Explain as you did here. Help her get things done, give her some quiet time, and then plan a couple hours as a family at a park that YOU packed a lunch for or pick up carry out. I am a control freak. …“Forced” relaxation. It is what my hubby calls a quiet kayaking trip. Once I get out there, there is nothing else I can do but enjoy the fresh air and people around me.
Lend a hand! I’m glad you realized you made a mistake but if you would have helped her she’d get done with her chores quicker.
Apologize and tell her you realize now how much she does. Offer to give her some free time tomorrow, just for her.
Better start picking up some shifts at home …cook dinner once in a while, let her take a bath worry-free of the kids. Find a sitter to watch the kids and take her out.
I’m so sorry, is a good start
Get up and do the house work that needed done. And apologize.
Just apologize and tell her you overstepped and you were just frustrated because you miss spending time with her. Tell her you do see how much works she does and that youre proud of her for all that shes doing. Ask her what you can do around the house to help her so that she can spend more time with you and the kids. And actually help her. Dont do it for a couple days and then never again.
I would say you are an idiot it sounds like you have a good woman there so why dont you think before shout at her sounds like she is doing her best for the family you could do a little more around the house to help her now if i was you i would make her a nice cup of tea or coffee take it to her kiss her and say sorry thats my advise good luck
You profusely apologize. You do the flowers and make her a bath and take care of the kids for a few days. Put your own ass in the doghouse. In her eyes…that’s where you’re at anyways. Make the effort. At least you’ve dont the first step which is acknowledging you were wrong.
Just go apologize and tell her how you feel. Offer to help her with something to give her a break. Small things matter. Her favorite meal delivered one night instead of her cooking or something. Small things mean alot
Help her out instead of sitting down to watch tv next time.
Apologize with words and then actions. So many times the men in my life thought that by doing “something nice for me” was the way to apologize. Women need to hear “I’m sorry” and then see a change in behavior.
The kids will remember watching Dad helping out, and join in the fun, and better prospective spouses someday.
Say to her what you said to us. Ler her know u do understand and u acknowledge you behaved like an a** and maybe help out more where u can so she can get a moment for herself
A I’m sorry I was wrong (if you mean it) will go a long way!
How to fix it? Don’t do it ever again.
Give her a min then Apologize. Start helping more with house and kid’s. Let her realize you appreciate all she does. Then do something nice to show it. Run her a bath cook dinner take care of kid’s make sure to do the clean up after. Lol Also you said she gets no time to her self. So maybe a night alone or a night out sounds like what she could use.
I’m sorry usually works
Apologize, but sincerely. I’m in your girlfriend’s shoes currently. My husband doesn’t understand how much is on my plate and I’m a stay at home mom (I have PTSD, anxiety, depression and several physical health problems) and day to day things pile up and drive me crazy. He just sits on his game or watches TV and has to be asked to help, and he gets upset if I don’t drop what I’m doing for him right away as well. He still doesn’t understand all the way, but he’s getting better about it. Next time she has house stuff to do, offer to help. Trust me, it goes a loooooong way!
Share the chores tell her your sorry…you cook on weekends and cln up. Work out some sort of roster that helps so she has time to sit and watch a movie. Take her out for a meal or give her some girl time. Ask her what she needs doing. …
Get a babysitter take her out on a dinner buy a gift card to do her nails or hair and watch the kids if you care so much dont ask facebook that should come from your heart when you love someone
Wow lot of judgement comments. First of all i would apologize and then say to her you would like to set aside some family time on a practical day for movie watching. And on that day if she doing her homework you do the house work that needs to be done, so you can have family time
Be more sympathetic and support her for what she’s doing and trying to better herself for all of you, and help out with things instead of you needing more attention for yourself, grow up!
I have allot of respect for you!! Acknowledging and wanting to make it better for her. Apologize of course maybe run a bath for her and let her know you were not sensitive enough to her stress level. It will be okay if maybe like when she said she had to finish homework then something else after, ask if you can help with the whatever she had to do after homework? You sound like a very sensitive man who spoke out of line. It happens.
Go kiss ass and tell her what you just wrote here!
She is sacrificing her time with you and the kids to get a better education to stabilize and better y’alls future. Let her do the damn homework. She maybe tired and exhausted, and for this case you should have helped her by allowing her to do her homework. I think y’all should take the 5 love languages test to see what ways each of you needs from one another.
I’m not sure about others but I know I’ve said plenty before thinking about it coming out of my mouth. It was said in the moment with how you felt in the moment.
Just explain to her exactly like you did here.
Hand write a note to her. Tell her how you feel. Tell her you’re sorry for getting upset. Tell her how much you appreciate and love her and how much she does. Tell her you just wanted her with you and the kids. Slip that note underneath the door. If you can slip a chocolate bar under that door it might help too.
Bring her a snack and apologize
If there is any housework needing doing get it done now. Then hug her and apologize. When she is out make the house spotless for when she comes home (See if someone can take care of the kids for a few hours or overnight) have dinner/lunch/breakfast ready just make it so there is no housework she can have an uninterrupted shower do some homework in a quite house. Flowers whatever makes her smile. Do more housework regularly is most important.
Go talk to her, like now, so she doesn’t spend longer “crying her eyes out” than she already has, that’s first! Tell her exactly what you just said here, then LISTEN to what she has to say and acknowledge her feelings. Lastly, you kind of just told on yourself here that you’re bit doing as much as you could be to help out and take care of your family🤔 I’m not saying you have to run yourself ragged everyday either, but she SHOULD be getting a break here and there. Honestly, it’s not really “helping out” these are your responsibilities as well but she sounds like a good girl just trying to take care of her family💯 I know my husband is helpful and he tries really hard when he’s not exhausted and dead after working, but I started working recently too and even when I’m exhausted and hurting I don’t get to come home she’d just sit🤷♀️ I actually have been thinking of writing down the “responsibilities of our household” not just me, both if us, but I think each needs to see just how much the other does deal with. I have always done dr apps, dentists, eyes, specialists, counseling and therapy, groups and classes through therapy, and I handle this for our whole family, him included, and I know I recently felt some way about that. You know what… when I FELT LOVED AND APPRECIATED I would come home croon working side by side with him, clean up and cook dinner, I have been going above and beyond with cooking the last few years and trying to be much more healthy because we weren’t taught healthy eating or cooking growing up, so lots of new, made from scratc, all or as much fresh ingredients as I can, and s substituting where i can to make things a lil more healthy, and I NEVER did mind until I started to feel unappreciated and disrespected by my family💯 I was happy to take good care of my family, and it made me feel good knowing I am truly doing ask that I can and even better knowing we ARE BREAKING THE CYCLES with our children and family💯 But once ppl start to just “expect” things from you, it can feel completely different. Just be mindful sweetie. And when you do mess up, we all fucking do and don’t let anyone make you think different, just communicate and apologize and listen to her. As long as your willing to work to fix things you guys will be fine!
Well that did it. She probably already felt guilty, sometimes you have to chose, hoping the balance is there. Stuff has to get done, she has to do the homework too. I think you should pick a chore that she does solely on her own typically and just do it for her going forward to give her more time for homework and then to spend time with the kids. I’m sure she would have much rather watched the movie, maybe next time you watch half and then tag her in and finish the housework that needed to get done. There’s small ways to make it work but all those ways involve you helping more, you either want to and you do it or you don’t want to and won’t-that simple.
Most of these suggestions are for you to help out around the house more and I agree. I had a friend who told her husband once when he was complaining that she didn’t make enough time for romance and him. So her mantra became “If you want to score , do a chore.” Your girlfriend sounds slightly overwhelmed. She is most likely going to school so that you all can have a better life. Don’t give her a hard time. She obviously loves you ( Proven by her still being there and her not asking you to leave…)Give her some understanding…I am sure watching a movie with you and the kids was much more preferable to doing homework and household chores but priorities need to be made. She made the right ones —back her up!!
Personally you can help her with the house work or things
She should do homework after the kiddos go to bed or watch tv. She should always join the dinner table and hang out at least 1 hr before kids go to bed.
If she has a test then I suggest allowing her to be in the bedroom for the entire night.
But u and her need to sit and talk about whats not working and why
You have not gotten mad at her she’s mom and working,and going to school and keeping up with her kid’s plus house shore’s it’s very stressful I think you should tell her ur sorry,and Leave the kid’s with ur mom or her’s and go out on a date you both need time together take her to nice restaurant buy some flower’s and tell how much she mean’s to you,and show her that you Love and don’t say stuff to her to make her cry ,and appreciate for mother,wife she is treat her rigth,respect her it’s very overwhelming, and very stressful with all she is doing you should help her around the house cleaning and offer to take over the kid,'s so she can get some😴