I had a chemical pregnancy

I just got it confirmed yesterday that I had a chemical pregnancy. I miscarried while at work the other night. I feel silly being so early on, but it’s hitting me harder than I expected. As soon as I had pregnancy symptoms I was honestly so excited, I wanted it so badly. My whole body was telling me. And now all the symptoms are just gone… I had the feeling of everything, and now it’s just empty and gone. I’m thankful that it did happen so early, but also extremely sad that I didn’t get to experience it longer.


I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks a few years back. I went into the ultra sound thinking everything was fine then no heart beat and I was told I was having a miscarriage. It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. You start to make plans for that life. There is definitely an empty feeling. I still struggle with the beginning of my period sometimes because it takes me back. I now have my tubes tied and even after that I had some feelings about it I didn’t think I would have even though I am done with having kids. I am sorry that this is something you are going through. I know it’s tough :heart:


When I was 18 I became pregnant but I miscarried then 2 months later I got pregnant again I was so scared I would miscarried again but I had my sweet rainbow baby she’s now 11 years old ! Don’t lose hope

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I’m sorry you are experiencing this, your feelings are valid, pregnancy loss at any stage is hard and it’s okay to grieve. There are support groups and blogs specifically for miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss where you can talk to other moms who’ve gone through this. :pray:t5:

I absolutely understand how you feel. I had my miscarriage last april and I was devastated. I wanted another baby so bad…and it’s taking me awhile to kinda…be ready again.