I lost the love of my life: Advice?

Suicide. The love of my life and my daughters father has passed away. I don’t know what to do. My mind feels lost. My body is hurting. My world has been taken from me. I don’t want to be strong. I don’t want to live without him. I don’t want my daughter to not hold her daddy again. I feel so lost. I am asking if there is anyone else that has been through this. It feels like I’m going insane. It feels like this isn’t real. I need to know what to do next. He loves us so much I don’t know how this could happen. I feel like I can’t do this without him. My whole world has been taken from me. I am broken. I can’t look at her without seeing him.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I lost the love of my life: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

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Sending so much love to you and your daughter.

No advice just my condolences :cry:

Sending prayers. I am going through the same thing right now my husband passed away to suicide a month ago and we have a 5 month old little girl. So I am right there with you.


My cousin took his own life 6 weeks ago. It’s one of the hardest things to watch my family go through, turn to God pray for strength. I am praying God wraps his arms around you and your daughter during this hard time. I am so sorry for your loss :heart::pray:t2:


I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t think any words to console your grief. But it’s okay to grieve, just think about the things he would want you to do. Live and love life, be a great mom, and do the best you can. Prayers💕


It’s been 10 years for me and I’m still healing myself. The only thing that’s helped me is time, and even it wasn’t in a hurry.

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Oh hun! Im so sorry…i dont have much advice but i will be praying for you and your little girl!

I have no words to offer other then my condolences to you and your daughter … I truly hope you can find support that you both need.


Im sorry. I understand its too soon but gotta also realize your daughter lost him and you to some degree now because your grief stricken. Maybe send her to some family for a bit if need be while you grieve some and get your mind and stuff back together. She needs you though now more than ever. Ik its hard but with time youll heal. I hope you dont leave your daughter… Please seek help


DM me. We can talk! I lost my husband in 2008.

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But you need to be strong mama. That’s all and your daughter needs you.

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My sister lost her husband unexpectesly 3 yrs ago. It was devastating. They had 3 kids together. She was where you are and it was not easy. …but she pulled through because of exactly what you said…she saw him in her kids. We kept reminding her to do what he always wanted for them. A strong support system is important. A lot of ppl will say this and it is true…it gets easier with time. Hold on mama…take the time you need but remember they had a loss too and need you more than ever now. Blessings :pray:

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I lost my husband this March not to suicide but feel free to reach out to me. We also have a child. Sending prayers


I think you could benefit from professional help right now. Please make an appointment and talk to your doctor. This maybe terrible advice. My best friend’s boyfriend died from suicide. She really benefited from mood stabilizers to get her to a point were she was able to cope with it.


I think you need to find a support group or a therapist and your daughter too. I’m sorry :disappointed: take one day at a time. :heart::pray::heart:

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My SO was hit & killed by a drunk driver 7yrs ago when I was pregnant with our first child. My favorite statement about grief, the one that resonated the most with me came from Reddit a while back, it equates grief to a shipwreck- “As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything…and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it’s different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out.” I’m sorry for your loss, and here’s the link if you’d like to view the full post. https://www.reddit.com/r/garysully1986/comments/6g3brt/gsnow_on_grief/


So sorry. I’m a widow but not from suicide. I do feel lonely, it takes time. You always grieve you learn to live your life with out them. Maybe try counseling.

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So sorry. I suggest going to your doctor and getting some anxiety meds and see a grief counselor for you and your daughter. I can’t imagine what you are going through my heart breaks for you and your daughter

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Each breath becomes the next . It’s not going to stop hurting but it will hurt differently with time . You need to shine on for her shine thu the tears and rawness shine thu the pain , shine every day so she will never be in a world without light .


This is a huge shock for you as it was unexpected and so very heartbreaking. What your going through is all of your emotions coming to the surface at once. It’s okay! Take one moment at a time, one hour, if you can’t do that take it one minute at a time and help your child to do the same thing. If you find yourself not even be able to get out of bed, make an appointment with a therapist who specializes in grief. Take care of yourselves.

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Cry, but if you have family and friends talk to them. You have to be strong for your daughter. Talk to her about her father. If you have a faith, pray, for your love, that he is at peace, pray for your daughter that she will have what she needs to deal with her loss, and pray for strength and wisdom to carry you through yours life so you can fulfill your purpose. Get help do not go through this alone.

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I have no words other than I am so sorry for your loss and will be praying for you and your daughter​:pray:.Stay strong for not only yourself but for her as well…She needs you!:heart:

I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Please go to therapy. Both of you. Or get in touch with a survivors of suicide This is how you get through it!

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Kissy May…I know you didn’t lose yours to suicide, but maybe you can give her some advise. :heart:

I can understand your grief. Shock is the first stage of grief. Denial, anger, acceptance. Not always in that order. You are and we’re not responsible for someone else’s decisions. Depression is such a debilitating and emotional pain some people take a permanent way out. You did all you could do. Your daughte

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I lost my husband to suicide we have a son, I didn’t think I could go on without him, but you will, take it one day at a time, your daughter needs you, I’ll pray for both of you

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It took me 3 yrs of grieving after my sweetheart passed. He was a great guy. You’ll take as long as it takes. There are no rules. You loved him.

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I don’t know you, but I am a psychologist! You don’t have to be strong right now. You don’t have to do anything. Sit in the discomfort…be sad, be angry, mourn, grieve, scream, cry…whatever you need. This isn’t fair and there will be words that bring you relief right now. Only time can do that. You and your daughter both deserve to process this horrific event. Get into therapy if you can. Text the crisis line for the state you live in and lean on your family and friends. Rest, process, take your time and do what you need. Take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. Everything you’re feeling is normal and expected. People will be uncomfortable with your grief and say things that don’t make sense to you. Let people know what you need…to sit in silence? To be alone? To be together? What helps you? When people say “he’s better off” or “everything happens for a reason” let them know that feels hurtful and isn’t helpful. If you need help finding someone in your area go to psychologytoday.com


You don’t want your daughter to not have him so take her mom too. That’s some messed up thinking.

Just take it one day at a time. It will get easier

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Went through the same exact thing. May 20th was a year of him being gone. It doesn’t get easier. Cry, take time for yourself if anybody can watch the baby for a few days, when you need to. There’s no time limit to this kind of thing.

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Your daughter needs you. A silent hug a shoulder to cry on. Both of you have lost a dear love. The creator protects you.

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I promise it gets better :heart: speaking from personal experience 5 years at the end of the month

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I know from experience how freaking hard it is! I’m so very sorry this happened. Time will not heal your heart but being with your daughter as she grows will make it a little easier to handle. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. If you ever need someone to talk that has been through it let me know. :heart:

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I haven’t been thru this personally. I first want to say that I am so very sorry for your loss! This pain is unimaginable. Please keep your head up and know that we don’t know why these things happen when all seems “ok” there were personal demons that only he was fighting. Stay strong momma​:heart::pleading_face:

Grief therapy. The sooner the better.


I think sometimes you have to allow yourself to just sit with it for a little while. Not expect anything from yourself…not try to understand it…nothing more than sit with it. You also need to take into consideration that what you and your daughter are going thru is traumatic and shocking in every way…you need to focus on making it thru to the next day, one day at a time. You and your daughter both. You have to feel all of it, and digest it, and make sense of it…but that doesn’t have to be today. Focus not on what you can’t do or don’t know, or don’t understand, but Instead on the things you can do, the things you can understand, the things you do know.
You have this overwhelming need to protect your daughter, but you’re also completely paralyzed by the pain and grief. Ask for help if you need it. Ask for help even if you don’t think you need it.


I was 23 years old with my 4 year old son and 15 month old daughter when my husband (thier father) passed away in the middle of the night. It was unbelievably hard. I didn’t eat for 4 days. All I could do was take it one day at a time. It’s been almost 9 years now


Hunny please go into ur local er and leave ur daughter temporarily with relatives if ur feeling suicidal…hugs :heart:


I’ve been through this. Message me if you’d like :purple_heart:


For a start you need to allow ur whole entire body to come out from shock it does it automatically to help with the pain but please go stay with someone or if u can get a babysitter and also someone to stay with u for a few day while the initial shock wears off and it ““sinks in”” xx

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Thank God you have that part of him. Love & Hugs


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My sons father passed away almost 7 years ago. It doesn’t ever truly get better.

Think of it like the ocean… sometimes the waves crash into you… you will struggle for air… you will struggle to find your feet and gain your balance. Those are the heavy grief days. But there will be days where you tread water and you can float on your back.

Sometimes you have both of those things in one day… in one hour. And that’s okay too.

Your loss will be a wound that heals. And it will. But you’ll always wince when you brush your fingers over the scar.
Give yourself time to feel those emotions. All of them. You can’t handle your child’s grief (and it will come) until you learn to manage your own

And remember that you grief isn’t linear. There is no finish line.
You can accept your loss in a month. But go back to denial next year. That’s completely normal. There is no “time frame.”


Stay strong for your baby.

Tiffany Harvey Seybold

I am so sorry you’re going through this unimaginable pain. Let every emotion ride its course. Grieve how you feel you need to grieve. Take time for yourself. Take any support any one is willing to give you and your daughter I can’t imagine the pain she is in too bless her. I’m soo soo sorry you’ve been faced with this :two_hearts:


So sorry you and your daughter are going through this! <3 I know how it feels and sadly it’s been since 2013 and still not over it and I don’t think I will ever be. You just learn to live with it and with time it does get easier but when I look at my kids I do see him and it’s bitter sweet. Counseling/therapy for you and your daughter but please don’t make the same mistake I did and make sure the counselor/therapist is the right fit for you and your daughter. The one I took my kids to did more harm than good. Also check with the social security administration to see if your daughter may qualify for survivors benefits. There is so much to deal with that will at least help with finances for your daughter and hopefully will be 1 less worry. Sending love & Prayers to you and your daughter! <3

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It’s sucks. It’s hard. Don’t be strong. Let out your emotions. Do you have someone to watch your daughter for a bit so you can have some time? Or go in the shower and cry? One minute at a time. Breathe. Know what you are feeling is normal. Condolences and hugs


I am praying for you. I have not gone through this but I am praying for you both.

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This is one of the hardest things you will ever go through. In my experience counseling helped a lot finding the right counselor is really key one that fits you. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Your daughter needs you Momma. If you want to chat feel free to message me. You are both in my prayers.

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This is a hurt that never leaves, it may over many years numb a little but it will also be there, however for your daughter you have to be strong. Remember she has also had a huge loss and she needs you. The two of you will have a unbelievable bond which will stand the tests of time and will be very strong.

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Your baby girl needs you now more than ever. Prayers for you both! Lean on each other!

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Prayers to u an ur daughter :pray::pray::pray:

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You need to have someone to help you through this. Be strong for your daughter she needs you now so much! Please look for help to get thru🙏🏻my prayers for you to have the strength to get through for you and your daughter.

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I don’t see anywhere where you are saying you’re going to attempt. You’re in shock. A veterans suicide hotline was the most help for me those first days. Some neighbors. Keeping a routine for our kids. But it’s going to be hard and some days will absolutely suck. Reach out … Just need to find the right people.

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When I was a child my mom committed suicide, the best thing I can tell you is to be there for your daughter seek outside help if needed but do everything you can to help your daughter as well as yourself, my father was so lost grieving himself that’s he forgot to help my brother and I, and now at my age I still grieve as if it was yesterday and not ashamed to say that I have issues because of it always scared of abandonment


Prayers to you & your daughter :pray:t3::blue_heart:

My sons father and my best friend was taken suddenly also five years ago. My son was 7 and is his twin. This was the hardest thing I have ever been thru. I thought I wouldn’t be able to survive but day by day I found the strength for my son to keep pushing forward. I suggest counseling for your daughter that helped my son out alot letting him know that he wasn’t alone. Also I found a camp for children who lost loved ones and he loved it. Stay strong mama it will get better.

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Therapy for the two of you. I’m so sorry that this has happened.

My boys father passed that way last September if you wanna talk message me :heart: I’m so sorry for your loss

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Its so hard, my sons dad died 2 years ago in a traumatic/unforseen way. We werent together any more but my heart broke for my son. She will need you, keep him alive in spirit for her. It will get easier. My son was only 5 when it happened. Some days are harder than others. You will both get through this. It may not seem like it yet, but you will. Reach out to people talk to your family and friends on hard days. Dont keep it in.

Keep praying. This will pass but it’s hard. So many hurt people in world.so sorry. With time and support you will make it🙏

Bbg you can message me any time. I have a soon to be 9 month old and her and i lost her dad in late March… You can get through this babe💚 i can be here for you if needed


I know people don’t like to get into religion, but I just recommend maybe speaking with God. Praying, going to church with people who may beable to help you out and work through it. Possibly go to counseling. Don’t put yourself in a state of mind where you don’t want to speak to anyone and your in a dark hole. Your daughter needs you and loves you. And you will get through this. I don’t know you but I will keep you in my prayers. I’m so very sorry for your loss :sparkling_heart::pray:t2:


Praying for you and your daughter.

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Grief counseling from a professional grief therapist ASAP for you and your daughter. Hospice is another place to look for trained professionals to help you navigate this difficult journey. Your local hospital or funeral home can provide recommendations also. In person is wonderful but phone sessions work too.

Join a support group for widows. See sources above for referrals or find your own online. If either of you were/are military, ask if there are resources available to you.

Look to any spiritual leaders and religious institutions in your life for comfort. Rituals, traditions and labyrinth walks can help you process your emotions.

Plan ways to honor his memory: make a donation in his honor/name, light candles in a church to starting a non profit to a plaque in his honor on a bench in a park to funding a scoreboard for a playing field where he played a sport he loved to give you a place to “be” with him, especially if he won’t have a burial. Create a book of memories for your daughter with treasured photos. Add written memories from his friends and family. Host parties with folks who knew him to remember and reminisce periodically. Or just get together someplace and toast to his memory.

Lean on others for as long as you need. Feel free to just tell people what you need: a hug, someone to listen, dinners made, outings to provide fun & distraction for you & your daughter, babysitting, house cleaning, errands run, time off from work, a trip to the beach to stare at the ocean, or the mountains to get lost in nature, or an exercise partner to help you pound out your grief through exhausting exercise of whatever kind you need/want. Ask several people to help you get through paperwork, phone calls, difficult decisions and bureaucracy. Many people feel honored to help but aren’t sure what to do. If you’re not sure what you need, ask for suggestions and pick what resonates.

Remember it’s not disrespectful to feel joy while you are grieving. Be gentle with yourself and your daughter. Massages, soothing baths, pampering like facials, mani/pedis. Eat as healthfully as you can. Yoghurt (plain is best), prepared salads, Ensure, bananas, applesauce, mashed potatoes, teas all are easy to eat when you don’t feel like eating. Take your vitamins. If it’s debilitating grief, no shame in getting antidepressants from your doc.

Don’t make any optional major changes in your life for at least a year.

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s one of the worst. Sending hugs & what comfort this forum can provide. :heart::rainbow:


Prayers u call always message me

Your daughter needs u more than ever right now. You can’t leave her in this world alone. Seek help get therapy go to the hospital if need be. Ask family and friends to stay with u to help. PM me if u need to talk.


Trent Shelton message him… if you do nothing else… if you don’t want counseling right now… this is someone who cares.

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Get grief counseling for BOTH of you.


Please seek counseling. Grieving is natural and everyone moves through it differently, but for your daughter’s sake don’t let this overwhelm you to the point where she has lost both parents. Think about joining us on a page called SOS (Survivors Of Suicide) to find others that you can relate to. I found it helped me to keep my daughter’s memory alive, because in this forum everyone is there because of suicide. The stigma that some people associate with suicide is not a thing when everyone has experienced a loss that is different, but the pain is the same. Good luck in finding a place where you’re able to cope and think of your future and that of your daughter. :broken_heart:


Just keep one day at a time…for you and daughter

Talk to someone. You are not alone.

Breathe mama. You can do it. If not for yourself, for your daughter. Imagine her losing both her parents. Imagine her dealing with the pain you are, but alone with neither of you. It’s hard and probably going to be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to go through, but just hold on and keep going. Be there for your baby and let her be there for you. Im so so soooo sorry you and your daughter are dealing with this unexpected heartbreak.

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I lost mine in December… feel free to message me… but it doesn’t get easier… and noone really understands how much you need friends unless they been here… hugs to you

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Keep his memories alive.

What a dreadfully sad situation you are in, my heart goes out to you both. I think you would benefit from counselling specifically for those bereaved by suicide. I was widowed 20 years ago and had 3 children, but l can not begin to understand what you are going through. I am so sorry for your loss xx


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Yes, I lost my bf of 17 years & the father to my kids , I will tell you from experience , it is the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with, it is a heavy process. The first year was the hardest for me , it happened during the pandemic & literally everything was shut down. I was able to get counseling over the phone with a grief counselor for the first few weeks , I highly recommend that. I wasn’t able to actually do a memorial service until the one year mark which was hard but ultimately I was glad I was forced to wait since I was able to fully accept & process tons of emotions before the one year mark so his celebration of life I was able to smile & remember the good times not just the heartbreak. It’s coming up on the two years in a few days & I do notice my mind has automatically gone back to those real deep heavy feelings ( PTSD,) but I am reaching out to loved ones, keeping busy & taking care of my mental health as much as I can. I truly want you to know your mind will mess with you especially these first few months and you will go through the grief process & have ups & downs … get your emotions out . Be arou d your loved ones . I’M SURVIVING THIS SO CAN YOU !!! IT WILL GET EASIER…TIME & THE GRIEVING PROCESS WILL WORK ITS WAY THROUGH YOU … I know how you feel , trust me , it’s SO devastating BUT it also has taught me strength , self love, & how to show compassion for others dealing with heartbreak & loss…please REACH OUT TO ME !!! YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS :pray::heart::rose::raised_hands::blush::blue_heart: ALSO my spiritual gifts & strength in out God & creator has grown so much through all this. I get hearts all the time showing me he’s loved & forgiven & STILL NEAR . you will have your own journey but I assure you I was in your shoes, still am & one day at a time I’m getting stronger, more faithful to God & always I know we are protected & guided from the other side , no doubt our loved ones do not die, we are ENERGY & are eternal :heart::rose::raised_hands::blue_heart::pray::heart::rose::raised_hands: please reach out to me if you have such heavy feelings and need a friend that’s been there​:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::broken_heart::two_hearts::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:


When my husband died, I wanted to die too. I prayed, saw a counselor. I thought about my children and grandchildren who would be left behind. I know my husband wouldnt want me to die. With all this, I was able to make the decision to live, to live in a way that would honor my husbands memory.


You need to do it for your daughter

Grief counseling for you and her both. Asap. Support groups. She need you now more than ever.

I am so sorry.you may want to get counseling that might help some.

One day at a time. Stay around family and away any big decisions for at least a few months bc your not thinking 100%. Talk with other widows in groups who can relate. Get as much sleep when can bc the dreams be flowing with the tears. Cry when can let it out and let prayers in.I m so sorry for your loss. Healing prayers on way :rose:

I’m so sorry I can’t imagine what both of you are going through. :broken_heart: I’m praying for you both . Breathe and take things day by day or even min by min. Definitely go to counseling or church and build a good support group for you both. Grief will be overwhelming some days and easier others, but it’s hard. Don’t rush the grieving process, everyone deals w it differently. Try to let family and friends help you with anything you need. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

I’m coming up 10 years my kids were 1 & 5 when he left , feel free to message me xx take each day as it comes cry if you want to , be angry be anything you feel , but you get back up wipe your tears and get on with it , it feels like you’ll never get over this BUT you can and you will xx you’ll have good days and you’ll have bad but remember to be kind to your self xx


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My heart breaks for you and your daughter, she needs you Mama, more then ever .And grieve with her , because u are aloud to as well !! But look her and keeping going …as hard as its going to be , she is the one that will give you strength . You may not see that now but eventually you will .It’s OK to cry , and feel even in front of her …but also try to show her strength that you both will get through it together .Reach out if you have to , friends grief counsoler, where ever u have to …you not alone !


My heart breaks for you and your daughter. One moment at a time, be in your feeling, feel them just try your damndest not to live in them. Your baby girl needs you, as much as it hurts, kills you. She needs you and you need her.

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Yes you can keep going.

When you wake up: Don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t worry about this afternoon, don’t worry about in an hour. Focus on now, focus on drawing breath, focus on getting out of bed and brushing your teeth. Focus on your baby girl - you need her as much as she needs you.

Focus on being together.

Soon, you’ll get through an hour without feeling like you want to die, then it’ll be two hours, then it’ll be a morning or an afternoon or an evening.

Then you’ll be able to get through those time periods without thinking of him constantly.

Then one day you’ll laugh at something and you’ll end up right back here because how can you laugh when your world is falling apart.

So you start again focusing on the next hour and building it all back up.

Life is now not life, it is life without him. You will have firsts that are firsts without him, you will do things without him.

I have just had my third anniversary of without him - we’re all surviving. I still want to die sometimes, I still cry and beg him to come back, my world lurches sideways when his brother posts a picture or his picture appears in my fb memories, but I’m focusing on the next hour when I can’t focus on more.

Focus, breathe and hug your daughter.

My heart breaks for you and your pain lovey


Seek out a councillor for you both and a support group. You’re not alone in this.

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Breathe! When you feel you can’t go on( and you will) look at that precious daughter & she will be your reason to go on. Life will be like a roller coaster climbing up only to come rushing down. But know you will climb again. After 5 years my hills are further apart. Big hugs & prayers as you go thru these difficult days❤️


I don’t have experience with this but wanted to express my condolences for your loss. Praying for both you and your daughter.


There is no amount of time for grief…especially for something like this…Just take each day second by second
Do what U gotta do n feel the way YOU feel. Just focus on U n yer daughter now. N REACH OUT!!! U don’t need to go through this alone!!!

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Grief is hard. You will feel empty, lost, sad, angry, guilty. But this is normal seriously what you are feeling is normal. Counseling can help but it won’t change how you feel ever. What you need is your friends and family close to you guys for a while. I’m sorry for your loss. Only time can heal but you haveto try to heal in a healthy way and that’s the hardest part and even harder when you can’t do anything to help your child take the pain away. Set off balloons. Make a pillow out of his shirt. Show lots of love. I know you two will get through this.