I keep having dreams about my baby daddies friend...advice?

This is not mom related but I need some advice! So I keep having dreams about my baby daddies friend I’m not sure why I have no feelings at all but he popped up in my dreams last night felt so real with us cuddling up together and now I woke up and can’t get my mind off this man! Kind of making me go crazy… and then my baby daddy told me he had a dream about me and his friend being together which didn’t help! What in the world is happening yallll


What came first? Him telling you about his dream or yours?

Sometimes when I talk late at night. I tend to dream about it or if I am stressed out about a situation it will follow me into my dreams (nightmare)


I am a strong believer in energy and the universe giving us messages. Have you been having any problems with your current partner and if so, it’s possible your brain sees this other person as an alternative because it might be a “safer option but not to freak you out I am also a huge believer that we may think we know what the future holds. Sometimes the universe gives us a preview, and this person may be more important in your life later on whatever that means.


Is the fire dwindling and it needs rekindling?

It might be that you need relationship rules to follow to keep your mind in the right place.

Do you want a step mom in your kids life or the parents?

I wouldn’t be alone with his friend and I’d think about cutting the friend off entirely to keep your mind on the grand prize.

Sometimes dreams are dreams… idk it could mean something. I wouldn’t read anything into the dreams. Sometimes dreams are a warning too.

You both must be feeling some type a way about this guy.

Is a baby daddy someone you’re in a relationship with or just the father of your kid?

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They say when you have those kind of dreams it’s because you feel safe or secure either around that person or when they are around. Your baby daddy may have his dream because of the same reason. He knows if anything were to happen to him you and your baby would be safe with his friend. Dreams manifest in different ways and they usually have hidden meaning that are completely different than what we think.

Intuition is a bitch isn’t it! Apparently that man has something u want subconsciously……given the cuddling I’m gonna say your lacking some kind of intimacy which could mean a lot of things only u can figure that out

If your a believer in the spirit realm, some people astral travel in dreams. Maybe the friend wants you. Who knows