I just found out we have bed bugs....advice?

Please no judgement…so I have recently discovered we have bed bugs. We have been in the same house for 4 years. I have already thrown the beds/box springs outside to get tossed(needed new ones anyways), I have washed all bedding on high heat. how do I prevent them from coming back? Can they be in my carpet?I called terminix and they quoted us at $3100 and unfortunately I just don’t have money like that laying around…How do I stop this…please help


Use diamataceous earth in your carpet and between mattress and box springs. Also get the bags to put around your mattress and box spring. Yes they can be in your couches and carpet and just everywhere.


I had this too and I’m sorry. I didn’t have a bad infestation and spent almost 2500 on an exterminator. Vacuum like your life depends on it everything. I took every sheet blanket clothing and dried for 20 mons on high heat. They only found 5 bugs 3 alive. I also used diatomaceous earth I the thresholds closets any place with a Crack
Diligence will win .I also slept in my garage away from my house and anytime I went anywhere I dried my clothes and put them.on and immediately left. Ik how hard this is. I’m a super clean person anyone can get them don’t beat yourself up. I really don’t think I needed the exterminator but I didn’t want tk chance throwing out my furniture. If you have acannister vacuum dump it outside way away from the house and it’s a bag tske.it immediately to the curb to throw away


The only truly effective treatment is a heat treatment from a reputable company. They come into your house and bring in huge heaters and equipment that looks like dryer vents. They heat your entire house up to 145° for several hours. You actually don’t need to throw any furniture or bedding away. The heat kills them. It’s also non-toxic. They usually charge you based on square footage of your home. I know this info because I moved into a house that was infested several years ago and it was a nightmare. This is the only way.


Whoever laughed at this status is an a$$hole. I’ve had bedbugs from a guy giving away free bunk beds. I honestly don’t think he knew. But they infested everywhere. We ended up leaving the house and bringing what we could to take to wash because at that time I had just had a newborn and the bugs had already laid eggs under the tv stand on the wood


Bed bugs get everywhere and anywhere. I’m afraid you’re not out of the woods yet.
Your best bet is to just save up and get it professionally treated.
Terminix is the most expensive, look
Somewhere else you’ll find a better price


Call around, but honestly, you’re going to have to heat treat your house. Unfortunately it is expensive, but I believe it’s typically based on square footage and most companies have a minimum charge simply because of the time it takes.

Once treatment is finished, wash clothing and beddings items in hot water and dry on high heat.

Bed bugs cannot be killed with liquid treatment alone, do not let any company tell you otherwise. I know this is a nightmare and it’s expensive, but contrary to popular belief bed bugs don’t mean dirty. They come with travel, literally anyone can get them.

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Bed bug covers on all beds too! We ended up with them when we moved into our house and it was hell! $5000 later, we finally got rid of them. Make sure you take anything cloth to the laundry mat and nuke them in a dryer for at least 30 minutes.




I am tired. Hugs gnite

I spent thousands!!! 2k on pest control. Through out and burned about 4k worth of furniture. They even get in the screw holes in your bed frames!! It’s a nightmare!!! After that episode. None of my children were allowed to have friends come over to spend the night.


They are in your carpet, electrical plugs, walls. It cost so much because they have steam you house to 90°
Depending on how bad they were they are in your clothes.


You can get rid of them in bedding and clothing by washing in hot water and bleach there is a powder you can get call the health department and they can help and send you to another state dept that will give you information good luck

I got them from a couch set given to us by a friend and it took me 2 years to get rid of them. We tried diamataceous earth and it didn’t work. We tried everything and nothing worked. Finally we bought the hot spot bed bug spray from home depot and we just sprayed the crap out of everything. It is harsh but make sure you have an open window and don’t inhale it to much and get rid of everything if it’s a total infestation


Lysol your beds :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and shampoo your carpets there is also bed bug spray I’d use one in the morning and one at night. Been there done that :sunglasses:

I hate to say this but it’s the only option that will 100% work. The sprays, bombs, ect dont 100% get everything. You will have to call an exterminator. Even if it means getting loan to do it. The thing is, if you don’t treat it, it will get AWFUL and continue to get worse & repopulate. They’ll go into your baseboards, your walls, dressers, blooms, everywhere. Not just your bed and clothes. So the exterminator is worth it, it normally takes multiple treatments but that 1 time payment will cover them coming back as many times as needed.


stayed at a hotel once and came home with them. Fortunately I found their nest which was in between our box spring. I then proceeded to steam our mattresses, box springs and floors with my floor steamer. Washed everything! Cleaned everything! I was not going to throw out an almost new mattress! They were only in our room as I caught them early. They never came back.


You’re gunna have to pay that kind of money to get rid of them.

But spray and spray every day for two weeks it sucks but that’s what a family friend had to do

Use diamataceous earth as Jennifer White reccomended. Its safe for humans and pets do no fear. Leave powder on beds. Before putting into bug proof covers. Leave under furniture and cushions, sweeping regularly and replacing. Set cups of the powder under legs of beds and furiture. Be sure to check window blinds and shades, can use alcohol for spot treatment. Rent high heat heaters from rentals. Remove all flammable liquids and chemicals. Close roon up tight. Heat until temp reads 120 for 3 hrs. Walls, floors will be hot to the touch.
I had bugs brought in by a health-care worker
It’s a nightmare and lots of effort but you can get rid of them yourself. Good luck

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Place dryer sheets everywhere. Under mattress in couch everywhere.

They love electrical outlets and base boards and yes they can and probably are in your carpet and couch and anything fabric in your house they breed fast and spread throughout your home fast. Clothing toys everything needs to be treated. I have never had them but a friend moved into a trailer that was infested. I got diatomaceous earth and covered her house in it in every drawer cabinet in the baseboards on all furniture and carpet anywhere I could get it was covered. I took all the clothes and stuffed animals or fabric toys bagged them up in trash bags put it in the bag and tied it up left the house like that for a few days went back in vacuumed it all up cleaned every surface with 97% alcohol sprayed it on all the furniture even washed the walls with it. Then I set off bombs in and under the trailer waited the amount of time it said to went back and cleaned again then took all the bags outside shook off the diatomaceous earth took it back in washed and dried on high heat anything that could go in the washer. It is a task to get rid of them and takes a few days of not being in the house.

We got them from a motel stay it was horrible we used the spray from Home Depot @ 10 cans threw out clothes sheets blankets suit cases used a shop vac everyday for 3 weeks
Now I never put luggage on the floor of a hotel I bug check every room if I see a blk spot I’m gone


They will be in couches ,carpet, stuff toys, pictures, light fixtures plug ins , every where…


Food grade diatomaceous earth. It will dry them out. Around the baseboards, and in the carpets.


My mom bought all the equipment off of Amazon I think, worth it imo. Heaters, fans, extra extra power cords. She treated each room, then 2 weeks later did it again.
It had come in handy since we were able to do our house after getting them from her :melting_face:


The only way that really works is to steam the place. It’s expensive but worth it. They say the worst thing to do is pitch and move stuff around. After you treat, get bed covers. We ended up moving from the place that was bought after 6k and still couldn’t get rid of them. We pitched all furniture and bagged and boxed what we could wash.


being honest, I’d rip my carpet out down the the floors, and the baseboards as well, and dispose of all. couches, fabric furniture, same. Bedbugs ain’t just for beds. Anywhere you sit, the bedbugs are. If it isn’t a solid wood table or whatever, that can be taken outside, washed, and heat application, I wouldn’t keep it. And before you say this is harsh and expensive, I emptied my entire house over fleas, so you dang well know I’d do it over bedbugs, in a heartbeat. Find a flooring tile or laminate style you like, because carpet will always harbor bugs and dirt, then get some baseboards after the house is fumigated.


We got them from a hotel stay a couple years ago. Use diatomaceous earth (and the little sprayer thing) as others have said, zipping mattress covers on your mattress and box springs, and cover the zippers with Gorilla tape. If you’re getting new mattresses and box springs you don’t HAVE to, but you can put the D.E. on before the covers. That worked for us but I caught them very early. Good luck and don’t beat yourself up, it happens. It sucks, but doesn’t mean anything bad about you :purple_heart:

*Edited to add: I see a lot of people saying use rubbing alcohol. While this works it can be dangerous just like any other chemical. If you go the chemical route please be safe and ventilate properly.

They can being wooden shelf’s, beds, carpets, behind your baseboards. Diamatous earth powder helps… But go to a local store such a tractor supply or something and get the big gallon jug of spray that specifically says bed bug and soak everything in it. Use to be good friends with an exterminator and if you can’t afford professionals this is the next big step. And wash everything cloth in the hottest water possible and dry on hottest setting and bag it all up as soon as it comes out of dryer in air tight bags.

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Cover any exposed outlets with duck tape because they are known to live inside those. By exposed I mean nothing plugged in. They also tend to live behind baseboards.
You can soak them in rubbing alcohol and that will kill them. But, you need to know where they’re at first.
Don’t buy new furniture until you’re sure you have gotten rid of them. Use blow up mattresses for a while. Put double sided tape around the mattresses in the floor. They will get stuck on that trying to cross it to get to you. Put double sided tape along the floor at the baseboards too so they get stuck on it if they come out of the baseboards.
Basically, you need to be 100% sure you are clear of them before buying new furniture or you will be throwing your new furniture away in a few months too.
It sucks but with consistent effort, time, and patience you can get rid of them.
They can go long periods without eating so you will need to leave the tape over the unused outlets for at least 6 months.

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91 percent alcohol everyday. Also domestic earth mixed with baking soda and boric acid.

Walmarts sells the covers for mattresses and pillows. Home Depot sells diatomaceous earth. Spread it all over your carpets, in the corners and along the walls. Every crack and crevice you can get it into. Windowsills too. You want to wipe everything with bleach. Unfortunately you want to trash anything that’s infested or around the infested items. Ugh, that’s horrible :slightly_frowning_face:

Call AAbel they may be able to give you a cheaper quote. They are a great company. I’ve used them personally.


baby get you some crossfire mix it with water and get ta spraying😭if you can clear your house for a few hours spray every 2 weeks or once a month which ever makes your feel comfy

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So I had bed bugs years back when we lived in Arizona and we got quoted about $2000 to treat our condo. I didn’t have that so I got diamataceous earth and took off all the fixtures and poured it all inside the walls all over the carpet and I bagged all clothes and stuffed animals in black trash bags. I sprayed all the furniture with 90% alcohol. I taped all the windows and doors and bought heaters for every room( about $20 each and I needed 4) and I turned the built in heater for the condo on and we left that house with all the heaters on and it being 115 outside for 2 days. I never found another bed bug. The whole treatment costed me about $300. Idk where you live but luckily we lived in the heat so I think that helped. My family thought I was crazy said it was a waste of time but I was 7 months pregnant and desperate and it worked :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:

Spray everything you can with rubbing alcohol


You really should do professional treatment. Bed bugs can live for over a year without eating. Heat treatment dehydrates them and their eggs, killing them completely. They can live in your walls and you’ll think they’re gone after the diy treatments but they’re not. It’s not cheap but definitely shop around with companies. At least with the heat treatment you don’t have to throw anything away.

Call a smaller company. I had a bed bug issue and terminex quoted me 2k, the small local company got rid of them for $800❤️ it was a one time chemical treatment, a TON of prep, but it worked! That was 5 years ago and I never seen one in my home again.


I tried the de and it didn’t work. It was mostly contained to one room and I battled for about a year and they finally made it to my room. One of my children was getting ready to leave for college so I finally bit the bullet for a fumigator. Two visits and gone- 7 years. I always worry when I go to a hotel and I know I’ve seen them at a better brand hotel and they denied it

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I had a family member get them once & I ordered this from Amazon for them. It worked & killed them all.

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Terminex, use them, and they do a payment plan. Bought a house that had them and roaches, been here 3 years now and no sighting of anything


Unfortunately, going through a company is how youre most likely to get rid of them.


Wtf would anybody even be laughing for? Weird asf

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Wash everything also summer perfect time all clothes stuffed animals pillows blankets put outside in black trash bags for a week if can wash everything after also if you can bomb it a few times I’m allergic to bed bugs and get hives badly all over had it once only once years ago but that’s still not guaranteed best to throw out call someone they can be extremely difficult to get rid off

Alcohol and a spray bottle(melts them All)
Then either toss out furniture or start seranwrapping everything for a while. If it is just in the beds you can 2 fitted sheets(1 for each side of the mattress and then duct tape the seams of the 2 fitted sheets. Trapping what ever is left.
These things are tested and true!

Little lavender oil and a diffuser in every room and run them 24 hours for about a week. Safe for pets and humans.


Buy crossfire on Amazon and spray everything 4 weeks later spray again

Google it, spray with alcohol

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They are in everything! Books. Wall plugs. Electronics. Your remotes. Everything.

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Get a spray bottle filled with 95% alcohol and spray all your beds every night. Plus the powder for your carpet couches chairs.

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Get bed bug sheet covers for your bed as well. They help wonders

Turn your heat on as high as you can stand it and top to bottom with peppermint oil. Wash or throw everything out and use raid spray

Go to DIY store buy Talstar. Mix it up, spray every crack and crevice. Put 90% iso-propyl alcohol in a spray bottle. Not 70%. It will kill them on contact.

they can be in every nuke and cranny in your house outlets you name it start with high heat and find cheapest professional to kill i know thisis no fun.

We put. Dryer sheets between box spring and mattress, or just under mattress. We also use them when we stay in a Hotel :hotel:

Yes they can be in carpet just shampoo the carpets and vacuum often I use my detachment for the couch and stairs very hot water.

I was told rubbing alcohol and heat the house as high as possible but I have no personal experience

Rubbing alcohol kills them. Put it in a spray bottle spray every day

They get on top of curtains also


The price is highway robbery. Shop around and find someone else. Get your carpets steamed.

Get the bed bug bombs and the spray. Bomb the room and then spray everything, carpet/floor and furniture (be sure to get any holes or cracks)

You can do it yourself they have power to kill them hell 90%rubbing will kill them

Lots of vacuuming and yes they linger in carpet to

Heat is about the only thing that gets rid of them. Extremely hot.


Wash everything & bag them up after
Clean everything & spray 90 percent alcohol

Tea tree oil. It stinks to high heck.

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Borax. Pour it on everything and vacumm.

Also wash ALL your clothes on hot wash with disinfectant

The can be anywhere and everywhere. Move.

U have to heat your house up hire someone

Terminex,they offer payment plans

If you can leave your house a few hours turn your heat on full blast longer the better if you have stuff that can’t be laundered put in plastic bags also spray inside of your drawers invest in mattress covers designed for this purpose, also they sell bed bug traps for under legs of bed if they can’t get to food sources they will die off with persistence you can eliminate them with out a professional, get rid of any clutter where they can hide good luck dear

Wal mart sells bed bug spray. Spray your carpet. Put all stuffed animals in a trash bag. Wash your clothes and bedding. Spray your living room furniture

Get rid of the bed frames as well

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If u rent landlord is supposed to do that….id keep calling around to get a diff price.

Check your wooden furniture and pure alcohol sprayed all over your house and go out for a little while and I mean spray everything especially the blankets and stuff before washing .also (diamotitritus) earth not sure of the spelling. all around the edges of your floor and in your wall spaces . Wear a mask when using the earth stuff …it is bad for your lungs.

Get a steamer. Steam EVERYTHING

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Go to your local rental company and rent an ozone machine. All plants pets and people out of house for 24 hrs. Will kill all pests, smell and any mold. Costs less than $40.

Their everywhere those suckers can be in every little nook and cranny, picture frames, dressers etc I mean everywhere. Vacuum a lot, put things in black bags and put in the sun to “cook” bed bug powder everything and keep washing everything on high heat.


100% rubbing alcohol kills them on contact. Also if you hear your house to 120 degrees ferinheight for 6 hours it will kill them.

Heat treatment is the only way to kill them. No chemicals, no tossing furniture. Temp has to reach 140 or higher. Find a company with good google reviews. You will be glad you did.

Unfortunately professional fumigation is the only way to deal with bed bugs, don’t waste ur time or money trying all the antidotes online, it doesn’t work,

diatomaceous earth. lay it where they’d roam around, it’s excellent stuff!(google it) it’s at most hardware stores.
vacuum extra than usual for awhile and don’t hire anyone for something you can easily handle yourself.

also, after a few days of laying the d.e. down vac that up. it klls all bugs, and there’s certain ones you do not want to kll! spiders and that house centipede, look those up as well.


Get one of these kills all the oxygen in the house please make sure u open windows and stuff when u walk back in bc it will k you. It will kill every living thing

You guys are assholes , shit happens . Why do you feel the need to be rude, it could happen to anyone.

They need to be professionally exterminated

Burn it down. File insurance & start over.

Unfortunately, you will end up needing an exterminator even if you decide to move. I ended up paying $1200 & he made 3 visits & finally got rid of them. Threw out all the mattresses, furniture etc. you will still need to do a lot of work yourself, like taking the clothes to the laundromat, etc… Best of luck with all of it!!!

If you or someone you know is suffering from bed bugs, call OKBBE for relief.
Discreet treatment, flexible terms, quick scheduling. They stand behind their service!

(918) 260-5312

Oklahoma Bed Bug Experts

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Spray, vacuum, purchase the ultrasonic wall plug-in, citrus spray, and buy these for your mattresses. My husband is a firefighter and he ended up getting them on him when he went on a call to someone’s house. Needless to say we ended up with them. Thankfully it wasn’t a bad infestation but we vacuumed and sprayed constantly. It took a little while but they’re gone. If you have anything under your bed I would vacuum it really good or throw it away. Good luck!

MGK cleaned them from my SIL house with no issues after 1 treatment and they were BAD but that’s what exterminators use and it’s pet safe. Expensive but worked wonders. They tried all this other shit everyone else is saying, short of an exterminator.

You can try another pest control.I feel like that’s too much. They also make sprays and this powder like substance that safe is diamectris( sp) You can.
Put it around your base boards.It’s just a pain because you have to vacuum it up.

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Order crossfire concentrate from Amazon. Please read instructions. I used it for 3 months and I got rid of them without an expensive exterminator. I had a guy at our community action told me what to use.

Only option that will work 100% is pest control. Bed bugs can also hide in baseboards, couches, etc.

Go to Walmart and get bed bug spray and spray every where even behind pictures. Spray bed frames and inside your dressers any carpet should be sprayed. Do it for a couple of weeks and vacuum often. Wash your clothes in hot water and bag them. Sounds like lots of work but you should get it resolved. Good luck :+1:

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There is a spray that is really good. It’s called Bedlam plus… I think you can get it from Amazon. Also mattress liners… if you purchase new mattresses they will get in there… they go for blood and the only thing that kills all of them immediately is steam unfortunately… but you can kill them with the sprays over time … it took us 6 mths and we were not aware of the bedlam spray… I wish we knew about that sooner. My friend moved into a home and Battled them for 2 yrs. This is what ended up working for her… hope this helps

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I work in a hotel. At least 90 proof alcohol will kill live bugs on contact but the reason they are hard to get rid of is because you can’t see their eggs. Our exterminator told us that you have to start cleaning like wiping everything to get rid of the eggs. Vacuum constantly and Cover any beds you kept. They get in everything! They also told us they generally stay where the blood source is. when they can’t feed is when they travel. They are a nightmare!!

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I don’t know where u live but 3,100 seems a little pricey. It cost ms 1,300 to do my house when I had them. I got them from a kid I was baby sitting. They came every two weeks to spray. A total of 6 weeks long or until they were gone. And they held true and they were gone within 6 weeks. I had to vacuum every day, I had to take all the bed clothes and put them in the dryer every day, and now I keep on hand the cheap spray that u find in the stores. I havent had them since.

I use to be a supervisor at a hotel and unfortunately hotels deal with it alot. The guys that came sprayed for us told us that when a cleaning company or spray company comes out they only thing they will use that will actually kill eggs and bed bugs are 99% rubbing alcohol. Also if u have kids they will attach to stuff animal and down in the base boards on the walls

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From personal experience
They had to come into my house with big fans that blow extremely hot air and another chemical process to completely exterminate