I just went in for my second ultrasound and the baby still hasn’t grown at all, there’s the sac but still no baby. They took my blood to check for levels but pretty much I’m just waiting for the process to start happening this is why I haven’t had any symptoms I already bought stuff for the baby and now I don’t even wanna look at it. my first pregnancy was so healthy. I don’t understand why God gives us these blessings then takes it away but I’d much rather it happen now then be 6 months and find out something’s wrong. But it’s still so hard.
I’m so sorry! I went through that in October and it was a 5-6 week process with so many emotions and so much sadness. It’s hard! Sending prayers for healing
I had a missed miscarriage with my second as well. It was definitely hard, but I’ve gone on to have two more healthy pregnancies after.
I had the exact same thing happen to me. I was supposed to be 22 weeks💔 best of luck mommy
Sending lots of hugs and love momma. We aren’t in charge of timing…so take some time for yourself
Never easy. Had 3 . hold your healthy child close be thankful. Everyone grives different. There is no right or wrong way be kind to yourself.
I am so sorry! This is always such a big fear if mine and it isn’t fair any women has to go through this
But now we are back to trying and hoping for our little bundle of joy and blessing, so there is always hope❤️
I’ve had a blighted ovum before. Sad as heck to happen. I unfortunately didn’t pass mine on own and ended with emergency er visit. Buuuutt I got pregoo 3momths later and she just turned 6
I miscarried at 11 1/2 weeks never knew I was pregnant until then
Had this happen to me with my second and 5th pregnancies. It’s hard to overcome, prayers for you
This also happen to me. I kept the baby stuff and it’s put away in hopes that I do get to use them one day. I received a miracle once in 2021 so maybe I could get lucky again
A few months back I had an ectopic pregnancy…. We have been trying and finally got our blessing and it killed us that it had to happen. I still constantly break down, I don’t want to be that person that tells you it’ll get easier cause it won’t. But always remember it isn’t you. Cause I know i blamed my self for so long cause it hurt so bad. One step at a time is all I got to say, and make sure you have your support team right behind you because your going to need it when that time comes.
sorry girl.
I had this same thing happen. It hurts and I still have my baby stuff. It gets a little easier over time.
I’m so sorry. It’s the universe’s way of saying there was a problem, we’re recalling this one, you have a credit for one that’s perfect. Get some counseling/therapy to deal with grief and loss. Energy remains constant, so I believe people’s energy and souls can be recycled. The soul of your lost little one may appear in another child.
I am so sorry this is happening to you but I just want to say imagine being blamed constantly for things you didn’t do. That’s how God feels. He is righteous and doesn’t cause bad things to happen to us. The devil does. God has nothing to do with this. Just like an earthly father, He is sad that you are facing such a hard time right now. Hugs
I’m so sorry sweetie. Sending hugs & prayers your way