I just found out we have bed bugs....advice?

Yes they will still be there. They live in the floors on all furniture in the house. They will go to the couches and chairs. They can live up to a year without eating. So if u want to get rid of them u have to pay or move and take nothing. Which is what I did five years ago. Took nothing and left. I’m sorry you are going through it. Good luck

I have went through this hell. Rubbing Alcohol kills the bugs on contact. Also high heat kills them. If you have a steamer to steam your carpet or you can use an iron. Also duct tape wrapped around the legs of your beds backwards (the sticky side out). This will capture the bed bugs. Also if you live in an apartment building or trailer park these horrible little bugs will travel to find new blood. Like if your neighbor has them and moves out. Also they will hide in the walls ceiling if it’s a space wider then a credit card they will fit.

Rubbing alcohol. Make sure you mask up, have ventilation and spray the crap out of everything. I battled these things for 2 yrs after my brothers gf brought them in. We tried bug sprays, steaming, bombs, etc and I was trying everything. We burnt beds and furniture, and one day I saw one crawling and hit it with rubbing alcohol, it turned black and died within seconds. Sooo off to the store I went and got like 20 bottles of alcohol and a spray bottle. I hit every room in the house and every nook and cranny I could find. Sprayed beds, couches, floors, walls, you name it. Didn’t have a problem after that.

A professional is the only way to go. Maybe a go fund me or posting your Cashapp/venmo in multiple places to get help. I’m not sure if churches help anymore, but I remember when I was younger, my mom would occasionally receive help with stuff like rent, food, bills, clothing and holiday meals/gifts from them. They would have an anonymous fundraiser to help people in need. She just had to submit proof of income and what she needed help with to be on the list of donation recipients.

Cover your beds in plastic cover and vacuum the floor every day and there should be some kind of spray that you can use to clean surfaces and such

Get something called Diatamtlous Earth
Food grade. It’s safe around humans and pets. It works. Goggle it.

When you see live one’s use duct tape and spray everything in house that’s what worked for us do it everyday

My grandson got them once and they vacuumed the mattress and all .Washed dried it all .They were gone.

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Can buy a bug bomb spray for those

If you have renters or homeowners insurance they might be able to help

Call van he is reasonable and he doesn’t cheat it’s under vans pest control people

They also get on your clothes and travel everywhere the only thing to gwt them gone 100 is heat stream everywhere even in cracks and in vehicles because they travel from person to person or places to places

Join the FB group The Struggles of Living with Bed Bugs Support Group~The Original~ tremendous amount of info.

Join the group The Struggles of Living with Bed Bugs Support Group~The Original~ . They have many experts in extermination, entomologists, and great advice on how to get rid of them on your own. Getting rid of the furniture alone won’t rid you of the bugs. They can be anywhere including baseboards and under carpet. Store bought pesticides don’t work and bombs will cause the bugs to spread. There’s something called cross fire on Amazon. If you join the group I tagged they give you all the info on how to use it. Also vacuum everything and empty it in a trash bag outside. Vacuuming is crucial.

There’s bombs you can set off

Listen, spend the money. No home remedy will work, none, whoever said it will is lying to you. The money will be less than what you will lose having to toss everything else if it gets out of control. Make sure they are insured tho, so if there’s an issue, they come back. Have cash lying around tho because you’ll have to be out of there for a few days when they are doing the treatment, leave everything behind. Everything. Literally buy new clothes and dress at the door and leave anything that’s been there behind. Check your vehicles too, they can get on the seats!!