I have missed my period for 3 months: Advice?

So I’m on month 3 of missed period I have cramps and signs of period I also breastfeed my 14 month old to but I’m kinda concerned I mean I did have intercourse but that was like 4 months ago but I had my period after then that was the last I’ve seen my period idk if I should be concerned or not


Take a test or go to the doctor?


When in doubt take a test!


Definitely get a pregnancy test


Sometimes you think you got a period, but it’s just implantation bleeding/cramping.


Sex gehad in de tijd dat het nog niet mocht ik zou even en zwangerschapstest doen

Omg :roll_eyes: get a damn pregnancy test :person_shrugging::roll_eyes:

I’d be getting in with a doctor, 3 months with no period is cause for concern. If you’ve had your period while nursing it shouldn’t just stop, especially that far into it. I didn’t get mine back until 2 years into nursing, but it hasn’t just stopped in the last year and I’m still nursing. Ive had weird, light periods here and there but they’re definitely noticeable as periods. Call your OB and get checked, they’ll do a pregnancy test before they check anything else.

I’ve had that happen, I usually have 1 “period” after getting pregnant, it’s actually implantation bleeding and not a true period. Take a test and make a dr appt.

Nursing will affect periods with many women not getting a period at all during that time. I wouldn’t stress over it but tell the doctor.

Take a test if negative go to your ob. When I was younger something similar happened to me with no pregnancy turned out to be pre cancer in my cervix… Definitely get checked

When in doubt just take a test. Every person is different. I’ve been breastfeeding for two and a half years, I was sooo looking forward to no periods while breastfeeding (that’s what I’ve heard, stupid I know) buuuut of course my monthly has come right on schedule every month since she’s been born, even with breastfeeding. Now I did go three months without a period, which I didn’t stress too much about because my tubes are tied, but I took a test just to be sure.

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Your nursing can affect your menstrual cycle. Also if you’re in doubt take a test. If you don’t believe the test go get a blood test and that’ll definitely tell you if you’re pregnant or not.

go to the doctor if your worried not the internet

Test for pregnancy.
If positive see a Dr due to bleeding.
If Neg…likely irregular bleeding w/ breast feeding…
“Use Condoms” if you do not want to BE pregnant!

This happened to me turns out I am 18 weeks pregnant :upside_down_face:

Good chance you’re pregnant. But just to be sure and take a test. 

get checked to be sure 3mths gone by nothing

Why not see a doctor instead putting your question on facebook.