I need info from c section mamas

Scar is low and not bad the healing is hard but it’s doable

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I’m 4 11 103 lbs. Second and third pregnancy were c sections. Just healed from a hysterectomy. My scars are there there are always numb to the itch even touch. But I healed quick laid up for a couple days coughing sucked laughing was tough too… but i can say there’s nothing to worry about my belly is as flat as ever have… Best of luck!!!

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Everything healed really good

I’ve had four c sections and size 6

I had one with my son. I healed quickly. Barely any scar BUT NO stomach is different. The muscle was cut so I have a pooch. But I have a miracle baby after trying for 14 yrs so I’m ok with it.

I’m 5’2 and a size 0 before my twins were csection and I’m still a size 0, my lady abs are still the only spot that bugs me is where my navel is pierced, it dangles note than I would prefer
Genetics and your after care play a huge factor in this too tho

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Head 2 C-sections because my babies were the most important thing. The scar is on your bakini line and you will never get your body back 100 0/0


Had 3 c sections. Baby comes first your body will still be a body. Your bringing life into the world don’t trip on the body image your beautiful and will be after :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’ve had 2. I’m also a very small human , my stomach bounced right back(I’m one of the lucky ones) I had amazing surgeons both times, my scar is barely noticeable and perfectly straight. As long as you have and accept help afterwards, and take it easy on yourself you should be fine ! I had a nasty infection w/ my first that nobody caught until like 2 weeks later so if you feel like any thing is wrong tell your doc :blush:

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I had an emergency c-section for my fourth baby. I healed quickly & my stomach went back to flat

Stop telling her the baby is more important than a flat stomach. She knows that n it’s ok to ask. You can care more about your baby than your stomach and still be curious. And you’re never gonna get a good answer on here because everyone is different, everyone heals different, everyone will have a different scar and everyone’s body will bounce back or not. It is what it is. Just take the advice of the people giving advice and not the ones saying that will surely happen and what won’t.


2 babies - 2 C section very little scaring

As with every delivery there are always complications
But if your dr recommends a c section for safety concerns
I would go with that
All abdominal surgery is a slow recovery process
So post surgery instructions should be followed (example not lifting heavy objects , not straining the muscles )
Remember all women are different when it comes to recovery
And so what if you don’t loose your belly baby straight away

I had an emergency c section and my stomach flattened back out. (I was unsure it would at first because my skin looked uneven where they stitched me back up) I’m 5’1 110 pounds

Scar is hard to see, really not bad the way it’s done.

Had 2 c section can’t really see my scar.

My first c-section I had trouble. My stomach opened back up. My second one was a breeze but it was a hard pregnancy…

I had three c-sections and I only have one scar

3 emergency c-secs. If you can go the vaginal route I definitely would, but c-secs heal in time. Recovery is longer, and some suffer from nerve pain. I’m smaller too and my scar(s) are barely visible now and you can’t see them. I do have a tiny bit of sagging skin but my kiddos are worth all of it.

I had a c section and I’ve always been skinny it is a longer harder recovery for sure but manageable my belly went back to completely flat even after my c section so don’t worry about that.

I’ve had 2 c-sections and the scar is so low on your abdomen that only you and anyone seeing you naked would ever see it. Mine is numb along with about a cm of the skin around it in all directions! I got up and walked within a half hour of the spinal wearing off and I believe that’s why I healed fairly quickly but everyone is different. Definitely don’t be a hero though and take the meds as prescribed for the pain. My tummy actually flattened out right away both times to what it was before pregnancy but again, everyone is different! I had very little bleeding after both of mine as well but not sure that’s related or not. A planned c-section is much easier on your body(so I hear) and I had much less anxiety around my second planned then I did my first last minute decision. I planned on a vaginal birth and found out the day before that he was going to have to be a c-section the next day. He was breech and we could not turn him. Now I’ve never had a vaginal birth so I can’t compare the 2!

If it helps
First was C Section and other 2 were vbac= vaginal birth after cesarean

C-section is a walk in the park. You’ll be fine.

This guy was my 3rd c-section.
I’m not gonna lie to you, it’s WORK… but you can definitely get a flat stomach again! :heart:

I had 3 c sections. I healed pretty fast. With my 4th baby and 3th c sectiën I was Home within 24 hours and walking outside after 1.5 week.