I really love co-sleeping, is that bad?

You’re not alone in this. If you’re following the safe sleep 7, you’re good to go.

I co sleep with mine and have since day 1. And Idgaf what anyone else thinks :white_heart:

Do what you feel is best momma

I co slept with my now 2 year old son, and i do co sleeping and bassinet with my 5 month old, the bassinet works better for me this time around

Maybe buy a cosleeper bassinet that sit right next to you. I cosleep with my 13 month old. And my newborn in bassinet next to bed. I didnt cosleep until she was abit older

I’m a 911 dispatcher and we answer the calls when this ends badly. My personal opinion is that I wouldn’t ever recommend doing it. To anyone. Look up safer ways to have him close to you there are tons of options. It may have “been just fine” for 99 out of 100 families. Ask that 1 family if the gamble was worth it.

Mine is 4 and still sleeps with me :woman_facepalming:t3: and I think it’s because she’s the last one. My other 2 seats sleep in cribs in a separate room. But it is unsafe at that age. Keep her in a bassinet with your hand on her. That’s what I did when mine was that small.

My kiddo is coming up on 2 and still sleeps in bed with us. :smiling_face:

I cosleep. I’ve done it since day 1 and he’s 2 now. There are safer ways to do it. Look up the safe sleep seven (I think it’s called). It’s not completely without risks, but it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Only about .5 percent of deaths that have occurred while cosleeping were from someone rolling over on the baby and not waking up whole completely sober. The majority of the cases come from people who are on medications that can make them sleep deeper, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs. I’m not saying it NEVER happens because it can. All I’m saying is that it’s not AS common as it seems to be and that there are ways to do it safely. Be careful with in bed Sleepers. They can roll into the side where the sides meet the bottoms and can’t roll out of it. I always had mine just in the bed towards the middle a little ways away from me, but closer to me than to his dad. His dad slept on the outer edge. I woke up with every little movement and sound. His dad was almost as bad as I was about it.
If this is what you want to do then you don’t need anyone else’s approval. Do what is best for you and your child. It’s yours. Not everyone else’s child. Just be mindful of the risks.

No they grow up so fast… Enjoy this don’t listen to naysayers. Your baby do what you want

I have since birth with my last

Just get a Co sleeper he’s within arms reach and still safe♥️ Enjoy these moments.

You are a mum. Forget aboit what you need or want and do what is safest for your baby. :heartpulse:

Hubby and I would take turns sleeping in my son’s bedroom in a twin bed next to his crib.

I’m on my 5th baby (9 months) and I’ve co slept with all of them and loved it :heart: who cares what anyone else thinks

Put a bassinet in your room i did that and it worked great

Get a co sleeper thing! It’s a half crib that attaches to your bed. She can be right there but also on her own

I still co-sleep with my lo she’s 2 1/2 we actually love it

You can overheat a baby and cause sids. Get a co sleeper if you need him near you

What about a portable bed sleeper? That’s what I did with my 2nd for the first 3 months. The also have the ones directly next to the bed at your height that have a net.

I co slept with all 3 kids from the night we came from the hospital until they were 5 years old. They are 17,13,8 now.

Not a bad mom at all! I’m a ftm and I love cosleeping.

Co-sleeping has been done for thousands of years
Those say its dangerous - yeah well DRIVING IS FAR MORE DANGEROUS
and there are many benefits to cosleeping esp when breastfeeding

I co slept and still do with my both my kids, they are now 3 and almost 2.

I had the baby blues BAD with my son. I couldn’t have him sleeping in his bassinet that was right next to my bed or I would bawl my eyes out and worry he wouldn’t wake up. So I co-slept with him for the first month. During the day when I was awake he slept in his bassinet and I would take it in every room I was in :joy: but when it did come time to him sleeping by himself he was fine, his bassinet rocked so that helped and his now 2 1/2 and he sleeps in his own room and has since he was 8 months old

You go mommah!!! I support this :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I co sleep with all my kids :woman_shrugging: never had issues. My last baby is currently 6 weeks old

There’s a group called UK co sleepers I don’t know if your from the UK but its a really lovely group and extremely helpful for co sleeping safely :heart:

And your fiancé is right. No need to ask others opinions. Your child. Soak it all in momma.

Maybe lay with him till he falls asleep and then move him I did that

You do what YOU need to do! Don’t look to the internet for advice or to validate yourself!

Get a cosleeper that hooks to your bed or one that you can lay in your bed.

Co sleeping like a bassinet by ur bed or bedsharing like baby’s in ur bed? It’s recommended that newborns sleep at least near their mother for the first 6 months to potentially prevents issues. Look up the safe sleep 7 and do your research♥️

Co sleeping is very dangerous we did a bassinet in our room

We co slept but have a king size bed and the baby had his own space way up top in the corner

Research safe co-sleeping. It can be done xx

We cosleep with our 3yr old, 1yr old and 4mos old and our Pitador. We have been doing it since 2018. IDC what anyone else has to say about it. WE are the parents. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

I co-slept with all four of mine🤍

I’m the same with my baby girl. My only I’ll have.

I co slept with both of mine. Builds a tighter bond

I’ve co slept with all 3 of my children and will do the same with my 4th next month.

My youngest is six and still sleeps in my bed sometimes.

Talk to me in about 3 years…lol…congratulations on your new addition.

https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/safer-sleep-advice/co-sleeping/- if you do want to co-sleep this is a great place for guidance x

I co -slept with both my sons.

Research the safe sleep 7.

It’s safer to cosleep if you breast feed. Your bodies become more in tune. I suggest side car cribs.

My sons 2… still sleeping in my bed oops lol

Co-sleeping is the biological norm & a natural part of parenting in the Eastern culture. But it’s considered strange and dangerous to Western cultures due to fear mongering & spreading instead of offering education.
When you compare SIDs rates of Eastern & Western countries… SIDs is almost nonexistent in the East (I believe there are other factors besides where a baby sleeps that effect these rates but that’s a separate conversation).

Dr. James McKenna & Professor
Helen Ball, PhD offer a wealth of information on the topic of bedsharing (in the same bed) and co-sleeping (in the same room). The first link has a tab on HOW to bedshare safely.

I co slept with all four of my kids

Get next to me crib or put moses basket by ur side

Join the group Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep you will learn so much and they are so accepting. One of the best support groups.

Just put him in the crib.

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In third world countries, parents often sleep with their babies and their SIDS numbers are almost non-existent.
All 4 of my babies slept right next to me until they were about 2, when they stopped nursing. It’s natural to want to keep your children close to you and babies feel more secure snuggled up to their mommas.

I kept my son in a bassinet right next to the bed the first couple months!

You do Whats best for you,

Do what you want he’s your kid

put the crib up next to your bed…

I did with mine, of course I breast fed

How about do something like this??? It’s so the baby is safe. I know how you feel, I had that separation anxiety, but I had to make sure my baby was safe. This way, your baby is right next to you! You can hear your baby breathe and he’s close enough for you to touch. Good luck and God bless you! :heart:

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Please look up safe sleep 7! But I want to say that it also sounds like you have some PPA. I did too. Couldn’t sleep without him on me and when he was away I was visibly anxious. Please consult your Dr about how you’re feeling! You’re not a bad mommy for feeling this way. In fact, I think that makes you a great one :heart:

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So im one of those moms that don’t always choose the “safe” route and think moms are being too over protective about certain things. But ill tell you, im surprised, how many idiots there are on this post. It doesn’t matter if you slept with your twenty kids and your moms mom did it too, the fact is that ANYONE can easily roll over onto a newborn and they can DIE. It doesn’t matter that its never happened to anyone you know, if happening to more than one baby in this world, thats too much. And Shes not talking about 6 months old. She’s talking about a 2 week old. Holy hell, if you can’t sleep without your kid for their own safety, you shouldn’t have had another one. And you aren’t even trying to use a barrier between you or something, you literally got that baby in your arms. Its stupid and you need to grow up. Please don’t have any more children until you are done being so selfish. About 3700 babies die a year from sleep related causes. Not all from this exact issue but its still a big part of the number. That’s about 10 freaking babies a day. 10!!! Are you willing to take that chance?

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I co-slept with both of mine. They’ve never been rolled over on, never fallen off the bed while sleeping (while they were awake is a different story :joy:, I have one that “superman” onto the floor from every surface she could). However, even though they’re so small, I still can’t comprehend how the hell they can take up damn near an entire king sized bed though. My sister had a co-sleeper that she liked because she was a harder sleeper & that was a better option for them.

Honestly if you works for you guys, go for it.
My daughter and I have bed-shared since the day she came home. She’s 2 now. I’m a light sleeper so anytime she moves I know about it and I don’t move in my sleep anyway so it’s just worked for us. Eventually she’ll kick me out and want to sleep alone but for now I enjoy the snuggles :person_shrugging:

There’s this cosleeper attachment you can connect to your bed so that baby is close but in their own space

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If you want to sleep with him that’s exactly what you should do. I slept with both of mine and do t regret it one bit.

Talk to your doctor about postpartum anxiety! It is a real thing and I struggled so much with it after I had my daughter. She couldn’t be out of my sight (I can’t co sleep with a baby, I don’t get any sleep when I do) but she stayed in her bassinet that touched my bed so I could feel her move. But seriously, speak with your doctor before it gets any worse. My huge red flag was when I couldn’t let my hubs watch her while I went out to lunch! That’s not normal behavior!!

You don’t choose cosleeping life, it chose you. :sweat_smile: I cosleep with 2 under 2 and it’s so natural. But at this point I do wish I would have stopped at a 10 months lol

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When you’re ready, baby steps. Let him sleep next to your bed… gradually move him to his room/crib. He’s still a newborn. Nothing wrong with loving him close

Co-sleeping is totally up to you and your partner. Other people’s opinions matter exactly 0%.

Though it wouldn’t hurt to do some research on the connection between co-sleeping and SIDS.

I chose not to co-sleep with my daughter because some of my loved ones lost their babies due to co-sleeping.
She is 10 years old now and ever since she got a big-girl bed I have snuggled in with her to read at bedtime.
We snuggle up and read together until we cant keep our eyes open any longer and then we fall asleep together.

I wake up some time later and go to my own bed.
People’s opinions dont matter to me. This is something that means a lot to both of us, and its during this time that she opens up to me about her school day and friend drama and she asks deep questions about life. It’s a little frowned upon to essentially co-sleep with a ten year old but this is our life and we wouldn’t change it for the world.

As for your attachment to your new baby, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a beautiful thing. Every baby should be as lucky and loved as yours. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

We have always co slept/bed shared. My daughter didn’t lay in her crib until 10 months old. My kids are 9 and 12. Happy, healthy kids :smiling_face:Do what you feel is right for your family. :blush:.

I co-slept all my babies (6) do what you feel is best for you and baby, everyone handles being a mommy dif and each baby is dif :two_hearts: congratulations :champagne:

I’ve co slept with my daughter for almost 2 years now :woman_shrugging: there’s going to be a risk in every decision you chose. You just have to chose what you think is best

I always have my newborns bassinet right next to my bed about an arms length away. & when we arent sleeping, Im holding him constantly.

Get a bedside bassinet. Right next to you and way safer. What may have worked for some does not work for everyone, why risk it ?

If it makes you a little nervous maybe you should invest in a bassinet that attaches to the bed. That way you are literally sleeping next to (and can still touch) the baby, while they sleep on their back in a safe space. https://www.walmart.com/ip/HEMBOR-Unisex-Baby-Bassinet-Adjustable-Height-Portable-Baby-Crib-Gray/328214229?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101072159&&adid=22222222228442746303&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=522272470743&wl4=pla-1270822935043&wl5=9003667&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=390558229&wl11=online&wl12=328214229&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwhuCKBhADEiwA1HegOYRN63Mj2S2OEWDnDv9sc03fuvWcPzy5Sy0lzCi9_G7Z9ChPvnX4pBoCIYYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I’m not for cosleeping. My space is my space. My kids slept in baskets next to my bed for 6ish months before going to cribs. But to each their own.

I didn’t co sleep until my son could move his head freely so about 3 to 4 months old

Attachment parenting is so normal. It’s weird to me when people choose to not. :woman_shrugging:t2:

But that’s just me.

Cherish every second!

Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep

Biologically Normal Sleep and Breastfeeding Support

I do understand how you’re feeling, but please consider this as life or death for your baby. Everyone thinks it won’t happen to me until it does and it’s absolutely horrific. Unlikely? Maybe. I’ll be honest, I slept with my first three babies. Than I knew someone who lost their baby to co sleeping and never again. It’s not fair, a good momma losing her loved baby to what feels so natural, but it is absolutely possible. Please get your baby in his own sleep space.


You’re so attached to this baby but yet your putting it in danger knowing your putting it in danger?

You won’t forgive yourself if something happens… he can be right next to you without being in bed with you….


My daughter is 2 and we co sleep. Just be careful. But babies were meant to be held and they aren’t babies long. What you’re doing is creating a strong bond between you both. Do what feels natural to you. Just be safe

Damn my youngest is 18… I still sleep with her… In most cultures we sleep with our young… I’m baffled by parents who don’t cosleep.

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My baby is 9 months old and I’ve coslept with him every night since day 1 and wouldn’t change it for anything. As long as you’re being safe, there’s nothing wrong with it. The only thing that ever freaked me out about it was SIDS so I made sure he slept on his back until he refused and flipped onto his tummy for sleep.

Do what’s best for you. My anxiety is so bad and my son was a NICU baby so I literally could not sleep unless he was next to me so knew he was even alive. You said you are light sleepers so that’s very good and you will wake up if he moves or cries. Don’t let others make you feel like a bad mom for doing what works for you❤️

If you are ever worried about the safety part of co sleeping with him id look into getting him a owl sock! They work wonders and kept me from frantically checking my sons breathing multiple times a night !

I never coslept with any 4 of mine. I had many friends that did and I had nieces and nephews, that their momma did and they always had issues with them wanting to sleep with them as they got older. And not wanting to sleep through the night or in their own bed and the anxiety from any and all of it even caused some retract and pee the bed because they wanted to still sleep in momma’s bed.

“ do what makes you happy”

Or do what’s in the best interest of your child.


My son slept in a next to me, perfect choice for me as he was literally next to me but still safe. Plus o absolutely could not sleep when he was actually in my bed

I co slept with all my kids…made nursing so much easier also. I honestly think it brings you closer…but just do what makes you comfortable

I get this. I can’t say much because I coslept with both of my kids. I didn’t know it wasn’t safe when they were babies and I had separation anxiety too. I was convinced they would die if I wasn’t there to check their breathing.

I didn’t know about postpartum anxiety until a few months after I had my second and I realized it all fit and made sense. It could be something like that. It’s worth talking to your doctor about.

I co slept with my son till he was 2. I don’t regret it at all. Do what you feel is best for your child. Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, at the end of the day you’re going to do what you feel is right.

Both of my baby girls slept with me and I’m so happy they did! You are not a bad mother! To each their own!

I have severe insomnia and since my baby was born last week I don’t take my sleeping pills. I keep him in the bed with me because I’m pretty much awake most of the night. Plus it makes breastfeeding so much easier. Enjoy your baby and do what you feel is right but just be careful! Try getting a co sleeper for safety.

In short, no this doesn’t make u a bad mom xx

I know that feeling all too well, ive got my 3.5yr old next to me in bed right now just as He was from day one… yes there are risks, try if u can bare to put him even in a sleeping pod on ur bed and just have ur arm in it while u guys sleep it could be safer (I did this for a few weeks) but ultimately you’re going to do what is most comfortable for you but it doesn’t make u a bad mom xo :kissing_heart:

Girl .lol if that makes you a bad parent i guess WE BOTH are going to hell cause I haven’t put my girl in her own bed but for maybe 3 weeks since she’s been alive :joy::joy:

i co-sleep, and i have a 2 year old now and she’s still in my bed and i love it, however, you need to be smart. sleeping with the baby in your arms is careless. make a safe spot on the bed for the baby, and when they’re older you can cuddle them.

Bedside bassinet. They have ones that attach to the side of the bed and the side that attaches to the bed is open so baby has their own space right next to you that you.