I took two pregnancy tests with two different results: Thoughts?

Yesterday night I had taken a pregnancy test it had came out faint positive, but it shows, so today I took another one the faint line didn’t show up, anybody knows whats going on?


Different urine dilution, could be early as find mine yo-yo unless viable or could be early loss also known as chemical pregnancy

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My sister was told years ago that you can get a false negative reading, but never would you get a positive false reading. That if it says your pregnant, you are definitely pregnant. If you get a positive go to Doctor. You will need one anyway


Test in the morning, first thing.
I took like 10 tests the first time, get the one that says pregnant or not pregnant, helped me to see it like that.

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A positive is always positive. A negative can be false.


Could be your hormone levels.

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How long did you wait to check the one last night ? Could it have been an evap line ?

Urine could be diluted, or it could be a chemical pregnancy.

I always got more accurate results later on in the day or in the evening…Even though everyone says it is best in the morning. Get First Response manual tests, they are the most sensitive/accurate. Rare that you will get a false positive though.

Wait a few days and try again in the morning. The hormone that it tests for typically doubles every 48-72 hrs so the more hormone present the stronger, or darker, the line will be.

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Different types of tests also pick up different amounts of the hormone… Sometimes one can show positive and the other negative. Wait a few days and test again

Take a 3rd and go with majority?

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Try two different brands and use the same urine

Anyone saying false positives don’t exist are completely wrong. You can get a false positive if you are taking certain medications. Also, a chemical pregnancy can cause one positive, followed by negatives. As well as some medical issues that can give false positives. These people are not obstetricians. Either keep testing, or see an OB/GYN.


Read the box. It’ll tell you “a positive is a positive, even very faint. A negative isn’t necessarily a negative.”

The dollar store brands are sometimes the best, they show positive with very little hcg.


Blue dye can read false positive if that was the type taken

I have not heard of getting a false positive but I have heard of getting a false negative…

Make sure you take it with the first pee on the morning, your levels are higher first thing

Go to the dollar store buy a few and test them all at the same time go with the majority

I’ve had the same thing happen before and I waited a few days and got a strong positive. You could try that, if not just test with morning urine or get a blood test for more accuracy

You’re likely very early pregnant and your pee was more concentrated when you took the positive test.

U can’t have a false positive try another brand

With my second pregnancy it gave a very very faint positive line but it was positive alright :rofl::rofl:

I always heard best time to take one is in the morning

Congratulations!! You’re pregnant. You can not have a false positive even if it is faint.

Were they both goodmorning pees?

Go get a blood test, only way you’ll know for sure

Take a third one with first morning urine

My doctor told me false negatives are way for common than a false positive

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Maybe it’s too soon to show.

I had a positive 20th march this year, then had consistent negatives. Was told I had miscarried, had a chemical. Didn’t have any bleeding. Was given a 10 day course of provera. Nothing happened except major nausea. Blood test taken, emergency scan, I am 15 weeks pregnant with a very strong, healthy bean. Long story short, my doctors were so wrong. Give it a few weeks & test again & go get a blood test. Good luck x

Make sure the expiration dates are good. I had a false positive due to a test being expired

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Take the home pregnancy test with the first morning pee when the hormones are the strongest.


Wait a few days. Take another as soon as u wake up.
U might just be too early for good detection

I had to use the test that said “Pregnant” “Not Pregnant”. The lines were so confusing. Lol

Get a blood test done if you don’t want to wait a couple of days

I’ve had that happen and it was a very early loss/chemical pregnancy, wait 48 hours and if it’s doubling and viable you should see a more obvious positive on a home test.

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I would wait a few days and take another. You can actually get a false positive, it’s less common than a false negative but very much possible. You can also make an appointment to have a blood test done if you want to be sure.

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If you’re really early that can happen. Make sure to use first morning urine so that pregnancy hormone is concentrated.


Aslong as you saw your faint line within the time frame then you’re pregnant :slight_smile: did you use the same test? Some tests are more sensitive then others, and if you did maybe your wee wasn’t as concentrated especially if you’ve already been or had alot to drink. Was it your first morning wee? That’s the best time as its the most concentrated :slight_smile: if you did use your morning wee and the same test just leave it a few days if you can and try again with a first response :slight_smile: good luck :heartpulse::blue_heart:


It’s better to take the test when you first wake up in the morning… however, home test aren’t really know for giving false positives and any line, no matter how faint, reads as a positive…do another one first thing in the morning…and call your doctor either way

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Make sure you don’t let the test sit for more then 5 minutes. Anything after that it’s void. Make sure to use your first morning pee .

When it’s super early it can be hard for the test to detect because HCG hormone levels are low. The ones with the pink lines work best at the early stages. **Note, I did IVF and have experience in pregnancy test taking :rofl:

A false negative is always more likely than a false positive.

Make an appointment with your dr. Wait another week or two and retest

I had the same happen, I had 4 positives that were faint, 3 that were negative. I made an appt to go get checked, and started bleeding a week before the appt. I went to the emergency room and they tested me, and said my HCG level was a single 5. The previous month I had a miscarriage and didnt even know it. All you can do is keep testing and make an appt.

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Wait another week and get it officially tested again.

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Depending on the test you took, it could be an evap line.

Test with a morning pee, don’t over saturate the test, and test with a digital.

You don’t get false positives only false negatives. I think your pregnant! And a faint line is still a line! Happened twice with both of mine :heart_eyes:


May be too early. Wait a week or 2

This happened to me with an early miscarriage. First test was positive and next day multiple tests were negative. Give it a few days and try testing again. If it’s really early the pink lined tests are better to use.

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What brand did you use?

Probably false pregnancy

As mentioned above, you may be pregnant and your hcg levels just aren’t high enough to get an accurate result yet, or you may have had a missed miscarriage.

Wait a couple days and test with your first pee of the morning. Your hormones are more concentrated then (or so my OBGYN told me).

Taken 12 days after conception for me! I thought I was farther along and didn’t know why they would show up so faint! Pink was the first test I took and husband didn’t believe it because we been trying for 5 years and so I went and got another and same faintness showed on it as well

I had even worse.​ I was told missed abortion at 7-8 weeks due to absence of heartbeat. Then I was advised to do D and C. But the doctor at the ER advised to wait a couple of weeks to see how things go. When I went back, the same radiologist did my ultrasound and was surprised and sorry that she declared my baby non viable. He’s now my almost 3 year old baby.

My advice is do not rush for anything. Just wait and see how things go.


Every day your HGH doubles if you’re pregnant, try again in the morning the first time you pee. That being said, you can get a false negative but not a false positive so it sounds like you’re pregnant!

This is a tough one cuz this can also happen as your miscarrying. The day after I got a faint positive I also got a negative. Then next day started to bleed, went to doc and blood test confirmed it was a miscarriage. As my hcg levels dropped rapidly over 2 days.

I would wait a few days and test again. Make sure to test first thing in the morning with your first pee and don’t let the test sit for too long because some tests get evaporation lines so they look positive but aren’t.