I haven't been in the mood for sex since I gave birth: Advice?

my problem was the opposite lmao hubby wouldnt touch me after he found out i was prego because he was afraid he would hurt the baby🤦‍♀️

Well with 3 kids to take care of I think it’s wrong to constantly demand sex from you. Maybe he should look into a medicine that will help lower his libido. He’s the one who needs to check himself and quit throwing fits like a f ing 2 year old when he doesn’t get his way!!!


When did FB become a sexual advice page?

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Serious point- your husband needs counseling or you need a new husband


Your husband needs to grow up


Tell your husband to " Suck it up buttercup"


Just keeping my mouth shut on this subject.


Just watch the teeth and do what needs doing.


Talk to your doctor. He/ she will not be shocked or offended.


I was taking birth control and it mess my sex drive up my husband was so mad and always made me feel like it was my fault so stopped talking it and it took like a year to get back to normal

Take care of your husband and he will take care of you. Or, you can make it all about you; like writing this for instance. Stop being selfish

So on top of birthing a 3rd child, and I’m assuming breastfeeding the baby and taking care of the other children, your co- parent is acting like the largest child? It can take a full year for a woman’s body to recover from birth alone. You are supplying sustenance to the child as well. What is your husband doing besides whining about his weiner? Is he helping with the parenting and household workload? Is he working to financially support your family? Yes, after childbirth your hormone levels change and you go through a " mini" menopause, which gets extended if you are breast feeding. Talk to your husband to see if it’s intimacy or sex he’s needing ( they are two separate things) and then work together to lighten your load so you will be more likely to be in the mood. Stress, postpartum recovery, timing, and exhaustion are big hurdles to sex after children. He may want to focus on quality instead of quantity and if you can get more rest and less pressure to add one more thing to your list, you both may find better opportunities and desire for sex. If that doesn’t work, then talk to your OB. Postpartum depression and hormonal imbalances can be screened for and treatment will help. But this isn’t a problem with you or him individually and it’s not a one and done cure. Biggest thing is working together.


Sex is not Love, its an act, and he can take care of himself.


My sex drive doesn’t exist either and my husband doesn’t like it

Honey talk to your Dr

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Girl, i was the same way- and he’s easier to deal with when he’s “happy”

i’d say just jerk him off- meanwhile- talk to your doctor- your hormones won’t go back to normal for a while especially if you’re breastfeeding

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Time to see a doctor ASAP!!

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Eh. Get him a toy and tell him to take his mood somewhere else

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Try some lube and maybe a hormone supplement. Honestly men will only take so much of that before they look elsewhere. I know I’ll be slammed but it’s true.


Try coconut oil for lube.

Hold up hold up I’m on the other side I hate when I’m horny for weeks and weeks and my husband keeps telling me he’s not in the mood it a. Messes with my self esteem b hurts my feelings cuz why doesn’t my partner want me but c. Makes his start regretting starting a family you need to sometimes take a shower and just do it and you might be surprised it will lift your mood it will help with you post partum but if your just really not wanting the whole thing help him out and take one for the team that is why women get cheated on or vice versa I know I might get hate but like I told my husband I chose you for the rest of my life there isn’t anyone else that can fill that hole come on ladies men need their needs met same as us


He should take a chill pill… :grinning::grinning:

Why todo I have to hear this kind of news? I’m banning you from my Facebook

I have no respect for your husband. He is selfish. He is not thinking of your health, S long as he is fine. Go to Dr. Both of you

Tell him to have a cold shower. :joy::joy::joy:

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I guess you must have sex sometimes

If you aren’t nursing ask your doctor for testosterone pills.

Please talk to your Dr.
They can help

Go see your gyno. Your hormones are probably out of wack!

your husband should be ashamed of himself…after you birthed his child, feed his child, and probably get up every two hours…He wants sex??? Id tell him to go jump in a lake…hes is very selfish…Let him take care of the baby and other kids and let you go rest…We will see if he has the energy to have sex…SMH…


You just 3d printed some humans. You then made food for them out of yourself AND took on most of their care and the housework…see your Dr, but also tell your man to grow up and step up. Sex is not that big a priority in this phase of your lives.


You are super tired and your husband is selfish. Buy him some hand cream and tell him to go into the bathroom and enjoy himself.


First of all your husband should understand. You just had a baby and sometimes it takes time for your body to get back to normal. If he cant understand that then that’s his problem. Talk to your doctor and see if there is anything that can be given to you to help your hormones get back to the way they were. If not then he will just have to be patient, or tell him he has a hand use it


Went thru same thing & honestly after seeing the way my then husband behaved with total lack of control or sympathy it just turned me off more… never did regain my sex drive with him! :joy: . Divorced him in 2005 & best thing I ever did!! Went thru a couple years break & at last met my soulmate… its been great ever since! :heart:


Check your hormone levels first… if the are good.Try ben wa balls, if your pelvic floor is weak it can lower your sex drive, the more kids you have the weaker it can get.

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You may be thrilled about the birth of all of your children, it doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t know the toll it takes and prioritize survival. Your biological imperative has switched from making babies to ensuring their survival and by extension your own. It’s natural and to be expected. On another note I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things because my husband likes boobs and to me they were no longer a part of my sexual self. They belonged to the babies. Once he learned to knock it off with the breasts I was more comfortable. Snuggle him a lot and engage in other intimate acts until it’s back. You’re getting a whopping dose of oxytocin everytime you hold or feed your baby, he is likely not getting as much and will still need physical touch and affection. But getting to the bottom of why he needs it and you do not will be helpful. A doctor or counselor can help in this regard. Likely it just him feeling insecure because he has been feeling displaced by the new child. Not unlike sibling rivalry, men often need reassurance that they still have your affection after the birth of a child. And many women naturally resent this extra physical demand on their already limited time and bodily autonomy. If you get to the root of the problem on both sides, you may be able to solve it quite simply. If the problem is that you don’t feel sexy wearing spit up, it’ll take as long as it takes. Lastly, sex drive is self perpetuating, when you’re getting it regularly you want it regularly and when you’re not then that can become the default position. See a doctor together, and a counselor, and if the problem doesn’t have an obvious physical or psychological cause, you may have to get back on the horse to want to get back on the horse. Best of luck to you and tell your husband to strap in, female sex drive is prone to ebb and flow with the seasons of your life and this may not be the only time in your marriage that sexual intimacy is not a priority for you.

There is a cream called “scream cream” that your gynecologist can prescribe for you. It’s amazing! I’ve been using it because I have to take hormone blockers because of breast cancer. There’s no hormones in it except for a bit of testosterone.

My dr had me drink some wine or some other adult beverage and just had me not breast feed for a day or so

It relaxed me and helped set the mood and then my husband did the rest

I wouldn’t take pills it stays in the system longer but anyway good luck

Yea, hes kinda a jerk. You could be experiencing post pardom depression. He should grow up. Ur his wife not a machine. Sorry, you should speak to your ob. Good luck.

What’s wrong with his hand?

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I’ve had 12 kids and breastfed them it never effected my sex drive. But it can take time . Women are complicated. You could just be tired or still recovering from birth, it could also be hormones especially since ur nursing. Maybe try a spa day for u and than a romantic dinner and a babysitter. That might help put u in the mood :heart:

Get him a date with Rosie Palm…satisfaction guaranteed. :wink:

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I can’t relate because my sex drive is always really high but a few of my friends lady’s went through this. I always tell the men to help her relax and destress and ushly that gets him what he wants. Also, CALL HER BEAUTIFUL

there is a cream you can get from the doctor to help increase your sex drive

Just jack the dumb bastard off . Shouldn’t take but a few minutes out of your busy day.


Stuff a walnut up his penis and see if he’s still interested in having sex!

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If your man wants to a asshole cause you really not willing to give it up then tell the asshole to leave. If he loves you enough he would wait till you are emotionally and physically ready. You just had a baby. If he thinks that you need to prove your love for him by giving him sex he’s in the wrong. A marriage is not based on sex sex and more sex. It is bout love and support through till the end. It is about also comenment what you do is a 24 hour job it is non stop. But you should focus a time for him while the kids are napping or asleep for the night. Watch a good movie something.

When you have little ones, its exhausting, and most men dont understand that when you go to bed, you just want to sleep. I’ve been a stay at home mom, and held a full time job. Being a full time mom is a 24/7 job, and far more difficult. Your job is take care of 3 kids, the house, the shopping. The cooking, the clean up, the laundry, and be a sexy little slut as soon as you get the kids bathed and in bed. I dont recall feeling to sexy when I’m just plain tired. My husband was the same, and he never did understand. Men take a lack of interest in sex as not wanting them, and it’s hard to make them understand, your love hasn’t changed at all, just your energy level

TMI call professionals

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Suck it up buttercup

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Have your hormones checked

Let him get a girlfriend until you can start doing your part


Speak to you doctor but perhaps also look at different ways to spice it up for you. Glam yourself up with some lingerie. Send him a cheeky teasing pic while he is at work, stuff like that may help get you in the mood and excited.

He needs to try and get you in the mood. It will take time but him throwing a fit definitely ain’t gonna get you turned on. Tell him to run your back or start you motor other ways. It happens to all of of women at some point, my husband thought I was mad at him the past two weeks, normally I am ready and set to have sex, I just want interested in it cause we are packing and such.


If you think not having sex for a few weeks after giving birth, which is very exhausting/traumatic to the body, will ruin your marriage then you and your husband need a big talk. It’s totally normal to feel this way, especially so soon after birth. Communication is crucial in these regards

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Coercion isn’t consent and just because you’re married doesn’t mean he’s entitled to your body being a mum is hard work and exhausting at that on top of hormone changes lack of sleep and breastfeeding it’s only natural that your sex drive will be gone for a short period if he loves you and has the understanding and compassion he will understand if he cheats that’s on him and shows what’s more important to him IMO I’m 12pp pnd and breastfeeding and haven’t had much of a sex drive but my partner understands we make time for each-other in other ways and he sorts himself out if he needs to if he was to throw a tantrum over it and guilt trip me into it (again coercion isn’t consent) I’m definitely not going to want to be intimate with him such a turn off and can cause resentment

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Good that’s how u prevent yourself from making more brats

It may be an imbalance or maybe you don’t enjoy sex with your partner. Could be that you do not feel “sexy”. See a doctor and if everything is normal, it may be psychological. You should really sit him down and talk. Maybe if he was a little more romantically involved it may help. I know it’s tough. But there are solutions for you.

sex is the Last thing on my mind personally ha! I’m busy breastfeeding and changing nappies, I wear knickers past my belly button to bed, not even trying to be sexyy. Your husband is bejng unreasonable and childish

Tell him to matters in his own hands if he loves you he will be able to care of it himself tell him to grab a magazine and visit the bathroom more often

If he is frustrated now wait until after menopause. A lot of woman (not all) have no sex drive plus sexual intercourse is very painful after menopause. Then what will he do? If he shows no patience and support now; you can’t depend on him in the future.

What did the dentist say?

He will get over it or not. If not—oh well!!

Facebook is not the place to discuss your sex life please talk to a professional

Interesting! Lol Erica