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"Me and my now fiancé of 4 years got into a fight last night. He always accuses me of cheating on him and it’s to the point where I feel it’s his guilty conscience coming out. I asked him for the first time last night to give me his phone because I want to go through it and he can go through mine if he feels I’m cheating. Keep in mind we have been together for 4 years, engaged, have a 2 year old and I’m currently pregnant. I have never given him a reason to think I’m cheating and I’m fed up with being accused of it. When I was going through his phone I found 2 photos there were sent to him a year ago that he saved on snap chat, they were tit pictures. I keep looking and found 5 other pair of tits that he had saved to his phone from before we started dating (all different girls) I also found a photo that he took of me when I was drunk and passed out on his bed that he took before we started dating. I don’t know how to feel about any of this and I just need to make sure I’m not overreacting. When I started finding all of this stuff he started to yell at me and tell me to “give him his F**king phone now” and yanked it from my hand."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I would be more concerned with the picture of you, drunk and passed out. I don’t even do that to my best friend of 23 years."
"He’s the cheater and the guilt is why he is saying that you are cheating. I’ve been there, not worth staying. It is very disrespectful to you that he is accusing you of something so serious. Trust me, be done. No need for stress like that in your life, especially while pregnant. Good luck. It’s been 11 years since I left mine. We were together 14 years. I stayed about 12 years too long."
"Get out. Not only a cheater but he’s a predator. He took a picture without you knowing. Who knows what else he has done or is capable of. You may not be the first or last"
"He is cheating Been through this b4 My ex use to accuse me of cheating which I never did but in the end it was him tht was cheating"
"He doesn’t trust you and now you know you can’t trust him…. At this point why even bother with this relationship. He hasn’t apologized for the crap he’s pulling do you think he’s going to do the work to restore your trust in him?"
"First. Delete the pic of you immediately. Second. Leave him, he is a pig like most men. Smh"
"Girl leave now! It’s only going to get worse and you’re going to be miserable. I am talking from a lifetime of experience I’m 54 and one single for 12 years because of crazy s*** like that. Especially the one with you sleeping when you were drunk that would really creep me out! I think your gut is telling you what to do you just think you can change him and you can’t"
"That’s so wrong that he’s saved all those pictures, especially the one of you. Do not marry this man!!"
"And the person cheating is always the accuser past experience on that as well!"
"If you’re in a position you feel the need to look though someone’s getting phone, leave. No one wants to live like that"
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