I quit my job because my manager put his hands on me: Was I wrong?

Listen to the way you speak for one. I probably would have done more then just grab you. Move on with your life :woman_facepalming:t3:


I don’t know what really happened and how bad it actually was but sounds like everyone was in the wrong here. I would think everyone should have gotten written up here.


They got hr? Call them

Instead of asking us for advice, talk to a lawyer (I’m not saying sue the guy) but I am saying ask someone who knows the legal system about work policy.


Sounds like there is probably more to this story. If you feel like you were wronged, lawyer up but be prepared for them to tell you that you’ve got no case.


He didn’t “put” his hands on you he grabbed you sounds like it escalated more than it should’ve. You’re an adult take some accountability I would’ve probably snatched you up to that’s not a lawsuit because all of you are in the wrong and not professional


Lay your hands on me and you’ll learn to never touch me again. Sounds like id be pressing charges but with that being said man up and be an adult- arguinf at work is asking to lose youd job be glad you were able to actually able to quit and not get fired etc.

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I’m sure we aren’t getting while story. Act like an adult at work. Problem solved.


Get a lawyer now. Before they do away with they video.

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I can’t say I would grab one of my employees in that situation. However, you should remember that in situations like that we don’t always keep our heads. You sure didn’t and he’s just as human as you. He didn’t horribly harm you or anything then you should just take this as a moment of reflection for your own actions


Go figure the person that posted this is on here arguing with everyone. Thats seems to be the problem you had at work to begin with? :woman_facepalming: Had mercy!


No management should be allowed to touch you…unless of course it was life threatening. I would contact a lawyer and find out what your rights are.

So you were fighting at work with a co-worker, a manager attempted to diffuse the situation and you quit?! None of that sounds like it’s anything other than your fault. You’re lucky you didn’t get fired


Def talk to am attorney that sounds like a shit environment

Well I say you shouldn’t be yelling at people in the work place. Act like an adult and this wouldn’t happen. It’s not like he punched you in the mouth. He grabbed you to try and remove you from the situation which you should’ve done yourself and I’m sure he was asking you or telling you to get out of the kitchen to diffuse the yelling and arguing which I bad for business.


You can’t put hands on anyone!!!

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I posted to vent and for advice , all of you saying because I’m commenting back to your rudeness I’m the problem here ? Do you realize you all are being RUDE ??? And disrespectful??? And then telling me to grow up and be an adult. You ever heard you don’t got something nice to say then don’t say it ? Lord almighty a man puts hands on me and it’s okay because I was arguing with a cook who was using profanity as we asked him for some food which is his job. Well I’ll be damned. Sounds like this world is just as shitty as hell.

Your in a restaurant, customers didn’t need to hear your childish arguing,bad for business ! Management comes in and arguing continues, you being closest , he gets a hold of your wrist, you pull away being pissed in the first place. That’s no way to act on a place of business (restaurant) . your acting like he sexually grabbed you. Theres a law about that. I would have fired you for being insubordinate. You jumped to the gun and childishly guit before thinking.


He shouldn’t have been so forcful but if you hadn’t quit, as a manager myself I would’ve fired you and the cook on the spot


He shouldn’t of touched you period. If he wanted you out of there and you weren’t listening then he should of called the cops. But either way wouldn’t of been a pleasent experience for you because of your actions. You sound like me when I was 16. Learn to control your mouth and your actions. Choose your battles wisely. I’m still a hot head sometimes and unfortunately it’s gotten me into trouble. We have control over our own actions and can not control what anyone else does. We can’t act like we did in high school, as grown adults and have children who look up to us. I’d chuck this up to a lesson learned. I wouldn’t go as far as reporting dude. Everyone was out of hand. You and the cook would of both been fired on my clock. Sounds like everyone was having a rough day and shit got out of hand.

Corporate. Contact them immediately even if they are an independent franchise. Tell them that physical assault should not be tolerated. Give names, & contact a lawyer.


Sounds like both parties were in the wrong. But I’m not sure what advice your looking for you already quit?

Now let’s see you were yelling at the cook from a distance then your manger grabbed you to move you away so I’m assuming he tried to quiet you down and cause you didn’t he went to move you away. So your boss found you in the wrong and you didn’t like it so you quitted.


Shoot are people at my company yell at each other all the time across the window. Bickering and arguing and whatnot. It’s part of the business sometimes, especially if it’s a high volume night and short staffed. Yet as adults you have to know when to step away and cool it down. No a manager shouldn’t grab you and hurt you but did they try to get your attention and you not listen? I know when I was in management I had to one time put my hand on a employees shoulder and turn them to me to get their attention and stop the fighting. I had to place myself between the two. That employee was also sent home since they had continued to escalate and threaten. They were fired after a meeting and video was watched to prove that no one hit, shook, pushed, or dug fingers into their shoulder them.


Savannah Stone this is corporate information.

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…this cant be the whole story. If they did an investigation and aren’t going to do anything. Id need to see the video …he could of called the cops on you instead :ok_hand:


Keep your mouth shut next time. Pretty simple.


Going at it with an employee and gets pisses cause the manger stepped in!


Frankly, I wouldn’t have touched you. I would have fired you. The cook too. Adults need to have enough self control to be able to handle their workplace differences without yelling at each other. If the manager left marks on you he needs to be fired too. If not then he needs to be disciplined.

The way I would have handled the situation if I had been your manager would have been an initial verbal warning to stop yelling. If that didn’t stop the yelling then I would have fired you on the spot. If you continued to yell I would have verbally warned you that I was going to call the police. If that didn’t stop the yelling then the police would have been called to remove you.


I mean the can’t tell how hard you were grabbed by a video so unless you have evidence of him leaving any kind of marks there’s probably not going to be much that can be done

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I once had an employee yelling at another employee. I stepped in,assistant manager, telling everyone to calm down and go separate ways…and then she yelled at me. She never came back, she was fired. As that’s unprofessional. Period.
Now should he have had to grab you…no. But when asking you to stop harassing the kitchen, you didn’t, I’d have dragged your ass out to. Cook is needed there, you are not. So you’d be the one removed from the situation. Either by asking or making move🤷
So you’re in the wrong.

You were probably gonna get fired for fighting and acting unprofessional at work anyhow.


Posting on more than one page for advice seems silly. Guess you’re not liking the responses.


I woulda punched him out of reaction :person_tipping_hand:


I don’t understand why people especially females think this is funny?. It’s not right. I would take action.


You said you want opinions but you are arguing with anyone who has a different opinion. Seems like what you really want is everyone to just agree with you and that’s not going to happen on here. You even said they wrote him up so he was also punished like you all should have been. Bottom line is if you think you have a case contact a lawyer, if not move on.


I’m confused so the cook is allowed to curse at you servers call u bitch and curse some more u in turn argue with him and were forcefully grabbed and people advice is they would have fired u for defending yourself verbally yet the manager put hands on u and the cook is still working . I would have called corporate reporter manager and if nothing was done I would have then made them fire to collect unemployment and take action against said company cause right or wrong NOONE PUTS HANDS ON ANYONE PERIOD EVER I’m sure if roles were reversed he would have called the cops on you so for anyone to say or to defend his actions of even grabbing you . Is baffling to say the least cause let’s h.c e honest if it was someone’s spouse or kid who he grabbed it would be a completley different outcome

If you really feel that you were injured file a civil suit against your manager. I think you just want people to validate your actions though and it sounds like you were in a restaurant screaming at a coworker so you have some responsibility in this and it was your decision to quit. But you are also attacking people here for giving you the advice you asked for. Maybe some reflection would help?


Has it occurred to you that if you try to sue this manager or the business they will likely counter sue you for disorderly conduct, defamation, and court costs? You admit to being in the wrong. The manager couldn’t get your attention even when yelling. Sounds like he should have called the cops to ask them to remove you. Perhaps in the heat of the moment he did what he thought he needed to remove you from the situation that by you account you escalated. Why didn’t you report the cook’s behavior to the manager instead of taking it upon yourself? Why didn’t the other server complain to the manager? And please remember that the video of your manager breaking up your verbal altercation shows you verbally attacking another employee with what sounds like little provocation.


You yelled at work. You deserve to be fired. Also regardless of him putting his hands on you does not negate the fact you were going to be fired anyways .

Instead of looking for a new job your still complaing I doubt you will ever get an interview given your still bitching days later .

There is no help for you and by that I mean you wont get unemployment either and I think that is why your bringing up him touching you .

In a work environment, no one can put there hands on you in any way what so ever, period. Sounds like an incredibly hostile and unprofessional workplace and you all need to grow up. But regardless, he touched her and she has a case.


So much negativity. . Looking for support and understanding is not a crime. I’d write a formal complaint and maybe go to small claims court… no ‘manager’ should lay hands on an employee. . A judge may or may not agree, but I’d take whatever a judge decided and move on. I hope you find resolution and a new better job :heart:


I love how all of you are Facebook warriors!!! Talk shit over the internet but won’t say shit in person probably why some of y’all got that top fan tag !! :joy::joy::joy: I’m done with this!! Thanks for nothing but drama

Depends on your loud mouth or what was going on. Its not your business and maybe your behavior deserved it. If not call the labor board


I work in a kitchen as well, it’s tough working in Hospitality but you’ve also got to have the guts and mindset to put up with any BS your coworkers could throw at you, it’s stressful and especially in the cooks position someone getting in the way or not “minding their business” can be pretty frustrating! I agree they shouldn’t have sworn at you but you also should have been the bigger person and just ignored them instead of causing a heated argument that escalated so quickly from the sounds of it. I know it’s not easy when someone swears at you but the smart and professional thing to do would have been to go and tell the manager…

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What I’m trying to understand is why this girl came here for advice on a really rough situation and everyone got their panties tied up in a bunch??? She had absolutely NO REASON to be grabbed like that. Mind you the cook that was actually getting loud and violent was not addressed at all and this small female was. Sounds a little fucky right?


Press charges, that’s assault.


Get advice from a lawyer


WTeverlovingF does this have to do with being a mother?! FT stupid drama


Don’t act a fool at work and you won’t have this problem


I would press charges. HE ASSAULTED YOU. It’s not right at all my dude.


So you were being unprofessional… yet quit because your boss was being unprofessional…

Grow up.


No one has any right to put their hands on anyone!! I don’t care If it wasn’t your business or not! They are in the wrong completely!


Get your self a lawyer and sue them also call your local labor state department . Labor broad


I would have knocked him the hell out if he put his hands on me

How about don’t get in a fight at work in the first place…


Sue if it’s on tape to back you up, it is called battery. It’s a crime report it to the cops

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Keep your mouth shut in any job do your work and mind your business that wont happen


I’d sue. I’m assuming the reason they put their hands on you and not the bigger cook is bc you’re less threatening physically. Regardless it’s definitely illegal, and most likely goes against company policy to stop a verbal argument by getting physical. Reach out to HR and explain the situation. If they do nothing, sue. Press charges against the manager.


That’s assault press charges

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He was trying to remove you from the situation because you were losing your shit. What else was he supposed to do? Let y’all fight?

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So… You got into a fight with a male cook and because your boss broke it up and just happened to be a guy… Means you get a free pass for acting a fool? You can sue all you want but he wasn’t doing worse than what you did. If it was a female boss this wouldn’t have even been an issue.


Go to labor relations,do it fast before they clear the video. Go to unemployment and open a claim.Your big boss is full of crap,no one is allow to put their hands on you.


Well you can’t collect unemployment but you sure can file a complaint to for harassment to the fair housing authority and better business bureau

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It’s abusive to do that. Not a place to work and feel safe

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Have him charged for assault


Get another job and move on.


I take it some of these people don’t work in restaurants… NO ONE SHOULD PUT THEIR HANDS ON YOU. If you aren’t assaulting someone or breaking things, they can’t touch you.


Go back and yell at him some more

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File for unemployment :smiling_face::two_hearts:get a new job probably file a report so it does not become a regular thing for the manager to abuse employees once you get away with something you tend to keep doing it pretty sure you can fight unemployment (manger) on this as well with a police report you will be able to collect due to assault from manager

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So you were fighting in the work place, and you’re mad because the boss broke it up since you were still yelling at old mate and not walking away either?
Yeah doesn’t sound like he did anything wrong exceot break up some seriously unprofessional fight


Sounds like both of you were out of control. You should manage/control your anger because it could get you into serious trouble.


You are at work you shouldn’t be yelling and acting like that but he also shouldn’t touch you in anyway but of you quit then I’d walk away and learn a lesson shouldn’t quit if your gonna fight it

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Did he lay a finger on you or in you and where you mad during or only after because he stopped

go to the cops! they have it on video!!!

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You already quit your job. Count your loses and move on. There a lot of jobs out there. I wouldn’t doing anything more with this employer…


That’s assault file charges

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Don’t fight & act like a fool at work!!! You have already quit…move on and leave it alone!! Find another job and try to act like a professional and not a child…

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Regardless of what you yelled or were unprofessional about it doesn’t allow anyone to put their hands on you.

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Apply for unemployment based on hostile work environment

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Seems to be looking for a handout…Get back to work.

Well good luck with that. Sounds to me you were both wrong. And if you just up and quit and caused a ruckus… Well that’s going to get passed along to any future possible employers that you can’t contain yourself. Just bad juju all the way around.

File harrassment charges

Get a labor lawyer and , file a police report…make them bruises look darker…lol and then the song will change

This whole post is childish from start to finish. Find a different job and don’t be such a child at work if someone is getting in your face or yelling across a room walk away and let them get the heat they deserve

So youre one of those that plays victim when you were acting no better? Lol

First off he should have never laid his hands on you they are in management. SECONDLY it’s wrong no matter how you look at he should have been arrested and charged with assault on a employee