I Have Completely Lost My Sex Drive Since Starting This Medication and I Feel So Guilty: Advice?

My aunt had the same thing happen when she started her meds . So sorry

Anti depressants are notorious for this. I’m on Effexor now and it doesn’t seem to do it as badly as others

That antidepressant really messed me up like that too. Talk to your doctor

I’m on Sertraline as well and have no sex drive either. Its definitely putting a damper on my relationship.

Seroquel does me that way too. It’s like even thinking about it is exhausting

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Wellbutrin or prozac would probably help you just as much but with out the no sex drive side effect

I can recommend Pristiq. For me it works, plus normal sex drive and no weight gain. Zoloft is a horrible med.

Low sex drive is a frequent side effect. Talk to you doctor about changing dosage or changing medications.

I have been on 3 meds for depression and 2 for bipolar and they have all given me that same effect.

May need medication change…i hated zoloft and this is an awful side effect…was on it 2 years

I switch to Wellbutrin and Prozac. Works like a charm and no nasty side effects.

You can try a different antidepressant! Talk to your doctor!

Yea leave it alonei went threw same with my. X wife

Venfelaxine (effexor xr) did the same to me. I had to withdraw and stop!

They make female stimulating creams. You can get it online or in the store. Or you can try the warming lube to help stimulate.

So my husband started Zoloft and he has no sex drive! It also makes him very tired

Have you called your doctor to discuss it? Maybe they can tweak your dose?

Ask your dr about switching you to Cymbalta or something else that will work.

Zoloft is known for that. Just call ur Dr and ask to be switched

My husband looks so sexy washing dishes are cleaning the bathroom. Has he tried to be sexy for u


My advice get kinky at least twice a week, sex is proven to help with depression so hope on.

Use some lube on yourself and fake it lol, it also takes a little while to get used to a medication. Read a sexy book or find other stimulus for yourself. Sex increases dopamine and helps with depression as well.

My doctor offered me a testosterone shot?

Call and talk to doctor or get earlier appointment

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Zoloft is the worse for this , call your dr they may be able to give you something else

Have your dr give you some hormone supplement, it will boost your estrogen level so that you will have the disire again, even though I am a guy, I have the same problem and my dr had to give me a testosterone booster because I was completely ok not being sexually active

Go to a different doctor an there has to be another kind of medication

Hated Zoloft! Try switching to something else, sometimes a diff med helps better anyway!

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I was on paxil. .no sex drive for 3 years. Changed to Wellbutrin, boom, back in the saddle in 6 weeks.

A lot of medicine will do that. I hate it.

Zoloft did the same thing to me.

Welbutrin seemed ok for me. Off everything now and still no drive. Think it is my age now.51. Good luck

Hated Zoloft. Made me feel numb, depressed & completely desensitized. Been on Lexapro for 15 years & gave me my life & normal sex drive back.

Zoloft did that to me too!

I stopped taking mine because it messed up my drive so bad. I hated it so now I only take my anxiety med and that has helped a whole lot.

Glad others have the same problems

I’m sure this is very difficult for you! The only advice I have is to talk to the doctor which you already plan to do. Maybe just try and give your husband extra physical attention that isn’t sexual. Try to touch him more or cuddle and hug him more. I know it won’t fix your problem, but it might help a little.

I understand…but please take note…wedding cake does the same damn thing

Ceprelex is good! Only thing is very dry and need lubricant, but I’ve been on them for years

Smoke ya some weed and have him give you a massage. Commit to just relaxing and enjoying the intimacy and you’ll probably have a great time.

Switch to another medication.

Normal. It’s a side effect.

I can relate and am also on sertaraline

I would move up your doctor appointment and get in and get answers

Might need to switch medication but most will be like that. Personally I think what it comes down to is what’s more important to you. Your mental health or having a sex drive? I’d choose my mental health any time. Other people can accept that or leave.

Kidney transplant 2015… same situation here :worried: Robert Lind

From a guys point of view, find something else. Maybe actual sex isn’t the answer, so give him head. 5 minutes of your time a few times a week is well worth the investment.

Take some cbd smoke some pot get off them chemicals

Tell your doctor. They will switch your meds.

Ask for another med - you deserve a sex drive girl !!
I’ve done it with other meds

I know it’s different for everyone, but I take lexapro, they say it can effect your sex life, but mine actually got better! ( I was never one to care for sex after my daughter)

Don’t give up! Keep trying different meds to see which fits you!!! :blush:

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I have anxiety and depression and Plexus has saved my life!! Plus it not only helps with anxiety and/or depression! My face is clearer and I too have my sex drive back! Message me if you have any questions! I’d love to get you naturally feeling better!! :blush:

Dont be embarrassed i was on that medication and my sex drive went to 0. I told the dr and he switched my medication and i had my sex drive back.

I havent had a sex drive in about 3 years and my marriage suffers greatly from it😭 I cant help it though I literally have no urge to have sex. It’s so frustrating

Try porn or masturbation to try and get yourself in the mood. Sex is a natural mood enhancer anyway so it’s a good idea to keep trying. There are other anxiety/depression drugs that may have a different effect on your sex drive. Ask your doctor about trazadone and if it might be a good fit for you.

Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.

Call and speak to the dr/nurse now

Well that explains a lot for me thanks everyone

Talk to you doctor about this , not Facebook


Reschedule ASAP.
It’s a side effect. Keep trying to find the med that works

Very common side effect. You could talk to the psych about trying a different med. Also, the possibility of “medication vacations”. This does take some planning so you lose the spontaneity. But it might be that middle ground where everyone’s needs are being met :blush:

Try a more natural approach, I was placed into surgical menopause at 28 yrs old, too young to not want sex, the meds had me so messed up I felt like you, didn’t matter if I ever had sex again…walking and little caffeine helped me tremendously, one to two cups of coffee each morning was my limit, I drank a gallon of water each day
This routine change, changed my life

Ask them to swap your medication I’m on mirtazapine (might be called something else where you are I’m in the uk )and it doesn’t list low sex drive on the side effects

Unfortunately, this is a side effect of these type of prescriptions. Your doctor should have told you about this before hand. Try other forms of intimacy (cuddles, hugs, etc) until you can see your doctor.

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Yes it deflates your sex drive. :100::raised_hands:t2:

Talk to your doctor…they can change your medicine and fix that😉

I’m in the same boat . But need to get out of this black hole first then start to think about sex

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First of all you shouldn’t rely on medication to help you with depression or anxiety! That doesn’t ever fix the problem you will be on medicine the rest of your life! You need to face your demons and move past them without medication! This is coming from a depressed person coming from a depressed family my brother killed himself I have dealt with depression for years


Definitely a side effect of zoloft

When I was taking anti depressants I was on escitolopram I’m sure I spelled it wrong, but it’s the generic of lexapro and it didn’t have any effects on me. If i can give you some advice, find things you like doing that gives you some peace to where eventually you can wean yourself off of it. If I’m feeling depressed i keep a journal and write about it, or go for a walk or exercise …I was able to get off my antidepressants by doing this, because i didn’t want to rely on a drug to keep me happy. I wanted to find my own happiness good luck to you.

So with an antidepressant that’s a common side effect.

Ask for different meds! It obviously isn’t the right one for you x

Thats because Zoloft makes you have zero energy, either lower the dosage or switch medications to one you are comfortable with

Momma, I take Zoloft as well and I am the same way! My fiancé felt like I didn’t want him either and I sat him down and explained to him that it wasn’t him at all. Unfortunately, a low sex drive is a side effect and it really sucks. We’ve tried a lot of foreplay and that seems to work because it gets me super worked up. But make sure he understands to not push you to have sex if you don’t want to.

Please talk to your Dr. there is alternatives your husband is a good man but he is a man they need to have sex. No shame in talking to the Dr.

This used to be me! I have epilepsy and was on Keppra and had ZERO sex drive. My then fiancé and I didn’t have sex for an entire year. I think it was part of ending our relationship. When we split I saw my neurologist and got switched to a different medication and it was like I was a whole new woman. Medications affect people differently, just ask for something different. Trial and error. You gotta find one that works for you

Same, I’m on a 40mg dose of a similar drug, I found wen I was taking 20g I didn’t have this problem. I just had a conversation with my partner & he understands. I make a point of trying for him & give more affection so he knows I still love him. Good luck with your journey it will get better x

First the first time since my hysterectomy 6 yrs ago I have finally found a antidepressant/antianxiety that has finally brought back my drive. We just had to use me as a science experiment for medications willing to take risks and face the severe side affects but we did it. You always have your hormone and testorone levels checked as well. My friend was too low on testosterone believe it for not and she has to get a monthly injection but she can’t get enough of her husband now. I hope this helps.

Call your doctor now and let them know it’s a side effect that’s effecting you… just because your appt is the end of November doesnt mean you can’t call them and let them know you’re having issues you want resolved.

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You need to talk to your doctor and change your meds ,that’s no way to live and it’s a death sentence for your marriage

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I was on zoloft for a while. I tried many different medications until I found one that really truly worked for me. On the store brand of lamictal

Soooooo, your Dr. prescribed this, why aren’t you talking to your Dr. Instead of strangers on F.B. ???

Try being in menopause. Im totally ok with never again…

I had the same side affect. I swapped to Lexapro. It helped me!

Check the balance of your hormonesbefore you swutch medications heir could be an inbalance

Definitely call your doctor now. You don’t need to wait for your appointment. Call and leave a message with clinical staff. They should change your meds to something different. Sometimes you need to even change more than once to find what works for you.

Thats a side effect of zoloft.

Why would she go through the trouble of doing something to please him, she could just have sex with him. This isn’t about him. He can go without until she gets herself in order.