I think my son is autistic: Advice?

I have an almost 2 year( birthday this month) that i believe is autistic! He is non verbal, doesn’t give eye contact or acknowledge being called by his name, he does the hand flapping, walks occasionally on his tip toes, how do I go about getting a diagnosis. Last check up was 18 months and I told his doctor that i was concerned and she had me fill out a chart of tons of questions about his motor skills and development but never followed up with me about it. She did refer us to speech therapy and he has been doing that for almost 2 months now, but what next step do i take? I just want to make sure I get him the right resources while he’s still young. What do i do from here? Do i take him to another doctor, is there a specialist i should take him too? He does everything age appropriate as he should except talking. He has never said anything words at all! He just shows those signs that I mentioned earlier.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I think my son is autistic: Advice?

Go to a Pediatric Developmental Specialist

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My son is autistic he’s 7. We took him to the health department and they did some testing and sent us a referral to a doctor. They usually do the testing for free at health department.

We had to get a referral from our primary, but we got in touch with a pediatric specialist and went from there. Early intervention from the state was a big help as well.

Follow up with the doctor or make him another appointment with someone else! Also my son is on the spectrum but he’s pretty low on it so they weren’t able to test him properly till now and he is four so keep that in mind!

Sounds like my son at age 2. Nonverbal as well. He’s almost 5 now. Finally at age 3 got a diagnosis and have gotten speech therapy,OT, and is about to start preschool!!! Tell you Dr. You need referred for an actual diagnosis of AUTISM.

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You need a referral to a pediatric developmental specialist

If you message me I can tell you all the steps and help as much as I can my daughter is 2 and is diagnosed level 3

Follow up with his paediatrician regarding a referral to a developmental paediatric specialist. My 3 year old daughter is on the spectrum so I’m familiar with the process at least here in Canada

Follow up with the doctor. We had to get a referral for Easter seals to test our daughter.

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Ask you doctor for a referral to Developmental pathways and Child Find. They will test him. It’s all free before 3.


Your pediatrician can refer you to a specialist for further testing.


My son got diagnosed right before he turned 2 and also has global development delay he’s non verbal but does say some words and learning every day with new words and does try to repeat words but when I had concerns with autism we told his pediatrician and she referred us to a psychiatrist and had to do a bunch of evaluation and therapy tools about 6-9 months when they finally diagnosed him. Also he’s 3 now getting ready to turn 4 in November

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You get diagnosed by a specialist

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Look into the regional center for your county… currently going thru the same. Just got my sons diagnosis. He’s 3 and also nonverbal


Two of my great nephews are diagnosed, they had to get a referral to children’s hospital for their diagnosis

My son was 2 when I started noticing signs.
I took him to his paediatrician and from there to an educational psychologist. He is doing speech therapy to help as well. Good luck mommy

I’m in MA and recently have been going through same thing with my daughter. She has early intervention and speech therapy but I had a referral for the Fernandes center for an evaluation put in through her doctor. I would follow up with ur doctors office. The wait times are ridiculous. We have already been waiting about 7 months

Find an early intervention school when they can assess him and when he qualifies they can start him on services.

Whens the last time his hearing was checked, hearing issues can cause this too

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Ask his pediatrician for a referral to be checked for autism

Neurologist gave my daughter her diagnosis. I’d start there.

Get a new doctor. They shouldn’t ignore things like this

It will depend upon your area and insurance. If you can self refer, call a psychologist, developmental pediatrician or a neurologist. These are the doctors that can typically give that type of diagnosis (you’ll likely be told to see all 3 eventually). I know in my area it’s much quicker to be seen by a psychologist as there are very few developmental pediatricians and pediatric neurologists.

Expect to wait many months to a year for an appointment unfortunately. Getting on multiple cancelation lists and being able to take a last minute appointment helps.

If you are in the states, each state has an early intervention program. It helps not only your child, but will connect you to resources in your area as well.

I have two autistic boys, they are extremely different from eachother but both are wonderful! The toddler years were very difficult but I think we’re having a better time at the teen years than most other parents :joy:

The therapies are a great starter. Continue following up. Ask for referrals

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UK here waited 9 months for speech therapy my son doing all the same his three next month we have been doing mackton sign request of speech therapist and she referred my son to pedatrian so just waiting it’s a long road but keep going every step is one closer keep strong x

Oh and hearing test normal not his hearing

Ask your dr and they can have him tested. They can get him into classes. The sooner the better.

Continue working with speech and keep bringing it up to your pediatrician

Take him to a pediatric neurodevelopmental specialist. My daughter goes to an office that specializes in add/adhd and autism.

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My daughter needed a referral from her doctor to be analyzed for her ASD diagnosis. If the doctor is dancing around getting your child seen I would get a new doctor. Even if your little one isn’t on the spectrum there’s literally zero harm in getting an evaluation and their doctor should be all for it.

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At 2 years old seek out a neuro-developmental pediatrician near you. Call and get an appt right away. Then tell your pediatrician you need a referral if needed.

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These are signs of autism . I would have Dre set you up for an evaluation . Child will need wrap around services etc . Feel free to contact me . I can lead you in the right direction

We’re getting matching tattoos!

You need to ask the pediatrician for a referral. You can usually get in to see a Neurologist pretty quick. My oldest son was diagnosed with Autism at 19 months old, it was obvious bc he didn’t make eye contact, didn’t respond to his name & only said “Dada” he was also a toe walker. He’s 7 now & with that diagnosis we were able to get tons of therapy. Aba (if you aren’t against it) speech, occupational therapy etc. He is nothing like the baby he was, most don’t even know he has autism unless they’re told. & I can’t get him to stop talking half the time lol.

Speak to his pediatrician, he/she will be the one to send the referral to child development services. I just did this with my 3 year old, I got sent a big thing of paper work to fill out and once the office got it an appointment was set up within a month. Of course we probably live in different states so wait time can vary but should be the same process.

If you live close to Boston,bring him to Bostons children’s hospital, that’s who diagnosed my non verbal brother at 2…
Or any children’s hospital closest to you.

Ask the pediatrician or speech therapist to refer your for a Neuropsych evaluation.

My son had every sign pointing towards being autistic. Numerous doctors even asked if I had him tested for it before, without me even mentioning the signs to them. I finally did take him in a few months ago and he has ADHD + needs occupational therapy for the toe walking. Alot of his “quirks” were just from having a very busy mind and a very hyper body.

Set an appointment with a neurologist for a test. The wait can be long to get in, so I’d do it sooner than later.

I know in Indiana there is what is called first steps, that offers all there therapy services for free, and then it becomes the school district responsibility to take over. I even had to fight the school after 6 years that my son is on the spectrum. I took him to the top doctor around here that specializes in autism. There are options, but sounds like you are going to have to push your doctor to get him tested

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Not sure where you live but in NY there something called early intervention you will have the child evaluated sometimes even in home and they will provide any amd all services that child may require based on their evaluations…. I started this with my now 4 year old when she was 15 mts and it has changed our lives ! Good luck with everything :heart:

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I took my daughter to a behavior/therapy office. Psychiatrists, therapists ect. They have a specially certified person to administer the tests. Took us 3 days to do the tests.

Idk where you are. But where I am there’s a place called contact niagara. You just call them and ask for an assessment. Or children development programs. My 3 1/2 yo son is on the wait list for neurological development assessment, occupational therapy assessment and speech therapy. Ask your doctor to refer you for a pediatric neurological development assessment

Pediatrician should refer you to early intervention. Also get a hearing test to rule that out.

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Tell your doctor you want him tested and referred to a specialist.

Ask your peds doc for a referral to a specialist. You can also reach out to early intervention/head start for screenings.

I would contact your local mental health clinic. They can get your son in for testing and get him diagnosed. From there they can refer him to the services he needs. They are usually very helpful in getting you case management to steer you through the paperwork and getting your son the benefits he needs.

If you’re in the US, all 50 states have birth to age 3-4, early intervention services. They can assist with all of this.

You need to speak to your pediatrician my daughter was told by her son’s doctor that he would be screened for autism at 18 months and then again at 24 months. And depending on results would move forward from there if needed.

Have you had his hearing checked? I mean, he could be on the spectrum and also have hearing issues that might explain his lack of vetbalizing.

Check into early intervention and in Ohio my doctor referred us. But also have his hearing checked. My son is 2 1/2 and has mild to moderate hearing loss. We just found out last week. He gets tubes in October which may or may not help. He also walks on tip toes and hand flapping but only says a few words. One syllable easy. I never thought he would have issues with hearing. He passed the newborn screen and has only ever had 1 ear infection. Just make sure to cover all your bases. Mine is in early intervention and has referrals to have him checked for autism. I hope you the best❤️

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He very well could be buy I’d do a hearing test as well.

Please reach out again to your child’s pediatrician. That doctor will need to order more tests and make referrals. If the speech therapist is an MD, that person might be able to make referrals, too.

There are groups you can also join on FB for additional information and support in your particular area. Other parents in those FB groups may have recommendations for knowledgeable pediatricians in your area.

Get a referral to a specialist. Or at least a second opinion.

If you are in the United States contact your local autism society for resources and support. They have been amazingly helpful for my family over the years. They have parent advocates you can talk to who can guide you through the process of getting what you need and how to ask for it.

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There are autsm spectrum sphycologists you can take him too and also they will refer you to a pedeatrition that deals with autsm also speach therapists. They help him also guide you. A normal pediatrician might not guide in right direction.

Bring him to a developmental paediatrician

Developmental doctors

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I have found some boys to really not speak until they are 2 or over. One neighbors boy she said didn’t speak until he was over 2 & what comes out of his mouth was truly amazing. She never let him watch TV except for one kids program. The rest of the time, he played or she would read to him. His IQ is really high. He is now almost 14. They are a military family, so changing Pediatric. Dr is every 3 yrs. If you feel your son could be autistic. I would wonder if you spoke to his Dr about this?? If not wait a few months & see what happens. Plus I am assuming when he was born they did a hearing screen on him. If not, he just might not be hearing everything. So have it done

Follow up with his pediatrician. She’ll know of other programs to refer him to.

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I would had a hearing test completed first❤️my boy had trouble with his hearing and made a huge difference! That being said he also has autism and was non verbal until about 3❤️ we had to see a paediatrician and get a referral for the head psychologist at the Janeway here for his diagnosis❤️ my boy also had other things then what you mentioned but momma knows best and it wouldn’t hurt for you to have your child checked! Best of luck!

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In NJ they have Early intervention usually is thru the state. Google it for the number and info. They may have in all or some states. They will do an assessment and refer him into a program w therapies. Goes by sliding scale for fee or may even qualify free of charge. Also can take him to a neuro developmental dr

If you are in the uk, it’s a long process. My son was referred by his nursery aged 2, to the health visitor who contacted our Dr. The dr and health visitor then did their own independent reviews and finally I got a letter from my Dr advising me he had referred my son to a community peadiatriton which was around an 18month wait. He saw the consultant finally when he was 4 however it too many visits etc and he was diagnosed as ASD, sensory processing disorder and oppositional defiance disorder when he was 6 nearly 7.

get second opinion asap

My oldest didn’t really talk until 3. He also walked on his tip toes and would rock back and forth. He is a little hyper active but after he started preschool he caught up with speech quickly. If your son is already seeing a speech therapist and your pediatrician is aware of your concerns I’d see what they say as he gets bigger. They probably will wait until three at least to see if he catches up or not.

Hand flapping is a sign. I know a boy who did it.
He is now a Senuor

Senior in HS. There is hope.

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In the UK we had a health visitor from the Childrens Centre who helped get my Nephew seen by a paediatrician and then he was put on the Autism pathway and eventually diagnosed

My grandson will be 5 this year. He’s super smart but says very few words. Makes lots of sounds. His parents blame me for him not talking because I taught him simple sign language since he was 6 months. I always spoke when teaching him ASL. He understands spoken word. Just doesn’t speak much. I believe he may be on the spectrum. His mom don’t want to believe it but she only had him 3 months out of the year. I raised him the first 3 yrs of his life pretty much. His dad and step mom have him the rest of the year and I have grandparents rights so I get him once a month and weekly video visits. He loves to be read to. Just the issue of speech.

Try Childrens National that’s how we finally got our diagnosis because our pediatrician at that time blew us off. My daughter is now 8 and is non verbal autistic

At his 2yr check up bring it up again. If she still doesn’t take it seriously then take him to a children’s hospital and get a second opinion.


He or she could still be working through said questionnaire starting with speech therapy things take time waiting lists are long for some things in certain places too

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Do you have a Babies Can’t wait program where you live? Ask your Doctor again. What did your Speech evaluation tell you, what are they working on? Did you have his eyes, ears (hearing checked out)? Call your Childrens hospital ask them what to do next if you are that concerned? You need Phycologist for diganous. Get a 2nd opinion.


I helped raise my grandson who is autistic , ADHD. He sees a speech therapist at a clinic and attends school. Try and teach him sign language and card activities to teach him. my grandson didn’t speak words till he was 6. He is 10 now . Go to a childrens hospital for a specialist. He recieves medication and is doing so good in school and home. Prayers you find the answers you need!! :pray::sparkling_heart:


Check with a local hospital or a neurologist

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If in Michigan ask the school or county for testing. If they tell you to wait, till insist on signing the paperwork. Schooling can start much earlier than school age


Call a developmental specialist at you local children’s hospital. Call you local health department if you don’t know who to call. Call your pediatrician for a referral. He’s a lucky child to have a mom who has noticed something isn’t right and wants to get to the bottom of it. Good luck to you both.


My youngest grandson is 8 now. He is still going to speech therapy, since he was about 3. He rode a bus. To his therapy. He did communicate through sign language. He is not autistic. His oldest sister was delayed in her speech mostly due to bring deaf in one ear. She had speech therapy. His other sister was a little delayed in her talking. She had no therapy. My oldest daughter was delayed in her talking. Sometimes there are other skills the child has conquered ahead of talking. It’s the child’s own agenda.

Get your paediatrician to follow it up and don’t be fobbed off
Go with your gut instinct xx

You have to be the one to contact your son’s doctor. She has many other patients - - -

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Reschedule with another Doctor. Try to find one who is familiar with autism. Definitely do some research, go to the library.

Get a referral for your son to see a behavioral pediatrician. If your present pediatrician is not willing to do that, find another pediatrician who will. If you live in or near a large city check to see if the children’s hospital has a behavioral pediatrician. You can also look on line for local Autism organizations that are near you, and in your state. While you are on the computer, check oout ABA Therapy that is in your area. ABA Therapy means Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy and the therapist can work with your child in your home to develop skills. Catching this early will help your son all the way through his life. Actually, ABA Therapy is now the gold standard treatment in autism. Good luck.

Take him back again, tell him of your concerns

I’m not sure where you live but in CA we have Regional Centers. You get a referral to them and they will give tons of resources, help and diagnoses. If you’re comfortable giving a state I might be able to help. Hearing tests were first on the way to diagnosis.

my grnddaughter rely didnt talk until after age 2, she just was always taking everything in,but basically pointed to what he wanted alsohad some strange habits. we took her to a specialists because we thought mybe autism. no tests were done just questions,nothing was found and shortly after she started talking in whole sentences not just single words. now what i didnt tell you is she has a twin brother who came out very verbal from the moment he was born. so… dont be to worried each child does things on thier own time

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Keep pushing the dr or find a new one. Typically the dr has to make the referral for further testing to receive services. Also I’m an aba therapist so OP sees this comment feel free to send me a message. With more info on where you are located I can help point you in the right direction of where to go more specifically for your area.