Hi ladies! I want to anonymous! I am 11 weeks pregnant with my second kid’s dad( my other two kids. Dad passed away)! Anyways my tubes were tied, and I meet a man that is amazing with my kids, and to be honest, we accidentally got pregnant! I have two questions? He is overjoyed being it’s his first kid, but I am miserable because I didn’t want another kid, but since I got pregnant, he has become very controlling about who I can talk to and where I can go do I stay or leave? Also, last night, he revealed to me a few years ago he got diagnosed with HPV got treated and hasn’t been tested since! I have never had an STD and trusted him, so when I saw my on, and she asked me if I wanted to be tested, I said no! Well, I have an appointment on Thursday, and I am going to ask her to test me for all STDS! Has anyone here ever contract an STD from a so while pregnant how did you feel, and how did they treat it? Was the baby okay?
Hpv is very very. common. Good luck
Men can have it and never know it. I think he might be trying to stress you out.
It’s not technically an STD. It’s a virus you can just carry. A few years ago my HPV test was positive and the dr told me it couldve been from 15 years ago to now it was just dormant. The only time they treat it is if you have an abnormal pap (abnormal cells on it) I ended up having that as well and just had to have some biopsy’s to check for cervical cancer. All came back fine. Annual exams
Since show negative on bith and there was no treatment done for the HPV. It’s not like HIV or chlamydia. This is one situation where google might actually help you understand how the virus works!
Hpv cannkt be cured. It gles away on its kwn sometimes. Can take years.
Well for one having HPV is nothing to be ashamed about so please don’t beat yourself up if you have it!
2 this man is not ok. It is complete bullshit to not tell people your sexual health and then randomly tell them when it’s convenient.
3 some men are amazing until you become pregnant and something switches in them and they become abusive. Keep an eye out bc it sounds like he is becoming abusive and controlling.
I haven’t ever had an std during pregnancy but from my understanding the baby can’t get it.
I know someone who had hpv thru pregnancy. They just need to be aware and you have a normal pregnancy. You can’t fix it so he did not get it cured.
Honestly there’s no reason for him to be tested again he tested positive for once before he has it it’s incurable
Find out for you and the baby. By the way, he starts to conto is a bad sign. Stop it right now.
You are supposed to test BEFORE having relations!!!
I tested positive for 4 pap swears in under a year (frequent testing due to the first positive) then never had anything test positivities again and never did anything about it. Ob couldn’t explain it but said that I would most likely be unable to have kids after this (also had cysts) 2 kids later I think they’re full of
So, leave. He’s become controlling? Leave. It’s exponentially more difficult one your baby is born…
HPV is a virus. It cant be cured, but it can be treated. If left untreated it can develop into cancer. I had the HPV vaccine when I was 15. It’s very common. If you didnt catch it maybe you should look into getting the vaccine to protect yourself
They test for hpv through papsmear and that’s standard with pregnancy, so she’s likely already tested you.
If he’s being controlling then you need to leave. About the hpv, just ask your doctor about it
I have the cancer type of hpv and I’ve had very normal pregnancies it does not effect pregnancy at all
Definitely tell your doctor. They will need to know when you go into labor. Probably have c section.
First off momma if he is controlling you, either put your foot down and talk to him about it or you leave. It’s not ok for any type of controlling relationship… Second you just got to remember all men are natural carriers of the HPV virus women are just more susceptible to getting it because of sexual activity. 90% of women actually have HPV by the time they are 40 years old they just may not have an “active” case going on. so honestly I wouldn’t stress too much about it unless you are showing up with physical signs of it which if you are you have to be aware that you can pass it on to your child if you have an active case going on during labor but other than that the physical signs of it go away on their own for the most part. and I also would not worry about if he transmitted it to you because it’s more likely you got it from your first sexual activity ever according to a study recently published…
Also, those of you saying it’s incurable are wrong. It typically goes away on it’s own. So, yes, it’s untreatable, but doesn’t last forever. It does take anywhere from 3 months to 2years to resolve itself.
I got HPV from my son’s father. Men can NOT get tested. So that’s a lie. My son is fine. I just have abnormal paps and need to get checked every year for cancer
Go to the doctor. That’s who you need to ask.
It’s common practice for obgyn here in Arizona to test for ALL STI’s regardless if you request it or not. I’ve never been diagnosed with any, not even herpes. If he is being controlling tell him that you are going to leave if he doesn’t back off, just because you made a baby together doesn’t mean he now owns you.
You can treat SYMPTOMS but there is NO cure
I got tested after I had my son. I have hpv and I asked my son’s pediatrician about it she said I didn’t need to worry he would be fine.
I have Hpv and had it through both pregnancies. I had to take tons of antibiotics (I was also strep posivie which is the main reason for the anitbiotics) prior to giving birth and was told that I could not pass hpv to my kiddos if I had a vaginal birth.
Keep in mind that there are tons of different kinds of hpv and you may not have the same kind as someone else. Get your paps done every 6 months (or whatever dr orders).
Personally, my hpv is dormant unless my body is ok stress (severe sickness, pregnancy, etc). I have a rick for cervical cancer so I must get screened every 6 months.
Having hpv isnt something to be hush hush about. Talk with your dr. They will be able to give you peace of mind.
It can lay dormant unfortunately
Wow… a lot of misinformation in this thread. Please talk to your doctor. Half these answers are incorrect.
He isn’t contagious if he doesn’t have warts in his private parts. But in all honesty I would be tested for all STD. Now is the time to speak up tell him you do not need a father you have one of those. Also tell him if he needs to control someone you are not that person. Stop it now explain if he can’t stop he needs to leave. Good luck
1 in 4 people contract hpv.there are a million strains if your pap came back clean talk to your gyno.if your over 30 to late for vaccine.protective is one thing controlling another.
He lied to you, he broke your trust, now he is controlling you, clearly he has issues and is abusive, I would leave him immediately. Remember you have options. He is a manipulator, leave him quick, hopefully he didn’t pass it on to you but most likely he has and that’s so shady to do to someone you claim to love, how selfish of him, so sorry you are going through this, please protect yourself, his behavior sounds like it’s only going to worsen with time.
It goes away on it’s own and baby will be safe if you deliver vaginally. If you’re 30 and over you’ll have to get a Pap smear every year to check for cancer. If Pap smear comes back abnormal then they will have you get biopsy done.
In most cases your body’s immune system will fight off the HPV in time and if not there are many treatments to keep it in check
Over 80% of people get Hpv its nothing big usually I wouldnt worry
Get away from this guy. You don’t NEED a BF and you don’t need a parent. He needs to not be a lying fuck face about potential issues that could effect your health. Things are only going to get worse if you stay . Talk to your doctor. Only you and your health professional are going to be able to plan what is right for you and your needs.Good luck and get out!!
How long were your tubes tied? Scarying me😂lol
Go get tested. In some states it’s mandatory a pregnant woman get tested for all STD especially if she has Medicare.
Look up juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomas
I know it’s kind of late to ask this question but did you 2 bother to get tested for STDs prior to having unprotected sex? Also, your tubes are tied? I mean I know it can sometimes fail after quite a few years have passed but it sounds like your kids are pretty young.
Ok hpv is like in 85 percent or more of sexually active adults. Yes it can lay dormant, however in women it seems to show more. It usually appears as genital warts which is how most people find out unless an abnormal pap shows it first. The majority of the time hpv will clear on it’s own without any help. You can get warts burned off ( painful ) or just let it take its course. I’m not saying to not be hurt or upset, I’m just saying it could be worse. I would still get checked in case there is something else he is hiding. I’d be upset over lying and controlling you tho.
I would get tested to see what HPV strain if you contracted it. Some are harmless and go away on their own, some are dangerous and can cause cancer. It isnt always an STD but it can be so talk to your doctor and bring it up ASAP also antibiotics won’t help HPV as it’s a VIRUS
HPV depending on the strain , causes cervical cancer. It’s very important to get screened for the type you have.
Oh helllll nooo that’s why I’m done dealing with these men I’ve never had any of that stuff but even if a woman is w one partner for 20 years it only takes him straying once. Not that that’s you’re situation I’m so sorry you’re stressed out but get to a Dr. I think you’ll find you’re just fine on the HPV you should screen for everything else to esp Chlamydia if you plan on a vaginal birth. Good luck sweetie!
HPV is one of the most common STD’s and believe it or not about 80% of people have it, whether they show symptoms or not, it doesn’t ever go away, and it doesn’t harm the fetus. They have a vax for it now because it is soooooo common.
That’s wild you got pregnant after tubes being tied.
All herpes simplex viruses are so common and effect all people differently, the point is whether it is a cold sore, chicken pox or HPV, you have it for life and just like anything these days it can cause cancer, herpes is so common amongst everyone in the population it’s crazy, people saying eewe or acting as though it is so disgraceful and nasty probably have some form of herpes themselves, it is hard not to, it’s so common and doesn’t mean you’re gross, nasty, or living an unhealthy lifestyle. People need to calm down and take things case by case, get themselves tested, before they look ignorant on social media, 80+ % of the world population has some form of herpes. It lays dormant in your basal cell ganglia for life and some never have one symptom ever.
HPV is like the common cold coming from my old obgyn. 1 out 3 people have it. Just because he had it doesn’t mean he still does or gave it to you. Only way you would know if you had it would be abnormal pap or warts. Anytime you are pregnant they should do a full panel of STI , HIV and hepatitis testing. I definitely recommend getting tested.
Wow! He has some serious apologizing to do. Tell him if he thinks he should be controlling you like that he had better get into therapy because it’s not on! Also he has to go for a full std and sti screening asap.
Men cannot even be tested for hpv.
Men cannot be tested for hpv, there is no known way to do it so if hes saying he was tested hes lying. Also if you do have it you really dont have to do anything special other than keep up on pap smears to make sure it isnt a cancerous strain
The test involves putting a vinegar like spray over the vagina and using a Colton bud tip they swab it and can tell instantly if u have it n
Omg why post before you got tested? I mean seriously if it’s a huge concern why come to social media instead of going to your physician!!! But also nearly every person you come into contact with these days has HPV (per statistics). They say everyone who’s had sexual after like 1993 has contracted it. So it’s not something to freak about. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR NOT SOCIAL MEDIA THOUGHT, IDIOT. What you should be freaking about it that baby daddy has become overly controlling and that always a bad sign.
Huh?? I’m still stuck on ‘my tubes are tied’ and we’re accidentally pregnant
let alone the rest
I think every woman has hpv at some point in their life,have you had a smear test lately?
HPV is very common and he can’t be tested for it. Just get tested as you plan to do. Tell him to back off since he’s become a control freak.
If he has it, (a outbreak) you would know, & if you get it you will know And if you are active with lesions when you are about to delivery, you will have a C/S. Or your OB will put you on meds weeks before your due date to make sure you don’t break out. Now as being tested for other STD’s, they usually do that at your first or second visit with all your other blood work.
Hpv is not herpes. Hpv presents itself as genital warts that usually go away on their own for women, but it can turn into cervical or vaginal cancer so id get checked just to be safe, cancer is no joke. Having stds is not fun but weve got to reailize we live in a human world and human things are gonna happen to us whether we want them to or not and theres no point in freaking out. As far as i know having hpv will not affect your baby or pregnancy in any way. (But ole boy sounds like a douche and id nix him quick )Best of luck with your surprise pregnancy!!
They don’t automatically test you? My ob is required to check for all of that
Hes going to end up abusive, LEAVE NOW. Protect yourself and your kids. Men can’t get tested for HPV. Hes trying to trap you into staying with him. Also, ignore all the rude bitches on this post. They’re just miserable women.
I got HPV from rape years before I got pregnant, never knew about it until I got pregnant. My OB told me that sometimes the pregnancy hormones can “activate” it. It’s dormant again now. However, my daughter’s father did give me chlamydia, from a previous relationship of his, and again found out while pregnant. I took the treatment and now that’s gone too. My daughter is absolutely fine, and labor/birth was basically normal. You should ALWAYS be tested while pregnant, and if it’s a common/treatable STD, you and your baby should be fine.
Men cannot be tested for HPV!
He was legally obligated to tell you he had it before you had sex the first time. Also my partner has it
We have been together almost 5 years and I do not… hope that provides some mental comfort
I have HPV and it isn’t a concern for baby. Also there’s no known cure for hpv so he’s wrong that he got treated. There’s a vaccine to prevent it but it’s not viable after you contract it and is best before age 24. The controlling thing I would leave for if I couldn’t talk to him and get things sorted to have my freedom and a trusting relationship
my bf has been a little more controlling but its out of worry about us bc i can go wherever just if im gone too long he worries. but the hpv thing he should have told you as soon as it got serious
So, so much misinformation information on this thread about HPV. Please do your own research and talk to your dr. Your baby will be fine, which I’d think is the most important part.
They’ll test for it when you go to the doctor, but I tested positive for it before I had my daughter, but when I was pregnant with my daughter they checked me agian and I test negative, and have continued to test negative
Hpv can manifest as genital warts. It’s not an STD it’s considered an STI. You would have to keep an eye on it as it can cause cervical/uteran cancer. I had it and tested positive for “precancerous cervical cells” the doctor did a LEEP procedure which was the removal of abnormal cells by scaping/burning them off and I had to get a pap test done once every six months until I had regular paper tests for 2 years, then testing went back to normal. I don’t know what the treatment would be during pregnancy other than keep as eye on it. Him suddenly becoming controlling can be seen in two ways. 1 he’s worried something might happen to you and the baby since it’s his first. Or 2 these are the red flags for the beginning of an abusive relationship. If you feel he is really being out of line with it you need to remove yourself from the situation.
I was upset to cause I was prego . They showed up exactly 6 months after well I was 6 months prego . Was not a cancer one . Now it does not seem like a big deal but it either shows or it never does . And usually will 6 months after . It grew under my episiotomy scar . Literally under it . Had to get it sprayed . And I picked that shit off . What can u do right . He didn’t even know he had it but still pisses me off . Usually if he had it and it went away it usually never comes back but u never know
80% have hpv. Was diagnosed with it back in 2007 (strain that leads to cervical cancer). All 4 babies have come out perfect n so far I’ve had no problems besides abnormal paps once in a while. It’s not as big of a deal as you think
Sounds like he’s hormonal.
Hpv comes in different strands. Some cause cancer and some give you genital warts. The ones that cause cancer are not the same as the ones that cause warts. Unless you have warts then it’s not that big of a deal. Get a biopsy of your cervix done. Hpv is alot more common then you would think it is. unfortunately. Talk to your doctor. If you don’t have any warts now you most likey don’t have that strand and won’t get them.
HPV is something they will find when they do a pap smear. It’s very common and you can even carry it for a long time and never know at least that happened with me. I probably got it in high school when I was young and stupid. I didn’t know that I had it either until I got pregnant and all the dr did was look at it closer and had me get checked by a specialist who said that it was a low chance if becoming cancer. Now i just have to make sure to get my yearly check ups to monitor it. I’m not sure what type I have, because my old dr didn’t test it, but I’m pregnant again and going to a new dr so she is doing more testing on it.
First and foremost HPV IS NOT A STD!!! Also there is no cure for HPV! I wish you luck.