I ma leaving my boyfriend who threatened me and I need advice

Dont walk!! RUN GIRL

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Run and run like hell and don’t look back! I was in a similar situation in my past and was stupid enough to fall for his lies and bs and that led to me having a knife pulled on me in front of both of my girls! Unfortunately people like that are ticking time bombs and they will not change! My cousin tried to continue to out up with her husband because 1…they had 3 children and 2…he would make threats against her parents, her and the children anytime she would say she was going to leave. She wasn’t as lucky. She can’t join in this conversation to tell you what she went through because her murdered her. He kidnapped her and shot her twice in the chest. Please leave if you haven’t! I know it’s hard but you have to think of your safety and the safety of your child! I know you don’t know me but if you need a friend through this or just someone to vent to you can always message me! Just please don’t stay! Don’t be another victim!

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Girl, you got this! You take care of yourself and that baby​:heart: you are worth it! You deserve to be happy and to be loved correctly. This guy sounds really dangerous, reach out for help, get as far away from him as you can, and get a restraining order. Best of luck and hugs sweetheart :heart:

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What you allow is what will continue. Bless your heart. If you take him back you are telling him its ok to treat you bad and threaten you. You are doing the right thing, you just have to stay strong xxx


First of all .the fact that he threatens you and puts you down is Abuse. Diffuse his rage so that is convinced you are in it to win it . apologise tell him he right and be the door mat until he believes he has the Control. Then when you know he is convinced you are in complete submission secretly you have been plotting your escape . setting aside clothes, personal things . arrange a place and someone to drive you if needed . leave as soon as you can . never look back . he is a monster.

Sweetheart bye to him my dad used to hit my mom on a weekly basis and I didn’t understand why she was going through this. Until my mom finally got us out of there after we saw mother with a bloodily face and she had effort.And still to this I have not forgave my mom or dad for putting us through that… Petty bullshit just leave


RUN DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM THIS GUY!!! Just because he may not have hit you yet, he is already abusing you, and trust me, it’s only a matter of time before the emotional and verbal abuse turns to include physical. And what about your daughter? She may be very young, but she’s taking it all in. By staying and allowing this, you’re teaching her that this is normal, and it’s okay for a man to treat you this way. And what about when he turns it on her? Because he will. This is ABUSE, NOT LOVE!!! Don’t tell him you’re leaving. Make him think it’s ok, and then leave and don’t tell him where you are. If he shows up, call the police! Run Darlin, Run like hell!!!


You got this! Stay strong! He may say I love you but you no what love should not come with bruises or blood! Love should not come with harsh words or put downs! LOVE SHOULD NOT HURT!!!

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Oh lordy no! That is classic manipulation and abuse, my love. You have to think about your child. The sad truth is, his behavior will only get worse. Get out before that happens! Don’t listen to his bullshit! He sounds like a selfish little boy. You don’t want that! And you don’t want your child seeing that it’s an acceptable behavior.


Run don’t walk. Grab your child and leave him, because he will hit you. You deserve better and I believe you are stronger than you think. God bless you and your baby.


Don’t warn him you are leaving, just pack and leave before he kills you. I’m 75 and I still have the emotional scars because of the verbal and physical abuse I watched my Mother endure just to keep the family together.


I know it’s hard. I’ve been there with my ex husband. When the police came out to do a welfare check they said that CPS could take my kids because of the abuse whether it be physical or psychological that him treating me the way he did could get my children removed while CPS investigates. That I could be charged with child neglect for not reporting the abuse and getting out. I was a stay at home mom with no income or access to the marital accounts and 4 kids. I should have listened to my gut early on and I saw the red flags but ignored them because I thought it wasn’t too bad…that was a mistake. Get away from this man while you can! I know it’s hard but you can find the strength when you think about your child.

Pack up & leave… you don’t need the verbal, emotional abuse.

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DONT DO IT. ITS A TRICK. RUN FAR FAR AWAY. AND DONT LOOK BACK I got away from me ex and have been happy ever since.


That’s an abusive relationship plain as day. Man up and put your foot down. Leave. Dont waste time with the wrong one and take away time that you could be spending with the right one.

He displays many toxic and abuser type behaviors. Do what you need to get away from him. Move away, change your phone number. But whatever you do DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM.

Stay away. Run like hell and never go back!

Just keep moving forward. You are doing the right thing. It’s not healthy for either one of you. Your daughter will admire you when she is much older that you were strong enough to end it and stay away. If you go back it won’t be good for her either. Stay strong. Keep busy and show him you DONT NEED HIM.


Go to police asap - when he is at work or something - take your child and tell police all - and have an escort cop go with you to get stuff you need and stay at shelter or a friends house but do not tell him -


Try communicating from a distance have him prove himself to u while u guys are separated. And try counseling or have your own counseling sessions together. Just u him no child no phone no tv nothing u and him face to face and discuss everything. Tell him u have to see him changing before u will consider being back with him.

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You are doing the,right thing. Leave. Don’t let him timadate you.

Mental, emotional and will be physical abuse. He is a horrible example for your child. Your LIFE is not worth whatever you think is a good enough reason to get out. If you are already on assistance, you have a good chance of getting other help if need be. Maybe ask your mom for help with a place to stay if you get away from him. Get out, go file for child support and save yourself and your child. Theres plenty of time and plenty of good men out there. Theres NO REASON good enough from what you typed to stay. He WILL NOT CHANGE.

Leave him. Call the local women’s shelter and ask them to help you. They will give you a place to live and help you with counseling, with legal issues and job training. Get out. Do it today.

Sorry to say this but it sounds like the relationship has ran its course. He’s resentful of having the bulk of the financial burden to carry and that’s only going to get worse as time goes by. Sounds like you both are unhappy but you don’t want to be alone. Its a good idea to get out now. See if your mom will let you move home.

Kick his ass to the curb and don’t look back!

You teach people how to treat you by example… If this is not how you want to be treated forever then Only you can change it! For what it’s worth my advice is don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out of this relationship! If you stay this is your future. Your choice.

I think you already know the answer, you just want someone to say it. He has threatened you hit you, told you he couldn’t be with you, leaves for long periods of time and tells you not to contact him. What is the problem? I know if is hard and I know it hurts, but you already have an idea of what you need to do or you won’t be reaching out.

Run as fast as you can, don’t look back, I was in a marriage like this and before we married there were the warning sings, but married anyways, 17 years of abuse and misery, RUN!

Also look for a women’s advocate group they can help you file restraining orders and all sorts of stuff.

Do not take him back. Stay away, red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Restraining order :heavy_check_mark:

Get a retraining order.

Restraining Order…move

RUN (not walk) AWAY. FAST!

Get a restraining order

think of your child first

Move. Change telephone number. Get a restraining order. Get out now!

Stay strong and leave.

Do not respond. Block him in/on all things. He’s a narcissist. Run girl RUUUUUUUUUN far away from that mess of a man. Cause he will hit you & you will hurt.

Get a restraining order or epo

MY Joy is back to me after a very long time which i and my ex separated since i was alone my life change,every thing about me change a friend of mine gave me an email address and told me that this was the email address she contacted when she was in the same problem so i contacted the email i got a reply he ask me to send him my number so i did he was a man call Dr goko he is a spell caster he casted a spell for me and told me that within two day that my ex we be back for good within that two days my ex was back, i and my ex just got married. few week back email (Dr.gokospellhome12@gmail. com or on WhatsApp +2349064938931,

Reread that and you have answered your own question. He treats you badly and disrespects you and your relationship. I wouldn’t put too much faith in the fact that he will change even if he says he will.


Don’t look back lady. You will turn 59 regretting that the best years of your life have been wasted in an undeserved hell.
Don’t look back. You are worth more much more😢


Don’t go back to him. I’ve been there done that and it’s not a situation any one should be in let alone go back to. If he keeps harassing you take out a restraining order. Speak to a solicitor about him seeing your child without you having to have contact with him. It will only get worse if you go back. They never change. Think about you and your little one.


You’re moving in the right direction. He’s only going to get worse to you. Please get and stay safe.


Don’t unless you want to endure years of abuse. Get out and away from him while u can. Take it from me, dealing with a person like that doesn’t improve. It’s gets worse, WAY WORSE. and God forbid don’t have anymore kids with this guy

Run. As fast as you can to the nearest Women’s shelter for the sake of your and your child’s life.


I know its hard. Ive been there. Leave!! RUN!! Your children should not be around this. Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking its ok to be abused. To be treated with out dignity. You deserve better. There is better out there. Run and do not look back. he will never change once a man treats you this way they will never stop. It will be hard but worth it. In the end you will be better. Do not waste your time on someone that has NO love or respect for you your children or even himself.

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If a man threatens to hit u he eventually will and it can be to the point where he will leave ur baby without a mother. U don’t deserve to be in an abusive relationship. Nobody does. If the man won’t leave u alone it’s best to get help from the authorities. Listen to ur instincts and think about ur baby because if he kills u think of the abuse ur child will go through if he gets custody.


You are both in different boats heading a different direction. Worry about yourself so you can be there for your kids. Stand your ground and don’t make idle threats. Putting a restraining order and backing it up anytime he violates it. Do you really want one more chance to turn into another 5 years of unhappiness? Wish you the best, but please open your eyes, you seem smart, you know what has to be done.

You need to get away from him , it only gets worse

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Keep saying no nd go upside his head if need be :person_shrugging:

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Run don’t walk to nearest exit. You will be much better on your own and so will your child.


You need to walk away and don’t look back. Hold your head high as you walk. Be strong for you and your child.


Run, far far away, and don’t look back.

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Dont even give that a second chance


You know your answer

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I see no question here. Leave.

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I would not go back with him after threatening you. You have a child to keep safe god knows what he would do to you guys have you made a report of him threatening you I sure would take it to the cops. But you need to stay far away from him. That’s isn’t a healthy relationship.


Get away any way you can fast


TRO. Temporary restraing order!!!


Interact of Raleigh can help

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Run from him and dont look back. If he doesn’t leave you alone after you’re safely away from him you may want to think about getting a temporary restraining order. Keep all of your texts for evidence. He will get worse the more chances you give him because he will think he can say and do anything and you will stay. Get away from him before it gets physically violent. He already threatened harm so it’s only a matter of time before he physically hurts you. Leave!

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Go with what Shawna says

Stay gone? You’re putting your safety at risk by being with him or wanting to be with him. Fuck him. Move on.


Run, don’t walk, away from him; go to your mom or a shelter and don’t look back; he will hurt you; my best friend’s daughter was killed by her ex; make sure you have people around you to protect you because the threats will get worse when you leave. If he continues, call the cops


Get counseling, find a Necwit agency near you! You need to worry about you and your child first and foremost. He doesn’t worry about you or the child and only cares about himself then he can take care of himself.

Sounds to me like he’s lost his FREE ride ! And he’s not going to give it up until you make him !To party and whip it up with his friends ( still being a teenager emotionally) while you’re physically challenged ,caring for your child and making sure you provide him with everything a good Mother has to give ! Send that narcissistic brat packing for good !

Get a restraining order against him dont take him back and move on with ur life he sounds like a real jerk and if he is threatening u infront of ur child he most definitely will end up hitting u and ur child doesnt need to be around that!

Leave now. The relationship isn’t going to get better. If hes threatening u or hitting u then his ass needs to be in jail. Never stay in a relationship just cuz you have kids together. I’ve been in a similar situation and I hope and pray I never go thru that again. Urs and ur child’s life are way to precious for a scum bag like ur boyfriend. A real man would never lay a hand on a woman much less the woman he supposively loves. File for child support and get out NOW… keep ur child safe…

Really ? Run he sounds like a loser narsistic ass. Plays victim and entitled sounds like a bunch a drama you and child dont need I know we cant help who we love but I think you feel obligated with the years and having a child. Get away he sounds unstable.