I just don't know what to do anymore

Do your taxes and claim them the very SECOND you are able to.


Last name has nothing to do with who claims them. My oldest child has her father last name yet me and my husband file her because she lives with us, that’s all that matters, and if he tried to file her he would get audited… youd have to sign a release for him to even be able to do it


Claim the kids first… if he’s not paying child support then it’s your right however if he is then it’s usually every other year you get to claim them…

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Taxes are based off of who has the kid for half plus 1 day or more of the year. So if you’ve had them the majority of the year, it’s your right to claim them


He doesn’t get to claim them kids if he don’t work and they don’t depend on him, that’s not how that works, they are your dependants. You probably have an Altima too that he drops you off to work in too, so he can go jack off all day and night. You got too many kids to be this out of touch mama.


If he doesn’t support them, he doesn’t claim them.

Don’t let him sign the birth certificate and he can’t file taxes on them if he don’t have they social security numbers. My kids dad has never done anything for their kids and I’ll be damned he get any benefits from them. Always file first !

I dared my sons father to try and claim him. :rofl::rofl:
If y’all aren’t married & he doesn’t have the kids, a minimum, 40% of the year, nope. He shouldn’t be claiming any of them.
Name has zero to do with it. May sons name was hyphenated and I never had an issue. Birth certificate and social. That’s all you need.

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Give child your last name… I gave both mine. F the stupid tradition for stupid boys.

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Unless you both share the kids 50/50… like you split visiting times equally and split all their costs equally (daycare, medical… everything) than he can’t claim them legally on taxes. The last name has nothing to do with it. But if you want your baby to have your last name then by all means do that also

Girl claim your kids.

Doing the right thing should be what is best for the kids. The sperm donor you chose to procreate with has nothing to do with what is best for the kids. Focus on the babies and the rest will always make sense.

Why can’t 1 of your babies have your last name, it’s your baby too. But make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and not just to punish him for cheating, he’s a asshole don’t sink to his levels. Also if your doing everything and having them most the time you deserve to claim and get extra help xxx

If the kids live with you for more than half the year, you claim them on taxes regardless of their last name.


File taxes first to claim them on taxes every year. He probably doesn’t even know their SSNs to be able to claim them on his taxes anyway.

What everyone else said about child support, etc. Do you even want to list him as the father on the birth certificate? Yes if you want him in their lives and to claim child support. Name your child what you want. Will he be present for the birth?

Next time choose better & use birth control.

Last names have nothing to do with it. If he doesn’t have their SSNs, he can’t claim them. If you’re their sole provider, he can’t claim them and you can report him if he does.

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I don’t know much about this whole claiming on taxes thing because it works differently in Australia but you should definitely be claiming both your children. And giving them your last name. That guy can fuck right off.

If he’s barely a father sorry but you should be claiming them. You need the money more FOR them

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Make sure he never gets their SSNs. Then you’ll be ok.

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If you’re not married and there is no court order, then don’t let him claim them!


The last name doesn’t make a difference. If you want to claim them then do so. If you just don’t want the child to have his last name then do so. However one has no significance on the other.


You cant claim the new baby unless he/she has lived with you 6 months. So you wont be able to claim her till next year’s taxes. Now, just keep hidden your other kid documents like birth certificate and social so he cant claim your kid. And i guess you can give birth and not tell him that way you don’t have to put him in the birth certificate…


I’m just here as concerned you said you’re 22 and he’s 7 years younger. That makes him 15​:thinking: 2 under two so we’re y’all together when he was 13? I’m just here hoping that was a typo :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: lots of red flags here

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If he’s paying child support it could be ordered that you each claim one or claim alternating years. Last name, if he is not going to be involved, I wouldn’t saddle a child with that reminder. I wish I would have given my kids my name.

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people just blow my damn mind with the stupidy they annouce for us sometimes - for real

Be careful because some states will not let you change the babies name back to yours unless the father signs his rights over even if he never sees them.

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If you are not married he doesn’t claim them at all no court order can’t claim them or one.

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You support them so you claim


Whomever financially supports the kids 6 months outta the year or more claims the kids. It’s the law.


U can still claim them if they have his last name.


Either parent can claim children comes down to who files first. Doesn’t matter to IRS who is supppse to get to claim them just whoever files first


Girl clam those kids and let your EX deal with his own bills. You have to prove you take care of them in order to clam them on your taxes anyway. If my kids dad’s tried to clam them they would be audited. He can’t clam them if he doesn’t have there ss#'s so don’t give it to him. You take care of the kids you get to clam them.


You should be claiming your children not him!


No child tax credit unless he is current on child support. You have to sign a waiver allowing him to take it. If he’s not current on Hu’s support, then do not sign the waiver and you get the child tax credit.


You need to give any child you. Have unmarried to the dad .your name only be smart about and get brith control


Here’s the question u need to ask yourself if u been supporting them as u say then why have u not claimed them ???

Take care of you and your family as a single Mom.

I don’t think so… if your the main provider and he don’t really do shit I would

You as the mother chooses who’s last name the child has.
I look at it this way, if you are married it a decision you make together.
Serious long term relationship a together decision.
In a dead end relationship mothers last name. No questions asked.

Whyyyyyyyyy the eff would you have TWO babies with a man that’s been cheating on you for the last year?:woman_facepalming:t3::flushed::woozy_face:


You can give your baby any name, even make one up and still claim them. Please stop having babies.


Last name shouldnt matter :joy::joy: lord already worried about some tax money.

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I sure wish we could see the person who posted this. We need to know if you look as stupid as you sound. Grow the hell up


You need claim those baby yourself if he no help he doesn’t have a claim to the money it is yours to support those baby go to child support and file child support .you file taxes claim head of household and that money is yours honey go get birth control so you have no more baby time is very hard out here now.Good Luck

I wanted my surname but ex sulked, I wanted theirs then mine but it’s mine then theirs :neutral_face:

First of all, it doesn’t matter whose name the baby had to claim them on taxes. If you are their mother, claim them. Sounds like he isn’t supporting them in any way, why would you let him have the credit. You have the kids and take care of them daily you need to claim them. If he is not man enough to be a good father figure to your children, he doesn’t deserve shit!!! The kids should come first in everything. If you don’t need the money, start your kids a saving account but I think you will need it. They are babies and you are responsible for them until they turn 18. Don’t give the lowlife anything!!

As far as taxes go they are going to request a copy of the custody order from court which will have the party that is responsible for claiming the children listed in the parenting plan. If you are unmarried then you absolutely need the document from court. If he will be paying child support then they will probably allow him to claim one child every year and you can claim the other, it will also probably be ordered that way if 50/50 is granted.