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Here’s the thing many women don’t know understand about their ovulation. Yes, while you may have been ovulating, there is only an actual SMALL window of time during that main day in which you can be pregnant. This is assuming that there are no underlying health issues with you or your partner including quality of eggs or sperm. Sometimes with stress and diet, we can ovulate later or sooner than normal. Depending on age, fertility can be an issue.
Take musinex d during those days(after 7 years of trying that’s the one thing I changed and I’m 8 months pregnant now) Also make sure you’re hydrated. Lower your stress if you can. Remember it can take time.
Becuase the sperm didnt fertilizer the egg for one or more reasons, just because sex and ovulation occur this doesnt guarantee pregnancy, for a healthy women intentionally trying to conceive on average it can take 12 months, first month you have about 20% or abouts on successfully falling pregnant, also keep in mind 1 in every 4 women who do conceive does miscarry, so it can be frusturating when people who arent trying fall pregnant but just prepare yourself that these are just some facts you should be aware of so you do have a base line of expectations
It’s not going to guarantee pregnancy. If you actually read the chances of getting pregnant and how precise everything lines up it’s a wonder ppl have kids
Stress and on point accuracy doesn’t always beget a pregnancy. Take a break…most times it happens when it isn’t on your shoulders.
You have to be patient…
I had sex one time in my 30’s and my belly’s been getting bigger every year since I was 55…
My friends say it looks like I could pop any day now.
It can take couples an average of a year of trying to be successful. Some sooner, some later. just keep trying.
Probably because you were not ovulating or you partners sperm was weak. Could be a lot of things.
Sometimes you just don’t catch it. I ovulated on Clomid. We had an ultrasound confirm ovulation. We had sex and didn’t get pregnant.
Stress & wanting the sperm to do what u want them to do. Don’t always work. If u were to relax. Take a trip, vacation. I would almost guarantee that you would end up getting pregnant
Took us 9 years Pregnancy does not happen as easy as movies or shows make you think.
It will happen in time. Stress and worrying about it, it won’t happen.
Research “sperm meets egg method” I got pregnant the first month using it for two pregnancies
Take ovulation tests and do it when you get a positive
Maybe a one side orgasm? Who knows
You just have to keep trying. It may take some time to get pregnant .
Because it doesn’t always happen
Think that’s something you should ask a dr!
Could just be you ovulated earlier or later than you initially thought you would
Use a different hole
Cause anal don’t work
Read the book Taking Charge of your Fertility. Visit the site TCOYF.COM … you will learn a lot. It took 4.5 years, hundreds of doctors appts, surgery, shots, etc for me to have my miracle. For some people it just takes more effort.
Imagine yourself smelling your baby. Imagine feelings it’s skin. Imagine doing all you’d do.
Stay relaxed and have sex with great fun and joy not with heaviness and expectation.
Go to the doctor they will help you good luck
Unfortunatly sex does become a bit mechanical when tracking ovulation. I got so stressed in the end as I was not falling pregnant. My partner brought me a puppy which really helped me chill out. X
Try prenatal vitamins. I haven’t done it yet myself, but did research into it. It can actually increase the chance of getting pregnant. Probably not for everyone, but if you’re trying to have a baby, it would be good that the baby gets those necessary nutrients at the very start.
I mean, obviously it could be a thousand different reasons. It would be very unlikely that you get pregnant on the first try.
I mean when we were trying i think we tried too hard and put too much pressure on ourselves because when we stopped “trying” but also didnt try to stop it from happening, took a mo th or 2
10 yrs of fertility experience… was tested for bacteria which came back negative (u can carry it in system with no symptoms but will prevent pregnancy… simple test and treatment by gyn) however after taking 14 days of Cipro got pregnant and carried full term…Does assumed that I was carrying a bacteris that interferes with pregnancy!
Let us not forget it takes two! If this continues you might want to get his Little Swimmers checked out
Maybe has nothing to do with you…
Pray about it n it will come
Go to ur fucking gp ffs
Try again and again and again and again