I have major anxiety while pregnant...advice?

Anxiety keeping me up a night. 32 weeks pregnant and having my 3rd c section. I’m extremely scared and my OB just says “I know you are” no other advice or anything. I’m losing sleep and it’s really starting to affect me. Help!


I’ve had 3 sections and my last was honestly the easiest recovery time and the least painful recovery. You got this!

I actually preferred my C-section with my twins and my single natural birth before. Both have pros and cons. Try to relax and enjoy the last bit of pregnancy. I know it’s rough. Did you have any complications with the first two csections?

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Following. I’m 36 weeks and having my 2nd c section July 11th. Both my husband and I are scared.

Unless you see a therapist, journal. Start writing out exactly what scares you or gives you pause.
If it’s medical, talk to the staff at the hospital & your Dr.
If it’s anything else, make a plan point by point.
Writing can help you get to exactly what the issue is so you can address it.
Remember, you can’t control every thing. Prepare for what you know. Expect change. :purple_heart:

Pray if ur Catholic say the rosary helped me a lot or any prayer it’s kinda nice knowing God always has you god bless