I think my breastfed baby is eating too much...advice?

Breast feeding mommas advice please! My baby is now 3 weeks old. I’ve been breast feeding her but it seems like she’s getting too much milk and then throwing it up and she’s been so grunty. So I was trying to just pump and give her a bottle but I like breast feeding her. I’ve tried changing positions and stuff like that. I’m just unsure of what to do. Also is she like showing signs she’s not tolerating it? I had a bad experience with my son so I’m not sure what to think!


I wpuld contact a lactation consultant they are very helpful amd well worth it

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Was she at all early. My son was a month early and used to spit up a lot, sometimes projectile. Pediatrician said his throat didnt yet have a valve that closed to keep food down. HE was def not overeating, he had weight to catch up on because the last month before born babies fatten up. So my baby was skinny and tall- born 20" so likely wouldve been taller a month later. It was hard for a while (he ruined so many clothes sigh) but eventually he did develop the valve

My babies used to act the same while feeding; grunty, fidgety but then it would calm down after a few seconds. I had a very strong “let-down reflex” and seemed like they would get too much milk. As the babies adjusted to nursing so did my body and the problem went away. Babies have a floppy sphincter muscle at the top of their tummy and even a small amount of milk can cause a reflux behavior if they’ve swallowed any air while nursing. Burping mine often helped and this too went away as they grew within a few months. Ask your pediatrician about reflux if it is concerning you. They have ways to help with that. As you nurse your baby your body will eventually make the right amount of milk. If more is needed, the body will produce it. If less is needed, your body will slow down the production. As long as you’re getting consistent 6-8, or more wet diapers a day then you’re doing well. Relax and enjoy your time feeding your little one.

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Sounds like reflux. You may have to change things you are eating honestly. And ask her ped about it. All of my kids have had reflux and they needed meds and cereal to thicken up bottles.

I had this same issue so I expressed some Milk first to keep
From choking the baby before each feeding . Problem
Was solved


Put baby on the boob, once the let down comes, unlatch baby, land let it flow out. Once that settles then let baby eat again. It might just be coming out too fast. My first daughter was like this, she’d like projectile vomit but it eventually stopped and I still breastfed the whole time through.


The first milk to flow is thin and meant to hydrate baby. After that, the more nutritional, filling milk flows and baby should nurse until satiated. So, you have two options. First, if baby is wetting 10 diapers or more a day (at that age) and skin is plump and smooth, you can express the foremilk and put baby to breast for the thicker milk and let her nurse until she’s full. Be sure to start the next feeding on the opposite breast. With the second option you could put baby to breast and then disengage her after 10 minutes or so and she how she reacts. If she’s still rooting, put her on the opposite breast for 10 minutes, then remove her and snuggle. Some babies just love to snuggle and feel connected and they can over feed, which will cause spit up. If you do option two, you should feed more frequently and give good long snuggles after you’re finished nursing.

Don’t give her the bottle. It’s so much easier from the bottle than the baby will quit taking the breast. Have her breastfeed 15 min on each side. Burp in between. Sometimes babies are just sucking like on a pacifier. But if she is uncomfortable then talk to the pediatrician about it. She may have a milk allergy or getting lots of gas. Which causes colic.

You can try burping her after a few minutes. It will help with gas & slow her down a bit.

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Sounds like when my little had reflux

Hope everything goes well

Dairy, cut it out. She’s probably somewhat allergic to dairy or fully allergic to dairy. This was happening with my girl. We had to switch to Similac alementum. No, she’s not getting too much milk.

It could be something you are eating. Don’t give up breastfeeding it’s the most beautiful thing


Lactation consultant would be super helpful to assess but honestly babies spit up a lot when they are little. Eventually mine stopped as he got older. I also have/had overproduction which also has an impact on how fast the milk comes down so the lactation consultant should be able to help identify if thats the issue and what you can do. But like someone said if baby is gaining well and otherwise doing fine and the doctor sees no issues it should all settle soon

Spitting up isn’t abnormal for a three week old, not is being grunty. Is she overall happy?

Your milk should start settling in the next week or so. I would ask a medical professional to rule out tongue-tie and reflux. If you think it’s just your milk production, you can express before feeding.

Sounds more like a gas/too much air intake problem to me than her over eating. It’s hard to over nurse a baby, and at 3 weeks they do a lot of back-to-back nursing to help establish your supply. Let baby keep nursing, but I would look into a 1 on 1 visit with an LC to check baby’s latch and make sure all looks good. In the meantime, make sure you burp baby often (I always did between switching sides) and tummy time helps with gas build up, also bicycling their legs will help with relieving any gas pressure too.

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There’s no such thing as overfeeding a breastfed baby. Most of the time the spit up looks way more than there actually is. If baby has enough wet diapers it’s fine.

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Make sure you’re burping her. If she’s feeding for 10 mins, burp her at 5 and then continue to feed. Itll slow her down and get rid of the gas. If that doesn’t help, contact a lactation consultant

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Breastfed babys know how much to eat my n really what they are doing keep latching your body will adjust to her needs and if it continues look into possinbly reflux or an allergy… My oldest would would do that when I ate Dairy and the baby we donated milk to would do the same. My baby had reflux and did the same everytime he was laid down flat and if I ate spicy foods. There are breastfeeding FB groups that are a tremendous support, FB groups for donating/recieving, and lactation consultants that can help too. Don’t give up, you got this!!

Is she spitting up or puking up large amounts? At 3 weeks old they are learning how to digest still. As long as she’s gaining weight she’s fine. It should get better over time. Also put her in the swing or something sitting up right 20 minutes after. That will help.

Breastfeed babies do not over eat at the breast. However, they can over eat by bottle. Your let down could be to fast. They are also cluster feeding during this time so it may seem like baby is “always eating” but they are really establishing your supply. So on all day is very normal! Also. With a bottle, make sure it is the slowest flow nipple they have until 12 months of age so they do not get a bottle preference. Bottles should be pacefed & every ounce should take 5-7 minutes to feed.

Its the let down.
You can hanf express a little! Lean back when nursing. And leave her sitting up afterwards.
It takes about 6 weeks for your supply to meet the demand!

Same thing happened with my daughter. I has to put rice cereal in her bottles so it was thicker and she could keep it down. Also soy formula might be an alternative

You pump for 10 minutes before you feed you is producing a lot of milk so the let is to much for her

I would get checked for reflux the Dr can give you medicine for it. But I guess it’s pretty common in NICU babies to get reflux

Is she burping ? If my girl doesn’t burp after feeding she will puke it back up