Not one bit.He is hiding something from you,for sure.Especially hearing it with your own ears…his friends got home at midnight,but he didn’t get home until 3.He’s a liar & a cheat.
Hire a private investigator. I’m sure they’re expensive, but be worth it.
Is the friend in a relationship? Maybe his spouse didn’t wake up and he said he got home at 12 and slept on the couch. He was looking at your husband to confirm so he didn’t get yelled at for being out til 3.
Red AND he told u to drop it without discussing it like an adult? Double
!! I’d do some investigating
Get checked for sexually transmitted diseases
His defensiveness means he is hiding something, simple as that. Men who are honest actually communicate. If I were you, I would simply tell him ‘I know you are being dishonest with me, so I am leaving. I don’t know what happened, but your stories don’t add up and you get defensive when asked, so you obviously don’t want to communicate.’
A woman’s intuition is always on to something… do not ignore it.
Oh dear😔 those saying hire a private investigator🤣
As someone who had this exact conversation with their now ex husband, I’d be planning my exit speech right about now.
I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13998 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles
Men are terrible with time
Trust that gut girl!
You don’t need advice about what you already know get u a plan n move on period stop playing with these men
He might never tell you the truth, trust your gut. Men suck- patterns don’t lie. I have met men that take their rings off at the bar
I would’ve brought it up right in front of his friends something is definitely off and his refusal to discuss is just confirmation
I read the comments about hiring a PI. It’s actually a very good idea if considering divorce. My ex husband knew his wife was cheating. He hired a PI for proof, which was admissible in court. Divorce on the grounds of adultery.
Trust your instincts… plan your exit.
He’s cheating or his buddy did and using your man as alibi. But I’d say they all cheated.
Don’t “drop it”…. Get answers. Him getting defensive is a sign of guilt.
Nope. Not wrong. He cheated.
I believe you are on to him. If he seems to be annoyed by you asking him he’s trying to cover something up. Listen to your instincts.
This is why it’s not ok for any partner to be out late like that.
Go out and do the same thing! I bet he wants answers right away!
My ex came home at. 3am he had been cheating.
He wouldn’t want to drop it if he cared about your feelings. He is hiding something…
If it continues he coming home at 3am he sleeping with someone
I went through something similar. He wasn’t thorough enough with his alibi He was definitely cheating
When they start hiding things and being untrustworthy…then yes ma’am they are cheating 99% of the time. I went thru this same situation with my husband of 10yrs. I followed my gut and it wasn’t just 1 woman it was multiple.
Nope not wrong.
He’s acting like a SINGLE man. It’s not normal to go drinking all hours of the night after marriage…you kinda settle a bit.
He’s gotta grow up!
This isn’t right to you and his friends seem to encourage this “party harty” behavior.,
Like come on, how old are you?? This is not okay,
First question is he also a fiend? Because you may have a bigger problem on your hands.
He was with another women
ask his friends. Clearly something doesn’t add up here and he’s not being honest about it.
Check his call log history. Even better, get an Apple air tag and put that in his car. He wants to act like a teenager and lie where he was, treat him like one.
Wait! So his friends all went home at midnight and he came home at 3?! I’d be wanting to know where he was and who he was with all of that time.
I’m sorry this is happening. All these posts make me so grateful for my husband
Nope your not wrong hes hiding something
Your heart will tell you.
Actions speak louder than words…
Yeah he was definitely doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. And I ignored it like you and it got out of hand. Don’t just go to bed and ignore it when things like that happen. Get to the bottom of it or leave. Leaving doesn’t have to be permanent… just enough to make him see you’re serious. As it is the drinking all the time at the bar sounds to be getting out of hand. Now this. Don’t be a doormat. I regret waiting so long to push for change. When I left. We separated for nearly a year… while I made him work on himself and date me again. And show he was serious and going to make the changes necessary. He did when he realized I was serious… and now that was 2 years ago and everything is completely different.
I would have asked him right in front of his friends…
Well now you know he wasn’t with his friends… And I wouldn’t drop it. I once had my first husband tell me he was at his friends house till early morning. So after he went to work I called this guy. He said he never saw him at all that night. Well, that’s what led to our divorce. As he was seeing someone else.
Do you allow him to go to strip clubs? If not then he may have been at one or he was doing something shady.
We need to know how often he is going out without you or with his boys. There could be several different things going on. He could be saying that he is out with his friends but they could be using “guy code” & covering for him while he is with someone else.
I’d be packing my bags while he was work. Drop it my ass. If you have that gut feeling about something…it’s usually right.
Definitely was doing something (or someone) he shouldn’t have been.
First of all my response would have been “I will not drop it, you have some explaining to do.”
I would of confronted him in front of his friends at that moment because he obviously can’t be trusted to say the truth.
No, go with your gut.
Why question it believe me it will come out If he’s cheating you have a decision to make right so make preparations for that decision now. Save money up have a back up plan just Incase. So many women wait then have no place to go no money to get their own place no job to support themselves etc. always have a back up plan or two
Your little voice is telling you something isn’t right, always listen to your little voice it will never tell you wrong. Hugs
Put life360 on his phone
My husband and I are on one and so is most of our family but it will tell me when he left home when he gets home where he is and the route he took and how long that took
He was definitely out with another woman he probably met at the bar.
No you are not wrong,when they lie, and one that does not add up being a good lie
He definitely lied, then ran away so you wouldn’t keep questioning him. Time to do some sleuthing!
Follow your instincts
Drop it my ass! You must not be like me cause I would have dragged his ass out the bed! Period!!
Nope! He’s wrong period
I check his phone, how much money was took out in your account, if you guys have the same phone plan you can go check all calls! I’ve been there and I dont play that shit.
You are not wrong. That all sounds very suspicious.
Did he pass out somewhere (like in his car) and not want to admit he got that drunk?
Yup, been in the same situation. He’s lying! Go with your gut instinct.
Does this “all the time”?? And you all have a baby? Nope!
You’re not wrong he’s hiding something. He wants you to leave him one bc he doesn’t want to come up with a lie. Now he’s had time to come up with an excuse and pretty sure 12 sounds right for the bar closing. 3a sounds like he left with someone.
No your not wrong. My husband did that all the time. Don’t trust him!!!
My advice is to talk to him and tell him the facts you know and ask for an explanation. Y’all are married. Communicate.
Did I read that you said he goes to the bar all the time and at first you were like fine whatever on the fact that he came home at 3 AM ??? Ummmm what??? Maybe it’s just me but if I have a baby at home there’s no way in hell he’ll be out at a bar partying with his friends… idgaf
What makes either one of you think that it’s OK that he goes out to the bar and parties with his friend on a regular basis? While you’re at home with the baby?
He would not be OK with you being in the bar with your friends because your mom and you have a baby at home… so why are you OK with him being a dad and being out in the bar with having a baby at home??? Smh my husband never not once went out while we were raising our kids like that, did we go out , a few time with his friends yes but he didn’t go to the bar with his friends all the time. Why ??? it wasn’t because I said no it was because he knew his place was at home with his family… if he’s not cheating already he will, because a man that has to be told that his place is at home is for the streets… 
yeah, he’s hiding something
No your not wrong. You need to demand an answer
You’re not wrong for thinking that. That’s exactly what it seems like. Trust your gut hun.
Go with your gut
You know the answer already you just don’t wanna accept it but trust me do something now or you’ll be regretting it and miserable and have no TRUST for him!!!
That’s how I found out lies when mine was running with his buddies was they would be sitting around convoying with each other and start talking about stuff they done and stuff I know was done in my relationship so just remember everything that’s done in the dark always comes to light and if ya guts is telling you something is up it’s your gut instinct don’t never go against it we have it for a reason you got the answers you need he’s acting weird and getting defensive about it something happened girl and it’s time to move on he doesn’t really love you or he would put your feelings into consideration your soul mate will come along and if he’s a dad now hanging with the buddies drinking all the time shouldn’t be happening now that he’s a father now I can see a few times but all the time is just unacceptable he’s trying to act like a free man and I’d give that fool what he wants move on with my life and find someone that is gonna love me and put me first good luck:pray:
Trust your intuition.
My husband wouldn’t be going to bars every weekend with anyone! He should be home with his family. A night out every now and then is ok within boundaries but other than that, no!! He’d be explaining to me!!!
Your not wrong and if it was me I would be having divorce papers at his job the next day
Nope!!! Not cool and also he should be home helping with the baby and if baby is sleeping…he should be paying attention to you!
Think carefully: did it wake you when he came home i.e. opened the front door, or did it wake you when he actually came to bed? If it was when he came home and you both heard the door open and close and saw the clock, then yes, he’s lying to you. If, however, he came home quietly and was playing on his phone or watching tv before coming to bed, it’s possible he isn’t lying.
I would be concerned that he told you to drop it, rather than fully explain himself.
Personally, I’d ask his friends. If they can just confirm where they went and what time they left. You might be able to find out some info from them but it definitely sounds like he was up to no good for a few hours after they went home. My ex-husband used to do the same thing to me. That’s what happens when women try to trust their man and let them have time out with their friends and then the thanks they get is getting lied to and cheated on. It’s just not right. A good man would appreciate that freedom so much and not take advantage of it. Just wrong on so many levels. I’m sorry you’re going thru this but I’d tell him I will NOT drop it and you will be telling me where you honestly were the other night!
He went to the bar and stayed out that late while you were home with the baby??
“my baby” is he the father
Definitely stick with your gut. He’s lying to you!
Listen to your gut if you really want to know!
Lol… Sometimes I’ll be the last one carrying the party to the parking lot after close, I’ll get wrapped up in convo and end up getting home by 3 or 4am. it’s happened to me several times… it’s the conclusions for me. I’m the girl that plays sports, fix cars, drink beer and play pool till bar close. So accuse me if you want to, or pull up on me but if you can’t prove it and pick this hill to die on, I personally would hope you go because there is a lack of trust… I want a partner not a parent.
Red flags. Trust your gut. Seems like he’s covering his ass for some reason.
If that’s not the biggest red flag I don’t know what is
If there was even a shadow of a doubt regarding my fiancés whereabouts, we wouldn’t be together. This goes both ways. Life is too short and there are way too many people in this world for you to be second guessing the one you’re with.
Cliché but:
-Know your worth.
You know what that say if it quacks like a duck,bla bla bla he is a big fat lyer
The fact he reacted the way he did… Getting sprung up. Defensive! Started acting weird & basically told to shut your trap/drop the subject, is more than enough reason to assume something is up. Watch his every move from here on out & you’ll see how more red flags come up.
The fact that he is defensive and told his wife to drop it is a clear red flag. He lied and said he with his friends and his friends clearly were not made aware of his story to back his lie up.
Married men don’t belong in bars
He wants it dropped so he doesn’t have to face whatever he did.
Don’t drop it. Don’t let that shit go. And then go out all night and don’t tell him shit.
nah, he hiding sum. don’t trust it. especially when he got defensive and dismissed what you said.
He fcked around on you. !
Sounds fishy to me I am guessing he went out with another woman after his friends left, or he stayed longer and ended up meeting a girl there. If he was truly just with his friends he wouldn’t get defense and feel the need to lie.
No you’re not wrong
He is !!
Leave Now it will get worse he’s playing you .
I would of called his ass out in front of everybody when his friends said they got home at 12!!
No you are not wrong
One of his friends went home early? Or? Here bars close at 2 so why’s he coming home an hour later?
Its always the mans fault lol
Not wrong- go for it