I’ve Have This Odd Feeling Lately That My Husband Is Cheating on Me, What Shall I Do?

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"I know his Facebook messenger password, opened it and have not seen anything, he never had slept somewhere else ever since I gave birth last 2019, he always makes sure he sleeps in our house, he just left his phone anywhere in the house when he’s around… Pls give me your advice, I'm feeling un-loved what should I do, what if my feeling is correct. Thank u mommas."

RELATED: Mom Discovers Husband Is Cheating By Reading A Birth Announcement In The Newspaper


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I think you just need to talk to him, it seems like he isn’t giving you the attention or love you want. Maybe suggest getting a sitter and going out to dinner, or doing something that’s just you two."

"So tell us what makes you feel like he is? You need a real reason for opening this can of worms unless you’re ready to just throw the whole thing away."

"Stop looking for something. Trust your husband especially if you have no proof of anything. Not all men are cheaters and if you keep looking for stuff that’s gonna ruin your relationship. Just stop"

"If you have his passwords and access to his phone, and he is always at home, why would you think he’s cheating? If there is no valid reason, and you just “think” he is cheating, maybe it’s past traumas that you yourself need to deal with.!"

"As long as he shows you affection and hasn’t changed his behavior…sounds like it is your own insecurity."

"You guys prob just need to work on your intimacy. Every relationship needs maintenance and staying on top of being connected is important. Feeling disconnected though doesn’t automatically mean he’s cheating. Do you trust him or not?"

"You should contact the doctor and maybe see someone about postpartum depression and anxiety. It can manifest in more ways then just being sad. It can also cause you the second guess yourself and those around you"

"You better get some evidence of him actually cheating before accusing him seriously."

"maybe you need some therapy? I mean if there are no indications that he actually IS, and you know where he is all the time…. and you’re not seeing anything to indicate it, why would you think he is?"

"Talk to him if you’re not feeling loved but don’t accuse him of cheating or anything since you have no proof. Maybe you just need a date night babies are exhausting."

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