I think I need to cut my kids father out of their lives: What do I do?

People thought it was sad that my ex husband did not help or have anything to do with them. But I was actually glad we did not have to deal with him. My kids were always safe. They didn’t get exposed to his life style. There were no fights. My oldest remembered him . he was four when we left. They never felt I was keeping them from him. As teens they never said I’ll go find my dad. I never talked bad about him. When asked I told them he had drug and alcohol issues. I never wanted my kids to feel bad about who their father was. I waited them it was not them it was drugs. I’m sorry you and your kids have to deal with this. Just be careful the last thing you want is for your teen to blame you. One day they will be old enough to choose. They have to see him for who he is. You can’t tell them, you can’t force him away. But if you got a job in another state or if he went to jail for unpaid child support ever time he showed up. You probably would see a lot less of him and maybe not at all.


I was in a similar situation with my kids father who are now 18 and 16. I never cut him off because I knew one day my kids would grow up and be at the age where they realize what is happening. My kids realized I would say around 10 or so. They started doing the “my dad said he’s picking us up this weekend :roll_eyes: but we’ll see”. My kids just recently called their dad out for being an absent father and he didn’t like it. It didn’t take me cutting him off, I let my kids decide for themselves what kind of father he was/is.


Its really not mentally and emotionally good for him to come and go. You need to do what’s in their best interest.

make an appointment with legal aid and the child support services at your local office

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From what you wrote, hell yes… Cut him out yesterday!

You may as well let him see the kids as much as he’s willing to because in time they are going to see for them selves that he don’t care enough to see them on a regular basis and they may say no to visiting him for that reason. Vs you put a stop to his part time head games he’s going to turn it around on you and make you look like the bad parent for saying no.

Don’t keep them from him. Allow him to get them when he wants. Don’t talk bad about him where they can hear. He may be overwhelmed by having two young children by himself, but you still need to give them the opportunity to spend time with him. As they get older and aren’t as much constant work he may be able to deal with them better, and if you keep them from him now they won’t get to have that closeness later. Even if it turns out he’s always wishy washy, at least you can say that you tried, and you won’t be blamed for his shortcomings in the future.

I would cut him out unless a judge tells you other wise. My 2 oldest children’s father done the exact same thing to them. I finally said it’s all or nothing and he walked away.

If you keep them apart your kids will blame eventually find out and blame you. If you let him show up infrequently now the visits will get more and more infrequent and he will have less influence. my ex once went a year with out seeing his kids . One son has cut his dad out of his life. If I kept them away from him they wouldn’t understand why. They had enough contact to not like his games and to see him for who he is.

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Since he does not pay child support, and show a true concern for his children and like you said you do not need the money, I would cut him off 100%, move on with your life and your children will know the truth about him as they get older…Sounds like you are both MOM and Dad anyway…Don’t block numbers CHANGE anything where he can try to contact you…

My personal opinion is that you should not let him see them, he can’t handle them, he disappears. Oh well his loss!
I did it with my kids and none of them hold it against me. They don’t care about them, cause they didn’t care about them. As long as they have you don’t worry what anyone says

I don’t think you can eliminate him from their lives without a court order.

No. You dont want to let them blame you for keeping him away. Kids are smart and they will figure it out. As long as he isn’t a danger to them just let it be…

Block him and say hell no, take it to court. Legally want to see them and step up or step out. Protect your babies even from him if need be.

Does he abuse, neglect them when they’re with them? Do they not want to see him when he does come around?

How did you get involved with him

U r so smart auntie love this advice