So I got back with my baby daddy recently qnd so I’m over all the bullshit his family literally put me through for no reason at all and all honesty I took care of the kids, went to work, be with my kiddos, and not bringing trouble around the house but his sister called me out my name. Everytime I was pregnant. But nor me or her pregnant but she wants to keep quite but what she actually accused me of, she was doing all along behind her baby daddies back then expected me to forgive qnd forget but being double standard. I don’t care, I’m just ranting. Everyone expects me to forgive her but fuck that…right? All comments welcomed negative or not. Lemme hear them. I say f**k her
I agree! Screw her I went through something similar.
Yeh f*ck her fr! You don’t have to forgive her at all.
I’m so confused with your story right now
What was that word salad about?
Was it even supposed to be English?
You’re the one who got back with him… you probably already knew his family was toxic so why get back with him. Of course family going to be on their loved ones side when breakups happen and you really thought it would go away once y’all got back together? Nope it gets worse more than likely. So either deal with it or leave and stay gone from the drama.
It hurt to read this.
What did I just try to read
Holding on to hate and discontent will only poison yourself. I prefer to kill them with kindness. Make them wonder what your really up to.
That doesn’t mean befriend the bitch. Excuse my French. But you know, don’t let her rent space in ur head for free.
Always forgive it’s about personal healing and moving all. From the toxic mess.
Not forgiving means they won and have something to hold over you and the power they have. But that’s just how I see it
I say you ALL need to grow the eff up in this situation.
Don’t waste your energy on people like that. You don’t have to “forgive” her. But don’t waste your time arguing or being angry. It’s not worth it.
She accused you of what exactly? Sounds ew the way you say it lol like his sister and you are fighting over baby daddy?
I’m not 100% sure on what I just read…
I guess I don’t understand why anyone’s family would be so involved with YOUR relationship.
She is projecting herself in you… throw it back at her. Not one human can “call you out of your name” without your permission. Ignore that trifling!
See I’m petty and would throw that up
I hope you guys were wearing masks while all this was happening. …
For those of you who say you don’t understand what she saying …she says her babydaddy sister accused her of all the things she was doing and now ppl expect her to forgive her but she doesn’t agree she should…. I guess it all depends is she sorry and sincere about it ? If so I’d forgive but not forget if not then I’d definitely wouldn’t be even speaking to her or anything
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, But i do understand you’re pissed. Rant away, ma’am.
Break the chain.choose a different way to live.A peaceful life.
Sorry, I could tell you were very upset when you wrote this. You jumped all over the place and I really don’t know what she did to you.
My motto regarding family - I love each and every one them. Yes LOVE - although I don’t like a few of them .
Are you trying to stay with him or what? Arguing with the family is not going to get you any love. Get some zen & stop being so aggressive.
Girl fuck her and his family…just focus on you your kids and what’s best for you
Lol I hold a grudge if I don’t get told “Happy Birthday” on my birthday. So I’m probably the wrong one to ask. My view is and always has been “If it’s fuck you a week ago it’s fuck you today.” I don’t forgive easily but it honestly takes me a lot to reach that point. The “Happy Birthday” thing I can forgive but I just won’t wish anyone else a Happy Birthday on theirs.
Everyone expects me to just forgive and forget what a particular person has done to me because apparently she’s changed now and is happier not that easy to forgive someone that ain’t sorry and doesn’t deserve forgiveness so nup
Sometimes you have to forgive, but not forget. Keep your distance, and ignore her to coexist.
This is also something that your baby daddy should be it’s good be helping you with. It’s his family and hes the one that needs to draw boundaries with them. All this rumors and drama is so fkn toxic. I know you don’t want your kids growing up and thinking this is how relationships with family are. Set example
How many babies do you have?
Can someone translate this to English for me lol
Very difficult to follow…
Erm… Hard story to follow, literally. What?
Fk her and fk anyone who expects you to forgive her!!!
You vented pretty hard here. I thiiiiink boyfriends sis accused you of cheating, and all along she was the cheater, and everyone thinks you should get over it, but you don’t have the closure you need to let it go?
If that’s the case, fuck her. She was obviously projecting onto you, and has now exposed herself as an unreliable source of information. If boyfriend doesn’t believe her anyway then fuck it try to let it go, and only be nice to her when you need to keep the peace.
FCK forgive and fCK her. You’re right
So basically she was being a shitty 2 faced sister in law and everyone wants you to forgive her. No fuck her like you said.
I’m afraid you lost me.
Who lives like this??
Say what now?!
yall, I can’t. I just can’t
Yeah, fk her:rofl:
I don’t know. I’m confused. Sounds like a lot of immaturity and needless drama. You do you.
Why do so many entertain bs??
I told them where they could go. Y’all play to much.
That said, forgiveness is for you. Not her. Always forgive. Never forget.
I mean I wanna help but I literally don’t understand what you said
Okay, who else feels like this after reading this post?
Well I say, the rest of the story is needed and edit whatever that is up there! What did I just read?!?
my comment is I can’t understand a word you said. Those are certainly words though.
MYOB. Why do you have to forgive her for anything. Unless your the father of her baby, stay out of it.
Literally doesn’t make since
This page really posts everything they receive raw lol
Yep…you got it right
Is this one of those episodes of an uneducated reality at shows
Forgive but don’t forget
Forgive her for yourself and that way no matter what she says or does won’t affect you either way bc you forgave the bs…she’ll freak every time when there is no reaction from you at all…kindness gets under the skin like a splinter. All 2022- cut them negative folks out ya life.
Even though your question was very difficult to understand, it doesn’t matter. Yes, just forgive her. If you want peace and harmony for you, your kids, your boyfriend…just let the past go. Yes, she hurt you but no need to hold on to that hurt, it takes away from your life. Practice loving and forgiving others and so many better blessings will come your way.
Try it and see…I promise your life will feel amazing when you let the hurt go.
(But don’t let her do it again )
Okay…… I would tell her that she has the option to drop whatever she’s accusing you of and be apart of the kids lives or if she keeps being it up she will get cut out of the kids lives. Give her a chance to see if she can drop it.
I have no idea what I just read
If I could understand what the hell you said, I’d give advice…
Girl I understand you
You all sound like petty 14yr olds that are setting great examples for your kids
Sounds like a soap opera. Keep positive and be a better person than she is.
Why can’t you spell AND properly ???
Wait what? I literally have no idea what you just said.
Tell her to eat a big fat dick
Did she call you illiterate?
I say you’re half the problem. Grow up. Keep drama off Facebook.
ummm what ??
i cant understand any of this
No grudges or I’ll will. It only harms you and poisons your soul
how old are you both 12? The kids probably behave better than you 2 clowns grow the fuck up
You sound like a child.
I’m with ya F**k her my sister inlaw would never do that to me and we dont always see eye to eye
l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17460 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Info Here >>>
I didn’t understand anything about this post.
Not one thing about this post makes sense!!!
Just call her the same name back and tell her yall are even and move on
tf did I just read?!
Grown adults who have kids and go to work and pay their own bills don’t have time for petty drama. Be the bigger person and don’t let what she says get under your skin. Sometimes being the bigger person sucks but so do a lot of things. Only you can choose how you react to it.
I need an interpreter.
Slow down . Think before you write or talk.
I say fuck her just do what you gotta do and just ignore her
Idk what I just read but yes fuck her you feel like that for a reason that only you understand
Once you reconcile with him, you “suppose” to let bygone be bygone and forgive and forget (or at least do not dwell on it), and be cordial (willing to start over with his family)
I would just be civil but not be her friend.
Just ignore her and be the bigger person be civil while your around if you must be around her if not then just stay away and focus on your kids
Um what ? What was the question
In her defense, I’ve anonymously posted before and this page misspelled and asked the wrong question. Anyway, if you live with his family, you need to move. If you don’t live with his family, then just be amicable. Tolerate while there. If she or anyone of his family is verbally abusive, so not go over there with your kids and he needs to put them in their place. A large reason why SO’s families talk bad to you is because your SO is over here running their mouth playing victim.
Fuck her but stay respectful and classy. Taking the higher road, not for her but for your own peace of mind. Let her keep her drama and you just let it roll right past you.
Sticks and stones…DON’T stoop to her level, set an example for your children and be the better person or your children will become what they see from Mom and Dad.
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16452 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Or the final option E, open a book and see how many other crap parents there are willing to place a bet thus forming your own park tribe??.. (kidding obvs) lol
She has issues… Spray holy water on het and see what happens XD
What doesn’t make your life better can be removed. Read that again.
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16862 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Wtf did I just try and read?!!!
l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16860 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
I’m not even sure what this is saying but you go girl f****k her and him go big or go home