I guess i need to vent and not feel attacked for once

Is he watching them when he takes time off? Doing any work around the house? If so then let him but if not then don’t. Rules for claiming child is person that has them most of the year and supports them financially. If he doesn’t do any extra you claim them and give him a little bit for his small bit of contribution and pay the bills and put the rest up for the future when it is needed. And have a talk with him about it. Put your foot down.

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cut your losses and leave

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No he’s using you and now wants to use the child to make money so he can be a lazy loser. Get rid of him.


Nope he wouldn’t be claiming nothing he’d be out looking to rent his own space I had this problem with my x too put stuff in the cart when it’s time to pay he’d be nowhere in site

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At this point depends on who got the child tax credit payments of you opted to have it…whomever received it, needs to claim the child otherwise you’ll owe that money back and they’ll pay the other person who is claiming the child. Stay safe and be aware that he may only just want money.

He will continue to have this work ethic no matter what you do. And no he shouldn’t. Take the tax money and leave.


You are working the most you claim both tell him to either start working all the time or be done he wouldn’t change as long as your with him been there done that

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Time for him to go. When he can support himself and help support kids then discuss the topic again. Go get full custody and kick him to the curb for now. As long as you take care of him, he will let you

Tell him to fucking man up and be a fucking man. Go to work you dosser. You got fucking children. Your wife shouldn’t even be working truth be told. Be a fucking man

Show the muppet that.

He’s using you and is a loser. He cannt be responsible for his family and that’s a red flag. He won’t change! No he shouldn’t get any tax refund. You need it for bills


Sounds like my ex husband leave him he will never change

So my grandfather told me with my ex… He said I see you rowing the boat in the lake and he is sitting in the back enjoying the ride. Now at the time I was thinking what are you talking about he was so right!!! But sounds like you are going through the same situation. You would do better on your own :revolving_hearts:


You provide more than 50% monetarily for their needs. That means YOU claim them.


Id kick his butt out and get a parenting plan and let the courts decide taxes. We trade off every other year. He sounds like a bum, I would be so resentful I couldnt stand seeing him

I wouldn’t be able to stay with him and he wouldn’t be claiming any child. What do you need him for? He’s a loser


This reminds me of my little girls dad… Leave his ass NOW!

As a family unit if u both claim one kid you will get more money back. I would let him claim one and tell him the tax money that comes in is YOURS. If he does t like it… he needs to leave. Also, a full time employment is a requirement to live in your home. He he doesn’t feel like he need to work full time hours…. He can leave. Good luck. He sounds like a spoiled mama’s bit that never had to grow up

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Throw away the whole man… start fresh & single… you’re already a single mom in a relationship.


Nope time for him to, he’s never going to change


He wants to claim he’s a child yet he acts like one …a man will only do what you allow him to …require him to work or u got more problems than just your taxes


He should be the one providing for you because of the kids. You didn’t make those babies by yourself so he needs to either pay 50% or he’s got to go. You claim the kids not him cause you’re the one that put in the work.

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Nope! You are doing more than your share and then some! Sounds like pure laziness on his part and he should care enough to work like a man! Something has to change or you will run yourself into the ground physically and mentally! Never give a man that much power!:heart:

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Not if he hasn’t provided more than 50% of the children’s expenses. Make sure you file first though because they will give them to whomever files first.

Tell him he’s an adult and needs to work full time. You need those taxes to get ahead or save for his lack of consistent income.

The problem will continue past tax season… Time to get that straight or be resentful for ever…


Did he help support the child for at least 6 months of the year? If not then he can not claim said child on his taxes. That being said sounds like you have some choices to make. You need to set clear boundaries with him and tell him that he needs to contribute to the family or he needs to go because you should not have to support a grown man on top of your child.


Have him take some of the bills. We split up the bills at our house.

Claim your children…and get away from him.

You need to have a serious sit down with him and let him know you aren’t doing “as well” and he may think and he needs to stop taking days. If they offer people to go he needs to offer to stay. Or find a better paying job. Also with the taxes, you may make more if he were to claim him where he makes less, but it’s usually the mother, and you could say where he already gets a better tax return due to him making less, you need the kids to help you give you the return you get. :woman_shrugging:t3:
Good luck! :two_hearts:

He is doing less and less work. You are supporting the household. Honestly, by the sounds of it I wouldn’t let him claim anyone, I’d save up money without telling him and leave. If you’re gonna be doing it alone and he’s just along for the ride then it is time to go.

I think he should step up and be the man!

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So I’m assuming he didn’t like to work and these behaviors are knew before you got together so it was a great idea to have kids?

Nope claim the kids, save up and work fewer hours with the tax money throughout the year. Kick him to the curb.


Lazy. Set boundaries NOW. Otherwise it will never change.

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Nope. You work, you do most, don’t let him do it. You earned that. My husband carries our 6 because he makes more, works more, and pays everything. I mean we have 1 account that we both contribute too, but he contributes more.

No he sounds lazy to me

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I lived w a bf just like this and I finally had my breaking point…I went and bought a brand new truck to have reliable transportation and booted him. He would game all day… work when his booze money ran out and work only enough hours to pay his car pmt. I was paying everything else… from rent to 2 additional car pmts, all insurance, all the bills. Its been 25 years and I’m better off without him. Good luck.

Sounds like you have more of a dependent than a boyfriend. That’s a no-go!


You should!! You work way too hard and long for him to try and take over some free money…

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He might be suffering from depression or some other disorder that’s causing an imbalance. Men are naturally designed to work and provide. So if you want to keep him you should get him help

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You’ll prolly get more if you claim them tbh from the sound of it do yall pay someone to watch the kids? Cause if so tell him this he can either be a stay at home dad or he can work full time child care is very expensive and if he Doesn’t wanna work anyways might as well cut out an expense

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Tell him how you feel and if he doesn’t change his ways, leave.

Girl put him out. You already doing it all alone :cry:


I think you should find a man not a little boy to take care of . Good luck! I agree that would get old

You’re head of house hold. You claim the kids. If he wanted to work and tried but just made less it’d be a little different.

I also think you should leave him. You need a real man that will help provide.

I think mom should claim children always unless married and filing together. Always. Women always claim your babies. My friend didnt get one stimulus or child tax credit or refund because he baby dad claimed her and baby as dependents. They separated and she has daughter full time and he got all the money and kept it.

Why are you with this bum? Throw the whole man away…your doing it on your own anyway and Hell nah he can’t work so he deserves squat. You are the main provider


He will so what he’s allowed to do. Give him a bill, cable or something. When it’s cute off, refuse to pay it. When that happens, if he doesn’t wake up, honey, it’s time to go.

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You claim the kids! Why should he if he benefit if he don’t like to work


Check with your tax consultant but usually when there is a dispute over who gets to claim the kids it is just a matter of showing your receipts from all the bills you pay and whoever is contributing the most to the child’s welfare…clothing, food, shelter, any childcare you might have to pay for him while you work or school lunches etc. can all add up and my guess is that you are paying the most. However many people are living in the house (let’s say 5) then that child is b enefiting from 1/5th of the utility bills and such as well and can add to the support you are paying for him. Just being the biological father doesn’t give him the right to claim him
as a dependent if he isn’t contributing to the household bills.

Whoever made more should claim them

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They are dependents and depend on him to care for them. He doesn’t work enough to qualify.

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sounds like an extra child to me… and you should claim them why him so he can take the money and not spend it on bills


You either keep putting up with it or you don’t. It’s your decision.


You paid the bills you claim them


Boyfriend = leave. He surely isn’t husband material.


whos been claiming them? In my state, if you want to change who claims them, you both must sign paperwork.

He isn’t even eligible to claim
the kids because he clearly hasn’t provided more than 50% of their care for the year. Also love simply isn’t enough to keep dealing with a man who doesn’t want to work and is barely contributing to building your household up and helping take care of his kids.


Sounds like u have another kid but no I wouldn’t let him claim them


You lost me at “doesn’t like to work”. No, don’t let him claim a child! And you’re still with him why? What you’re not changing, you’re choosing. And right now, and for the last several years, you’ve chosen to be with this man - child. Make a different choice and leave.


No!!! He should not claim a child

Mmm definitely not. You should be claiming them because you provide for them more. I would have him pack and and leave. If he isnt going to go to work and help out then why have him there :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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If your not married you claim them


Do you have full custody?? GET IT ! File your taxes. Claim your kids, your the only one working , do everything in your name only and RUN LIKE HELL !! It’s it your job to support his lazy ass and pay for everything yourself !! File for back child support !!

Working is a way of life. To get ahead it takes 2 pay checks. If he doesn’t like his job change it but WORK. If he can’t grow up he’d better be doing the house work laundry, meals , cleaning so you can just come home and relax and spend time with your kids. (He really needs to grow up or GO)


Umm nope
He’s a child
And he won’t change until you leave him
If change at all
Cut the dead wheight

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No don’t let him, get rid of him!!!


This is financial abuse. The man should be able to support at the vety least himself, without causing extra stress to you by adding to your mental load. It is NOT your responsibility to support him. Baby daddy or not


Does he help with kids? Make them meals, take them to appointments? Does any grocery shopping? If he does 50% of house and kid work, I’d say he deserves to claim a kid.

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I have seen so many posts lately where women have chosen these “men” to either have kids with and want kids with… I wish people would investigate themselves internally before making drastic changes and involving innocent children.


Uh no. If he doesn’t wanna work to provide for them then he isn’t claiming them.

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Let me guess he plays video games all the time?


Nobody likes to work. He is 100% wrong, my husband does everything he can to provide for our family and it’s Sunday and he just left for work at 6am and he’ll be working through the whole week ahead. Your boyfriend needs to man up.

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You just have another child to take care of,not Husband material.

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Jeez, wake up. He’s a lazy loser. Get a life without him


Men like that only hear you when you leave … if it’s not a partnership then you can do it alone without the stress of another adult


U are providing most of the support, u claim them!!! In the end he needs too different his behavior. Or loose his meal ticket. You are teaching those children how to treat their mom


What you allow is what will continue.


Hell no he doesn’t pay support for them and obviously provide financially. I be like well I’m using your portion toward the bills that you don’t pay. Depending what state you are in, if he don’t pay support through the court he is legally not allowed to claim them


Absolutely not. He’s in the wrong and you’re already doing most of it alone so might as well drop the dead weight and do it on your own until you can actually find a true partner who prides himself in providing for his family as well. You deserve better. Working 14-15 days straight is insanely exhausting and stressful. No ma’am, you are worthy of a true partner.


Leave and you should claim kids bc you made the most money can claim head of household as well

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If he is comfortable with you supporting him and him doing the bare minimum, he will never change. No he shouldn’t claim a child because he wants that credit and money that he doesn’t deserve. You need to reevaluate if he’s worth the headache. He needs to man up or get out. You know you are more than capable of supporting yourself and your children without his support.

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Let’s normalize not staying with men when they are bad partners. Like, we feel the need to ask our peers what we should do when we know what’s right! We need to stop letting men gas light us into thinking that this is normal!! It’s not! It’s ok to leave and it’s ok to do what’s best for you and the kids even if he doesn’t like it!!


Kick him to the curb. Loose his 200 lbs shackle and continue to create a good life for you and your kids.

No mam if he can’t keep a job and actually work like a man and take care of his family he has NO right to claiming a child on taxes to get $ that isn’t his! Claim All your kids! Take that $ and leave. You and your children deserve a real man! My BF of ONLY a yr paid ALL my bills and took care of anything my son, not his, needed for 4 months when I was out of work including All of Christmas. That’s a real man!


Ur doing yourself a disfavor why keep allowing him to do that

Well that depends do y’all live together? Is the money going in the same house? When he does stay at home is he caring for the children?? If yes I don’t see where it matters. But if not then definitely no. You don’t get the rewards for work you didn’t do. . So I guess the question would be what does he do when he staying at home. In my situation my husband is taking the kids to and from school doctors appointment ect. Plus caring for them when I’m at work so it saves us a ton in daycare fees. And maid services because he’s there to clean . And he cooks so we don’t eat out as much again we’re saving. So I guess it will depend on how he spends his time off work…if that makes sense…

Time to kick him to the curb!

You claim them the end don’t argue don’t go back and forth just do it. Let him know after u get your money back and even that is not his business. Added to the fact that he is still a boyfriend too let him know your views after the deeds are done. U need more help period

How many kids? There could be a tax benefit if it’s 3 or more, for him to claim 1.

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Put yourself as the head of household and claim him lol omg but other than that im sorry youre going through this. I would think he would want to work more to be able to provide more opportunities for the children.


What you allow is what will continue…


Nope I wouldn’t let him and his tax money should go on bills. I’ve been there it’s time for him to go.

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Most likely, you’ll each get more money back if you each claim a dependent, but if he’s not helping much with bills, maybe he doesn’t deserve that.

Technically, whomever provides over 50% of the child’s needs gets to claim them. If you think he will try to claim them, you can try to do your taxes ahead of him. As others have said, you can probably claim head of household too.
But the bigger issue is - he needs to work and pay half of the bills. That’s a hard topic but you will continue having to pay for everyone until you put your foot down :confused:

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If he doesn’t work he doesn’t eat,or stay comfy…what’s he thinking?

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When he starts showing up and grown from Man child to man… maybe you’ll think about it then
Is what I’d be telling him

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No. And if he doesn’t want to work and help just as much as you he needs a reality check. Time for a little separation, or make him the house mom. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, taking care of children. If that don’t work you don’t need a free loader. Kick him to the curb. You doing it a lone anyway. Maybe he will see the light or forever stay in looser ville.


He don’t have to worry about paying bills because he knows that no matter what he does you got it covered …and the sad part is you let him get away with it …it would be different if he was pay half but he’s not if he claims a child you know he’s not going to put it for household / child needs like you will and it will only make your struggle harder