I lost the love of my life: Advice?

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I’m so sorry​:heart:…I have & still feel what you’re feeling. Just know you are not alone. Blessings on you & your daughter for strength & understanding :pray:

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I have been in your shoes. 2.5 years ago I lost my husband to suicide, leaving behind myself and his two babies.
As a broken hearted momma to another- you will be okay. You will stand strong even when you feel like you can’t… why ? Because of your baby girl. It is not easy and still is not easy 2.5 years later… but you will get through this. I am so sorry for your loss as I truly know your pain. :two_hearts::broken_heart:


You will always miss him! One day you will be together again.

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I am so sorry for your loss. The next step would be to get counseling to help you through this difficult time. Prayers for you and your family.


One day at a time. Gentle hugs to you.


Please stay and look after your beautiful little girl … He lives on through her … Strongs girl in praying the Lord gives you strength above all to carry in one step at a time sweet Jesus …


I have personally been there. My 2 older kids lost their father to suicide. The best thing for all of us was COUNSELING. Reach out to someone who can help and teach you coping mechanisms. Its been almost 7 years and we are doing GREAT. Reach out anytime!


I am so sorry for your pain and loss. I have lost quite a few close loved ones since childhood. There is no advice that’s really going to be helpful. You need a support system to rely on really. I have dealt with alot of it through past addictions, been on a healing journey for years now. Just allow yourself to feel and grieve your loss.


So sorry for your loss hunny but you have to do all those things you dont want to do cause you have a daughter who has no father now and this is hard but this is where she needs you too be strong and step up to fill in both those rules i cant tell you the pain will ever stop or the grieving will ever end but i can tell you you will grow you will love again your daughter will grow she will love as long as you take her by the hand and show her how strong women are and that its okay to cry but dont ever stop one foot forward fake it till you make it but beautiful ladies you will make it prayers and good vibes always your way

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To whoever is the poster of this I am in the same situation feel free to reach out to me I also have a 10 year old daughter


I have 4 children and my best friend, their father passed away last year in October ( after being together 19 years, children 16, 9 and twins 6) ; I can relate to your story…it took me 9 weeks to have a funeral for him because my soul and mind went numb because of pain and refused to accept the reality . My advice: cry and scream all you can…write every you remember and want to remember about him, forgive him and forgive yourself. Your child needs the only parent left alive to stay alive and sane! That child needs you! Sane and alive ! No excuses! Once you have a child, your life it’s not just about you anymore, about what you want and don’t want, it’s about what your child needs desperately! Sending prayers your way, for both of you! No, it is not going to get easier anytime soon…but what’s in front of you it is more important than what’s behind you. Cry all you want, talk to anyone willing to hear your pain but do what needs to get done, keep a roof above your child’s head, put food on the table and hug your precious child as often as you can. Mothers need to stay sane and strong in absolutely every situation, during war or peace, during famine , poverty or comfortable times! No excuses, only prayers and tons of good wishes!


Im so sorry your goin through this mama… I’ve personally been there… My 4 kids dad and my husband of 14 years did this 4 years ago… And it doesn’t get easier … You just learn to live without him… It’s the hardest thing I ever done… But I had too…


You need to want to live for your daughter and also you. It hurts but time and Gid heal all wounds. Pray lots and stay strong. Your daughter needs you.

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Cindy Roback you are amazing🌹

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You’re grieving darling. It will take time baby steps darling. :disappointed_relieved::hugs:

My sons father committed suicide when my son was only 8 months old. We were not together at the time but I always felt we would get back together. This was 28 yrs ago. You have to be strong for your daughter and family helps

My son’s father committed suicide when he returned from Iraq 14 years ago. I’m going to be honest the pain stays with you. I’ve learned to go on and be thankful he left a piece of him here in my son. Hugs and prayers mama. I am so sorry you are going through this

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I’m so sorry! Maybe a friend or family member can find a support group for you, when you’re ready.

I know it sucks. You got to remember though she’s also hurting too because her dad is no longer around. She has you and you have her, so you have to stay strong for her and be strong together. I get that life is not fair when you lose someone that you love so so much. You have to be strong for her, and give her a hug. My prayers are with you and your daughter. I hope that no matter what you keep striving.

I’m so sorry for you and your daughter and his family :pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5:

I am so sorry for your lost
But this is going to take time. See a therapist & the same with your daughter.
This was no one’s fault.
Take one day at a time. And this time just hold your daughter, be grateful for what you have. And breathe

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I’ve had this happen to friends of mine this friend killed himself in front of the kids his wife could not go on to but get counseling I really feel your pain .just greave let it out please keep busy .don’t dwell on things that puts you in a depression.things change

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:pray:t2: Praying for you and your daughter!

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Take it on day at a time…talk to someone fast…::

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I’ve been through this from the daughter’s perspective. I can relate to the lost feeling and the physical pain. My Dad was also a wonderful man, full of love, joy, and humor. The best thing you can do is get really close with your daughter. She needs you. You can comfort each other. Nobody can understand the love that was yours like the two of you do. There will be times when you will each need time by yourselves to process what has happened. But don’t let that time last too long. You must let the memories and love sustain you. The simple fact is, there is no death. Just a change from one phase of life to another. Heaven is real. God loves you. It may not seem like it now. But He had a special job for your daughter’s father or He wouldn’t have taken him. Just like with my Dad. My Dad was only 43 when he passed away. God really must have needed him to take him so young. Knowing how much I needed him. There had to be something really special for my Dad to do. Jesus is with you. And you will see your special man again one day. And it will be a joyous reunion.


Dani Bates this momma needs you :heart:

So so sorry this has happened to you idk who u are but I will pray for peace for u and ur daughter. This happened to me back in 2014 I still remember the day the cops showed up and told me he was gone I lost it for about 6 -7 months I’m still not ok with the fact that he’s gone we had a 1 1/2 yr old he will never remember his daddy all u can do is go day by day and try to be there for the baby as much as possible I love my lil 9 yr old with all my heart and the more he grows the more he looks like his daddy it sucks but it does get better stay strong honey just think of the baby and how much she is hurting also. :sob:. Time will help with the pain but I have never healed from the heartbreak of him passing make sure u keep everything of his hide it if u have to ( I did ) if u need to talk u can private message me anytime I do know what u r going thru and I will say an extra prayer for u and ur baby girl

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This is what I did I went out in the woods my mom kept my kids and I just screamed I’ll let it all out and then I prayed take one step at a time.:heart::heart:


This will pass. It sucks, a lot… but talking will help. There are help lines and hot lines… use them. Think of your family

Oftener than not no one knows why someone takes their own life. Sadly for those left behind it leaves so many unanswered questions & so so much pain…The mind is a very strange organ and sometimes it can take very little to upset the balance if the mind. I once met a young woman who attempted to take her own life. Someone unexpectedly turned up and her life was saved. She is now very glad to be alive and says she has no idea what came over her but it was a sudden split moment decision where her mind told her the world and her family would be better off without her. Keep busy. Keep family/friends near. Open up to them, dont try to keep the grief all to your self…talk talk talk. If you want to get mad…do it. Look up the gour stages of grief…they are very real. Sending hugs and prayers gor you both. So sorry this has haopened is

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There is no greater pain. If this truly was his choice you could not have stopped him. Do find a support group for both of you
Love him for who he was, Remember he loved you both.
Please don’t blame yourself. It will hurt for a long time but you will move on. Journal feelings good and bad

I don’t think you ever get over the loss.
You need to get therapy so they can help you manage your grief.
You have to be strong for your daughter and I am sure you have beautiful memories of your life

Godbless you he’ll help you through this keep your faith

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Get in counseling ASAP. Idk if your suicide warning was how you are feeling or how he died. If it’s you please love your daughter enough to stay. Don’t leave her here alone to deal with a double tragedy. Get both of you in individual counseling. Death has many layers of grief and you need someone to help you through it. I’m praying for you and encourage you to draw close to the Lord.

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I lost the same back in 2020. Please message me of you’d like to talk. It’s hard as hell but I promise you can do it and be strong for her

Grief counseling mama. Maybe group therapy once you feel comfortable. I’m so very sorry your hearts are hurting from this terrible loss. Prayers for you all.

Oh I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. Someone very very close to me also went through this. I believe there are groups here on Facebook for this. Nothing I say can take away the pain and grief you’re feeling but I want to say you matter. You matter to your daughter. Stay strong :heart::heart::heart:

I lost a boyfriend of 5 years tragically as well. I experienced that same feeling. I personally had to go for inpatient treatment. Years later, I lost my sons father tragically as well. That happened right before covid and I experienced that same feeling of this can’t be real. I did not seek treatment for mental health at that time and truth be told i probably wouldn’t have been able to anyway as everything was shut down. What I did do was stuck close to my friends, family and support system. It is going to be a difficult road and at times you will want to just give up. You can get through this. I know because I did two times over. Please seek help if you need to, you owe it to yourself and to your daughter to make a way to live well. The pain won’t ever leave but it will lessen over time. And just when you think you have moved on from it one small seemingly insignificant thing will remind you of it and you’ll get angry and sad all over again. Healing isn’t linear and it is difficult to navigate but you can do it. Sending you and your daughter all my love!

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Go get into a group for rehabilitation n get into see a counselor immediately. Call the suicide hotline as much as you need to. Time heals all wounds n heartaches. After a yr has passed I promise you’ll feel better. Get help now please. Message me n I’ll talk to you no matter what time of day or night…

She needs you and your need her. Your allowed to feel like you do. Your allowed to be angry, hurt, lost, sad. You should seek grief council it really does help, but don’t be too hard on yourself, your stronger than you think. Big hugs to you and your daughter may god watch over you both