I have 2 year old, & she will not fall asleep with out a bottle!

I put water in bottle they gave it up then

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I tossed all my kids bottle out and didnt give it back’

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Chuck them out and don’t give her 1 :roll_eyes:

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So let her have the bottle she will grow out of it eventually.

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As others have stated throw all the bottles in the trash. Don’t hide any get rid of them all and just give her the cup if she’s thirsty enough she will drink.

I stopped my daughter at 1 year old. Did it cold turkey just told her she wasn’t a baby anymore and didn’t get a bubba anymore. I told her they were all gone and she went to sleep and slept every night perfect after that

My 2 1/2 year old went through this. He kept chewing through the nipples. We told him we weren’t getting any more and he was going to stop using a bottle. Then threw them all out. Was a rough week or so, but he adjusted.

Young one you need to not give in. If she’s clean, fed, and in her bed - let her cry - I know it hurts your heart - but she will eventually fall asleep. You might turn on some music to help soothe her heart little heart. Throw out the bottles - it’s gonna be on you to stick to your guns young one. But it starts now.

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Can’t get my 2 yr old off either! Your not alone! #following

Sometimes you have to let them cry…that milk or juice laying on their teeth, will rot them out…

My cousin’s son was 2 and still using a bottle her pediatrician told her to put vinegar in it. She did and put Kool aid in a sippy cup offered both to him of course he took the bottle one drink threw it down and never had another bottle that’s a way to get rid of the bottle not sure on how to get her to go bed without it.


I explained to my son that he is a big boy now and bottles are for babies. He still asked now and again and everytime I just told him no, you are a big boy and bottles are for babies. Worked for me.

Cold turkey get rid of it!

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Give her the bottle, no big man.

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My 2 year old still asks for a sippy with milk and I habe begin to give smaller and smaller amounts of milk in it so that she decides on her own it’s not worth waking up for. Sometimes you unfortunately need to bite the billet, pick a long weekend or sometime when both you and hubs will be home for a number of days and let her cry it out (I don’t mean scream from
Her room but rocking/singing/some
Crying from bed) and you guys alternate. After a few nights she will get it. That’s what I’m about to do after Christmas. Best of luck!

She was only down to 1 bottle, (also 2) and one night I said it was forgot somewhere and that this said sippy cup will have to do for now until we find it, she said okay, was very unsure, but we never looked back!

Just take the bottle away. You’re the parent. When she is thirsty enough she will drink from whatever you give her.

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Does she take a binky? I know replacing one for the other probably isn’t the greatest idea but it could get her off the bottle. Best of luck

Use Karo syrup and a little bit of water or just stop it all together she will get over it she just needs to know no bottle time

After 2 days of crying I to couldn’t handle it anymore. I knew my feeling and emotions were not helping the situation at all. Actually was harmful. So after 2 days I gave it back! Sure I caught shit from many…but ya know what? I was at peace! My son was soothed and I had peace. I tought him to clean it put it away and basically take care of it…it was HIS responsibility not mommas anymore. He out grew that bottle and I kept my sanity. I was literally to the point I scared myself and how I was feeling! My sanity and my sons emotional well being came before the bottle breaking heartbreak. The second time around I did things a little differently and broke the habit a lot sooner. Hindsight doesn’t mean you have to live through hell

I went through this with my daughter at 2. I laid with her and told her no more bottles, that she’s a big girl and it was a rough week but no more bottles!!

Put water in there?? Or just let her cry it out

Just cold turkey it, get rid of the bottles. You’ll have a rough week or so but then they’re gone for good.


Mine took a bottle till 2 years of age too, I just had to talk her out of it consistently till she gave up…

I am so glad I’m not the only one facing this struggle!


Just take it away. Tell they’re all gone.

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I told my 2 kids, other babies needed their bottles, so we are given them to them. It worked. Whether they understand completely, who knows. But they took the sippy cup with no problem. I would say, if she sleeps well with it, then let her have it. Try every so often to take it away, maybe give her a teddy bear or something else to hold. Read her a story in bed to get her to sleep. But as long as she is healthy & she sleeps well let it go for now


Cold turkey. It will be a rough couple of nights, but they’ll get over it. Setting up a new bedtime routine might help too.


Cold turkey throw out your bottles or hide them.

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Just stop offering it to her. She’s crying until she gets it because she knows ur gonna give it to her.

Cold Turkey. It’ll be rough for a little (probably more for you than her lol)

Best advice my ex MIL gave me—-don’t sweat it, he’s not going to graduate high school like that. (Meaning don’t sweat the small stuff).


Give here a bottle with water she’ll get tired of just water and she’ll throw it away herself


My daughter was the same… " here’s a sippy… " when she’s thirsty she will drink…

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That’s my 2 yr old but she won’t fall asleep without nursing :joy:
About to make 10 pots of coffee and be awake for a few nights to break that habit.

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My son is almost 2 and still breastfed to sleep your doing fine mumma :slight_smile:

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I always had my kids throw their bottle away so they knew it was gone. Tough 3 days but thats usually it


Put water in the bottle…
When she asks for milk, give her a drink from a cup.

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She’ll probably give it up on her own, when she’s ready.

Give her her new sippy and tell her shes a big girl now, this is what big girl have to do. She’ll pitch a fit. Probably for up to 3 night or so, maybe less. Then she’ll just accept it. That’s what I’ve done w my 3 year old anyway. From bottle to sippy to the 360 cups


Try this kind of sippy with the soft nipple like a bottle, my daughter couldn’t tell the difference then I switched her to water.


My son is 20 months and still needs a bottle to sleep, I’m not rushing him yet, because he’s not verbal yet, how do you explain a bottle going to someone who doesn’t understand?

Throw them all away. She’ll fall asleep without it soon. It’ll be tough but she’ll get use to it.


I know it is hard, but throw them away and sooner or later, she will fall asleep without it… it will only be bad the first few nights! She’s crying for it because she knows she can outlast you, show her you won’t give in.

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She’s 2. Can we let them be babies when they’re babies? I promise she won’t be falling asleep with a bottle senior year of high school.


It does take time on of these days she will give it up

Just take it away. Easy

Maybe get her ready to give it to Santa in exchange for gifts

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She will wean herself … it is not bi deal - I promise. They are little for such a short time … let her be little <3


My son is the same way and he’s number 3. I’m letting him decide on his own when he is done. It’s not a big deal and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.


My son was 3 :woman_shrugging: my daughter was 2. Self weaned . I’m sure she will let you know when ready I mean it’s only sleepy time ! We all have our comforts


Don’t worry she’s still little. She’ll give it up when she’s ready.


It’s not something you should have done a while ago. All children are different. My daughter is 2.5 years and she’s only just given up her bottles :blush: she wasn’t wanting them as often so I just followed her lead.
Don’t let the judgy others get to you and just do what’s best for you and your little one :blush:


Same boat my dr told me cut the nipple but that doesn’t prevent a meltdown and not going to sleep because she doesn’t have it

Throw away not good for their teeth
They will cry she will be fine


2 years old? That would drive me nuts. I had all 4 of my kids off bottles at 13 months. You just gotta stick it out. No kid should be going to bed with any sort of bottle or cup that has anything but water in it especially a 2 year old. You just need to take it and get rid of. She will cry for a few days but she will get over it.

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Just throw them away . 3 days you’ll be done with the crying,

There’s a transition sippy off of Amazon. We used it for our girl and it worked so well!

No judgement here! I haven’t seen a whole hell of a lot of kiddos going to school with a bottle. She will stop taking it when she is ready to stop. Just try to avoid anything sugary in it….stick to water.


Please don’t beet your self up
I think peoples/ doctors need to stop with deadlines on how to rais a child
My son was 2 and 4 months befor giving up the bottle completely
It takes time even his father bugged me about it

But during the day I let him use sippys
And bottles at night
Keep trying with sippys
one day he didn’t care and took the sippy
Now I’m getting bugged on how I shouldn’t let him have a sippy for bed time and he will be 3 next month

Switch to a new comfort object. You got to hype it up. Go to the store and pick out something together and really get her excited about oiling it out. Or look in ads or on your phone. Talk about all the time, include it for mealtimes at the table, make it a point to bring it with to places, play with it whenever all the time.
A stuffy, a blanket, some sort of soft item.
Toss out all bottles. Don’t let her see it. When it comes time for her to want the bottle, distract distract distract with that new comfort item. It will be hard at first, she might even tantrum about the item,but eventually they’ll self soothe with the item.

Dr browns makes a bottle with a sippy cup like nipple it also cover with removable handles

Welcome to parenthood what works for some may not work for others… just keep yourself sane and you’re child happy xx

This is one of those things I had to to cold turkey.

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I feel you momma but my struggle is the soother tonight is the first night without one and I told my 2.5 year old Santa took it so he can give her a extra present for Christmas

I had to do it cold turkey, it’s not easy but if you’re patient you can just Pat them on the booty till they fall asleep and then before you know it they learn to fall asleep on their own

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All three of my son’s hated sippy cups. So, we went with straws.

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Shes only 2. I wouldn’t worry :slight_smile:

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Stop giving it to her tell her no, get rid off all bottles in the house. Deal with the crying crying it only lasts a few days. It is time your be a parent and stop letting her be the boss.

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I feel you. My daughter was 3 when she gave it up. The only thing that worked for us was giving her a goal to reach. When she made it to a week without using it at bedtime she got to pick out a special toy. Made it seem like she was making the choice rather than us forcing her.

Wait where did it say 2 yr olds shouldn’t be on a bottle…my girl has just turned 3 and we’ve only just got rid of…I’m mean,the dummy fairy has only just taken that away :see_no_evil: so yea,bottles still gunna be around for night sleeps for a while yet…

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She is old enough to understand basic reasoning. Talk to her about being a big girl and she doesn’t need a bottle anymore. But if she only takes it at bedtime don’t fret. And don’t punish her.

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If she is on cows milk add water and keep on adding more water so she will stop wanting one at night or pretend that this is a bottle fairy that needs bottles to give to babies whose mummy’s and daddy’s can’t get them, that’s what I did and l do with toys that my daughter no longer plays with xx

My son was 3 before he decided one night he didn’t want his bottle we had the same issue wouldn’t take anything else with Xmas try telling her to leave them under the tree and Santa will swap for presents xx

She will fall asleep without it. You just have to stand your ground. Don’t give in just because she cries. Make sure she has been fed and is dry, not to hot, not to cold etc. as long as she is okay, she will self soothe herself to sleep. What helped my kids when they were little was taking them out and letting them pick out their own cups.

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Don’t feel bad, my daughter did the same until she was almost 4. I got her to stop cus we were going to Disney and I told her she couldn’t bring them cus Mickey and Minnie said no…lol…it will happen, don’t stress it and don’t stress her out over it. All kids are different.

Stop giving it to her🤷🏼‍♀️

My daughter wouldn’t give her bottle up when she was like 18 months old, so I just threw all the bottles out and she had no choice. I didn’t want to end up giving in haha

Let me tell yall this before it’s throw it out k.
My son is 4 years old at 2 he was the same way I spoke to his Dr she told me have him checked for underlying problems that are causing the security blanket issue with the bottle.
Once we found out we understood he’s finally liking the sippy and trying too sleep with it.
Try a soft tip one like a bottle almost my son is using one and he’s finally wanting it bed time too.

Backing my day, you gave them a bottle then put them to bed. Let her drink out of a regular cup then off to bed.

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I’m a bit older so my kids are now grown but when My kids were little they did not go to bed with a bottle. You gave them the bottle and then put them to bed. At about a year old all of the bottles just started disappearing in our house. I don’t know where they were. We just could not find them. There were four, then three, then two, and then one. When that last one got lost, all that were left were cups. Lol


Being 2 years old is not a big deal, I wouldn’t fret about it too much. Heck I know of kids being on the bottle until just before they go to jr. kindergarten. It’s a comfort thing for them.