.

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You are going to raise your children to emulate you. Set a good example. Take this job and don’t look back. You need to be the best you so that they can be the best them


Do it now. The sister can take care of the kids. Just pay her weekly for the two kids


I went back to school when my kid was 16 months. It was a huge adjustment but we’ve been making it work!

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Mama. You are more than a mother! You have youre own goals, dreams and aspirations outside of your mothering journey. Take a great opportunity!


I think you should stay home with your babies… just because you will regret not having this time with them and they are only this young once. I was working full time and when I had my first babygirl I decided to be a stay at home mommy and now have another babygirl and it’s so worth it. I will eventually go to school after they get a bit older but want to soak up all this time with them being this little and enjoy it :heart: Work and school will always be there when they are a bit older mama. Just don’t want you to regret anything do what you feel is right and what your heart wants


They will adjust a lot easier then you! Do it now, you got this mama


Do it I had 3 children and I had to go back to work when they were 6 weeks old Yes it was hard they were 3 years apart but thank GOD I had family around that took good care of them I did regret not being there for them but I had to work to provide for them


All that stuff can happen even if you are with them. Once you start going to school it will get easier every day. They will be fine.


Stay home! They are only little once!! I was a sahm and don’t regret it at all. I wanted to raise my kids.


There is a light at the end of the tunnel, they are young enough not to remember so go for it.

Start your program. The kids will be fine and it sounds like you have someone very trustworthy to care for them. Your family will naturally adjust. It’ll be fine!


Everything you’re doing to better yourself is also for your kids. Only you can make the decision but focus on the finish line and the way it will change your entire family’s lives.


Do it I quit school when I was 16 regretted it went back when I was 34 glad I did plus I’m a cancer survivor

See if you can do part time or online, I am working part-time and am still getting the most time with my child

I say go for it! You obviously applied for the program and got accepted because you were a good fit. Kids adjust so quickly at that age and the hours are only temporary. My suggestion as a single mom who did the college bit, wake up early do your chores and plan out meals, prep food after grocery shopping, having assigned days for chores, and when you get home or days off, be with your kids. They’ll grow up knowing hard work pays off by watching you be Their example.


Do it! Try one semester

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From experience I would highly recommend for you to do it. Don’t prolonge it now because you’ll be in the same situation in the future. It’s better to do it now so when they older you’ll be finished and have time to spend time with them. Anyways they won’t remember much at 2 years old. And importantly it’s okay to have those anxious worries but at the end of the day you must remind yourself that everything will be okay


Go! My boys were 5 and 3 when I started my nursing program. It was a very tough 2 years and I felt like I never slept because any free time I had I wanted to spend with them. But those 2 years passed and now I’m an RN and am able to provide them with a very comfortable life, and have job security. They don’t remember it. Go go go!

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I would embrace the opportunity and go to school. My biggest regret and cause of a lot of problems was not finishing college and staying home instead.

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Stay home with them. They are only little once.

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Do it! I am away from my two hear old 7am-530 everyday and she goes to daycare, she loves daycare and is always excited to see me when I pick her up! In the end! Your babies will thank you for it

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Totally go for it!!! I’m 37 and had to leave my last college attempt because of baby and I regretted not going back right away, I even could have given birth and then started the following week but didn’t. I do regret it. I will be going back next fall or poss winter. My youngest is finally 4 and if I had a spouse or someone to watch my kids I’d sooooooo go. For the first little while you will be nervous about leaving but once things don’t happen and you see the schedule going well it will ease all the anxiety, best of luck

It wears on u fast. Your going to miss ur kids. Jobs will always be there. Ut watching them grow and spending time with u will not. You can not go back and make memories.


This first couple of weeks are hard but it gets easier with time. Your kids will understand and will just be that much more excited to see you when you get home. I had a hard time leaving my little one at first but I knew personally for my sanity it had to happen. I cried quite a bit that first week but I learned to enjoy and get excited about seeing her at the end of the day and knowing she would be so happy!

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If you feel that much anxiety about it I would wait. I’m a stay at home mom also and wouldn’t jump right it to leaving my kids that long everyday.

If your husband will support you and pick up some slack, I say do it , you sister will love your kids as only a auntie can and they you and your family will be better for it .

Try it. The kids will be fine.

Do the program <3 I went thru the samething when my oldest was 18 months still breastfeeding it was god awfully miserable for him literally cried for 2 hrs but I droped him off at a daycare. I was away from him from 7 am to 5 pm then again 6 pm to 9 pm… now he is 5 and he thanks me everytime he goes he calls the fun place. My point is they adapt and the break from mommy gets some courage for indepedance.

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Do it! In 1.5 years you will feel the same exact way as you do now, so get it over with.

Do the program momma, yes it will be really hard the first couple of days. I just went back to work a few days ago after having my son just over a year ago. It’s hard to leave him but for me knowing that I will see him in a few hours (I’m only working part time right now) and I call while I’m in break to check on him.

I just finished a 13 months LPN program. M-f 4-10pm.

My son was 18months when i started, and 2.5 when i finished. It was though being away from him everyday. Near the end it was 3-11… and i would need to leave around 1:30 to drop him off at my parents. But its for his future.

Its hard, but will go by fast

That anxiety will never go away as a parent. You will always worry about what might happen while you aren’t there, but you can’t be there all the time forever. Do the program. It’s something for you and it’s a great influence on your kids for you to better your life and theirs.

Do it! Kids are resilient and adaptable. After a few weeks, they won’t know the difference.

I worked full time with my kids. At least with those hours you’ll get to see them every night and all weekend. Do what feels right in your heart. They are not going to remember you not being there especially at that age and especially if you make the time you do have count. I do get the struggle cause I’ve always questioned myself but in the end I had to work but it won’t get easier to make that choice as they get older either. Now on baby 3 I’m dropping to part time but I feel like it’s more for my oldest then the others. She notices a lot more that I’m not home so I’m glad I worked my butt off when she was younger so I can be home more now. Everyone’s situation is different so do what you feel is right for you. Edited to add they may notice you leave or look for you here or there but they won’t remember you were gone when your back. My 2 yr old always gets super excited to see me when I come home or when we wake up but she doesn’t pout all day or anything while I am at work.

My advice is you can always go to school. You can never get back that time they are little.


They’ll be fine and so will you. One day they’ll be able to look back at the sacrifices you made to be a stronger mama to them and love you more for it! Don’t give up on your dreams simply because you’re a mom. Motherhood only gets more hectic as kids age.

Maybe get a baby monitor/camera that you can connect to on your phone to check on them throughout the day or video chat on your breaks.

Do the program your children will understand and know that you do it all for them and just make sure you set some time aside just for them so they know you still there

Go ahead and do it now that are small and you have the help from someone you can rely and trust. It’ll definitely be worth it in the long run!

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It’s up to you you have to weigh up the pros and cons. I am a stay at home and have been for 7 years. My youngest is 4 next month. I have loved being there for my kids. I will hopefully be starting a course next year. If you want to stay home a bit longer and can do the course in the future why not if you can afford to wait. Good Luck whatever you decide :slight_smile:

How long is the program? Can you explain in words they can understand that you will be going to school for a while each day but that you will come home to them in the pm they should adjust before too long.

Oh momma you’ve got this! Your twins are at the perfect age because it’s not the quantity of time you spend with them IT’S THE QUALITY! Dinner (obviously made ahead) baths, alittle play time and bed! Evenings were always my favorite time with my 4 kids and you are benefiting the whole family by focusing on your future.

They need u n ur time and they won’t be this little forever u can always do ur programme later :slightly_smiling_face:

For them nobody can take ur place

I’m in a similar vote I’ve been home with my kids for 6 years but have been on income assistance last year I did up grading to qualify for going back to school into the health care field daycare as well as babysitters are going to be almost raising my kids it feels like but I know if I don’t go through with it our future isn’t going to be easy

They’ll be fine also the fact that they are younger is a plus. Think about how much harder it will be in a year and a half from now

Start it, mama. The sooner you start it, the sooner it’s done. If you leave it, you may never do it. I left finishing my nursing degree until “the baby would be able to handle mum not being there”. Nearly 8 years later, I still haven’t done it as I always find an excuse regarding my child :expressionless:

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go ahead and start as this is a positive thing for you and them as it provides for your futures

You will always worry love it goes with the role of mum x go for it just tell them mum will be back at such a time x they will have fun and get used to you not being there its you that will worry not them go for it x

Do it. Seriously. Yourl thank yourself for it !!

Do it. Go back, better yourself for you and for them!!

You should do it! Honestly, being gone at 2 is way better then leaving them alone at 15. They won’t even remember you being gone. You’ll be providing a better life for them and you deserve to do something for yourself.


12 hours is a really long day. When you come home you will be really tired, likely have homework, housework, etc. If financially you can swing it, in a year and a half, your kids will be a lot more independent. I worked too much when my kids were young and still regret to this day.


I’d do it. It’s a sacrifice, but it’ll fly by and will be worth it at the end. Maybe now is a good time as they won’t really remember that you weren’t there. It’s not like you’re abandoning them.


Go for it! They will adapt and you will too! :heart: Go talk to your doctor about a light anxiety helper to get you ghrough the initial feelz! Good luck, best wishes, go you!


The anxiety is normal, the only thing that will make it go away, us just living it. After each day goes by and you see they are ok, you are ok, it will be easier. Your leaving them with your sister who you trust. You need to pursue your happiness. It will make you a better parent in the long run. I promise you will be so,so,so glad that you did!!! Just get out there and do it mama!!!


I had the same anxiety and once I made up my mind to just do it, it was the best decision. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Anyway, if you take the job and it don’t work out you can always quit and return to your stay at home mom status.


Unfortunately these days both parents have to work and if your going to school to be able to work a career.then by all means go for it now while your all set to go.they will be fine and this is going to better there lives to in long run.do it while they won’t remember it when your done then wait till older.i wish I’d have done it


You can’t be there all the time. Eventually there will come a time when they will have to deal with things that you won’t be able to help them with in the moment. At the end of the day. You are not just their mom. You are your own person and deserve to live your dreams. They are still young and although it may feel like it, they will probably not remember the fact that you were gone. It won’t negatively affect them in the long run. Most children have two parents that work and spend a significant amount of time away from home. Ask yourself this. Will there be another opportunity like this? If so, you can probably put it off for another couple of years. If not, make sure you are at peace with the decision to let your dream go and be a full time mom.


A career you love is important for you and those kids. You’ll hate yourself if you dont do it. I went to school. Mine are 6,5, and 2. My youngest was 2 weeks old pst csection when I started. I knew what I wanted in a career and what THEY needed. They will hurt and miss you. Mine do and I work alot. I keep in mind its temporary. You only get one time with your kids. Need to be sure that this career is what’s not only in your best interests but theirs.


Do it! Tomorrow or a year from now is not guaranteed. It’s completely normal to have anxiety about leaving your kids, but you will be home for dinner and to give them all the love putting them to bed. Be the role model they deserve and do something for you.


I wish I did my program right away. I started than stopped for a little “break”( ended up being 9 years later) finally went back and finished my degree. Wish I would have never taken the break. Been doing a job now i could never advance at. And with the COVID now I can’t get in my degree. Go for your degree program now while they are young and you are signed up for it otherwise you may not go back later and regret it