I have 2 year old, & she will not fall asleep with out a bottle!

She will not take any sipy cup, I have tried every single one and she will just cry when I give it to her. How do I get her to stop using a bottle to fall asleep? Also I am aware that this is something I should’ve done a long time ago.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have 2 year old, & she will not fall asleep with out a bottle!

Following my 15 month old won’t give up the bottle at all and hates sippy cups and milk

Try weaning her off of the milk in general. Start giving her warm water to trick her (and it won’t fill her up as much as milk so she will end up eating more for you). Put less and less water in the bottle as the week progresses and they get used to it. Eventually they will stop on their own because it’s not the sweet treat they are used to

Cut it cold turkey, if she’s thirsty enough she will drink out of a cup. I stopped cold Turkey with my son when the formula stopped, it was hard but after awhile he got thirsty and knew I wasn’t gonna give him a bottle. He watched me throw them out.


What does the bottle have in it?? Maybe try to do water in the bottle and it won’t be as satisfying for her?

Just fill it with water and let her put it down on her own time.

Give her water instead with maybe a few slices of fruit. Parents give milk instead of anything else but it aids in teeth decay. Water with fruit may help with digestion as well.

Either fill it up with water and give it to them if they don’t like water, or just take it and let them be to scream. It will take a few days but it’s gonna be rough and worth it at the end


I would say by 2 she shouldnt need any sort of milk for bed? I would go cold turkey and ride it out…
Dinner then maybe a little snack with a drink… bed…


She’ll stop crying eventually.


I have a two year old as well and the baba was always his comfort. We had been doing one in the morning and one at night and I had to cut the night one out cold turkey. He has been pissed about it, but he’s finally getting use to it. I give him a cup with milk and initially he throws it but then he’ll grab it after his fit :sweat_smile:

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Have you tried different cups? We went through so many trying to find some my son would actually use.

Just stop it completely and let them cry. It will only take a few days til they realize it’s gone for good. Just tell them its all gone and it went bye bye.

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Give her water in the bottle. She will probably get pissed off but that might be enough for her to not want the bottle. You gotta remember your the mama and make the rules. You can’t bend just because she cries. I know it’s hard hearing them cry but sometimes you just gotta let her figure it out on her own

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Best advice I got from my kids doctor. Take the bottles throw them away. Give to the babies. Hand the cup. No matter the fit don’t give the bottle back. Put in chocolate milk or strawberry milk flavor to make it much more appealing. Trust that it might take hours but if thirsty enough the child will drink. I did this with my first and every kid after. We have had 0 issues since getting them to let go of the bottle.

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It’ll be hard at first but you just gotta cut it out throw them all away so you can’t give in and give it to your baby. Once they realize this is what they get they accept it and move on. Some are more stubborn then others just stay strong momma.

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My babies both used the sippy with the silicone tip that was the same texture as a bottle nipple

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I took my 2yo for his well Dr visit. When we got home I told him his dr said they are ewwie and we needed to put them in the trash. It wasn’t easy but I didn’t back down. We had a bye bye bottle few mins before we tossed in trash. Good luck

My oldest was the same way and it ruined her teeth! I had to go cold turkey.


Literally take away her cup right after dinner put it on the counter and tell her no more drink at night it took me one week of tantrums from my child to get her to understand that her bottle is not going to her bed with her anymore worst week of my life but if you can stick through that week it will be fine

I let mine cry it out. Yes it made for a couple of long nights. But it worked. I also three every bottle on the house away.


Have you tried doing only water in the bottle and other things in the cup?

For mine I put only water in her bottle and the good stuff in her zippy cup. It work like a charm.

Gotta just take it. Its through 2 nights but after that its so much better

What worked for my guy (who was 2.5 :roll_eyes:) I started slowly watering the bottle down. So 6 ounces milk, 2 ounces water for a couple days. Then 5 ounces milk, 3 ounces water until it was basically water and he didn’t want it anymore. Unfortunately, he stopped napping when I took his bottle away. Good luck mama!

My 1 year old is the same. I add warm water and oatmeal and let her nurse on that.

Have you tried the cups that transition from a bottle to a sippy I just had this long battle with mine she was almost 3 when I finally got her broke off the bottle and also it helped for her daddy to tell her no more bottles cuz you keep biting holes in the nipple part and then they poor everywhere and to my surprise the next night we haven’t went back to a bottle she still sees them every now and then and wants it but we don’t give in and I’m really proud of her she’s done great actually got off one better than my other 3 lol good luck :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just throw them out completely cold turkey. She’ll eventually drinking from the sippy cup trust me. It’ll be a hard few nights but it shouldn’t last longer than a few days


Throw out the bottles and stop giving them to her she throws a tantrum ignore her

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Did u try the Dr brown silly bottle she may not know difference

Use only water in her bottle… no problem !!!

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We told niece we gave them to a needy kid and she cried but got over it


Just stop giving a bottle and just let her cry it out. Sounds horrid but she will adjust after a fee days. If you are trying to get rid of bottles altogether then just give sippy cups. She will figure it out when she gets thirsty enough.

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My husband threw our sons out the back door into the snow. Gave him a cup and that was it. Yes he was upset…but after a day or so it was all over.

Oh my goodness sakes she is only 2 years old that is her comfort and her security!!!

You have to let her throw fits, give her a sippy cup with a silicone tip and throw the bottles away don’t give in, its hard but she will be over it within days.

She needs milk till she is 3… why would you take the bottle away. What with the moms these days


Mine loved straws so maybe try that also water bottles with the spout. She felt all grown.:laughing: she just started turning up her nose to sippy cups like how dare I offer her this peasant drink holder​:roll_eyes: I kept pedialyte pops on hand to make sure she was hydrated in case you’re worried about that.

Rip off the bandaid. Cold turkey.

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As others have said. You just gotta throw it out and put your foot down. Can’t let them control everything because they might cry.

Just take it away and throw it in the trash. Yeah she is gonna cry, but it’s only temporary. By giving her a bottle when she cries right now you are teaching her that she has control of everything.

My daughter is 5 and she still wants/needs a bottle to fall asleep

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My daughter is 4 and still has a bottle of milk for bed with her laxatives in to fall asleep x

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My daughter was the same way at 2, I just bought soft tip sippy cups and put water in them. I took her to the trash can with me and we threw all her bottles away together, she wasn’t upset and it seemed to help her realize why she couldn’t have them at night anymore. Just be firm. I know the first couple nights may suck, but it will be over fairly quickly! Good luck!

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I recently had to get my daughter off hers by offering her money & she threw it away.


Take bottle and child walk trash bin tell her she’s big girl now like mommy have her throw it in there take her table have big girl drink like hot / warm chocolate then sneak bottle out of trash get it gone after a day or so will be fine

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If you aren’t brushing her teeth after that bottle she’s going to end up with “bottle rot”. :flushed:

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Just let it be. So much pressure to do things on a timeline these days. My son drank out of a bottle until he was a little over 3. His teeth are fine. He’s healthy. He just got to a point where I could ask him which cup he wanted for bed and he’d pick out his favorite sippy. They hit a stage where they won’t be interested in a bottle anymore. Don’t let the pressure of the world make you feel guilty or like you’re not being a good mom. You’re fine and if that baby finds comfort in a bottle, then let it be!!


My son is 2 and he still drinks out of a baby bottle at bedtime for his milk. I don’t see an issue as long as its not in her mouth all day. Throughout the day he drinks out of a bottle with a straw x

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I quit giving my kiddo warm milk in a bottle cold turkey. (It was harder for me than her actually) because I felt like she still needed it to go to sleep (I also used to just rock her to sleep everynight) thst was my quiet time with her. But eventually I got over my fear and just quit giving it to her and she actually fell asleep much faster and easier. We do give her a bedtime snack so she stays satisfied at night. She didn’t like the sippy cups at all at first, but then she eventually got thirsty enough and she knew she wasn’t getting a bottle anymore.

Wean her off of the bottle. During the day do not give her the bottle at all and only give her a sippy cups or a small plastic cup that she can hold. At night give her the bottle with only water. Then slowly start taking the bottle away at night.

Don’t fight it. Give her water in her bottle at bedtime. Offer sippy cups with diluted juice or milk during the day. She’ll prefer the cup, she won’t dehydrate herself. It won’t be a happy transition.


She knows she can cry till she gets what she wants.


I threw away my daughter’s and helped her look than said well here is this cup till mommy goes to store didn’t go to store for a couple days she forgot by than.

I’m 67 and healthy. I REMEMBER when my mom took my bottle. I was old enough to talk to my grandmother about it. We lived on a farm and mom told me that the pigs got my bottle. I still remember how my granny laughed when I told her and I just didn’t understand why she thought that was funny!

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That’s really really bad it will cause her teeth to rot!!!

You should have broke that habit at 1 year old… you’re gonna have to cut her cold turkey now. Before she gets bad teeth!!

Having the same with 2yo boy

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Cold turkey, milk at bedtime is awful for ears & teeth… Even in a sippy!!

Cold turkey. I took my son at about 14 months old and had him “throw” all his bottles away. Kept giving him sippy until he finally took it. They’ll take it once their thirsty enough. But they shouldn’t be getting a cup at bed. My son gets a cup after dinner and doesn’t get one at bed time unless he’s not feeling good then I’ll give him one to help soothe.


I know children still nursing at 2 so I’m not sure why anyone would shame you


She’s still a baby it’s a comfort to her leave her be

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I’m so glad after 4 kids I’ve never had this problem… I’ve taken all of their bottles at 1 yr old with no issues… They weren’t really attached to it so it was easy for me… Now baby #5 is 10 days old and we’re breastfeeding bc I finally figured out that my thyroid was the problem…watch this little guy not wanna let go of the nip until he’s 3…lol

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Cold turkey. I just kept saying it was dirty. They’ll cry it out and get over it


Give her both at same time but only water in the bottle she’ll cry but she’ll get over it in a day or two


Take the bottle throw them all away. Give her a sippy cup with a soft silicone nipple to start. Also the 360 cups most kids like. You have to be consistent even when she’s crying throwing a fit. After a few days she will get used to it. She will be thirsty enough to try it. They also have cool weighted straw cups she might like. Good luck!

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People stop shaming each other. We should be here to support. She is reaching out for help. Not to be told how wrong she is or was. This site is ridiculous without the amount of mom shaming on here


Don’t give in when she cries. Be the mother


It will cause baby bottle mouth which a dental office will report as child neglect . Throw it away let her cry it out until she gives in.


Old Mum here :wave:t3: Kids are grown now, well 19 and 21.

Obviously we know what it does to their teeth, but no one should be shaming you. It’s a tough call to make- which day to break the child’s heart and rob them of their comfort- so I feel for you. At the end of the day that’s a parents job right, to look like the bad guy in the short run to do the right thing in the long run. Super Nanny has some great ideas at making this easier, YouTube has the full episodes up for free. I liked the bottle fairy idea- collecting them for new babies and leaving them in a bag in a tree, next day there’s a big kid gift in that tree as a thank you and make a big deal about it for them. No matter how you do it, it’s gonna be a lot of tears and it’s important you don’t go back on your word. It’s also important to be kind, patient and gentle about it. Good luck Mama!


If you want her to quit using a bottle then you quit giving her the bottle

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I changed the contents to water. Dentist said she could keep the bottle as long as she wanted aslong as it had water in it. She gave it up on her own when she was 3 xx


They’re only little once. I let my daughter use the bottle til the day before she turned 4. Her father and my mother in law hated it, but I figured she was my only child. If I wanted to bond with her and “baby” her for a while longer, then so be it. I worked all day; it was our cuddle time at night before she went to sleep.
Sometimes, as a mom you do what works best for you no matter what anyone else says. :gift_heart:


Just throw the bottles away. She will take the sippy cup when she realizes she’s not getting the bottle. She can take her sippy or have nothing. It’s time


I had my son watch as I got rid of all the bottles when he was about 2. He was fine once he realized there werent any in the house.

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Throw the bottles away in front of her and tell her she’s a big girl and has to use the sippy cup now. She will cry it out and eventually take the sippy if it’s the only option. Dont give in.


Start to cut the nipple.

They make a transition sippy cup with a bottle like top my son was the same one

My last child did not want to stop the bottle at night, even with just water. She was 3 and we only had one bottle. One night we couldn’t find the bottle and I refused to buy another. Took about 3 nights and it was finally over. Found out years later, my husband threw it away.

Throw all the bottles out.

Try this with her have her throw them away and have her tell them bye bye I never had a issue but I have heard this works let her get them gone and when she asks for it remind her she threw them away and said bye bye to them

Yep consistency. Get rid of them. She eats real food so she will be fine without milk then maybe she will decide to start drinking from a cup. But try different cups

If you really want to be done with bottles, just throw them all away. She’s going to cry, scream and throw a fit but once the cup is the only option she has, she’ll use it. It’s going to be rough for a few days but she will get through it.

Maybe she’s not ready to come off the bottle yet. Just make sure you clean her gum’s and tongue. Some babies take longer. Enjoy this time Momma. She’ll be grown before you know it.

We put water in the bottle and juice in the sippy cup, we started with soft tip. They will drink out of it if you offer nothing else, it’s extremely hard but you have to be just as stubborn as that child

I had to have her favorite aunt normalize it when she was at her house and then we were able to do it full time at ours. Mine is so stubborn and won’t do anything unless her aunt jj shows it to her first.

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I’d start putting just water in it… Or half milk half water and slowly lower the ratio of milk to water untill it is only water… And if that doesn’t work after it’s only water, start snipping all the nipples and tell her they broke and it’s time to start using a big girl cup :person_shrugging: worked for my daughter. We told her that once a big girl becomes a big girl, then the bottle has to go. She felt so grown when she threw away her bottles by herself


My son at this age still had a bottle for bed but had learnt to drink out of a cup as he didn’t like cups with any kind of tests on it. Yes it was a mess for days but he caught on quick as he knew his bottle was only for milk at bed time. Give her a cup of milk and she may realise a cup makes her a big girl.

I let my son use bottle till he was 4 and half. I didn’t force him to stop. He was used to sleep only after bottle feeding be it day or night. He continued it till one day when just suddenly one day he decided that he wont be drinking from the bottle. I think it is okay to bottle feed them till they eventually put grow the habit.

Start a new routine, my 2yo has milk, same as her 4 year old brother. It’s our nightly routine. Warm milk then we go and do our teeth before bed. She uses the Nuk soft sippy and her brother uses a straw in a cup. They use cups for water fine.

My now to year old was like this she wasn’t quite 2 but we had hell taking them from her throw all of them out
I was pregnant so I was going to keep them but I literally had to throw them all away in front of her and it was hell the first few days but after that she caught the idea that she wasn’t going to get them back there is I think a nuby one that is thinner then most soppy cups that helped but just time and isn’t give into her

Read the farmers Almanac that’s how I got my 2 older ones off there bottles

Just commenting to say my 2 younger babes drank a bottle before bed until 3 years old. I know it’s not recommended but it’s rough in these Motherhood streets. As long as it’s water it won’t decay their teeth during sleep.

What I did was just throw them all away and stopped giving it to her. I started a different bedtime routine which led me to singing her to sleep every night or reading a book to her.


Throw them all away and be consistent and firm.

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It’ll be rough but just throw them out. That’s what I had to do with my first.

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I raised my granddaughter her bottle she bit the nipple during the day the thing threw water on her then she threw the leakie thing out but at 2 throw them out they all leak

I have a similar problem only my 2 year old son wakes up 4 to 5 times for a bottle and I can’t cut them out he litterly screams the house down til he gets one and I have neighbours who can hear him cry at 2,3,4 o clock in the morning so I don’t want him screaming that long but he’s so stubborn he won’t stop and iv no idea what to do :see_no_evil::roll_eyes:

You just gotta throw them alllll away, not hide them, actually toss them in the garbage (I say that because the one time I hid them in the cabinet it was a fight everytime I opened the cabinet and they would see them lol). As a mom of 7, this is what I’ve done with them all on their first birthday, bottles go bye bye and we get cool looking sippys and wrap them up and let them open them as gifts so they think they are cool and they want to use them (kind of a mind trick lol). They may cry the first few nights at bedtime but they will eventually realize that there’s no bottles coming their way.