I have a new job question

I recently got hired at a well known shoe store. They email you the new hire paperwork & you fill it out online. I never received it so my new manager had me go into the store to fill it out on their computer. When I was finished he told me once I’m in the system I’ll get another email & he’ll call me when to start. That was the beginning of this week. I’ve been waiting & waiting for the email & I finally received it last night after the store was already closed. I figured he would call me sometime today but he didn’t so I called him after lunch. He asked me if I would like to start tomorrow (as in Saturday) or wait until Monday. I told him Monday would be better & he said that’s fine. He didn’t ask for an explanation or anything. I chose Monday because my family & I have plans this weekend that we’ve made weeks ago. I of course didn’t tell him that. My question is does it make me look bad that I chose to start Monday instead of tomorrow? I’m having second thoughts about telling him Monday. If I choose to start tomorrow instead how would I even tell him I’ve changed my mind? What would you do if you were in this situation?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I have a new job question

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Just stick to ur original plan and start Monday. He seemed fine with it and the job is yours so go enjoy urself befor u start ur new job.


Establish your boundaries early or be taken advantage. No explanation/ no apology. The manger never gave you an explanation, right ?! No guilt !


If your worried and if you can start right away just call him back and say that you can start before Monday.he probably won’t even ask why actually.

He gave you the option so it’s all good

Please do not overthink…he gave you a choice…you chose, it’s all good! Enjoy your weekend :slightly_smiling_face:

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Start Monday. Don’t worry about it

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I prefer to be notified a few days in advance not the day before. A previous employer used to wait till Sunday evening to let me know if I was working the next day which was a real bummer. Once you’re in the door and settled try a get a schedule in advance.


Congrats on your job , don’t be worrying he seems happy you are starting on a Monday, I had that choice to when I went for one and I’m still working there


Girl I be worried about if I’m even going to get paid

As a previous manager you are fine. Just breath and relax. Good luck!!!


Don’t over think!
He sounds chilled, enjoy your last weekend of freedom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just start on Monday. Nobody really starts a new job on a weekend if they dont have to.


I work for a HR service company. If he asked you would like to start tomorrow or monday you are fine he gave you an option. If he gave you a start date of saturday and you said i would rather start monday that would be a different story. Enjoy your weekend and congrats on the new job.


He probably knew that some people like at least a couple of days notice. But some people don’t need advance warning, hence the choice. Relax and enjoy your weekend :blush: Good luck for Monday btw

No it doesn’t make you look bad,if you’re worried just mention that you appreciate they didn’t mind you starting the Monday as it gave you more time to prepare eg buying/preparing work clothes or shoes,organise childcare etc. My bosses told me we don’t need to give an excuse/reason just a clear answer of yes or no,same if we were asked to work overtime.

The post is out of date, its Tuesday now! What ever you decided, good luck in your new job :slightly_smiling_face:


No w
Evedytime you start w job they ask if you have any days booked up and stuff don’t worry

Stick to Monday he gave you the option

Leave well enough alone :: Just start Monday and go forward . Trying to start on Saturday when U have already agreed to Monday would just make U open for more questions from the boss :::Let it be ::Good Luck

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Start Monday. Take the next few days to get ready for the new start. Congrats!


I’m a manager and honestly you are over thinking it. We ask this question so we know when to plan your induction etc. And generally having a new starter on a Saturday in retail can be tricky as it tends to be the busiest day whereas a Monday it’s easier as it’s less busy and therefore inducting someone on a Monday is generally better anyway. I wouldn’t worry at all.


No he gave u the choice. Hope u enjoy ur new job xc

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Start Monday enjoy your last weekend of freedom

He offered you asked very simple

I think you’re fine. If he really needed you to start Saturday he wouldn’t have offered you the option to start Monday instead. Sounds like he also kept you waiting, since you were the one to call him and it took a bit for all the paperwork to be figured out. When I started my new job at the beginning of September the new hire process was slow. I had to get two TB shots and wait for the results of those and some other stuff that I thought would take awhile. Then all of a sudden they wanted me to start ASAP. I went in the day they needed me to but explained that that weekend was my birthday and hubby had plans for us to go away since we thought it would be at least another week till they had me start. There were no issues and I’m still there :heart: I think you’ll be fine! Enjoy a weekend while you have it cause in retail you don’t get many!

Monday is honestly I good day to start. It’s the start of the week, and more notice for yourself. I recently got a job and and asked me when i wanted to start and I said Monday and they hired me on a Wednesday or thursday

He accepted Monday he sounds a fair manager enjoy your weekend as planned and hope all goes well in your new position


He gave you an option. It isnt like he asked you to start the next day and you said no, Monday so you should be fine.

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He gave you an option and you used it.Why should you be worrying ? It wasn’t like you just said you will be in Monday of your own accord. Go and be the best you can be

Omg over think much? Its not a big deal.

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I would just start Monday. You’re overthinking.


If he gave you the option, shouldn’t be a problem.

Congratulations on your new job! Now just relax and enjoy!

Saturdays r a busy day usually not good for training they’ll have no time so start Monday better day good luck on your new job