I ma leaving my boyfriend who threatened me and I need advice

My B/F and me have been together for five years and ten months. I am leaving him on the grounds of the threatened to hit me in front of our child. Had also threatened me without her around. Guilt-tripping me into having sex. Downgrading me and wishing death on family mine his own. Telling me can’t change useless I’m going be there when he is done. Unfortunately, I warned him I was going to leave. I resent him, I still love and care about him, but I don’t want to be with him. He keeps begging me to be there or take him back. I don’t feel as if I can move past it. Plus, he broke up with me two weeks prior to me breaking up with him. He told me his grounds were because it’s hard for him to do this as in being the only one working, but my mom helps me her choice with around 100 a month in food or household items. Plus, I get food stamps not happy about it, but okay. I have applied for SSI. I also need back surgery. So he couldn’t see us having a life. I told me he’s been thinking about it for a year. Like that didn’t hurt. Told me he lives life like a 65-year-old man. Runs parties after work, of course, while I keep our child 24/7. Can go anywhere be gone till 2-3-4 me not to call him to see where he is. I have been asked to take him back, and I’ve told him, no, but he will not quit what do I do.


Run as fast as you can… don’t look back


keep saying no… and run far far away… sounds like a loser…

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Leave him and dont look back

Good 4ustick to it don’t be a Lott

Get out of there quick

Stop all correspondence with him except for info on child. File child support. Apply for housing. He will never change.


Leave him, don’t ever go back, and get the cops involved if necessary. If you stay, he will eventually beat you or worse.

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It’s time to leave sweetheart.:v:

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Emotional immaturity of this level in an adult man’s body can be a dangerous and painful situation. Leave, and when you’re gone from him, stay gone.

If he is having a hard time supporting you financially I suggest you get a job.
If you aren’t happy, you should leave, but you will still need to be able to support yourself. Foodstamps don’t buy diapersz


Run away as fast as you can

If you need to ask this question, you already know in you heart what you should do. Take your life back!!

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Don’t look back I waited to long and it’s been 10 years and still won’t leave me alone there is still time run and don’t leave ask the cops to come and help you if need be but please don’t stay

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Move on and don’t look back

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Sorry I meant don’t look back

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Stop all communication except when it’s about the child. File for custody and get whatever help that you qualify for. That type of person will never change. He will beg and beg and claim he’s changed and he will be awesome for a tiny bit and then revert back to the old ways. Get out!!


Knock his head between the washer and dryer


Leave him, file a police report and restraining order and child support. You and your family come first. Don’t let it get worse since his already putting his hands on you


Don’t do it!!! Get an exparte and don’t put your child through this!!! The children come 1st!

Stay far away from him that’s what you do

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NO! means no! You’re doing the right thing, don’t worry those feelings u have for him will subside over time. LOVE yourself first and most! Cause he will never love you like you can love yourself or deserve to be loved.

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What is your soul tellin you you already know love u enough to love your child to love you to mk ur own decision no one said life living will be ez​:eagle::pray:t6:

Get a restraining order


Get out before he makes good on his promise to kill you!


He will break ur heart in the long run. He has threatened u. I think u already know the answer. U will be happier without him.


Stand ur ground, NO,NO,NO,NO,NO and NO one more time!!! Don’t go back they won’t change!!! Do this for u and ur child!!! TRUST me my ex begged me for up to two years to take him back. I SAID NO, till he got tired of asking. Guess what after 7 years of being divorced from him. THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST DECISIONS I MADE FOR ME AND MY BOYS…NEVER TOOK HIM BACK!!! GOOD LUCK HUN. DONT GIVE UP!!!

Stick to the “no”. Thats not a healthy place for u or ur daughter. It will hurt. U cant just turn off love. U have to remember that ur daughter is seeing all this. U have to do whats best for u and her. Get a restraining or, or better yet a no contact order. Even if u dont do that get out and stay away from him for ur own safety and sanity.

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Find a woman’s shelter they can help

Get you and your baby GONE…….No one should treat you like this!! BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT BUT WAS ALOT WORSE THAN WORDS…My son will be 20 tomorrow and we LIVED JUST FINE!! PRAYERS AND LOVE AND JUST GET WHAT YOU NEED!!

dump him. he’s a LOSER and a manipulator!

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Leave him. It’ll be hard but in the end it’ll be the best decision you could of made. Think about what’s best for yourself kids

You already know the right answer. Get out. Toxic relationships stay toxic. There are things you can work on in a relationship, and things you can’t. This one is a can’t. He needs mental health help… your involvement with him isn’t helping him. Time to move on.


Don’t take him back. He is threatening you, eventually won’t be threats anymore, but reality. He wish death on your family to make you uncomfortable to have them around… Because you won’t want to hear his negative mouth. He is trying to push them away, or get you to. To isolate you from anyone that is supportive of you, so you are totally and completely dependant on him and at his mercy.That’s what abusers do. Stay strong, taking him back will not stop it. If you feel henis harassing you, call the police and get every complaint on paper

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Girl run, you deserve better than to live in terror!

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Its time to bail… He sounds immature, selfish,& very abusive & controlling… Try family or a shelter do it for you & the baby …

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Stay gone darling he will get distracted and make someone else miserable it feels like it will never change and it wont unless you change and cause he clearly doesn’t want to change to be a better man just enough to gwt you back under his control!! Stay strong!!

Get out now!!! Before something awful happens… It’s no life to live… You N your kid deserve so much more :heart: you may still love N care for him N it’s hard, you just can’t switch those feelings off, but no one deserves to be treated the way he’s treating you… :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Grow up, move on, and get off welfare! Be someone your kid can be proud to emulate, not some two-bit whore for this loser.

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Is there really a question here? You already what you should do. Keep in mind the type of treatment you accept. Gives you child validation no matter what gender. Praying with you :pray:


Obviously there’s a part of you that is doubtful of leaving him. Hoping he’ll be a better person. But change takes time. If he’s really willing, he’ll work on himself to be a better man for you and his child. Away from you. He needs to move and support the family while working on himself. In the mean time. Strengthen you. For you! For your child!
If you come back to each other, you’ll be better people.
Good luck. That’s really hard, I know, I did it. And after a few black eyes. Don’t be me!
They still want back in. They still cry I’ll change for you. But they are usually still assholes with their new gfs. :wink:
While you find a stable, well adjusted, grown man who puts you on a pedestal. :blush::v:

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Once you lose respect for someone it’s over. Not your job to fix him.


Seems like you’ve already broken up with him. There’s no further advice to give except don’t take him back :woman_shrugging:t2:


Look up the definition of narcissist…


He’s a narcissist or a sociopath hun get out now


Get involved w/some kind of women’s sanctuary/protection group. Now!


He sounds to me like a tragedy waiting to happen except you and possibly your child will be the ones paying the ultimate price. I would hate to see/hear that is what happened.

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Get out now! He won’t change unless he wants to

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Run in the opposite direction as hard as you can…this relationship has diaster written all over it…I had rather live in a ditch than be with the man you described…Pray and find Jesus and get you a Church family they will lead you in the right direction and you will find the strength to better yourself and never look back at this skumbag…your life is what you make it…


Put a restraining order before you end up losing your child and/or yourself because of him.

Move on! Your better off its hard at first, but in the end you will be happy and safe you and your child! Pay attention to the news!


Why would you go back to the loser? Move on without him and sort your life out for your child. Your child deserves a stable life so get it together!!


U wit him cuz he takes care of u basically, he does what he wants. First off take care of yourself, so you can do what U want. There would be no question. If this is hard for you to hear. Then dont ask. Get up, get out, get a job, and get on! Peace sister- do the right thing for u and ur child.

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Stand your ground its his problem not yours! If he wanted you in his life he wouldn’t have treated you so badly! Run honey run! God bless you!

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Get away from him. You and your child are much better without him. He is mentally & emotionally abusive which I’m sure you know. Run as fast as you can. You deserve so much more than this. Good luck. Wishing you & your child the very best. You will do wonders when you are away from a manipulating & abusive person.


Stay strong. Make a parenting plan so he can see his child. Do you have a family member that you can move in with until you can get disability, etc. Good luck


Run!!! This is outright verbal, physical and mental abuse. Go where you are safe and do it NOW!


I’ve been in your place and the fact that you asked that question shows me you aren’t done with him yet and he isn’t done playing with you.
The best thing you can do is leave and never go back. NEVER. But only you can do that. Hugs*


Please don’t stay with him unless you want to end up dead.These men say they will change but most of them don’t.


I’ve been away from my abusive toxic situation with our son for 5 years now. It took me almost 3 years to begin to rebuild my life. But I did it. I got out. I have a career that I love. My son has a stable home/life. You have to stay strong stick to your decision. Do Not Go Back. When you stay and continue to allow this to continue YOUR hurting your child. Walk away dont look back. Later when your safe you can work on visitation between dad and child. Until then do what is best for that little person your responsible to protect. Good luck. Sending prayers.

What the hell not even a question to consider tell him hell no and bye

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Put a restraining order on him and domestic violence. You and your kids deserve better and he isnt in the best intrest


Think of your child and leave. Things are going to get worse, believe me.


Toxic Toxic Toxic get yourself and your child as far away from this person now!!


Don’t cave in, stay firm


Put a p.f.a on him and move on.

Run! Take it as a Lessoned learned. Keep track and record of anything if he keeps it up and get a restraining order.


It took me years to quit loving the man who physically and emotionally abused me. He put me in the hospital so many times. My ex was frightening. I left and didnt look back. But loved the man still so many years later. Run and dont look back. My ex did remarry and killed her a year later. Shot her to death.
You’d better get out. Dont talk to him about it. Just do it. Run girl run!!

Guilt tripping you to have sex is not guilt tripping. It is RAPE


BTW, protection orders don’t work!


When I was involved with my ex, I was not aware of that. I had a domestic violence team from our City Police tell me this.

Don’t fall into the trap dear
You aren’t important to him and neither is your child if hes gonna work then party all the time that’s his priority as someonelike that will not change whether you’re around or not
Believe actions not words


Police get a DVO now

there are so many posts that someone has likely already posted that if he is currently threatening to hit you, it’s only a matter of time before he actually does. – make a very secret plan. he is an abuser who thrives and relies on control over you. you are in the most danger when you leave. if he hasn’t physically harmed you yet, he will likely try at that time. make your plan quickly, make is solid and make is secret. then get out. statistically, most abused women die when they try to leave. please be safe.

Sounds like a whole bunch of drama! Would have been gone! Go to a shelter, call WEAVE, go somewhere, just get off Facebook!

For your own sake & your child’s
STAY GONE. HE’S A NARCISSISTIC MF…it will only get worse


Girl just leave. There’s no need for a discussion.

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Don’t take him back. At the long run you will be happier.

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RUN FAST RUN FAR !!! An NEVER look back!!! RUNNNN!!!


Run Forrest Run! Why are you still with him? He is abusive and controlling and he will beat on you if you stay. Go to family and see you can stay with them until you can get on your feet. Don’t depend on that man!!!


It’s time to file for an order for protection. And to just leave with your child. No true decent man would threaten let alone hurt a woman and for your child to be present when he did this is simply unacceptable. His violent to begging for another chance and back to violent along with his gaslighting are clear flags you are not save mentally, emotionally or physically with him. And neither is your child. It’s time to go.


Is Facebook a counselor now?


Get rid of the jerk he will not change in fact if u take him back he will get worse. It’s called taking u for granted. Ask your self is this how i want to be treated for the rest of my life. Marry him and your life will be hell. Love your self dont let him or anyone treat u wrong to keep from being alone. A bad man does not make your life better. Ps. Better off alone

Run as far and as fast as your legs can carry you, seriously you already know the answer to your problem,and remember you can’t change the stripes on a tiger.good luck.

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Run Go ,Run fast don’t look back keep going

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Don’t take him back…leave …if he harasses you get a restraining order on him …do it for your and your child’s safety

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You already know what you really need to do

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Stick to your guns and leave people who r like that manipulate.u.into.thinking.he will.do better and stop.his behaviour.the minute u give in he has you. This.is how they.operate u deserve a good life be on your own you’ll be.lonely for a while.but.youll be fine.good luck


Life is too short!! You deserve better. No woman deserves to be treated like that. All is well till the next time he threatens you.

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Get a restraining order


Stand firm. He will NOT change. Sounds like a shit


Restraining order if you’re afraid. Don’t fall for his bs. I did for 6 in a half. Leave. Know your worth and leave.

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Take care of you and your child. I promise you want regret it!!!

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Leave!!! Do not take him back! He is a good for nothing, toxic, abusive , manipulative and narcissistic loser shit!!!


Drop him like a hot potato with no regrets.

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It’s up to you, your feelings your way your decision unfortunately we can’t tell what to do.

This constitutes as domestic violence, find womens protective service in your area
they usually have safe houses and help you get on your feet they offer so many other services like legal aid, couseling, housing, just go visit with an advocate.

That’s not love
Why would you chose to have someone around your child that behaves this way
Time to grow up
Stop being afraid you will end up alone
Protect yourself and your child from this male
I would call him a man, but he’s not one

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First get counseling. Work on your self. You can’t control or change him. You know the answer to your question. Now you need the tools to help yourself.


threats will turn into action. He will hit you. He isn’t good to you and the bad behavior will eventually escalate. He is unlikely to be any help to you when you have your surgery. If you are partners and live together it may affect your SSI, depending on his income. Do you really want to depend on him? When you are recovering from back surgery, he’s not going to be supportive. IF your Mom will let your and your child stay with her, leave him.

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