I just want others points of view from the outside

My ex ditched me and my baby when she was about 6 months old. She is almost 7 now.

I’ve been married and had another baby in those years. My now husband she calls dad and doesn’t know she has a different biological dad, as the topic still hasn’t come up.
Because he is flakey. He has not shown up at all. He is late. Barely any communication. Shows up on visitation day whenever he wants. Like today she called him at 11.30am and he casually rolls up at 4pm to pick her up.
I have huge issues on his lack of urgency when it comes to being present and an adult in the situation. This has happened enough for me to have huge red flags when he said tonight,
“I know its a while off, but id like to take her on a cruise around christmas”.
The same man who didn’t even show up when her bags were packed for his first over night.
Or lost her and she had to ask for help- because luckily I talk about this incase stuff with her.
She is more responsible than him.
So to wrap it up. Am I in the right to think he is out of his mind to take my child for a week on a cruise and he hasn’t spent more than 6 hours at a time with her one day a week for the last 2.5 years?! All while not even paying support or being responsible to show up on time.

Lol like please tell me I’m not crazy.