Hi so I have a question for your followers. I’ve been breastfeeding my son for a year but I’ve put on so much weight because of BF. I want to stop and focus on getting back to my normal weight but he doesn’t like milk and nothing soothes him before he sleeps and will insist on having my milk. How do I stop or what can I do to help soothe him?
Start mixing half and half and then when he gets used to that, start putting more milk in then your milk.
Wow…I never knew breast feeding could cause weight gain. I was always told it makes you lose weight. Unfortunately, I only breast fed for about 6 months with my kids.
Normally you Lose weight when you breast-feed I’ve never heard of anybody gaining weight because of breast-feeding
It’s normal to gain weight the older the baby gets. Baby needs more milk so your appetite increases. Try slowly introducing the bottle with formula. Some people mix the formula and breast milk to start.
Im ravenous when I breastfeed. I don’t gain weight while nursing but I dont lose it either. Focus on exercising and eating healthy foods. Make your body feel better from the inside out, enjoy your time nursing and slowly wean if your ready to be done.
Supplement if over 12 months, for example you give 8oz breast milk, then after a few days 7oz. Breast milk 1oz. Regular milk and so on. Mix it in the same bottle slowly your little one should get used to it. That’s how i got my son onto cows milk.
I been trying to ween my daughter off for a year now!! Haha she is 2 and a half and she still latches on me… I dont pump, it just something about the nursing that she cant let go… If i dont nurse her she won’t nap and she constant begging and reaching… It is hard not to give in… She dont like white milk but she will drink trumoo chocolate milk… Good luck
I never lost any weight breastfeeding and may have gained a little too because I was always STARVING. I did better with my second baby and kept healthier snacks with me, but I don’t think I have ever stayed so hungry in my life!
I gained weight after going back to work. Trying to maintain my milk and not breastfeeding constantly. I would just start pumping and bottle feeding. Then slowly give him less breast milk and mix with whole milk. Slowly give less Breast milk and more whole milk and finally should able to end it. Warning it will be a bitter sweet ending. good luck mama. I’m still battling to loose this weight!
Tennis star Serena Williams gained weight breastfeeding and people thought she was crazy. Once she stopped the weight came off
Girl same here 18 months old and will not settle without attaching to me. Won’t drink milk from a cup either… been trying to wean him for 8 months
They don’t have to drink milk after a year mine didn’t like it either. Dr said it was ok we don’t have to actually drink milk. I just gave mine yogurt and sour cream on things.
I had the same issue. My OB told me that 1/3 of women gain weight, 1/3 of women maintain and 1/3 of women lose weight. Everyone’s body is different and will react differently to breastfeeding. I would pump and bottle feed for a bit and then work in whole milk slowly!
I gained a lot of weight while breastfeeding too. Since she is now over a year old, I’ve started limiting my intake (small portions), with a healthy balanced diet. The milk still gets the vitamins and nutrients that it needs, but its helped me start losing a little bit of weight.
Try almond milk! My guess is he more so just like the comfort of mama❤️ I couldn’t lose weight when breastfeeding and occasionally would gain here and there so I don’t know why people are laughing at this. Two kids and I never lost any weight. I just stopped breastfeeding my 13 month old, it’s been a month and he was a full on boob dude. He still doesn’t drink ANY kind of milk but doctor says that’s okay if he’s getting calcium from other sources. I just wore a bra and shirt at night and he would whine a little for maybe five or ten minutes and then go back to sleep. He never full on cried but I was ready to have my body back to myself. Good luck mama💕
My friend had this issue. She basically had to do the tough love with her little guy and as far as the weight when she stopped she started losing the weight by light walking and watching carbs. Dont be hard on yourself it can take sometime to lose weight and even feel normal just know our bodies are so amazing they give life and that’s no easy process. Just take one day at a time.
Breastfeeding makes you SO hungry and more likely to make poor food choices.
I had the same issue. Lost a lot of weight(steadily and healthy weight lost) during my pregnancy. Started at 259 and ended at 224, within a year and a half of breastfeeding, I gained it all back. Started this pregnancy at 255.
It was the binge eating and just not moving a lot. During labor I hurt my tailbone very bad so my movement was restricted for months.
I’m hoping this time around, I have a lot more support and I’m mentally ready. I was happy when I lost weight. Now to be back where I was. It’s upsetting.
You can do it mama. Start small. Eat portion sizes, get your blood sugars checked, find the little things to bring positivity to your mental health. Lower down unhealthy drinks and snacks. Replace with water intake, and let fruits become your sweets.
Each day, just do movements for 30 minutes, soon you can do more and much longer.
You didn’t gain weight from breast feeding. You gained it from over eating and under exercising. Period. Change your lifestyle and stop making excuses.
Are you on birth control? I gained weight while breastfeeding because of my birth control once I stopped and started losing it.
you do not gain weight from breastfeeding–eating too much sugar/carbs, not enough exercise etc. However if you started on hormonal birth control that will cause weight gain.
I keep my weight on following birth. Did with both kids till I quit nursing! Everyone is different so hang in there! Try to wean down to just faking asleep then after a week or so say sorry it’s all gone!
Breastfeeding actually promotes weight loss. No offense but it’s obviously something else that has caused you to gain. As far as soothing him he needs to learn to self soothe. Yes he will cry but it will pass. Pump or give him alternative milk options. He will be fine. At a year old it’s not a necessity.
Step back and look at your intake. If you are eating differently, more calories, it might be the answer. We’ve all been told during pregnancy that you’re “eating for two”. It not uncommon to continue this mind set into Breastfeeding. The stress and fatigue can lead to mindless overeating. Try more water. Sometimes being thirsty, very common when Breastfeeding, can feel like being hungry. Drink and think before food. Hope you find what works best for you
U can start banting, promotes both good health and weight loss…google banting, u will thank me later
Na, u gained weight because u eat more than u breastfeed. Thats one. Now if u want to stop breastfeeding and ur baby is used to it after A whole year, u may not succeed right away. I can tell u when they are almost 3 years old and u speak to them clearly, then they will understand that big boys or big girls do not drink milk from mommy anymore… the end.
If you are under eating and not getting enough calories your body will hold onto weight and CAN cause you to gain bc it’s not getting what it needs and self preservation mode. I have no clue if that’s what is happening but I suggest eating 5 small healthy meals a day and exercising in addition to what you’re doing. Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
Breastfeeding actually BURNS calories because your body is working harder to produce milk. Limit snacks, eat more fiber, drink plenty of water and increase your activity, even just 15 mins per day. You should be all good
Sorry, I think this lady is after advice on how to stop BF not looking to be shamed for her diet
I was exactly the same … didnt get the weight off Was constantly hungry while BF, she weaned herself off at 9 months and it wasn’t until I stopped I seen the weight dropping off.
Aparently it takes 3 days to break a habit, could be the same as BF … keep trying a bottle he will get there you’ve done incredible BF for this long if you feel now is the time to focus on you and getting the weight off do it all the best
Yes…I couldn’t lose weight while breast feeding. Same with my sister in law. My friend lost weight like no other the first few months of breast feeding and then couldn’t lose after that. Every body is different. In the end it comes off as long as you try to take care of yourself (which is hard when you have a little human that needs you so much). After about a year and a half of my son’s birth I was just about where I wanted to be(then i got pregnant again). Getting close to my desired weight again. I feel your pain but it will go away eventually
I don’t know if you tried this yet or not, but slowly take away feedings. So for example if your child eats BF 6x a day, eliminate one feeding for like a week and instead try feeding your child a regular meal and offer a bottle/cup of milk or water. Then when your child is doing okay with 5x a day, take another feeding away. It’s rough, but you can do it!!! It worked with my son doing it this way. I got lucky with my daughter and she weaned herself at 9 months old.
Get your thyroid levels checked too… pregnancy can trigger thyroid issues. If you are hypothyroid it will be impossible to lose weight until thyroid is under control. Also keep trying bottle. Good luck
Just enjoy your moment. Be proud of being a mom and being able to experience it. You’ll get your body back when you’re ready. Don’t stress yourself out! Be proud.
What worked for me when my son was 14 months old was giving him pacifier and reading short picture books. He used to nurse to sleep, but he switched to pacifier and me sleeping next to him more easily than I ever thought would be possible. However, just a little warning about weight: I actually put on weight after I stopped breastfeeding but I hope it does not happen to you if you plan to change your eating more strictly than I ever did. Wish you luck!
I gained a lot of weight breastfeeding and Plan on doing it again this time, but with the knowledge it’s not easy and I’m doing all I can and weight gain is normal. Ignore the ignorance and hate on here. Do what you need to for your mental health and for baby.
You can offer yogurt and cheese as fats! He doesn’t have to just have milk! Good luck! I totally understand not being happy with your body but it’s doing SO MUCH for you and your baby, take care of it but think on the wonderful things about it!
Go ahead and start trying to lose weight. Breastfeeding takes up extra calories and if he does not like diet milk, he will wean maybe?
You’re more then likely over eating. I didn’t realize I was overeating all the bad foods until I had gained almost 100 pounds post pregnancy. It’s a hard reality but once I got that in check I lost weight like crazy.
When you are breastfeeding, you body will naturally crave the things your baby needs. Those aren’t always things that your body can process and burn quickly (like an increase in proteins or fats). It doesn’t mean you are eating unhealthy, just that your body demands have changed. And not everyone’s bodies react the same to breastfeeding. If you feel unhealthy, or like their could be a problem, definitely talk to your doctor and see if they can test your thyroid, etc. but if it’s just your weight / body image, just go with it knowing you are doing best for your baby and it’ll all go back to normal soon enough. Not to downplay body image, because it’s an important part of mental health, but don’t ever let someone else tell you how to feel about your own body. As far as soothing, try nursing for much shorter periods of time, then stop. With my son, I stopped nursing during the day, then only let him nurse right before bed, then stopped nursing him at bed time and just held him the same way, gave him his burpie cloth, and snuggled him to sleep. He gave in faster than I was ready for…he fell right asleep, and I cried my eyes out thinking he didn’t need me anymore. I’m okay now…he’s almost 5.
Change up the routine. For a month either my hubby, mother, or father put my oldest to bed. When I took over bedtime again we didn’t snuggle in the rocker but laid in a tent he had got for Christmas. Once he fell asleep I would transfer him to his crib.
Wow i just joined this group and after reading these super rude narrow minded comments im out. Dont need this kind of negativity. Im so sorry to the OP. BREAST FEEDING DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL WEIGHT LOSS.
Just gonna have to break the habit. It’s hard … he will learn to self sooth and milk will become a normal. It’s gonna be rough a lot of sleepless nights
I started the keto diet for health reasons, lost 15 kg I’m still breastfeeding my 2 and a half year old day and night. There are options.
My baby is having a hard time leaving formula. Im stuck i am wondering if toddler formula would work cow milk taste different from bm or formula plus its warm try almond milk
Following this… everyone I know lost bfing, I gained 60lbs doing it… she is now going to be 2 on the 22nd and she doesnt like bottle or milk
Breastfeeding helps to drop the weight so may need to look into something else. Maybe the pregnancy gave u a funny thyroid, if u weren’t breastfeeding u would probably have gained alot more weight than u did.
I gained weight while breastfeeding because I was overeating…and eating bad things like snacks so try if you are hungry eat fruits and portion control
I didn’t gain weight till I stopped breast feeding…something in your diet
Exclusively breastfeeding can burn up to 700 calories a day. BF is not causing you to gain weight. Call your doctor and have them check your thyroid, if you’re not doing anything differently. But if you’re not exercising and eating healthy then that could also be why
I was so hungry when I breastfed and I ate so much crap. Also, my thyroid was a mess and all of that made me gain weight. Have your Dr check your thyroid and check your diet… continuing to bf will help you lose weight and be good for mommy and baby. Good luck mama
of he takes the bottle, slowly mix in reg milk as you decrease the breast milk. Add more milk each time and less breast milk. id do it slowly
He will cry for about 3 days and will get over it. Explain he is a big boy.
Congrats for making it to a year mama! Switch to milk and quit!
For those saying “breastfeeding burns calories you shouldn’t be gaining” and shaming her for overeating when maybe she isn’t, (we don’t know) please also consider the full scope of the impacts of breastfeeding on hormones as well.
Breastfeeding mothers produce 10x more prolactin (a hormone) than non breast feeders. This hormone suppresses another hormone, Adiponectin, which aids in weight loss. So by supressing Adiponectin, weight loss can be very difficult. The “breastfeeding helps you lose weight” theory is very outdated and while some women lose weight, a lot of women do not, and overeating can be an issue, but is not always the culprit, so be kind.
It happened to me, two breastfed babies later. My weight came off after breastfeeding ended and hormone levels regulated properly.
Honestly getting my son to not comfort feed I had to cut him cold Turkey and deal with the crankiness for a limited time now we’re golden
I no nephew i just seen it dam shame
This may sound crazy to all of you, but I promise this works…try going by ‘the best days’ to wean (under parenting) I weaned 6 from breastfeeding And used it to quit smoking too (under health)
Wow. Breast feeding made me lose weight. I breast fed my son and my daughter. Breastfeeding makes your body contract back to normal faster,naturally. At least it did for me both times.
Putting this here for the ppl being judgy and negative.
I’ve never heard of anyone gaining weight due to breastfeeding… if it’s because you have an increased appetite, you should make sure you are eating healthy calories that are good for you and baby.
Honestly if you’re done breastfeeding then stop. You break the kid of the fits for not getting what he wants. Period. It’s part of being a parent. And stopping a kid from throwing a fit because you won’t give him what he wants (regardless what it is) is part of the parenting.
I recently weaned my 8month old of breastfeeding… I did it gradually over 3weeks. He was always familiar with a bottle and formular although i breastfeed 90% of the time. He also use to refuse the bottle point blank… So basically i started introducing 1 feed a day of bottle… Once he got comfortable i introduced the second feed… It took longer for him to take to the bottle before bed but that was trial and error untill i eventually took to it…
I bounced back to pre pregnancy weight until I hit 1 year breastfeeding & the weight just came! Like bam 15 lbs! Hopefully you get better results once weaned but I’m still night nursing since home. Good luck momma
I’ve heard of plenty of people gaining weight due to breastfeeding. Your appetite has increased. I initially lost weight after birth and I’m still breastfeeding (8months) and I’ve hit a plateau. Don’t stress it too much, but if you’re really worried I would recommend light workouts and maybe eat some healthier foods that sustain energy!
Try different milks. It turned out that my daughter was allergic to cow’s milk. Once I switched and gave her allergy meds she weaned off. It just took a test from the Drs. I lost all the weight once I stopped breastfeeding. Just because these women never heard of someone gaining weight doesn’t mean it never happens. Women have different bodies.
Talk nurses at your gp surgery might be able advise you or pharmacy
How important is it to you to continue breastfeeding?
If you want your body back, wean, use a pacifier.
I couldn’t lose weight until I quit breastfeeding either.
Tbh if you want to quit then quit, i took my daughter off breast milk at 6months as I’d only planned going 6months and my milk wasnt enough for her (she was on solids too, but at 6months her weight stayed at 11lb (she was born 6lb 13 dropped to 6lb 4 2 days after birth) so we just stopped, that was the End of it, yes there was a little fight but after a day or so she realised I wasn’t food anymore
I’ve put on weight after giving birth to. Just Had my contraception taken out to see if it’s that. Otherwise I was thinking it was bf As well
I’ve never heard of somebody Gaining weight due to breastfeeding…quite the opposite actually. I’ve always lost the baby weight quickly from breastfeeding
I developed thyroid issue after giving birth. That contributes to weight gain too. Have it checked
Usually you lose weight due to breastfeeding maybe you should just watch what you eat drink more water and if you feel you don’t want to breastfeed just stop maybe pump…
As long as your feeding your child you should let him stay on during this virus …just to strengthen the immune system…
You will loose wieght
I breast fed 5 sons and watched what I ate, no junk food, I learned how to hold my babies and do house work, it just takes a little maneuvering…you’ll figure it out and you’ll stay active, no weight gain
My aunt put Band-Aids on her nipples so the next time her kid went to breastfeed feed she told him that they were broken. He started drinking milk that day 🤷
Maybe because of being home alot right now.? Better food choices/ exercise. Just throwing that out to you we have all been stuck to close to the fridge lately
I’m with the others. Doubt it’s the bf. did you start any new medications? Sometimes birth controls do that
Isabel Cortina Chacon wth
Guys please do some research before telling a woman just because YOU lost weight or ‘ havent heard of it’ its not possible for women to gain weight while breastfeeding & insinuating she just eating a lot of junk and not trying-a lot of women actually gain weight while breastfeeding. Yes most do lose but there is also a significant portion of women who do the opposite and start packing on the lbs- not everyone has the same body chemistry. A lot of the time one of the reasons is for your body you actually arent eating enough even if you are eating healthy and not eating nearly enough protein, also lack of sleep and stress are all contributing factors as well. I had to reach out personally to someone who specializes in weightloss while breastfeeding because Despite eating a very strict healthy diet and only ever drinking water, and cutting all sugar and dairy out of my diet- and working out 5 days a week doing resistance training, pilates and weight lifting- the things that have always made me quickly drop weight before- I was still gaining weight- turns out I needed about 700 more calories than I had been eating, and way more protein- it was actually difficult to eat the amount of food I needed but low and behold I started dropping weight once I adjusted. Do a google search on calorie calculators for breastfeeding, download the my plate app on your phone to help you keep track good luck mama!
Just stop shell drink when she’s thirsty. Alot of kids do it and make you feel guilty. Make a game out of it
I have 3 kids and that extra pounds hard to get rid of even w daily exercise and eating right… I’m not the lucky one whose body bounced back to be tiny
I should join a slimming club. You can join online ones. Due to coronavirus. Your son will eventually give up on the breastfeeding. I presume he has diluted juice to drink in cups during the daytime with food. Instead of breastmilk.
I never heard this-
My Dr told me that your body is doing the work of a construction worker when you breast feed- the weight fell off after about 6 weeks - don’t give up- your a good mom for giving your baby the best gift- you!!!
You could warm the milk you introduce to him
Okay. Try eating healthier and a exercising. Try pumping milk and mixing it with other milk, until he gets use to other milk and drinks. Good luck
You should be losing weight when you breastfeed. What I drink when I was a baby was goat’s milk, try it.