I think my baby has colic...advice?

I’m 5 weeks pp, I had my little boy he is extremely fussy from 8-11 pm I’m pretty sure he is colicky does anyone have any pointers on what to do? My mom keeps telling me I need to let him “cry it out” but hearing him cry literally hurts me I can’t explain it. I’ve tried gas drops, he also mainly drinks breast milk, sound machines, bouncers, holding him, pacifier.


We used to take my little one outside (sometimes it would be 3am) or put him in a warm bath (I would take one with him). Hang in there. It gets better

What kind of bottle do you use? I recommend getting a Playtex drop in bottle. My oldest was colicky and when I switched to the drop ins it was like night and day. Also, consider the position you’re feeding him in. Try to hold him in a more sitting/upright position and after feeding keep him in a vertical position like up on your shoulder to let gravity help the milk move through his system easier.
When he’s crying you could try changing locations like walking outside with him for a few minutes. Sometimes that works. Or a car ride.

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Please don’t let your one month old infant cry it out :woozy_face: I can’t believe your mom would even suggest it. He’s been alive for like 30 days, he just wants snuggles and to be held. I myself get cranky around bedtime as well :slightly_smiling_face: It’ll pass mama.


Please Please DO NOT LET THEM CRY IT OUT they are far to young and need comfort when so small , wrap the baby snug in a little reciving blanket and lots of up and down swaying ,best luck and dont be to hard on yourself if your concered your a good mommy hang in there it gets better :revolving_hearts:

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I am pretty sure most babies have a couple of hours in the day where they are extra fussy. Both my boys and my niece and nephew did for sure. Not that this information makes you feel any better but at least you know you aren’t alone. Hugs to you. You are doing great.

Take a breath and remember you are a good Mom. My kids cluster fed on the growth weeks (which 5-6 weeks is). Rubbing belly in counter clockwise motion, giving them a bath, music, gripe water, an extra feeding, swaddling in a Momma shirt are all great ideas and one may work. Staying calm and not getting frustrated will help everyone. :pray::pray::pray: for him to work thru it.

He’s definitely too young to just cry it out…

Maybe try a bath & massage with oil?
Flex & bend his legs to try help with gas.
Is he still a little bit hungry maybe? My twins tend to drink a bit more at night before bed but they’re bottle fed.

Hope you find something that helps you soon, you’re doing great :smiling_face:

It could be the witching hour - my eldest would get over simulated if we did too much in the day and then scream at night. We made it a policy to be home after lunch and keep things calm and quiet and he improved so much. Still now at 7 he needs a day at home to recharge off we’ve been busy for a few days

No advice unfortunately. Nothing worked for my daughter. We would have to take turns holding her and rocking, standing, walking and swaying. It gets better, hang in there.

First of all I’m sorry to say it like this but f ur mom!!! I never ever let any of my 4 babies cry it out never! I think it cruel!!! That baby has literally been inside u for 9 mos listening to ur heart beat feeling ur warmth and movement and now u just expect this tiny baby to just be out in the big world alone wtf is all I got for that!! Tell ur mom next time she feels lonely to cry it out alone! Second it sound like that is just ur babies fussy time. If it were colic it would be all the time day and night. At least ur baby waits till 8 my last one was from like 4 to 7 right when I needed to homework and din it was exhausting I still held him or someone else did.

Growing pains are really hard on them sometimes. When all else fails, ibuprofen and Tylenol helps tremendously.

You can try gripe water worked with my boys along with the playtex drop in bottles, see baby is breastfed could be your diet as well

The CIO method is never the answer, no matter what.


Put the spice ginger just on shake of it into a little bottle little sugar warm water. Shake.
It won’t take much of it. Ginger is really good for the stomach. Put baby laying face down on your arm length way. Then rock.

He gets what you eat so be careful of the food you eat

Burp him always. Keep him upright . try Reuterina drops

Lots of bouncing on your knee. It will pass in time from grandpa

Check out Sun Downing Syndrome …
& what did you do during that time frame when you were pregnant ?

Look up the colic baby hold on youtube

Maybe he is hungry at this time. He might need more than breast milk.

Letting a 5 week old cry it out is wild :flushed:

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My last two kids screamed for two hours everyday. One from 5pm to 7pm. The other from 2am to 4 am. Nothing would calm them down. I guess they just needed to scream. Another thing for colic—-which I’m sure you won’t want to do is ……chop up a little onion, put sugar over it. Let it sit until the juice comes out and give the baby a little. It really works. My son was six weeks old and had colic. A friend—Mrs. Murphy—taught me that. It really worked. I was shocked and hesitant about giving my baby onion juice. He quit screaming and went to sleep. I don’t know why it worked but it was just one of those old time cures.

Wrap him in a blanket has tiny you can

He’s probably gassy or uncomfortable
Make sure he burps good after feeding
Don’t lay the baby down while feeding
Tilt the baby forward while burping
He’s crying for a reason
Try to swaddle him in his receiving blanket

I heard camomile tea works but not sure on the age u can give it to baby. Check it out on TikTok lots of advice there too. Hope it gets better. I’m sure I’ll be asking for advice soon due July 24th!