I need opinions please

Get him to a Doctor!

Girl. A doctor is what he needs.

His testosterone could be low .my husband’s sex drive was lower than normal and went in and got checked…everything is good now with a simple fix.

My husband goes thru that also. Low testosterone caused by diabetes and taking insulin. Just have him get checked by a dr.

It could be a medical problem. Or he is stressed about something and doesn’t want to tell you.

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Doctor time. Have his testosterone checked. I had a friend in my younger days whose testosterone was very low. Start there. Also did he start on any new medication?

I think it’s obviously not YOU, I mean he clearly wants you!! Trying for 4 hours says it all. Sounds like a medical issue. He should definitely see a doctor.

4 hours of trying… good lord bless both of your hearts.


He should really see a doctor , has Nothing to do with u .

He gets hard for them videos but not for you. He could have something medically going on but I think he’s more turned on by porn than you

Is he on any new medicine

He should see a Dr, evaluate any meds he’s on (especially antidepressants!)
Touching on the dirty video thing-if you have a problem with it, you need to tell him. Any boundary that is crossed that both partners aren’t 100% comfortable with is cheating IMHO, but to each their own.

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Get him checked for diabetes.

See a doctor my husband after being together for 23 years was having a hard time getting and keeping an election he had prostate cancer. He has been cancer free for 2 years after surgery of removing his prosrate and radiation. with help from pills our sex life is better than it was before the surgery. I’m not trying to scare you I but he needs to be checked by a doctor it probably gasnothing to do with you he has a medical issue. Something over the counter to try is Swag or Rhino 24K they are amazing. The sex experience is the most amazing thing in the world and he can hold an erection for hours. We are in our 50’s and sex just keeps getting better.

He sounds like a lovely man,
See a dr and get your life back on track

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I would probably head to a doctor asap

does he have medical issues? mental health issues? - there’s a ton of reasons on why this might happen. seeing a doctor would be the way to get to the bottom of it.


Mama believe him when he says it’s not you and let him decide how he wants to take care of it. It’s a sudden problem it could be a sign of a bigger issue. And you don’t want to embarrass him further because it’s a big deal to most dudes.

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He’s either tired or has a drug problem :man_shrugging:t6:

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He should see a dr asap. I’m sure it’s a medical issue

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Could be a medical problem, or he could still be watching videos often on the sly and now can only get up when watching videos alone. I know someone who went through this and it turned out it was because there partner had a p*rn addiction

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Also is he on any new medication ? I know some can do this too

Get prostrate checked. P,SA. .can cause the problem

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A Dr or consultant would be the best place to go to check bloods for different diseases Hope it all works out for you

This is a MEDICAL situation. Get him to a doctor with haste.

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Get him to get his colon checked, this happened to someone I know & it happened to be Cancer sadly :frowning:

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You said all he does is work n come home and don’t have time for anything g else, maybe that’s the reason. Maybe next time you have a date night or alone time.
Take sex of the table, fool around , massage each other, explore each other again like you once did. The more he worries and stresses the worse it will get for him. X

Could he be on drugs or has he started a new medication? Either or can cause this 🤷 if you trust he isn’t doing street drugs and there was no new meds then I would go see a doctor

Has he had Covid?
I know a few dudes who have high/very high sex drives & none could get an erection for between 2-4wks each.
The will was definitely there, but the body wasn’t responding.

It sounds as though something physical is going on. I’d get him to the Dr. soon -

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Diabetes,if he takes steroid shots, prostate issues, stress can all be a factor. Have him see a doctor. It’s not you if he is wanting the alone time

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Get him to see a doctor as soon as possible.
You also need to work on your self esteem.

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Take the man to a urologist. Let him get checked out. Men are normally terrified to go to the Dr, so go with man, be supportive. It may be as simple as a quick blood test and an infection that is causing the problem. When my husband had a vasectomy, the Dr said I only see men with their wives because men are too shy to go alone.
BTW I’m all for make up and sexy lingerie. I’ve been married 13 years… It adds spice and is empowering. Good for you

Things happen like that… Please don’t take it personally though. It’s not about you. Instead focus on supporting him as much as you can because men tend to have frail egos (sorry but true) and especially with impotency issues. Just love him and support him and trust him! :heartpulse:

Is he taking any medications? Has he had a fill physical checkup done including blood pressure and blood work done? How is his weight? Those things can easily contribute to having erectile dysfunction issues. I say get him to the doctor for a full work up.

honestly my dear these things happen it has nothing to do with you sometimes the little guy has a mind of his own if it becomes a regular thing then I would suggest going to see a dr but if it’s every once in a while then it’s OK try not to beat yourself up about it girl

It sounds like this has absolutely nothing to do with you, it does however sound like he needs to see a doctor. Encourage him to see one.

High blood pressure is the most common culprit. If not that, then diabetes, some antidepressants, and thyroid issues would be the next things to rule out.