I just found out I have protein in my urine: Advice?

I’m 32 weeks pregnant and Have recently found out I have high protein in urine and am just curious as anyone been diagnosed with high protein and not had preeclampsia just a lil overwhelmed as this is baby #3 and I’ve never heard of protein in urine just looking for other mummas experience


They might put you on bp meds, monitor you weekly, and may take baby early. They took mine at 37 weeks and they are happy and healthy.

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If the protein in urine get too high they will take the baby early.

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I had it with majority of my five pregnancies, never had pre-eclampsia either.

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I have high protein in my urine but haven’t been diagnosed with preeclampsia yet. They just told me to take baby aspirin every day to keep my blood pressure down.

Yes I was. They said it was from my kidneys shutting down

I did 2 weeks before having my son, drink alot of water I was dehydrated and also laid on my left side.

I did too. And super high BP but I was fine. It was just annoying having to go to thw hospital every week at the end of the pregnancy.

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I did, and they said to hydrate. Haven’t mentioned it since that appt.

I had high protein in my urine with both of my pregnancies but never had any other symptoms of preeclampsia. High protein is just a symptom of preeclampsia and doesn’t always mean you will have preeclampsia.

I had it throughout my pregnancy but didn’t have pre eclampsia, baby was born healthy at 40+3

I had high protein but my BP was inconsistent so wasn’t diagnosed. Was induced at 39 weeks and a healthy 8lbs 15ozs

I had pre-eclampsia and had an emergency induction at 36 weeks with my first, so when I was pregnant with my second, they were vigilant about monitoring my BP and I had to do a 24 hour urine catch. I had proteins but was never diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, but they did say I had gestational hypertension (obviously that doesn’t cause proteins to be present). I had my very healthy son at 39 weeks.

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Had it in my first and had pre eclampsia, was high risk for my second because of this, constantly had this towards the end if pregnancy and didn’t get pre e, delivered naturally at 40+2. I was fairly dehydrated coz would only drink fizzy drinks so had a lot to do with that second time round

I had protein and glucose with each pregnancy, no complications. :person_shrugging:

That happened with me. I had to retest and they sent my urine out for more testing.
No infection and no pre e. My bp was always great

I did with my 1st bub. Had to have daily bloody pressure monitoring for last few weeks and was induced 3 days early

At 36, 37, and 38 weeks I had protein in my urine as well as high blood pressure, but was not diagnosed with preeclampsia. I had to go to L&D for monitoring and get blood /urine tests but once they gave me fluids and had me rest a bit, my BP would go down. Luckily nothing ever came of it, but I did end up getting postpartum eclampsia and had to be put on blood pressure medication in the hospital. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sometimes your urine can come back high in protein if you had sex the night before your appointment.

I had both they took my daughter at 34 weeks 2 days. She’s now a typical happy and spunky two year old💕

Do you have any problems with your sugar, I’m not pregnant and have protein spills in urine, caused by diabetes, got to limit high potassium foods, drink plenty of water

Had high protein around 32 weeks. Ended up being real bad preeclampsia. Was hospitalized and on mandatory bedrest for a month. Induced labor right at 37 weeks. Had a csection. My baby was only 5 lbs. He’s 2 years old now and really healthy and is bigger than most his age! You will be ok. Stay strong. I know its scary!


The last time back in February I was pregnant with my daughter I had a really bad UTI and they told me I also had protein in my urine. Everything turned out find. I had her in May. I wouldn’t worry to much about it , it is something that may go away on its own.

My mom worked in labor and delivery practically my whole childhood. She says to decrease your salt intake and keep close track of your blood pressure.

When they found protein in my urine when I was 37 weeks, my doctor sent me to the hospital and I had an emergency c-section that night because my vitals were all failing and really bad

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I had high protein in my urine all through my pregnancy but my dr kept saying it was fine. I ended needing iv antibiotics when I went into labor because I had a really bad UTI

Oh yes I had the protein in the urine, no preeclampsia. It freaked me out as well, I did end up with pregnancy hypertension though. It was my first full term baby, not sure if that had anything to do with it :woman_shrugging:t3: everything turned out fine in the end and had a happy healthy son :blue_heart:

I did, I had pre eclamsia and gestational diabetes. Eat a healthy diet. Relax as much as you can and stay on top of your check ups. Avoid stress, hopefully you aren’t a smoker, avoid crossing your legs

I had it at the end of my pregnancy with my daughter 2 years ago. They kept saying it was fine and nothing to worry about until my blood pressure spiked at random times and I ended up having to be induced at 39 weeks 4 days. Needless to say my daughter was born healthy as a horse weighing over 8 lbs at birth.

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I had high protein in my urine at 37 weeks and was induced. My doctor called it atypical preeclampsia because my blood pressure was good through out my entire pregnancy.

I had the same thing at 35 weeks. Went in for my regular appointment and they told me my BP was high. From there they told me to go to the hospital. I had high protein in my urine so I got a couple ivs and was on strict bed rest. They kept me in the hospital until I was 37 weeks then I delivered! During labor I developed a fever so after delivery they had to take baby for a couple treatments to make sure she didn’t develop anything. After that just a bunch of monitoring and stayed a week after having baby. Prayers for a safe delivery :black_heart:

It’s sometimes related to gestational diabetes I had it in my urine samples .early on in my second pregnancy and had to do my glucose test early and was considered “glucose intolerant”

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I had the same thing with my baby at 32 weeks. They said they were going to take her then and there as soon as i got to the hospital. Got to the hospital and they admitted me until 36 weeks. They said it was time. She is now 7 years and a big handful lol!!! She is my wild child!!

I had it and slightly high blood pressure but not preeclampsia, watch your sodium intake and rest lots!


I always have protien in my urine because of chronic UTIs. It’s not a problem for the baby, buy you may need antibiotics.

Why would you risk taking advice from strangers on something as important as this…call your doctor girl and get peace of mind

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I had a couple tests with high protien but my last one was good. No preeclampsia. The body is very strange when pregnant.


I’ve had protein in my urine for at least 6 years… it may have gotten better over the years idk… but it’s never messed with my pregnancies

Had protein in my urine all through both of my pregnancies, had high blood pressure but never was diagnosed with Preclampsia.

Harmones and not controlling sugar intake. You can buy protein strips over counter ask at prescription desk. You pee on them. Are you borderline diabetic?

I had this starting at 27 weeks pregnant. I ended up having to be put on bed rest, doing 24 hour urine catches, non stress test 4x a week till at 37 weeks I told my doc I can’t go anymore and I was induced. My son was healthy weighing in at 7 lbs 4 oz and went home the next day.

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I was delivered very early with all 3 of my babies with protein in urine but cleared right after delivery

I had it at the very start of a UTI. Caught it quick but still had protein in there. Took some antibotics and it cleared right up

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That’s happened to me in one of my pregnancy not sure what the reason was but everything turned out fine

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I had this with my daughter and it ended up being nothing. I drank slot more water and was fine.

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Well protein if not associated with preeclampsia is seen if u hve blood in the urine or kidney damage

I thought any protein in the urine was pre-eclampsia.

Years ago I did and they induced me the same day 2 weeks early

The gave me some testers to test my urine all the time. I had gestational diabetes and at the end even all stressed out perfect healthy baby

I had protein in my urine but did not have preeclampsia

I had it with my daughter but no preclampsia

It could be something as simple as a UTI or no real issue at all.

Dont listen to negativity ask the professionals for facts. Everyone is different good luck

Preeclampsia is high blood pressure, it has nothing to do with protein in your urine. Protein is almost normal, non pregnant people can have it too. I did with both pregnancies, no problems 100%.

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My daughter had protein in her urine. Then a couples day later her back and chest started hurting. Took her to the ER. Her was then diagnosed with preeclampsia and ended up getting induced.

I had protein in my urine at 28 weeks they kept me at hospital until 30 weeks and then they did a c-section…my daughter spent 2 months at the NICU she was born with a low birth weight at just 955 grams …I also haf preeclampsia…my advice to you is pray like never before…he is a miracle working god my daughter is now 1 years old.

Strangely yea. But when they diagnosed me it was once while pregnant then once after and I’m not sure if it had anything to do with my botched epidural but yes no preclampsia just random high protein :woman_shrugging:t3:

I have 5 children. My 3rd. Pregnancy was the one I had the preeclampsia. He was born 2 and a half weeks early very healthy. My labor started on its own if it hadn’t I was going to be induced the following week.

I ended up having a seizure at 7 months due to that … my daughter was born via c/section! They called it a pre eclampsia seizure … but prior to that I also had toxemia so my case can be very different than yours

I had protein in my urine and never got preclampsia I just tried to increase my water and fluid intake

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Try to not stress if possible:/ good luck! Ask ur obgyn to get the Steroid shot to help Improve his lung growth incase he comes early

Had it, just drank more water. Didn’t stop it and they said they didn’t know why it happened because I was fine. Baby was fine, it was just weird

I had high levels of protein in my urine every time they checked mine. Nothing ever came of it though

I had protein with my second child and did not have preclampsia

Increase water fluid!

It just means you’re dehydrated… there’s a lot more to preeclampsia than protein in your urine.


Are you drinking plenty of water?

Yup just drank more water


Yes I had some from 12 weeks on never got preeclampsia

Group b strep! Talk to your dr about it

I had protein in my urine around that time frame and ended up being induced at 37 weeks

You can have protein in your urine from dehydration. Its very common to just be that.

I got told this, earlier then you through both my previous pregnancies. All they did was keep an extra eye on me and a few extra scans to keep eye on baby.

Is your blood pressure high? If it is then you probably have preclampsia. You should be monitored often and if you feel dizzy or have any headaches please go into l&d immediately. Hydrate as much as possible. Kick counts are important. They may want to induce early for babys protection.

Not sure if everyone is the same but my protein was high in my urine also and i was induced at 36 weeks and my daughter was a healthy baby when she arrived

The doctor should have explained everything to you for your specific circumstances.

I had it but baby was fine. Try not to worry yourself mama!!!

I did with both pregnancies but never had preeclampsia. I was induced with my first but I was already 38 weeks, I couldn’t get my bp down and I had a scheduled csection with my 2nd at 38 weeks due to high protein in my urine.

Drink more water and call your OB