I keep forgetting to take my pre-nantals: Advice?

Honestly theyre really not that essential. Your body gives what the baby needs. Its just extra vitamins to be safe.

Pillbox put them with your meds so u take them

They are more essential in the beginning months as they have folic acid to boost baby’s brain development. I always took mine at night because it made me sick if I took it in the morning. I would keep them on my nightstand right next to where I sit my phone so I would see them when I plugged it in for the night.

Don’t worry, they’ll threaten you with iron injections which is a really thick medicine and burns…
Bet you won’t forget then if you ever have to experience it; hope you wont :smirk::+1:t5:

I’m horrible at taking mine. I forget as well and they’re right on top of my microwave And my ob has said my baby is perfectly healthy.

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I used to keep mine in my purse. Then whenever I remembered I’d have them :woman_shrugging:

That’s why they call them prenatal??? Won’t hurt the baby. Will help with calcium for bones and teeth for both of you

I forgot them so much with my toddler and she’s absolutely fine. Wouldn’t recommend just not taking but I also wouldn’t panic.

A thirty count bottle lasted my entire pregnancy and were both fine :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Put them by your toothbrush :toothbrush:

As long as you eat healthy and get al the good stuff in . I did not take any pre natals with my second it made me so sick and my gynae who is absolute the best in our province said it is just all about making money and i should eat fruits and veggies often and lots of water . (wich i agree too)

Never taken them with both my pregnancies. Currently pregnant with #2 and everything is healthy/fine