I need breastfeeding help!

patience dear mama …be relaxed and take your time feeding…


Call you’d hospital and talk to the lactation dept. you don’t produce a lot in the beginning. Tiny amounts so freaking out when you don’t produce tons and your boobs get used to it is pointless. Don’t pump because the baby sucking poor uses added benefits of you producing what it needs. Feed the baby often.

Drink a lot and relax

Check with the breastfeeding team

Avoid pumping for first 6 weeks unless you are exclusively pumping. Call your dr office and ask for a lactation consultant



Keep feeding and stop worrying.

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Feed on demand at least every 2 hours. Power pump. Ur boobs are probably regulating u wontdry up as long as u continue nursing. Average pump output is 2oz total

Drink loads and loads of water I was filling two bottles on my 5th day

Oatmeal every morning and Drinking a lot of water

I drank at least a gallon of water each day and ate oatmeal for breakfast. It’s so important to stay hydrated. I also fed on demand and pumped between feedings. Try not to worry a lot. You’re just getting started.

Drink lots of water!!

Drink tons of water. Eat whatever your craving. Pump after every feeding. I was an overproducer and fed nicu babies and friends babies with all the milk i had

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Don’t count on pumping to calculate your milk supply. My 4 month old is strictly breast fed, and I can only pimp maybe an oz or 2 anytime I try. Yet my daughter can nurse as long as she wants and is always satisfied. Eat, drink, and keep feeding your baby & everything will work out. It’s stressful, and a lot of tears, blood, and sweat, but once you get the hang of it, it’s not that bad.

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Supply=demand. The more baby nurses the more stimulation and your body will produce more

Feed on demand. Offer often! Water! Oats are good too. Almonds are great. Don’t worry about supplementing. Don’t! It can and will affect supply. Make sure baby has a good, deep, latch. If you’re worried still, call your hospital and ask to speak to a lactation consultant. If your hosp doesn’t have one, I guarantee your local WIC office has one! Use lanolin on those nipples, air dry and keep clean. It will prevent chapping. Fenugreek can cause gas, don’t worry about it. Don’t stress, just cuddle with baby and enjoy every moment.

Mothers milk tea has fenugreek in it which can. cause tummy issues in mom and baby and can have the adverse effect that it’ll make you dry up for some women.

A lot of water, old school ovaltine…

lots of water and pump 15 minutes after each feeding helps, I did this around the clock for few weeks. this was what I was told by lactation specialists when my daughter was in nicu and I needed to get my supply up.

The more the baby socks the more milk you should make

Haakaa and Milksaver were my favourite things! They collect any milk that you leak while feeding from the opposite side. The Haakaa has a little bit of suction, that can be adjusted based on how weak or strong you want it - just squeeze it more or less.

Express milk for bottle feeds at night and breast feed during day,

Body armor drinks and lots of oats did the trick for me! I can pump 10 oz all together after just one large bottle of body armor and some oats😁

Your pediatrician should have a lactation coach. You should check with them.

Target, Walmart, and Costco all sell lactation cookies. Sit back relax and stay hydrated. You will be surprized how quickly you have an ample supply to feed your little one and pump. Good luck!

Mothers mild tea was awesome for me and the body armor drinks as well!. Those helped me produce more or if anything a great placebo effect!

As crazy as it sounds I use body armor hydrating drinks… I drink one and it gives me a huge boost in my milk supply

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You’re not going to dry out. The more the baby nurses, the more milk you’ll make. It’s a rule of supply and demand . Be chill, don’t worry. Of course, bring it up to your baby’s pediatrician, but you’re doing great!:heart:

If baby is crying alot or is weak acting, please give a bottle of pedialyte, formula or water.
My grandson almost died because nurse told my daughter “No matter how much he crys, do not give him anything but your boobs”.
Exhausted they went to ER where he had to be in NICU for almost a week due to starvation.
My daughter was able to breastfeed him after
they got home, but felt so guilty for almost starving him to death.
Those cries mean something, .
They use to send kits home with baby to supplement their needs.

Your body is going to produce only the amount the baby needs. The baby’s tummy is so small, they only need a little bit. When my boobs engorge like that, I take a warm shower and self-express (squeeze my boobs) to get out the excess and make sure that any hard spots are massaged out. Take a breath! You’re doing great and it’s only been a week! As long as baby is filling up diapers, they’re getting what they need.

I breast fed twins . I hardly ever had extra but I pumped in between feedings, ate healthy and drank lots of water. It was a heck of a year but we made it.

No pumping yet… and that mothers milk stuff has been known to have opposite affect on people. Drink lots of fluids and eat lots of snacks. Don’t worry and let your body do its thing. You will know if baby isn’t getting enough

first off, ask the experts. I would recommend La Leche League of Central Arkansas FB page. I BF my 2 babies and daughter #1 did her 2 babies. Good luck. k

It’s supply and demand.
The first 3 days you are engorged and then it settles to supply and demand, you will make enough to feed your child if not, it will let you know.

Pump every two hours. That’s how the nurses helped get my supply going.

Drink a lot of dark beer, in 1960 they gave us a bottle a day, it produced milk

Stand under a hot shower and relax takes a few days let the warm water run over your breasts everytime the baby suckles they are increasing their own supply… Nurse around the clock.

Do it as much as you can, even in the middle of the night
If I didn’t pump for half a day it would be significantly less

Even if you do one cup every fee hrs just keep doing it
Or trick the boobs
Pump a few mins and wait a few mins and pump again

The more you remove the more you will produce

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Organic Lactation Cookies! Bababellas.com

Hi Mama!
First of all, congrats on baby! Don’t ever judge how much your baby gets, by what you pump. When your milk first comes in, you get engorged. If you’re staying hydrated, eating enough, and baby has enough wet and dirty diapers… then you’re producing enough.

Sometimes baby will cluster feed too, which will make you question if they’re getting enough. Sometimes they just want to cluster feed or comfort feed.