I have absolutely no sex drive, it's taking a toll on my marriage: Any advice?

I have been married for 5 years and with my husband a little over 7. We have three boys together after my 2nd son was born; it was like my sex drive went away. And here it is four years later I still don’t have one, and it is taking a toll on my relationship with my husband. When we do have sex, I just do it bc I really don’t want it at all I just want to be left alone, but he feels like I don’t love him or want him, and that definitely not the reason. Has anyone ever experienced this. And what has helped y’all I’m so scared my loss of sex drive is gonna destroy my marriage PLEASE HELP!!!


Seek a doctor for help


I would reach out to your Ob❤


This is my life :woman_facepalming:t3: we’ve been married 3, together 7 and I literally could go months without and be just fine. I have PCOS and my doc said it was related to that but it puts a real strain on my marriage.

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Have your hormones check.

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Couples counseling and a OB check up.

Sounds like your hormones need to be balanced.


I think there are hormones you can take maybe? I hope you find a solution

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Definitely have your hormones checked. If they are unbalanced this is one of the symptoms

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Maca can definitely help balance hormones, same with essential oils works absolute wonders


Get checked out because your husband definitely have needs and it can cause problems in a marriage.

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I have this same issue. I only have it bc I know he needs it sometimes. I wish so bad that I had one! I want to want to make love and express myself to him in that way. But I don’t… At all. :frowning:

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Try maca root it’s a supplement

I am in the same boat… Been going in for 6 years

if your on any meds some times that is a side effect from that drug, go to your dr and find out, hell three kids in the house and young hell I wouldn’t want sex either, sit down talk, find a spatk flirt, go on a date night once a week go back to dating each other, find ways to relieve some of the stress of being a mother and father and see if that helps, if not counseling sounds like the best bet good luck


I’m in the opposite position he never wants sex and I do honestly know how you feel tho bc I feel like its hurting my relationship where I dont wanna get married bc he never want me sexually


Hubby & I saw a sex therapist . He said to cuddle & pet but no sex for one month . By the time the month was up I was more than ready . Really worked .


It’s probably low testosterone. Take Chaste Berry supplement, it increased mine like WOW (and I wasn’t wanting that so I was frustrated lol ). It’s recommended to menopausal women because low sex drive is a common side effect. Anyone, any age can take it though.


I can’t imagine being in a relationship where lack of sex will ruin your marriage. Definitely see a counselor/dr.

Oh yes, it most certainly will ruin any relationship, intimacy is the thing that couples look forward to having together, the one special thing you do with your partner that you don’t do with anyone else. While sex may only be 10% of a relationship, not having sex becomes 90% of the reason for arguments, you start nit picking each other out of frustration and it becomes a BIG part of your relationship. I would seek counseling and a doctors advice. Not much a bunch of strangers on FB can do for you.


I started taking these and they made a WORLD of difference!

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. I know how to make a hormone… Don’t pay her


Same happened to me after my second daughter. Following.

Honestly same boat even the thought of sex just makes my anxiety bad litterally I do everything to avoid it. I never had this issue until recently and I can see the toll. I wish I could give you advice .but thanks for asking I’m really interested in everyone’s advice.

If u on any contrisaptives especially 3 month depo injection it makes some women dead down there


Try hormonal pellets. Like the size of a rice grain. No pain, and you’ll get right back to wear you need to be promise

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Maybe you have some depression. Have you talked to your Dr about how you’re feeling? It couldn’t hurt jus sayin

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I started taking these and they made a WORLD of difference!

Talk to your doctor or something physical could be going on

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Dont beat yourself up see your doc if your husband cant stand behide you through this theres a bigger problem. Just saying im not a doc


Anti depressants, hormonal birth control, other medications, depression, self hatred, body issues, resentment, exhaustion, hormonal changes, thyroid issues, cysts… I could go on. Point is, see your doctor and don’t leave without a solution that you’re comfortable with. I say this because sometimes doctors don’t want to listen to women who aren’t interested in sex and they brush it off as normal or blame you or your husband and say fix your marriage, but if you still feel deeply for him and it is truly a physical issue with being touched or just being intimate physically, then it’s not about the relationship, it’s a medical issue. They jump when a man can’t get it up though. :roll_eyes:
Anyway, see your dr and demand a solution. Good luck.


I just started flirting with my husband again…like I did before we were married.worked for me


I noticed my antidepressants made me feel this way…I’ve recently stopped taking them and it’s improved

As someone who is dealing with the opposite situation (my husband has a VERY low sex drive, and mine is high) I know how it can damage a marriage. Please see a doctor and discuss this. It could be as easy as adjusting your hormones.

Talk to your doctor.

I am the opposite. My husband his whole life has not had much of a sex drive. His sisters say his ex girlfriends use to complain about it all the time. Other then that he is a great husband. I would never cheat because I dont just want sex…I only want sex with him.

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I would talk to your dr for sure!

I have no sex drive. I havent been active for at least 30 years. Im not married and dont date. I find that most of my friends feel the same way. I think the media brainwashed women to think that this is bad. It isnt. Its quite freeing.

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They say that your sex drive can get like this after you’re done having kids… That subconsciously you don’t want to have sex anymore because you don’t want to have anymore kids, idk if that’s true but I’d talk to your doc.

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I dont have much either. I’m on NO meds at all and no bc. I just dont care for it. Mind you…when he woos me, I start to feel good which does help. I still could care less but i do it for him. But he doesnt do much woo-ing, so he doesnt really get anything. I’ve tried to explain it to him, but he just gets mad. So…yeah. i understand

I understand your not alone. I have very little these days myself. I think when your with someone a long time this happens.

Check any medication you’re currently taking. Even borth control. Some of these meds affect your drive

Ask your GP if you can have more testosterone. Your probably not getting enough. Your range should be between 8 and 60ng/dl. I would ask to be at the higher end of the range. Only a blood test will tell you were your levels are.

I was the same way. Wasn’t until he stepped up more and started showing me love without the physical touch at first. Sounds silly . I can’t just turn it on. If we as a couple aren’t fine then I can’t just turn on my sex drive . Maybe you need more alone time. Try a date night.

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Have your hormones checked. If that’s the case research BioTe. It works!!! Your OB may even do them or refer you.:blush:


I have the same issue. I’m introverted as hell and I got a mommy body so I’m super self conscious. Between that and my Child I am burnt to a crisp. My husband and I go through the same thing. I was told your hormones change after you have children. I just told my man that having a kid did that and for some reason I just don’t have the drive anymore. We still do date nights and I still reassure him that I love him and we spend time together and that helps him know that I do still love him it’s just a hormone thing it’s not him. Contrary to common belief guys need just as much love thoughtfulness and reassurance as girls do. They’re just more reserved about it.

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It sounds like you’ve gotten caught up in Mommy duty and put your needs on the back burner subconsciously. Could it be the changes of new kids have made things too chaotic? If so, start with decluttering and reorganizing. After that, get a set schedule that will give you two more time with eachother. Once that’s accomplished, try a natural supplement to turn things up. You can read up on some or try this, it has great reviews. I hope this helps!


You need to be spending time alone with hubby. You have to make that a priority.

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I absolutely hate sex! Hate every part of it because I’ve had traumatic experiences. I’m engaged to a sex addict. I just don’t feel anything good but I try for him. It’s not fair but I can’t help it. I know how you feel.

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Read 5 love languages, definitely helped us


Totally understand as I’m the same way… Still trying to find the answers after many different doctors and counselors and everything checking out fine. Still can’t figure it out. Really think it’s comes from being consumed with the kids and not enough time for you or couple time outside the bedroom before in…


Check ur meds if ur on any go to Dr & have bloodwork done u may be serious low in any number of areas & talk to ur husband it would help him feel better that ur trying to figure it out

I’m going thru same thing. Thanks to hereditary, I’m pre menopause at 41😔taking meds to help.

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Make it not about your own desire, but about sacred connection and intimacy with him.


I take testosterone cream & it really helps.My female doctor prescribes it

No way, see your doc. There are things that can help you. I lived in that desert for ten years. Ten! Don’t do this to yourself! If your doc won’t help you, find one that will!

I know it’s hard to find the time but do a lot of foreplay and maybe even have him go down on you so you can get in the mood instead of just jumping it to intercourse

Are you on any medications? I am dealing with this to and a lot of it is from my depression medicine. Side effect is no sex drive :disappointed:

Seems this page isn’t just for holiday related posts but yet there’s always at least 1 person complaining. Maybe a page name change would alleviate the confusion since many people don’t read the ABOUT portion of the page before they LIKE the page?

Why should I answer this… this isn’t anything to do with cooking…

Go to your Gynocologist, it can be something hormonal…

Have an affair. It’ll do wonders for you


Talk to you’re “lady” doctor. DA


Wow, I dont know . . I love sex with my hubby . We’re like rabbits most the time . Lol!

What does this have to do with holiday?

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Maybe visit your obgyn?


Get hormone levels checked…


mine went away with my first you are not alone

Birth control will rob your libido…post partum stress will also…

Start swinging, or hire a live in “maid”…