I’m currently 32 wks pregnant. I just received a message that my baby bowel/intestines are mildly distended. Has anyone ever dealt with this, and if so, how was it handled. My doctor just put for another referral. I’m nervous and scared. This is my boyfriend’s 3rd but 1st and only daughter. He’s already going into panic mode this whole pregnancy. I haven’t told him about what I just got told. I just need advice.
You need to tell him. Take it one day at a time and try and keep positive. The doctors will look after you. If you feel the slightest thing wrong go in and make them check you. Follow your gut.
First and foremost, you really need to tell your boyfriend about the baby. It’s his child as well and you need each other for support at this time.
You do need to tell your boyfriend. And both together research this diagnosis. You are all in my prayers
As I’ve always held to: Never panic until the doctor does. If the doc is chill about things, they know and understand the problem and have a good solution or plan. If the doctor panics, it’s really bad and they are going off of luck and a plan they are making up on the go.
No experience with this, but I will pray all is well. Prayer is powerful. God is good. Best wishes to you
Mamas Uncut have them check for a condition called imperforate anus it is in the vacteral diagnosis.
I type reports for all sorts of fetal and infant procedures. Oftentimes, ultrasound images need to be repeated on babies in utero as things may seem off, but it is just how the baby is situated. I have typed reports for surgeries in utero and after birth. There are lots of issues that can be fixed before or shortly after birth and will not cause any long lasting issues with the baby. I would make sure you ask your doctor what they think it is and how to fix it. Sometimes, watching and waiting is best and things resolve on their own. Good luck.
Try not to worry! ultrasound said my son had extra fluid on his brain the cerebellum area I believe, they sent me to a pediatric specialist with far more advanced technology than what they use in the dr office. Slightly elevated fluid but nothing to worry about, my son is 11 now and great. Your Dr. is being cautious, don’t panic. Even if it is something it’s better to know now so they can have everything ready for correction but your child’s father needs to know right away.
No use worrying, it doesnt help to prevent anything . Just wait until you see the drs. And go from there . They can do amazing things with babies now. My daughter was born at 26 weeks. She is a healthy, fully functioning 17 year old. They caught it early enough to make a game plan if need be. Good luck hun and congrats on the little one !
My son was 6 months old wen he got sick and we thought he had a stomach virus it was later determined that it was actually intussusception where the intestines are twisted inside they admitted him into the hospital and performed a procedure to blow the intestines back out it worked but they twisted right back so he had a small surgery only 2 small scars on his abdomen! He is 11 now and we were told to always make sure he is able to use the bathroom Becuz it could reverse but it never did he is healthy! Not sure how or if it can be that while ur still pregnant! Praying everything works out for u and ur lil one! God Bless!!!
My son, now 16, had distended bowels. He had to have surgery, but he was totally fine and he’s totally healthy. With medical technology the way it is today, even if it is as bad as my son’s was, they can fix it. I’ll send up prayers.
My baby was born at 36 weeks and was kept in the NICU for 12 days for numerous health reasons… She’s now a healthy almost 6 month old! the doc is just keeping you informed and making sure you get the help that’s needed. I would talk to the father and let him know. It’s a good thing he’s worried, it means he cares. Just give him the courtesy of letting him know what’s happening
They told me at 20 weeks that my son had no esophagus; and he is the healthiest boy and was born with one.
Technology sometimes is a good thing and a bad thing
Distended could mean bowel blockage or the start of one. It is very common in newborns with cystic fibrosis. 2 of my 4 kids have CF but neither were born with a bowel blockage. If thats what it is you’ll be watched until closer to delivery and there will be a better plan on how to handle it then. Good luck! If it is CF medical advancements are amazing and those with CF have a much better outlook than they did 20yrs ago!
They told me that 2 of kids will have heart problems when born because of the diabetes. Both are healthy as they can be.
I know someone who has a bad case of exactly that and it doesn’t affect their life at all. They did have surgery when they were young to fix it but other than that not a big deal at all.
Ultrasound are not 100% sure so only way to know 100% is when the baby is born have faith in God n he would give u a healthy baby
I had that with my first. The doctors took him c-section and did surgery after he was born.
My advice and from my experience with a potentially sick baby is tell him immediately. That baby belongs to the both of you and honesty and trust are so important. You will also need support once the baby is here, he will be able to support you better if he isn’t blindsided. Always get a second opinion and don’t worry until there is something to worry about.
Don’t panic until the baby is born. We was told our son was a deaf,blind mute vegetable. Well said son is a 21 yr old happy healthy active young man.
If it was an emergency, I am sure they would have had you an appointment already and not make you wait.
You should be telling him first and not Facebook. He has a right to know. Dont worry and wait for the second opinion.
They told me that I should have an abortion because my son’s head wasnt growing and he wouldn’t survive more than a few hours! He was fine (3rd birthday) try not to get too anxious, sometimes drs misread things, and if there is a problem there are people highly skilled in fixing them
What do you mean panic mode this whole pregnancy??? Like not supportive?? I’d honestly not say anything until absolutely necessary and you know for sure there’s an issue. On top of that, he’s your boyfriend not your husband you’re not legally obligated or required to make health decisions with him until a paternity test is performed, just fyi… stay positive it’s probably nothing… hence the point of wait until you know for sure.
your boy friends 3 but your 1st so your boyfriend goes around having kids with all kinds of different women and then what tosses them away And what you dont think getting married is maybe a first step and then talk about having kids What happens if he tosses you out like he did the other 2 women who he had kids with Your a dumb ass
My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977